He Keeps Watching Me But I DONT CARE - A True Animated Story

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apparently this story is super messed up i'm really excited to watch it with you guys hey my name is april hello 25 years old and no i've never had a boyfriend okay i've never even kissed anyone because i'm so ugly you don't look ugly with my ugliness under my hair wait she hides her ugliness carefully under her hair does this mean she thinks she'd be ugly if she was bald because i feel like a lot of girls might feel that way if they were bald you know like you gotta be really confident to pull it off and a lot of girls do i learned i had an admirer but he was a pervert i was excited and then i wasn't have you ever been stalked do you want to know what it's like then watch my story this got crazy so fast usually you're watching the videos this is normal normal normal and then it gets crazy not this one i wasn't like other people firstly my dad passed away before i was born he was a soldier and when my mother found out she was pregnant he had already left the service my dad and i have never even met him well yeah you said he died before you were born so i think it's safe to assume that you haven't met but it's a good thing that my dad never saw me he would never have wanted a daughter like me because i think i'm a real monster you think you're a monster hopefully not on the inside when the doctors were shocked when i was born my mom was even offered to abandon me she was offered to abandon you a picture of the life she would have expensive treatment do doctors do this encourage people to abandon their children your child is worthless so you should abandon it seems a little inhumane and lots of problems in the future a life worse than that of a prisoner seems a little harsh like damn all babies are beautiful and worthy of love but my mother didn't listen to the doctors and soon regretted it i didn't go to kindergarten my mum taught me herself but major problems started at school i was teased because of my ugliness hold up am i missing something here she literally looks like everyone else did the illustrators get lazy or something are we supposed to use our imaginations her face looks the same as everyone else's are they all ugly are none of them ugly is it all in her head but i wasn't a whiner and didn't want to show anyone how hurt i really was i fought everyone who offended me chopping them like sub-zero from mortal kombat not gonna lie fighting everyone who makes fun you kind of still shows you're hurt because of this i was constantly being sent to the principal's office my mum was always called in and would listen silently you know she needs ugh i was the one who suffered the most no one would listen to me although they all had ears unlike me yup you heard right wait what she's not ears you waited this long to tell us this i was born without them do you see how they look well how are you feeling now disgusting it looks like they were cut off with a large pair of scissors i think she means disgusted but go on it's not the end of the world and i see what she means by covering her ugliness with her hair now i guess because i guess she meant she was covering her ears this is an easy thing to cover up isn't it this is actually a disease called microtia it's not treatable i have the hardest degree and the total absence of ear shells is this real that's crazy and i guess you can still hear what do we have earlobes for anyways it's just so the sound get like better put into your eardrum you know like kind of like a funnel for sound hear everything well especially other people's insults and i heard a lot of them boys like to come up with my nicknames stomp head or pan girl stump head pan girl what do these insults even mean they're not even good honestly these people insult and you have no creativity you can imagine a girl like that has never been looked at i had never been on a date or kissed not even a single valentine's card in 25 years although i have a beautiful figure her hair is covering her ears though is it really that bad i'm not trying to like discredit her not having ears but i honestly think she's getting in the way of herself at this point let's normalize not having ears as beautiful you've got to embrace your differences guys even whistle me when i pass them from behind i look pretty good no one wants to be with an ugly girl like me you look the same as everyone else though i can't look at myself without crying but once i had a secret admirer this is a very strange story and even now i shake when i think about it due to my appearance i couldn't get a job for a long time i was offered to collect envelopes or receive calls collect envelopes i didn't want to be a hermit sitting alone wait collecting envelopes from home as a job what is this job title honestly seems kind of inefficient i might meet a guy who didn't care about my appearance or at least my ears have you met a guy like this a guy who didn't care about ears i haven't thought to ask but i can definitely find out for you i feel like there's a lot of guys who wouldn't care i wouldn't care if a guy didn't have ears that was until it happened i went to 52 interviews but because of my ugliness potential employers always refused that's discrimination like yo did they straight up say we can't hire you because of your ugliness first of all that's illegal you can't discriminate based on disabilities girl you got a lawsuit on your hands sued their butts off begged them to hire me but everyone remained indifferent that was until a couple of years ago i met bill he was the manager of a cafe and also my mum's classmate he finally took me on working alongside people in his cafe but one of my colleagues turned out to be not who he was posing as not who he was posing as what does that mean is he's a stalker my boss asked me to grow my hair out so that i could hide my defect from customers i did everything i could trying to please him wait you're 25 years old and it never occurred to you not even once that you could cover your ears with your hair so i guess at the beginning it was like a flashback from the end so she hasn't been covering her ears yet girl come on it's on pocket science bill treated me kindly even fatherly he liked that i was so quiet and conscientious as no one else in the team was now i'm going to introduce you closer try and guess which one is crazy so we're betting way to johnny weird scandal type he was always quarreling with the manager because he brought his bulldog into the cafe he said they were a team like bonnie and clyde that sounds pretty crazy not gonna lie he just wanted to piss bill off and he's not the only one next is sarah the washer sarah would never wash the lipstick off our glasses okay that sounds less crazy more so lazy and just bad at her job more than anything else bill had to deal with it personally leading to regular arguments between them that could last up to two hours two hours of arguing you know if she's not doing her job properly you should probably just fire her sort of argue there for two hours the strangest was shelley the accountant wait i thought we were gonna bet on who was the craziest she just gave it away she would raise her hands to the sky and would read prayers aloud the papers are wrong the dust is wrong the stain is on the table crazy right maybe a little unstable maybe like why is the dust wrong like what does she mean by that she had a crazy son too clive he would come into work with his mom and just growl growl who are these people my man bill is not so great at hiring employees no wonder bill hired her no offense to her or anything but i feel like if it took you 25 years i figured you can cover your ears with your hair i don't know what to say man i'll know what to say but i was quiet and that was soon taken advantage of i didn't have many friends in the cafe but i had someone to talk to i suffered in silence because i had a dream i was hoping that someday medicine would move forward so doctors could make me new ears don't they have prosthetic ears like i think this is a thing isn't it i was saving money and asking bill for extra work i often stayed at the cafe in the evenings i did all the cooking for tomorrow and one day something happened i was changing my clothes as usual when suddenly you know that feeling when someone was staring at you you were so craving your body someone was watching me i was sure of it i was standing there in my underwear and turned around trying to find out who was watching but nobody was there i began to look around desperately and that's when i noticed the hole in the wall this is some horror movie stuff i knew that on the other side of the wall there was a small utility room someone must have been watching me from there i was trying to see who was hiding behind the hole in the wall but it was dark i couldn't see anything but i could hear very well there was heavy breathing and sometimes squeaks what could this man do right now i didn't know what to do how should i react to this i quickly changed and thought about what had happened all the way home i was scared but at the same time pleased someone was watching me someone was interested in me girl damn these low standards are gonna get you in trouble you in danger girl like someone's stalking you you should not be excited and i decided for now to do nothing to leave everything as it is do you think i'm weird oh my god i just had an idea what if hear me out what if it was her dad and he never actually died and he's just watching to make sure she's okay let's see if i'm right tonight after an evening shift the same story repeated itself i would hear intermittent breathing and felt the look of a secret observer i began to change my clothes more and more slowly so my fan oh my god this is not weird but desperate desperado i started to get a buzz out of it i felt beautiful and desirable i mean i'm glad you feel beautiful and desirable but someone's stalking you i started to dance whilst changing stripping my clothes off slower and slower the breathing behind the hole in the wall grew heavier my fan clearly liked it but who was this man the waiter chef's assessment one of the delivery guys the chef wait wait there's a chef at the cafe why was she doing the cooking then i'm confused the story's lacking a little consistency here in my dreams was a young and hot guy i'm gonna go ahead and say this the likelihood of being a young and hot guy who's completely normal is slim to none he's literally sucking you honestly all jokes aside guys this is sounding pretty dangerous i feel like there should be warnings of these videos like please do not try this is only a story he was silent but breathed heavier than ever i felt his heart creeped out wait how do you feel his breath from that far away it's literally across the room i decided to call her my fan and i asked him to come down to meet me his answer silence and no movement i was afraid that he got scared of my perseverance what if he never came again this was my last chance to feel loved i couldn't stand it so i rushed into the utility actually i remember it was going to be a step in that little black room i thought i'd see my love there but only bitter disappointment awaited me i opened the door and turned on the light near the hole in the wall i finally saw him johnny's bulldog it was for a dog she was dancing for a dog i mean i don't know how he got all the way up there the hole was clearly like at the ceiling imagine the dog look at the consistency why is the hole in the floor here but up in this thing over there the entire time it was his breathing i was hearing which i mistook as a guy's passionate breathing i felt like an absolute idiot i had never felt such a little crushing disappointment in my life before it turned out that johnny the weird waiter secretly locked his dog in the utility room for the night he sounds like a terrible dog owner don't you have a home it's a good thing that dogs don't know how to speak imagine my embarrassment i decided to take revenge on johnny you were dancing for a dog girl i told bill everything and he finally fired johnny the hope is for doctors and medicine of the future maybe one day they'll fix it up and help me i don't think so i'm an adult and i know it's just a fiction so she learned nothing from this this girl needs to build up some confidence and not focus so much on her deformity also fun fact i looked into it there's prosthetic ears for people with this condition and they look pretty dope anyways i hope we can all learn something from this story like do not dance for stalkers and peeping toms because it's probably just someone's dog that's the lesson in this right anyways guys i hope you enjoyed this video i love you all so much stay awesome stay sweet and don't forget be nice rather bye
Channel: AzzyLand
Views: 1,461,074
Rating: 4.9105158 out of 5
Keywords: azzyland, azzy, reaction, reacting, funny, dory, story, know, he's, watching, me, but, continue, to, do, this, dory story april
Id: zscttBBn99k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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