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nothing's really got like great provenance or anything this will be a sweet deal that's uh darwin cook he's dead yeah um but uh and also if you're into nerdy stuff oh a bunch of magic cards cards how much are those i i'm actually not sure yet i'm just kind of like saying i'm making off but would you do 175 for them all um so i think we totally scored at this garage sale all right garage sale day good morning how you doing good there you go there's a weight set three five they do have eight do you happen to have the battery for this or no no well i do but i'm not selling that oh okay that makes sense yeah you want the weight set okay pokemon charizards yeah see you know what it is i like the one with the plant that are on his back five six we're gonna get the uh the alarm clock for a dollar and then the weight set for five so six bucks perfect there you go thank you thank you appreciate it have a good day thank you jillian michaels who the heck is that so guys ron says if we hit a hundred subscribers then i get to sleep in them for saturday i really like sleep so if you just want to help a girl out a girl and a boy i guess you just click the red button i think i don't remember i subscribed a while ago i don't remember even how to subscribe i'm probably not the best advertisement for this all right this one looks like a bunch of stuff packed into a small garage so we'll check it out pretty warm already oh i know it man they said it's not gonna be as hot as yesterday but yes it was pretty warm yeah there's not gonna be guy things this time no that's all right no problem some golf things look at that yeah do you have a gender reveal recently no oh because it says boy where this right here boy oh so what it was i made all those signs but they're all chalkboard signs oh okay yeah all right we had made a um i think i don't know what they said so yeah we didn't know it was my daughter's um first baby yeah so we made like cupcakes and then her husband made different brews oh yeah we didn't do reveal then but yeah but you didn't know at the time some people just need quick signs and just erase it yeah and use it again so yep i guess i shouldn't sign it what does this say it says zimmerman tony natalie the baby there's another one too holding the baby there's some disney figurines over here too oh is there ariel or why i don't even know who these people lie stuff i don't either i'm not i'm not real big into princesses what do you do october but i'm ready oh no you know oh i feel right yeah heat like this yeah yeah it's uh summer babies and there was a camera in there there was a camera yep i have no idea how that thing works me neither ten bucks for that and then did you want to get those things yeah yeah the only thing is maybe wipes or anything oh last week we had our baby shower and our house is like stacked at the ceiling oh diapers and babies oh it's crazy yeah believe me you'll need one yeah all right so 10 bucks figurines uh 50 cents a piece but we'll just round up to a dollar so i don't have 50 cents [Applause] is it two times fifty a dollar technically it says 25 cents he just said it wrong but he's not good at math anyway so just i said that right right because it's 50 cents for the for the both of them oh oh oh i think she might do 50 cents a piece yeah and then this one's about only 50 cents right like this this was a dollar oh okay so two bucks for that yeah all right so there's twelve all right this is why i shouldn't run the book i thought i did thank you very much guys appreciate it uh we can carry it no problem it's very exciting it is we're very i think she's more excited than me she's very uncomfortable for her to be out very excited to have it and play with him yeah i wake up at night and he's like cuddled up to my belly i'm like oh so i guess my time is over thank you guys it's pam come to our yard sale come to our yard come to our yard well this one doesn't look that great but you know what sometimes you can't judge a garage sale from the road right like we've gone to garage hills before that we thought were gonna be horrible and they ended up we ended up finding some good stuff so always stop and look i guess or sometimes they're still horrible that's great that's the thing you want to start in the back and then work our way back can i have a dollar i think they're a buck right so they they are um they were mine yeah so they are kind of small she wears she wears kids shoes she has small feet thank you you too hi guys good morning uh no we just had our shower and yes we still have to go through a lot what do you do october 18th thank you but i'm so ready i'm already like we can just do this [Laughter] oh that's coming from that thing wow it does how much are your models um let's say five for that and then three for that okay now they new yes they have to as far as i know actually it looks like they've been painted yeah but they haven't been assembled yep so then we'll make that for you too probably just take the tank one two three there you go thank you yeah you guys are gonna need baby stuff no you know how much clothes we've gotten already i know what you wound up with [Music] how much are your comics uh i'm gonna say two for nothing's really got like great provenance or anything except i do kind of like this so this will be a sweet deal that's uh darwin cook he's dead yeah um but uh yeah i just i used to go into the comic book store and just grab whatever looked good yeah so i have a couple like complete runs here like airboy from image some of the uh alterna stuff that's a local guy who runs his own label it's all on newsprint that's cool so it's like old school and very independent the star wars stuff is i think what's going to sell yeah i've got a lot of the darth vader comics from marvel like pretty much the whole first couple runs and also if you're into nerdy stuff a bunch of magic cards cards how much are those i i'm actually not sure yet i'm just kind of like saying i'm making off but i don't play it anymore no so i've got some decks made up and stuff i was thinking of just putting the whole thing out for 200 and then just let people sort through because yeah shop would do but then if you want to pick and choose you can make the offer yep anything that seems reasonable i'm fine but yeah i've got some decks that are sleeved up yeah yeah i'm pretty sure i'm not an advanced player but i know i've got some stuff in there that was that made my friends jealous okay are you guys streaming the yard sale uh yeah well we have a youtube channel going to yard sales and stuff yeah yeah it's fun how many kids you have just one and you've got all that we went through we spent a good couple hours going through stuff yep wow you got 40 there so we take 20 for the box or two for a buck or whatever he said thank you very much alright cool thanks do you have a do you happen to have paypal or anything no no okay i i was going to make it off i can hold on to it for you if you want to walk around some more okay you know all right yeah that'd be cool just grab it on the way up thank you all right yep i basically taped them together not because you have to buy them all in one shot but just because it's uh i put all the woods together yep you know and uh and the different types of irons are all grouped together too as well nice and somebody better like cut glass or i'm gonna be here till [Laughter] that's a lot of work all right i'm back all right thank you thank you yeah i'm going to lay it down what's up man those magic cards i do you can go through and look at the cards i don't know if they mean anything would you do 175 for them all um right now it's too early for me to make that kind of okay that's fine i know what i paid for them yeah all right i'll probably pass then i'll just uh i'll just take the comics okay all right thank you i appreciate it good luck hey thank you thank you have a good day hopefully it doesn't get too much hotter yeah that's that'll be the fun part oh yeah so those cards were called magic the gathering cards some of them have really good value i don't know which ones i know absolutely nothing about them and there was a ton of cards there so i was just taking a complete shot in the dark he said 200 for all of them i offered him 175 and he didn't want to go down the 25 bucks so i decided to pass was that a bad idea or should i have bought those because i don't know um i know nothing about them you know if if i should have bought him roast me down in the comments that's fine um i wasn't just gonna pay his asking price because especially for 200 bucks like i i don't know what's there and i don't know what they're worth so i decided to just pass got all the comics which was cool pretty decent price for the comics paid 50 cents a piece for the comics so i mean if i just load them up and sell them i'll be able to make a little bit of money i think so what did i list all this stuff for and what's it worth let's find out not the best pickup ever but we'll make a little bit of money where it was a sony brand i decided just to grab it i have no idea these cameras aren't generally worth a whole lot of money but this one actually sold already for forty dollars plus shipping so can't go wrong thank you guys so these willow tree figurines are pretty good to look out for they're not worth anything super crazy but they actually sold within a day for a decent profit for what they are [Music] so these comics were a great pickup for twenty dollars i actually made four different lots of these and separated them kind of by genre and what they were about i actually have some autographed comics and a lot of superhero stuff marvel stuff the auctions have been running for about a week and they're doing really well especially one particular one is already over a hundred dollars which is amazing so i'm gonna make out pretty well on this deal and wish me luck on the rest of these auctions we'll see where they go that's gonna do it for this video guys thanks so much for watching hope you enjoyed and we'll see you in the next one bye go [Music]
Channel: Thrift Mine
Views: 38,178
Rating: 4.9589276 out of 5
Id: isHZHnnxq_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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