He Made MILLIONS With A Side Hustle No One Talks About in 2023

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so today I have the side hustle that I want to share with you that I can almost guarantee not many people are talking about but it is literally making people thousands a month it has made me over a little over thirteen thousand dollars um and I've been doing this now for two and a half months within those this month I'll probably profit about eight thousand dollars yo this is all legit and I'm gonna do something a little different today and I'm gonna bring on a special guest that has made Millions doing this so don't go anywhere you will not want to miss this one [Music] what's up guys this is Monique and welcome back to the channel I am back with the news that you can use but first if you are new here hello bonjour Hola Aloha konichiwa wagwan Shalom assalamu alaikum Jambo Namaste so y'all know I don't like to waste your time because time is money and today I have with me Felix he is about to share a side hustle that not many people know about and this is going to be something that you're going to want to hop on quick all right so thank you so much Felix for stopping by to come and share this amazing opportunity with us so we just want you to tell us a little bit about yourself and kind of the side hustle that you are doing and how you got started sure so thank you so much Monique for bringing me on your channel and allowing me to share this opportunity and business that I've been doing over the last six or seven years with your audience more or less my name is Felix wisneski I'm based out of central New Jersey and I'm pretty much a Serial entrepreneur I have my hands in a lot of pots but the main thing that allowed me to get started was the business of buying and reselling diabetic medical Commodities also known as diabetic test strips or testing supplies and I kind of stumbled upon it with no intention of ever doing it I was doing something called real estate wholesaling at the time and I had a big deal ready to go to the closing table where I was set to make you know twenty thirty thousand dollars and just before was about to close the deal fell through the other guy in the deal was doing the business of buying and reselling diabetic testing supplies or diabetic testing strips or medical Commodities whatever you would like to call it and you know I tried to learn what he was doing I tried to offer it to work for him pay for the information but he really wasn't having it and you know after you know kind of trial and error of six or seven months I finally figured out you know what testing strips to buy what not to buy what to say what to pay what to do what to look for and lo and behold this business went on to change my life you know my first six figures I made by the age of 21 but that's how I kind of got into the business and this is why I really decided to make content and share this information with others is because this business was so influential and impactful in my life but I also made a lot of mistakes so if I was able to have information like I have now and I'm able to share with others in the beginning I would have been able to save a lot of time and save a lot of money when you say like you are doing diabetic test strips like what do you mean by that like medical Commodities what what is that exactly for someone who has no idea about what you're talking about sure so basically basically one in 10 Americans I'll have something called diabetes I'm sure everybody knows somebody who has diabetes and I'm not the most scientific guy in the world but more or less everybody has to test their blood sugar and most people get a surplus of these supplies now most people are going to either have them get expired or they're just going to throw them out but what we do is we have a pretty underground business totally legit but it's an underground business where we basically buy the extra or Surplus diabetic supplies and then we turn around and resell them back to big name wholesalers pharmacies so so basically is selling diabetic strips but like for myself I may feel like I don't know a lot of diabetics so I'm wondering is this something that's required like can you just pretty much tell us the overall process from beginning to end like going Finance people and getting paid so you don't need to know a single diabetic if you don't know any diabetics it doesn't matter because we're not buying from you know friends or family or things like that we're buying from people in our local city or in our outer city areas or other states so a lot of people think that you have to go like door knocking or you have to go to old people communities or any of that stuff you don't have to do any of that what we do is we just do simple marketing I tell people to think like a gym you know when a new gym opens up they put out signs Flyers business cards um t-shirts stuff like that so we do the same thing we do signs business cards Flyers um social media things that say cash paid for diabetic supplies diabetic testing strips and not saying it'll happen overnight or right away but people will call you but if you look right here they basically have guaranteed resale value so you can see right here this particular box sells for 67 this particular box sells for 31. So based on what our buyers pay for for them we already know how much we're going to pay so for the box that sells for 31 if you had 10 boxes I'd offer you a hundred dollars for those 10 boxes as long as the boxes meet specific requirements as far as the condition the expiration date and then we turn around and either resell them on eBay if you don't have these connects that I have or you can sell them to these type of big buyers some buyers require you to ship them a product and then they'll pay you the next day or some buyers once you build the relationship you ship it to them and they'll prepay you you know once you actually have the product because these are like Commodities and these buyers want these products so bad to be able to recycle them you pretty much have you know cash on hand but just in box form so and then you could get paid wire transfer cash app PayPal Zell you know most of these buyers most of these uh people that are paying you for these supplies will pay them will pay whatever sort of payment method you prefer but with all that being said there are still things and certain pieces of the puzzle that need to be filled in and if you want to learn how to fill in the blanks and know what to do what to say what to pay what to buy what to look for what not to do everything that you need to know how to do to get this business up and off the ground in the first 30 60 90 days that took me over six to seven months to learn through simply trial and error that is for the people who what I would recommend going down in the description for people to really learn how this business is pieced together even though it's a simple concept business there are certain pieces that might trick you or hold you up and once you're able to learn and understand everything A to Z you'll be able to really understand how large of a scale this business could be so is this something that you can do at home I know you said like putting signs out but let's say I'm a person who just don't really want to go out into the world and do stuff could I do this from home yeah so you could do you know Marketing Online for example Craigslist maybe Facebook maybe um different forms of social media different buy-in resale Marketplace apps like offer up or different things like that you know some of my biggest clients that I've gotten because I still do this business to this day yes I have a team that I've kind of automated different parts of it so I don't have to be going out there and meeting clients to get their testing supplies and there's a way to go around that as well you can have people ship you the products I do that as well so yeah there's ways to do it where you don't want to leave the house at all obviously if you go out into the field with any business and certain businesses I think you kind of expand your reach of opportunity but there are ways to do it solely in the house having people ship you the product and then doing marketing that doesn't require like Business Cards in stores or you know kind of like Gorilla Marketing you could do online marketing so a question that I know a lot of people probably have is how much you have made from selling diabetic strips like overall what would you say you've made yeah so I mean obviously in the beginning when I first started it was a little slower and obviously months go up and down but probably since the year of 2016 I've made around three million dollars now that's Revenue that's not all profit it's about you know when you're actually doing this business the profit margins you're typically doubling to tripling your money that's about half profit so about 1.5 million in profit that's how much I've been able to make since I started doing this business and really got it off the ground and typically you know per month I typically do around you know 15 to 20 or more in profit and obviously you know I'm doing more in Revenue but you know the revenue isn't as important as the profit so that's how much I've been able to make but the reason this business can become very lucrative over time is because the people that were buying these diabetic supplies from they get them on a residual basis so it's kind of why I like this business so much because the person I bought from this month there's a good chance you know 80 chance that next month or the month after they're gonna have more diabetic supplies and then you know I've been literally buying from some of my clients since 2016 2017 2018 so it's not where we're just buying you know maybe 10 boxes of diabetic test strips from them one time we're buying from them this month next month the following month so when you build a whole list of clients every single month you know over time you know it gets pretty lucrative and to be able to make you know not initially but to be able to have a list of people where you can make ten thousand or fifteen thousand a month in profit with these diabetic contacts who have these diabetic supplies it's totally possible so technically the way that you explain this it seems like at some point this can become like passive income because like you said you have these these diabetics that are continuing to get supplies every month so once you establish that clientele like that relationship with them then you can basically not even go and search for any more clients like let's say I found 20 people to buy these diabetic strips from if I don't feel like going find anybody else and they continue to sell to me I don't really have to put in too much of the work it can kind of become passive do you think that sell you test strips whether it's bi-weekly or bi-monthly or monthly you could kind of sit back and just eat off those clients and make month money month over month now obviously the more clients you add to your list the more money you're going to make over time but if you want to get you know 10 15 20 clients you can make you know a couple thousand dollars a month just off you know 20 25 30 clients depending on how much product they're selling to you month in and month out but that's 100 true you can make passive income because these clients are you know repeat or residual in a way so Felix how long would you say it would take for someone to actually start making money because I saw a lot of the testimonials out there about this and people are making thousands a month so can you make thousands a month like right away yeah so you could definitely make some really good money with this the first thing I'll say is it's not a gumball machine you can't just put quarter in and expect guaranteed three gumballs to pop out you know I typically say month one or by day 30 somewhere between you know 500 to maybe 1500 then by month two or by day sixty somewhere between fifteen hundred and twenty five hundred and then month three or by day 90 somewhere between 2500 and 3 500. now I've seen people make less I've seen people make more their first month they skyrocketed past those numbers and then you know as far as how long it takes you to get to the next level maybe you know five ten thousand dollars per month as far as in profit you're probably looking somewhere around maybe eight to twelve months and I say those numbers just to be real and be honest you know I think some people on the internet not bashing them but will say month one you'll get a Lambo month two you'll get a mansion month three you'll get a private jet and we just know as entrepreneurs that really do this that's just not realistic so I'd rather give you realistic numbers yes you can grow it to you know very high levels I've had people that I've shown how to do this business who've actually went past me and got to levels that I'm not even at yet because I'm still growing and scaling it but you know some people just take off faster than others but I would say if you're consistent with your marketing and your advertising that's the foundation of any business and you will be successful I also believe having a business plan or plan of attack is just as important now I'm not saying you one thousand percent need my advice my training or my mentorship but if you follow just one percent of some of the things I say on my channel and in my videos especially in the link down in the description below you will learn how to do this business the correct way if I would have had somebody to show me and take me along the way and hold my hand in the beginning I would have been able to put myself in a better position way faster with way less money wasted and way less time wasted so I'm sure that some people out there may have some concerns about going and buying these diabetic test strips and selling them is this is legal yeah so that's a great question as well um yes it's 100 legal to sell your diabetic test strips um some people might say you can't sell certain types that are Medicare or Medicaid test strips but in the years that I've been doing this I've probably only seen those test strips more than maybe five six times so they're very rare and you know as long as the boxes don't say made by Medicare and it'll be like indented into the box you can basically buy and resell these all day long and then another thing you know I wouldn't put something on the Internet I have hundreds of videos about this business because it's been so impactful in my life if you Google cash for diabetic test strips you can see massive businesses you know companies that are making six and seven and eight figures from this so it's a huge industry but it's a huge industry that's kind of you know on the low key and not too many people even know about it and because of that and especially because it's kind of in the medical industry people question is it legit is it legal is it fair game and fair used to do so great question but yes it's 100 legal and legit and a fair game to do if I wanted to start like tomorrow like how much money do you think I would need to have on me to get started I mean you could really get started with this business I think this is one of the best businesses you can get started with like a bootstrap budget I typically tell people to get started with somewhere between 500 and a thousand but that doesn't mean you can't get started with less I know somebody he actually started with 20 bucks he bought one box took that box and he resold it for 70 took that you know 70 bucks bought three more boxes flipped that for like 200 and then just kept flipping so I mean you can start with you know 50 100 bucks but if you really want to be able to get your name out there I would say somewhere between 500 and a thousand so I know one thing a lot of people can tell me about bringing different types I hustle about it being over saturated like there's too many competitors out there they feel like they can't break into this so do you feel like this is this particular side hustle it's over saturated so I think saturation is a great question because it shows that somebody is doing their due diligence about a business but what I tell people is that no matter pretty much any business you start there's going to be other people doing it but it's not about what they're doing it's about what you're doing and it's about getting your piece of the pie I could tell you in my local area of New Jersey or just New Jersey in a hole there's probably about 10 to 15 to maybe 20 people and maybe even a few other resellers that do the same business as myself and it doesn't infiltrate my business by any means also I would say it's important to be in a community of like-minded people so that's why I have a community group where I have everybody in there talking this business I like seeing other people in a business that I'm doing because it's like a proving concept I know hey there's 10 other people doing it they're probably making money and I know if I persist and stay consistent that I can make money as well so make sure you're surrounding yourself with people doing this who are doing what you want to do and you're in a like-minded community of winners but also don't give up if it doesn't work day one day 10 day 20. I have seen people in my training go out and make five thousand dollars their first month in profit that's not typical but it can happen but if you stay consistent and you don't give up right away no matter how many people are doing what you're doing you will make money that's really good there's something important important even with this idea if they go out and they try to do it and it's not making them as much as they want to this first month then they're ready to give up when all they have to do is keep going a little while longer and then they start to make that amount of money that they're looking to make but um another thing that I think is important for a lot of people to know is does this require any type of skill like do you need any kind of degree because we're talking about medical supplies so is there any kind of degrees you need any kind of certifications any skills anything like that to do it yeah so you don't need any of that in fact you know even though it sounds pretty fancy and maybe on the technical side you can actually go into CVS Walgreens Walmart and buy these exact diabetic supplies that we're buying right over the counter now the reason that's not a good and effective strategy is because they're already at retail value what we're doing is we're getting them from people who have extras and then we're turning around and reselling to the the pharmacies or the big name wholesalers and then they're turning around and reselling it through retail Avenues but yeah this doesn't require any licenses you know um you know formations or legalities or any paperwork so you definitely need a phone you don't need a computer you don't need any certain type of phone you just need a at least some sort of smartphone um but besides that you don't need anything you don't need a laptop you don't need any certifications or licenses just a smartphone and definitely it's impossible if you've got some hustle and a smartphone this is a perfect side hustle for you in my opinion so Felix some someone like myself would literally need you to take them out of hand and walk them through this thing do you do anything like that yeah so I do actually show people how to do this business but the first thing I think that is most important is to do due diligence and watch some of the videos that I could provide you with a link that has a video where I could explain all about how this business Works in depth so you can know what's going to be involved and what's going to be in the process of you doing it for yourself I've got Felix I thank you so so much for coming over and sharing this opportunity with us this has been such a pleasure I'm going to click on the link myself because I want to learn more about this but I just really want to thank you so much for sharing this with us thank you for having me on your channel so y'all make sure you go down in the description and click on that link so that you can more about this amazing opportunity from Felix himself other than that I thank you so very much for watching if you have not liked this video go ahead and hit that like button for me and until next time we are out peace [Music]
Channel: Journey With The Hintons
Views: 129,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: side hustle ideas, make money online, how to make money online, side hustle ideas 2023, best side hustles, passive income, side hustles for extra money, side hustles, side hustles no one talks about, side hustles 2023, side hustle, easy side hustles, best side hustles for 2023, medical commodities business, how to earn money online, best side hustle ideas, top side hustle ideas to make money, earn money online, best ways to make money, robinhood app
Id: 8AlrKsrU3oA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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