He made MILLIONS betting on the Countach market!

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and the dealer says to me you can't sell that car for 100 grand if you put 50 Grand in the trunk in cash and I like no you're wrong and I saved all these emails because I knew I love being historically correct I love being I could be a little bit you know when you're negative to me I'm like okay I want to prove you wrong [Music] in 98 July 7th I open up my business outside of a COI auto auction and within 6 months I grow into a 40,000 ft fenced in piece of property 10,000 ft building 20 employees we got Scott als's Uli and Blackburn anybody was a somebody in the exotic car wholesale World running cars at a KO we got their business Scotty came into my place one day and said the reason I picked you of all the de detailers and Recon businesses that want us is because your shop looked like a dentist office I mean we took pride in it Mom Dad sisters brothers in-laws all worked for me I'm the youngest of four my whole dream to leave Philadelphia was to do that so we put a lot of passion in uh setting cars up and getting acclimated in the Exotic Car World my thing was as a kid I wanted to buy and sell Lamborghinis cachas saw cannibal run at 6 years old went nuts in the middle of my mom and dad at the drive-in my dad threw me out of the Cadillac and I watched the opening scene from outside the car cuz I was like a BB in a box car just all over the place from that point in my life I knew I wanted to buy and sell Lamborghinis I didn't know it was a business I thought you had to be like Prestige or a big dealership I'm like wow that's it's going to be a lot of work to get there then I see the Tom Cruz opening scene in Rainman where he's on the phone hustling cars my dad said no that's a business it's a wholesale business you can buy these cars pre-owned so that was 8ighth grade 10 years later I moved to Florida build a Recon business get all the Lamborghinis in the goal to have a Recon business wasn't cuz I was passionate about cleaning cars I don't come from this line of business my dad sold Chevrolets he taught me sales by because me and my dad were I was the apple of his eye growing up you know I listen I ask questions in ' 068 years in business I got a couple million hours put away work 20 hour days Christmas Easter you know being the youngest of four was the black sheep uh but successful my family's making a paycheck you know I felt I felt like I accomplished something I buy a Ferrari tester Roa for when there were nothing I buy it at a KO auction everyone's telling me Oh nobody wants those cars nobody at all wants those cars what are you doing I buy the car I take it to the Celebration car show where Jeff has uh the owner of the Cannonball Run car bring it out there this I'm wiping the car down I look like the detailer this dentist comes up to me he's like 50 60 he's got a girlfriend she's like 20 and he says to me call the owner up tell him I want to buy the car cuz it's car looks great I said it's not for sale he says I said call the owner up I said okay I'll call the owner up the next morning I see him I said the owner said it's and I give him the number it's like $774,000 well let me I said oh so you don't have the money I kind of insult them you know and the girl kind of smiles at me his little girlfriend I said so you don't have the money he says no no I got the money he buys the car I make 3 months check by this time I got an 880,000 foot piece of property and 51 employees so that's my first test Roa I sell the car fast make myself a bunch of money I'm like holy cow takes two years to shut my business down I do not want to run 50 employees no more now I'm like okay this was the goal do the Recon get to the buying and selling cars shut the business down finally the shop side of it I still kept the onsite auction cleanup which was a fortune you made a fortune doing that shop cost me money when you looked at it so I buy the test RIS to get that done I start buying I said this is what I want to do I buy 10 348s for about 25 to 30 grand nice cars at least 15 38s under $25,000 with no miles red tan red cream boxer trim 10 tester rois for around 33 Grand each you know roughly I'm paying pantas I was buying for 25,000 cannot find a Kosh anywhere at all so from ' 06 to 20 11 October never find a Kos online that made sense I didn't I don't even think I saw one online my house has black mold I get sick I can't figure out what's wrong with me I'm having respiratory problems I'm sick all the time I don't go out I always say God knows what he's doing because if I didn't get sick I wouldn't have found any of the cars I'm in my office 20 hours a day so I go to autot Tempest somehow I end up on Craigslist and I start in alphabetical order Bakersfield California what's the chances I find AOS four bad photos call the guy up he says he's 80 years old bought it new and he can't get in and out of the car so he decided to sell how much do you want $75,000 I never want to say yes because then they think they left money on the table so I said you throw in the shipping no problem wi them to 75 grand this car shows up looks like we painted it with a brush I'm like okay I could dial this car in but I'm a little nervous starting it like my legs are shaking I remember that day put the car away find another one like 3 weeks later find another one I'm buying these cars at $75,000 now Peter Kamar has an 835 000s carburetor car Mint Condition how much 75 grand you throwing in the freight same thing by the third car I end up with 14 of them I probably would have never sold those cars cuz I made enough money selling the other stuff my dad says to me he sits in the Countach he's got a steak shop belly CU he owned a steak shop at one time and he can't get out of the car and he goes what did you pay for this car I said 75 grand he goes you're an idiot he can't I said that I can get out of the car you can't why am I the idiot as my marriage is going to crap after 24 years together I decide to put the car on the market my dad says to me Anthony what makes you think these cars were two 300 Grand I said because there's no way I can afford 14 of my dream cars Our Generation the guys I'm buying them from are all 70 years old 80 years old they said they bought them new those guys don't know how to use the internet like we do so there wasn't Hagerty said the cars were 50 Grand that's all they said they were at this point when I put the car in the market I put it up there I can't remember it was like 200,000 I sell the car but all the form guys came at me who's this Monday Morning Quarterback Johnny complain like why are all these people so negative I couldn't believe how that world is when they don't know you and you're coming out and you're oh you bought the car for 75 who do you think you are I'm like that's what the car's worth I mean I know know what their cars are worth Generations moved the needle remember when Cobo Camaros were a million dollars when our fathers passed and left us the cars we didn't want that car we're not going to pay a million for that car the price comes back down well our generation the ex generation guys postered on the wall we got money now so we're going to fight for these cars so timing the market was easy when you looked at it that way when you saw these tester rois selling so cheap like oh it's only matter of time cuz I got all my money around 38 years old 39 that's where I made so started making some serious money so acquiring these cars all at that time it kind of makes sense when that first one hit the market and there was nothing before that and then the second one and the third one you were hearing the same story I'm older now I can't get out of the car so that's how I ended up with all those cars so the first punos that went up for sale was the 83 5000s I bought off of going motors for 75,000 bucks Mint Condition I couldn't believe when the car showed up how nice it was because the one I bought out of Bakers field was rough for the same price car goes on the market for a premium phone rings it's my birthday I'm up at 530 every morning not my birthday I slept in late I think I had some tequila the night before so it's like 10 11:00 phone rings thought it was a joke I'm interested in buying a car said Somebody's pulling a prank on me I remember the TV on in the living room vacuum running so I go in my closet and I'm trying to negotiate the deal holding the phone quietly holding my ear and he's for 105 minutes he's trying to knock like 50 Grand off the car then 15 grand off the car and I will not negotiate I said this is the price it's like bread when you go to 7-Eleven whatever's on the bread you pay when you get that counter he says I'll take the car get a phone call hi Tony this is the money exchange guy for the purchase of the kage and he says do you know who you sold the car to I said no some guy some guy I don't know he's overseas he said it was the ruler of guitar that guy negotiates everything and he said you were the toughest negotiator you ever you dealt with he's you didn't take a penny off the car and he knew you paid for it you know the the crazy part about it was how do you sell the Kos on your birthday your dream car you sell for a record high to the ruler of a country on your birthday so for me it's so easy to say this had nothing to with me look when it comes to Blessings like that there's no way I'm not that smart I just figured as a kid I remember laying in bed dreaming of the lines of that car I didn't have a magazine I couldn't afford to do Pont registry in Philadelphia when I was a kid based on a cannibal run in a Matchbox car I would lay down at night and think about the lines of the car and talk to God about this stuff so the fact that I was able to be part of these cars in the marketplace have so many of them to sell one on my birthday to a rule over country just goes to show you it's a blessing from above I remember calling a big dealer a Lamborghini dealer and saying hey why don't you put the car on consignment at your pace I'll 150 I'll take and you should ask 200 and the dealer says to me you can't sell that car for 100 grand if you put 50 Grand in the trunk in cash and I like no you're wrong and I saved all these emails because I knew I love being historically correct I love being I could be a little bit you know when you're negative to me I'm like okay I want to prove you wrong the last two I bought was the downdraft from boob and the series 2 low body from Roy cat for 155 that that was a great story guys were calling me up saying I'll give you 80 grand for the car like 80 grand when I was buying the 75k cars like where are you coming up with 80 grand I'm asking 200 well I'm not going to let you make that kind of money off of me oh really is that how this works well I'll let you make five grand okay what if my dad gave me the car that shuts them right up because they're like oh what are you going to give me 5 grand for the car at this point so I think by the time I started putting the first 12 on the market that's when the last two were bumped from 155 to 160 I don't even think the downdraft at that time was worth that but when the dealers saw what I was asking they're like uh let's just put it up there and I ended up buying Roy cat's car and the Gary BFF car which I would have kept those two cars if it wasn't for the divorce yeah time in the market for me was about watching the generations come into money it was roughly a million dollars tied up in all the cars and then when everything was said and done it was we turned it into $3 million so it was a it was a 200% return from 2012 when the separation started until the last one I sold in 200 I sold them all in 2012 I all the cars were sold I believe in one year because I bought my first one October 2011 and I had all 14 byy 2012 and then started selling them in 2012 and had them all sold before I moved to Palm Beach in 2013 I had two left I had the the low body car and a sid draft car which I was keeping but then the way things got I said I can't you know I didn't want this to get ugly I get a call from the guy that buys he I don't want to say who it is but he has 25 of them he has one of every year and he says son of a you right I'm walking out in fact I get in a fight with a car dealer who who was disrespectful over my divorce he went said something my wife was at the auction he said you know Tony's got a new girlfriend or something and ruffling Feathers so I went in his office and I said why would you do that we kind of got into it and he owed me money I said why don't you pay me the th000 Bucks you owe me so he pays me the money and then I'm a God person I put everything in the Lord's hands he said something to me like I'm going to ruin your name in this business I'm like why would you say something like that like what I ever do to you sure enough I end up on the front page of ferar Market letter because I had a police car out of a 348 so I'm on the front page Jim weed writes a nice story and says hey uh Tony had all the kids climbing in the car at Celebration car show well that detailer for that dealer calls me up and says man you got the owner pissed I said what I do now he says you're on the front page of the Ferrari Market letter and it's on his desk and he's in a bad mood and I know that's what it is not long after that my phone rings Sunday I come out of church and it's this big Lambo collector and he said son of a you were right I said what' I do he said aunos just sold at Monteray for a million dollars and it wasn't running they pushed it across the block Tony how did you know this cuz when he bought the pair from me I sold him a pair for like 360 Roy cat's car I bought for 155 I sold it for 225 and I didn't negotiate that car and I said to him look if you want to buy the pair I'll sell you the pair for 360 I'll make a few bucks on the I think that was the one car I broomed I made a 20 grand maybe on it but I said the low body I want the 70 grand profit on the car I don't if not I'm going to wait and put it away get 300 Grand so he buys the pair and I I spent an hour on the phone with him and I'm telling him these are going to be a million dollars in 5 years it wasn't but a year and a half later when he called me up and said first off you're on the front page of the the market letter second off how did you know this with these cars the car just did a million and that's how we are he called me to Kos King so when ashkash King was floating around I would get who do you think you are calling yourself that I said I didn't call myself that the guy to listen to me and purchased a car he named me that but you know it comes down to this I'm all about the Lord I'm no saint but I'm everything that's happened is God blessing me as a kid I love that car like we all did and the fact that I was a part of something like these the price spike and timing the market just means that that's why I said I had to go through hell to get to heaven at the best part of my life I went through the worst part of my life and it ended like a dream I'm super pumped to announce that in 2024 vinwiki is partnering with Bridgestone so throughout the year you're going to hear some great stories from their business some awesome Tire testing and things like that that we're going to do I've had a lot of Bridgestone and Firestone products over the years and love them all I know that you will too but I want you to check out their Penza line of tires for sports cars supercars and Hyper cars whatever your needs whether it's ultimate Track Performance Road performance or all season performance there is a Patten tire for you so check them out at the link in the description below and let us know what you think [Music]
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 292,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vinwiki, car stories, automotive, car enthusiast, storytelling, car trek, ed bolian, vehicle history, carfax, car guy, automotive adventure, exotic cars, supercars, car story, road trip, cars
Id: 0WGvrRulNyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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