He Is Comming Back

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the Acts of the Apostles chapter number one commencing in verse number six through verse number eleven when they therefore will come together they asked of him saying Lord will thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel and he said unto them it is not for you to know the times or the seasons which the father has put in his own power but ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and he shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and in the uttermost part of the earth and when he had spoken these things while they beheld he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight and while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up behold two men stood by them in white apparel which also said Ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven the same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as you have seen him go into heaven thank you you may have your season grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our God shall stand forever he's coming back he's he's he's coming back maybe morning in night on noon I don't know just how soon but he's coming back the late dr. Manuel Scott preaching in the Legend series at Brentwood Baptist Church mentioned in his sermon that the man was evangelizing and preaching the gospel on the streets and he mentioned to this man in witnessing he said to him that Jesus is coming back and the man said that's no concern of mine I live in Boston and the man said to him Boston or Beirut Manhattan or Mississippi he's coming back and does not matter how much money you have or what kind of neighborhood you live in it ought to be a concern of yours that Jesus is coming back when you read the scriptures whenever God wants to do something of magnificence and import it happens on a mountain it happens in a high place when I want to see God theologically I travel to Mount Horeb because it is on Mount Horeb that I hear him say to Moses tell them I am that I am when I want to see God sotiria logically I travel to Mount Moriah because it is on Mount Moriah that Abraham is getting ready to sacrifice his only son Isaac and Isaac is given miraculous resurrection life through a substitute lamb and he is saved whenever I want to see God Crysta logically I traveled to Mount Hermon because on Mount Hermon his divinity and his humanity is seen in transfigured splendid it's on Mount Hermon that he talks with Moses and Elijah and his divinity shows through his humanity and we see him Crysta logically but when I want to see God eschatological air I traveled to the Mount of Olives because on the Mount of Olives he gives his Olivet discourse in Matthew's Gospel chapter 24 and chapter 25 he gives us a mystery on the Mount of Olives but then at the Mount of Olives he also gives us his majesty he says some majestic words on the Mount of Olives because they asked him when you come again will God at that time restore the kingdom to the Israel and Jesus said that's not for you to know the times or the seasons that the father has put in his own power but you shall receive power not power to know the times or the seasons but you shall receive power that when the Holy Ghost is come upon you that power that Dunamis will enable you to be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem in Judea in Samaria and in the utmost parts of the earth and the Bible says when he had spoken these things while they beheld while they fixed their gaze while they were looking while they were actually seeing him while their eyes were trained on him because Christianity is not about a philosophy it's about him Christianity is not about a doctrine it's about him it's not about being Baptist or Methodist or Catholic or Episcopalian it's about fixing your eyes on him life is much simpler when you keep your eyes on him somebody ought to help me here life is more satisfying when you keep your eyes on him life is more sanctifying when you keep your eyes on him Peter would have kept on walking on the water that he kept his eyes on him it's not a philosophy it's not a doctrine it's not a belief system it's about him Wow they beheld he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight this cloud is mentioned in Psalm 104 this cloud is mentioned as his chariot this cloud gets under Jesus Jesus is standing on the Mount of Olives a cloud gets under him a cloud which is a mist a cloud which is just air a cloud becomes a chariot I don't think I got that over to you amidst a cloud vapor becomes a chariot a cloud that you can even grab with your hands because the minute you grab it it disappears because it's a mess but for Jesus it becomes a child someone ought to help me preach it and get under him and receives him and lift him out of their sight beyond the troposphere beyond the stratosphere beyond the mesosphere beyond the famous fear beyond the exosphere where it becomes limitless space he is out of their sight because he is now at the right hand of God with power imagine the scene a cloud lifts Jesus beyond our sight and takes them to where he left angels line the shining streets of glory to welcome back the king who had come the earth he's out of their sight and they don't even notice that two men are standing by them in white apparel something ought to help me preaching I've been working on this two angels these two men this this two men situation I've been thinking about that and I call Reverend Washington who got most sense than me when it comes to these theological things and we worked on it together but I'm going to take credit for it since I'm doing the preaching these two men the whole while they are standing there looking at Jesus they don't even notice two men two men are standing there in white apparel the scripture does not call them angels the scripture calls them two men but they must be angels because they're in white apparel and then they speak an announcement of good news and whenever angels show up they show up in white apparel with good news I wish I had my 7:30 crime is what struck me about these two men I believe and it doesn't have to be that way because I believe it but since I'm the one preaching it is what I say it is these two men could perhaps be the same two men who were in the tomb because when you read the text when you read the Gospel of Luke Luke says one was at his head I need a Bible reader here and the other was at his feet facing each other imitating their cousins the Seraphim because when you read the scriptures on the mercy seat there are two men facing each other hovering over the mercy seat in the tomb there are two men in white apparel facing each other hovering over the true mercy see the mercy seat that covered the Ark of the Covenant in the Old Testament is a reflection of the real mercy seat that's in the tomb with two men at the head and at the feet so these same two men who stayed over from the resurrection forty days later they are still there in white apparel with good news here's the good news men of Galilee somehow to help me preach it why stand ye here gazing here's the good news the San Jesus who you see going out it's coming back my brothers and sisters I don't know what that does for your spirit I don't know what that does for your situation I don't know what that does for your moments of depression I don't know how you handle it in your times of stress but the only thing that gets me through tomorrow is he's coming back I may have to try sometimes but he's coming back my enemies will get the best of me sometimes but the good news is he's coming back my mother left me my father left me but he's coming back he is coming back and that cheers me because brothers and sisters the religion of Jesus Christ is first of all about a person this same Jesus this same jesus this Angie this is Jesus of the virgin birth this Jesus of the virtuous life this Jesus of the vicarious death this Jesus of the victorious resurrection this same Jesus will come back in a visible return version in his birth virtuous in his life vicarious in his death victorious in his resurrection which will make him visible in his return he's coming back he's coming back to the same spot where he left that's the step that's what the angel said why stand ye gazing in the heaven the same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as you've seen him go into heaven too much of our preaching is mixed and filled with practical humanism how to get rich how to be happy how to get a man how to get rid of a man how to be loosed come on talk back to me here how to access what God has how to be in your wealthy place how to name it and claim it that's that's that's false preaching that's that's cotton candy and if you eat too much of it it'll rot your teeth and you rot your teeth so that you can't digest good meat and the reason you can't digest it is because you can't chew it because this false gospel will leave you with an appetite for sugary treats when the real meat of Christianity is that he died he got up and he's coming back again never got a witness here he's coming back again he's coming back again with Winnie when he came the first time he was born in a manger when he comes the second time every eye shall see him as he here when he came the first time he hung on a cross but when he comes the second time he'll be sitting on the throne when he came the first time Pilate judge him but when he comes the second time he will judge five he's coming back he's coming back because the Christian religion is not about a philosophy it's not about a doctrine it's not about a belief system it's about a person and the reason I say it's not about a belief system or doctrine or philosophy witchcraft is a philosophy someone ought to help me here the New Age movement is a philosophy but that has nothing to do with a person my faith is in a person and my faith is only as strong as the person it's in and the person that I hang my hope on it's Jesus Christ brothers and sisters there's not enough preaching about Jesus because that's power in that name that's not enough shouting about Jesus when I was a bar growing up in my little church down in Louisiana when they start talking about Jesus you couldn't hardly hold those old people down I wish I had somebody who could help me hear somebody in what they call the Amen Corner while the Deacons were praying they would start singing if you're talking about Jesus here our friend if you talking about these are friend yeah yeah that's that's that's the way to use the Carol if I can't say a word I just weigh in my hand yeah yeah you got it if I couldn't say ah we're just wave yeah yeah yeah it's getting late in the evening I didn't I didn't I didn't mean to go there I didn't mean to go and the Sun is going down I wish I had somebody who could help me we're late Lord is my shepherd and I shall not war come on you can help me right here the Lord I didn't I didn't really mean to go right there but but but but when they talked about Jesus because he was a person they couldn't hold a seat they couldn't hold that piece they couldn't be quiet they couldn't be still because there's power in the name Jesus my face my hope my life is in the hands of a person born in Bethlehem reared in nazareth baptized in the Jordan work miracles in the desert place wet over Jerusalem prayed in Gethsemane died one Friday got up from the grave one Sunday morning commissioned his disciples sent the Holy Ghost seated at the right hand of God with power and one day he's coming back just like he said he would he's coming not that that person left us with a promise the angel said the same Jesus this this person I'm talking about the same Jesus that you see going up will come back in like manner they were fixing their gaze on him that's a medical term for that I can't think of what it is now but that's a medical term for that when people get ready to die they fix their gaze in a certain spot i watch my mother go to be with the lord I watched my father take his last breath I held my oldest brother's hand as he crossed the valley of the shadow of death and he fixed they fixed their gaze and I could not know what they were looking at but their eyes were fixed in a certain place and being a Christian I imagined that they saw what they've been hoping for the Jesus didn't send somebody to get them he came himself and when he comes to get you you will see him for yourself their eyes were fixed gazing and the two men said why stand ye gazing the same person the same Jesus who you see going up he has the promise he's coming back in the same manner his coming back is no shock to the believer when I was younger and and and not experienced in preaching and in pastoring and didn't know very much I couldn't decide if I wanted to be raptured or resurrected and and I used to think about that do I want to be raptured or resurrected because if I'm in the grave when he comes I'm have to get six feet or dead off me and and push through a tool and then they might bury somebody on top of me and I'm have to get Jonah off of me for me to go be with the Lord and if I'm raptured I just may be walking down the street and suddenly disappear but it doesn't matter since I know better now if I'm raptured or resurrected because if I'm in the grave the trumpet will sound so loud have a got a witness here that the dad in Christ I wish I had a Bible reader shall rise first someone ought to help me shout here and we who are alive and remain shall be caught up so rather we are resurrected our raptured we're gonna be with him we don't we don't preach about it much anymore but I can still hear my old preacher send by and by when the morning come when all the saints of God I gathered home we will tell the story how we will become will understand it better have a got a witness trials dark on every hand and we cannot understand all the ways that God will lead us to his Blessed promised land but he'll guide us with his eyes and will follow till we die we'll understand it better he's coming back some glad morning when this life is over how fly way
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 119,758
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: qxXb8zkIn7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2015
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