He-Man Official | Diamond Ray of Disappearance | FIRST EVER EPISODE | He-Man Full Episodes

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and the Masters of the [Applause] Universe I am Adam Prince of Eternia defender of the secrets of Castle gry scull this is cringer my Fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day I held aoft my magic sword and said by the power of graay [Music] skull I am the power [Music] cringer became the mighty battle cat and I became He-Man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the Sorceress Planet arms and Oro together we defend Castle gry skull from the evil forces of [Music] [Music] Skeletor [Music] you don't recognize it do you Beast man in this box lies the L Diamond Ray of disappearance the diamond Ray but that makes those who see it I know what it does f a face Now activate the transport beam As You Wish Skeletor I'll call our Warriors from around the universe and bring them here to snake mountains I Skeletor command you my Warriors fman or Lord of water bard of fish lakes and streams return to Snake [Music] Mountain evil Lynn sorceress of night I Skeletor command you to return [Music] immediately flyclops master of vision I will need your gamma Vision which can see around solid [Music] objects trap jar wizard of weapons return with your deadly Arsenal and your vicious steel [Applause] [Music] jar excellent skeletal why have you summoned us here at last I have the means to conquer etonia and Crush hean once and for all we've all heard that before Skeletor and He-Man has stopped us each time but this time I have something special the diamond Ray of disappearance and just what is so special about this diamond Ray I'll show you do I have a [Music] volunteer oh a wise choice if not a brave one watch what happens to any living being who sees the diamond Ray it's gone the creature vanished yes exiled into another dimension the same fate awaits all who stand in my way especially He-Man now here is what we will do and now for my grand finale I call my latest trick eggs over easy the last time you tried an egg trick the eggs were all over me relax relax the steel tray will be magically whisked away and each egg will fall in its own glass we'll see about that steel tray Fly Away [Music] Orco uhoh now for my next trick the only trick we want to see is you [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] disappearing it's one of skeletor's Warriors my guards will take care of him oh with your Majesty's permission yes Captain go come on cringer this is no place for us if only you were more of a prince I hope Adam's not going to do what I think he's going to [Music] do [Music] let's go cringer pman and Battlecat are about to make an appearance I'm not really up for an appearance today Adam [Music] hurry what's the Rush by the power of gray skull [Music] I am [Music] a come on Battle cat let's give Tila a hand [Music] here's something for you to chew on trap [Music] jaw Skeletor he too good a shot I'm P I'm going [Music] down no matter that clumsy o has served his purpose with te AA and her guards gone there's no one to stop us we can make a little [Music] [Laughter] [Music] delivery if I can just get this energy bow on oh these things never fit right don't move trap jaw delicious not so fast trap [Music] jaw he man my energy power finish you I guess they just don't make energy bows like they used to my blazer Tron will stop you Eman let me give you hand curse you He-Man I'll get you for this when I get my Lasertron working thanks for your help amen anytime daa I think Skeletor lured you and your guards away for a reason to attack the palace exactly put your battle Ram in high gear and head back home [Music] I'm worried about Tila she's been gone a long time your daughter is the best warrior in Eternia yes I'm sure she'll be fine allow me a good magician can always help pass the time maybe you know of one you want magic I'll give you Magic now that's a pretty good [Music] trick look it's zo Sous she's speaking to me with telepathy what's she saying Skeletor is in the palace Skeletor here we must get the king to safety ah here they are his majesty the former king of Eternia too late get the Sorceress help she's powerless away from Gray skull Gods guards we've taken care of all your guards except me and I'll just have to take you on with my bare hands you might change your mind when you see this [Music] there and now it's your turn no stop what's happening we're disappearing what sort of magic is [Music] this skeletors robot Knights so he did attack the palace come on Battle cat we're about to clean house no wait Orco what happened at the palace Skeletor is taken over he made your parents disappear man at arms and the Sorceress too we have to rescue them tell me exactly what Skeletor did he shined this white on them and they just disappeared the Lost Diamond of disappearance he must have found it what are we going to do if you find Tila and her guards tell her to wait in the woods near Castle grey skull see if you can find ramman and Stratos what about you only the Sorceress would know of a way to reverse the diamonds effects and there's only one place where I may be able to communicate with her now Castle gray skull by the power of gray skull I command the jaw Bridge [Music] open sorceress sorceress if you can hear me tell me where you [Applause] are we are trapped in a Timeless dimension man only you can free us how what do I do you must crush the diamond of disappearance it won't be easy and if you look at it too long you will be banished here forever I understand good luck hean Skeletor will try to take Castle gry skull what do you say we arrange a little welcoming [Music] party there it is Castle gray [Applause] skull attach the Rope Beast [Music] Man [Music] use all your [Music] [Music] power without e-man to defend it Castle gray skull will be ours [Applause] d man next time you might try knocking first [Music] him keep your fangs to yourself beastmen come on come on [Music] try swimming in mud [Music] [Applause] [Music] this oh no you don't [Music] k [Music] let me out nice work [Music] Stratos still too far away for me to use the diamond Ray [Music] hand thanks for giving me a little breather ramman everything's spinning I can't see fight your GS fight you fight Skeletor as you wish he man but now that you're close enough look at this no thanks but have a look for yourself no keep it away the diamond's gone let's get out of here not before I leave He-Man with something to play [Music] with [Music] even you can't stop Ean maybe I won't have to the fool is going after the [Music] [Applause] diamond what's he [Music] doing he's got it yes and it will be the end of him He-Man be [Applause] [Music] careful hean please don't disappear he's gone hean come back please he you must crush the diamond of [Music] disappearance once again you have fulfilled your destiny He-Man amen thank goodness you freed us very well He-Man you've won this time but I'll be back you have saved Eternia and us thank you now Orco I would like to request a trick make my son appear on Time Prince Adam told me he would make a special effort not to be late your majesty I have some good news one of my guards just reported that Prince Adam is on his way you see right on the dot and he found your lost Zoom Chariot now that is good news but there is a little bad news he broke the directional [Music] control see what I mean Adam you've destroyed the wall and the zoom chariot well but at least he destroyed them on [Music] time in today's story Skeletor was looking for a shortcut a quick way to riches and power you may know some people like that always looking for the quick way to get ahead of everybody else well doesn't work that way the people who succeed are the ones who work for what they want so don't be fooled by those who say they have a sure thing there's always a catch to it don't sell yourself short the right way is the best way until [Music] [Applause] later
Channel: Masters of the Universe: He-Man & She-Ra
Views: 524,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: He Man, Animation, Greyskull, heman, cartoon, he-man, retro, retro cartoons, masters of the universe, he man theme, cartoons for kids, he man full episodes, he man, Heman, He-man, He man full episodes, he man english episodes, he man heyheyheyhey, he man what's going on, cartoons for children, kids cartoons, he man episodes, kids animated movies, She-Ra, he man film, he man full movie, he man full episodes in english, he man masters of the universe 1987 full movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2017
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