6 WEIRD Side Hustles That Actually Pay THOUSAND A MONTH (Start Now)

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so today I'm about to show you how you can do something strange for a little bit of change I'm about to show you six weird side hustles that you've probably never heard of before and they are paying people thousands a month and it requires no skills no degree and no money to start what's up guys this is Monique and welcome back to the channel I am back with the news that you can use but first if you are new here hello bonjour Hola Aloha konichiwa Guan Shalom assalamualaikum jumbo Namaste so let's jump right into these weird or should I say unusual side hustles and the first is not so bad you know I have to ease you into this but if you've ever been told that you are a good listener this one is going to be for you there's a side hustle that people are doing and it is called being an empathetic listener there are many people out there in the world that are having tough times and they don't feel like they can go to family or friends to talk about it or they just don't want anyone that will judge them and so that's where you come in you don't have to be a therapist you don't have to be a counselor you don't need a degree you don't need to be certified in anything you do not have to solve any problems you literally only have to listen people are offering these type of empathetic listening services on places like Fiverr and they are charging sixty dollars an hour just to listen to someone vent and you don't have to give out your personal information like your phone number usually people are doing this through zoom using video if people are uncomfortable with being seen on the video you know you can always hide that and also people are texting and you can get a free phone number from Google Voice to do that just to keep your information private warning it's about to get weird this next one is going to be on the weirder side of the side hustles but it is one that pays pretty well there's a company called human micro that is paying people to send them samples of their poop yes you did hear me right we want your poop no we need your poop this is something you do every day so it's not you going out of your way to do anything extra to get to these dollars and this particular company is paying 500 per sample if you take enough at least twice a day that's a thousand dollars in one day and this is very real y'all this is very legit you can actually become a stool donor that's what it's called and how the process works after you finish doing your business you go ahead on and put it in a Ziploc bag throw it on top some dry ice and just ship it to the company and I am more than sure you are wondering why in the world is a company interested in not only buying my poop but paying premium price for it that is a very good question and one reason is because of something called fecal transplants some patients are in need of donors so that they can actually help with their gut health to increase the good bacteria and the microorganisms so that they can have a healthier gut and another reason is for research there's a lot of drugs that are being tested as well for different things like C diff and there's another store for another day of now I will say that human micro has some pretty strict requirements for their donors and you have to really be in good health you have to be physically fit and a list of other things but do not fear if you don't fall in all of those requirements there are actually other companies that would like to pay you for your poop as well and one of them is called Good Nature and these companies are paying about fifteen hundred dollars a month which is not as much as the other one but I mean to get paid to do something that you should naturally be doing anyway um I'll take the 1500. so you let me know down in the comments is this a side hustle that you were actually consider doing so before we get into the next weird side hustle there has actually been some weird things happening right here on the internet there are scammers creating fake channels pretending to be me and they're also doing this to other YouTubers so please remember I do not have a WhatsApp or a telegram nor will I ever ask you to send me money to invest in anything and this is the perfect time to talk about today's sponsor Aura Aura protects your data from hackers scammers and spammers one thing over does is they continuously monitor the dark web looking for your emails passwords and your social security number and they send alerts fast to your phone or email when they find anything so I signed up for Aura and after a few hours I received an alert that said they found my personal information on a dark web over 28 times and luckily they told me what I can do to secure my accounts aura's VPN allows you to stay anonymous online by keeping your browsing history and your personal information safe and encrypted and their antivirus software will block malware and viruses before they infect your devices so protect yourself and your family from identity theft at aura.com forward slash hintings and if you use my link right now Aura will give you a two-week free trial so that you can see for yourself how many times Aura finds you or your family member's personal information on the dark web and make sure you let me know down in the comments how many times they find your personal information now back to these weird side hustles now for this next side hustle there are many of you that may consider this weird but I am telling you there is a huge market for it and what I am talking about is ASMR and in case you are not familiar with ASMR I'm sure many people don't even know what it stands for it means autonomous sensory Meridian response but basically it is a sensation that people get when they hear certain sounds like and also tapping sounds and then you add some visuals to it and if you have a soothing Voice or a talent for making those gentle sounds then you can start streaming this live on Tick Tock or on YouTube but let me warn you if you get really weird yo like this this is a person that is live on Tick Tock right now and they are doing I believe it's comedy ASMR that's why they have all of those other things going on with it but as you can see these different type of emojis are popping up that's actually tips that they are being paid for doing this ASMR alive and at the top up here that is 4 000 people that are watching her live doing this yes so it does not have to get as unusual as this one but this is really a huge feel if you look over here on YouTube you will see that people are getting millions of views for doing these type of videos and this channel makes up to 63 000 a month doing this the only things you'll need for this is a camera a microphone and some creativity and of course it takes time to build a following and to start monetizing your videos because I think you may need a thousand followers on Tick Tock but let me tell you one thing all you need is one good video on Tick Tock to blow up and you'll have a thousand followers like that but if you want me to do a detailed video about this to show you everything you really need take your step-by-step with setting this type of Channel up then comment down below and let me know and I'll go ahead on and bring you a video now I know we have been diving on the deep end of the weird side hustle Spectrum but I am going to realize back in a little bit and with this next side hustle you'll be able to enter into the world of virtual babysitting and yes I did say virtual this is a side hustle that you can provide caregiver services to families that are in need right from the comfort of your home and you're probably like well how can I babysit without physically having someone to babysit you do that by going to sites like virtual babysittersclub.com and this is a legitimate business this is a legit site this has been seen on CBS ABC News Good Morning America and Business Insider and these people are usually paid about thirty dollars an hour so it what people like if their parents are busy they need a break to finish some tests maybe do some house chores or to finish up some work because you know a lot of people are working from home and you'll pretty much be responsible for keeping the child engaged and entertained while their parents are busy and usually you'll do things like read a story play games help them with homework or some other type of things maybe you go tap dance or something I don't know but you just need to keep them entertained and because you are not physically there with the child that means that you can be available to families anywhere in the world now y'all let me know down below if you've ever heard of virtual babysitting because this one was actually new to me but the show must go on and I have yet another good one for you I'm bringing variety guys because I know a lot of people have a lot of needs a lot of different interests and somewhere in here you should be able to find something that intrigues you and if you like to sleep this next one is for you did you know that you can get paid to review sleeping products and to sleep in general so sleep junkie is a site that is often done different random sleep type of studies and they're often looking for reviewers to do this they were just looking for people to help them with a study that they were doing about sleeping outside they wanted to see how outside impacts your sleep so they were searching for a family of four to go on a three-day all-expense paid camping trip and they paid them fifteen hundred dollars to do it they do these type of reviews often they just did another one where they want you to just eat cheese before you go to sleep because they want to see how cheese impacts your sleep and they paid them a thousand dollars to do it and there are many other companies that are doing this as well all you have to do is Google one off the top of my head I can think of is a company called each night I came across a study that they were previously doing to where they were looking for people that were willing to take the 30 minute naps for 30 days and they would pay them fifteen hundred dollars to do it that sounds like something I was signing up for you let me know down in the comments if it's something that you wouldn't mind doing either foreign [Music] next up on this unusual list of side hustles is going to be one that I believe is pretty interesting so what if I told you that you can make some good money singing happy birthday to people and get this you do not have to know how to sing happy birthday to you there are people that are willing to buy happy birthday videos from you but usually people put a spin on it and make it funny or do some silly type of stuff in it and they are offering these services on places again like Fiverr so there's a market for this show people are searching for these happy birthday funny videos that they can send to their family and friends and you can be the one to create it for them [Music] oh [Music] Ramesh now this person actually charged twenty dollars to create happy birthday videos like this and they have over 1600 reviews which means they actually got way more sales than that because you know everybody's not going to review however if we take these 1600 reviews and multiply by the twenty dollars that they charge then they have made over thirty two thousand dollars from just making videos like this so on a skill from weird to weirder please let me know where each of these side hustles that we went over today fold and also if you have not liked this video please do so for me because it helps me out I thank you so much for watching and until next time we are out peace [Music] thank you
Channel: Journey With The Hintons
Views: 271,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: side hustle ideas, make money online, side hustles for extra money, side hustle ideas 2023, how to make money online, weird side hustles, best side hustles 2023, side hustles, passive income, top side hustle ideas to make money, high paying side hustle ideas, side hustle ideas for beginners, easy side hustles, side hustles no one talks about, journey with the hintons
Id: apqmATEuluE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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