1 Million People Think He’s Jesus Christ

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this man claims he's the real Jesus and everyone around him thinks it's true is he the real Jesus is hallelujah but not everyone is a Believer I don't think it's real that's you to crucify that one I am on my way to track him down to see if Jesus is really back or if this is just another cult the journey to Black Jesus starts now it's not going to be easy to find Jesus because a these roads are dangerous B our car is in bad shape and C we don't know exactly where he lives I am joined by my Kenyan friend Susan who is up for the adventure super excited to see Jesus finally I get a chance to meet him in [Music] person only in Africa you find this really red orangey roads a lot of potholes we're going over like crazy mud dirt roads right now it looks like we're about to get stuck our car broke down so we're stuck in the side of the road somewhere what what's the problem with the car the brick pipe has B I hope you can fix it while we're waiting for our car to get fixed we're going to dip into a restaurant here get some local Kenyon food thank you very much very local food here we have buali which is this it's literally like Play-Doh the same exact texture make a spoon on your finger okay and then now you use it to scoop you look good you guys you guys are so handsome and so cute and all the things good in this world I love your hair I love you di don't worry I'm not sure what that was about that lady but on the flip side we got our car back we're about 30 minutes away and we see this celebration in the road in front of [Applause] [Music] us after an 8-hour Journey from Nairobi we have finally made it so excited you have no idea how excit to have as we approached Jesus's compound his follow is greet us how are you I'm fine nice to meet you hi hi you look beautiful I walk further inside and there he is Jesus Christ hi pleasure to meet you amen how are you I'm just okay it's not for granted to witness the second coming of Jesus Christ and the whole world will have to witness for him Jesus have come back the second time amen I don't know what's going on but they're all like chanting and almost screaming and praying I've never seen anything like it before interesting this is not a joke you take it very seriously just feel the emo on the people when they're bowing down to Jesus one by one and now he's introducing All His prophets I am Prophet Benjamin Prophet I'm angel I'm Prophet R I'm Angel Noah the build of the [Applause] [Music] AR still doing the ceremony and drums are coming [Music] out look at her look at her this lady behind me in the purple is in a state of TR right now she fell on the floor and everybody's encouraging her and they're screaming and shouting slain in the spirit is when a person acts possessed or falls down experiencing religious Ecstasy but where's the proof they're not Faking It [Music] [Applause] because of the prayer she right so the Holy Spirit came into her and like an angel took her away from to the outer world so now what you saw she was in a [Music] world that was unlike anything I've ever experienced anywhere the emotion the spirituality the realness of it now they're dancing around the village with the drum and [Music] singing Hallelujah you know what I found the most interesting about this whole thing it's like a blend of three things things the first thing is Christianity cuz I saw them reading the actual Bible second thing is they their Jesus which is not the Jesus of the Bible so that's a little bit weird of a mix and then the third thing is the africanness of it all you see the welcome that they give people and all the thing to welcome people that's how you do it the African way so it's like a really interesting blend of three things together can it be true is this really Jesus with all the crazy things happening in today's world perhaps it's not so crazy to think the second coming is upon us here they believe the Book of Revelation has come full circle Jesus is now taking us inside of the [Applause] church how does it feel to be Jesus Christ he's very happy because it's the job of the Lord what is this book in your hand what does it mean to you he believes that people should follow this book according to how it's written because it guides human on what to follow when did you first realize that you're Jesus he was at school when he was 10 years old and he felt he needed to draw a picture of the Cross so when he was drawing the cross he felt like he left the world and the voice of the Lord told him you are my son when he was 12 years old he was visited by thousands and thousands of Angels at 3:00 in the morning and when they came in here they said hi Son of God and one of them said I am Angel Gabriel when he left another one came and said he's angel Raphael when Angel maram got there she told him not to fear because he's doing the Lord's work how did you convince people that you're Jesus so this is God is doing the work for him he's not the one to convince people yes oh he didn't convince people no it's God who convincing so he brought God brought the Nations to him he's saying even us coming here was prophesied a long time ago how do you deal with haters or people that think that you're not the real Jesus he saying he just just pray to God to forgive them because they don't know they even crucified him 2,000 years ago but God promised that he will make sure that the whole world knows that he's a Son of God part of me wants to believe that Jesus is telling the truth just look at how fiercely everyone worships him what is going on right now this is insane oh [Music] thank you [Music] Jesus [Music] so the spirits just left went to Asia went to America to like fight all evil what Spirits the spirits of the people here they left they went to Asia they went to America they went all over the world to fight evil so they weren't here no they weren't here does it ever happen where you escaped to other parts of the world he left first the they just followed him his Spirit went to Iran he's went to India Mumbai new delh about North Korea Pakistan North Korea Korea Korea irq he went to Iraq you're naming like all my favorite countries that I visited there's a reason why you visited those countries I visited because of you 208 the gospel he's preaching right now will spread until 2058 2058 and then what happens after that there'll be a new generation from next year there's going to be a big earthquake because there's a white horse coming to Earth what what Daye he's not going to say the date but it's the coming year at the end of the coming year earthquake where it will be all over the world because of the the White Horse okay there's there already is seven black horses in the world that's why there's issues in Israel and Gaza they're not following the word of God Russia Russia as well Ukraine Ukraine Libya Afghanistan Afghanistan there's going to be an issue in barut as well equator Equator the equator as well you can predict the future yeah because he has the power from God because the son does what the father does what do you want to say to the people who believe that you are running a cult he's Jesus and they should know that he's not a preacher he's not a pastor he's because God looked and saw that people were breaking the Covenant with him and he decided to bring him back the more Jesus points to Wars conflicts and the climate catastrophe the more I'm starting to believe he's back it's no secret that humanity is in need of saving but what do His prophets think is he the real Jesus Christ yes he's the real Jesus I've ever met he's the same Jesus who was there and he has come back now he's there Jesus Christ did he cure any sickness of you or how did you meet him I was feeling very ill I was very very sick they had moved over the hospitals I've been taken to several hospitals I was in AA for almost a month the moment I was brought here Jesus prayed then he prayed for me that very day I woke up and I was okay some people think this is a cult to me he is not fake you cannot direct God to do something got he knows what to do because what he has done for me it is marvelous God knows what to do is the real deal is the really Jesus how do you know Jesus um when he was coming out from the jail he was in jail yeah why because because uh people were trying to make fun of him and uh think that he's not a good guy but just this year I guess oh so you just met him this year a few months ago yeah you met him a few months ago yeah is he really Jesus um yeah i' say he's a he's a God send on the internet people say they want to crucify you when you read the book of Hebrews mhm that is not good to crucify me so you don't want to be crucified that is not good it happens when I was there in the Middle East so you don't want to happen again but the police take you in the police station people think that it was a cult so the police arrested you uh they arrested me for 7 days but when they investigate they T care and they have no reason for you to be they arrested they have no reason for me to be arrested if you could give one message to everyone in the world what would you tell them I would like to tell them that I'm now back I never thought I would meet Jesus this is a fantastic day what's interesting is that I always hear Jesus talking about how his soul is carried around the world and you see the fence here it says Jesus of tongaren and your soul shall live in Australia South America Antarctica Asia Europe North America so he says it right here on his gate do all the prophets live right here in this Village no they usually come from home who lives here all these houses Jesus lives here alone family with his family we've entered Jesus's living room pretty cool in here this is your house I'm this Angel Benjamin this is Angel Benjamin the wife to Jesus amen Jesus with a wife and kids well that's new and it doesn't quite align with what the Bible says Ten Commandments what do you think about the ten commandments 10 commandments he believes that all human beings are supposed to fulfill the Ten Commandments because it means you follow them then you'll be saved day people do not follow some of the Commandments like the one the Sabbath day nobody follow the sa day anymore he's saying when he preaches um people say that this is only for Jewish people can you tell Jesus that I'm Jewish he's saying that that Jewish people should also follow the Bible because during the time of Jesus you made life really hard for him but now the gospel has prayed to everybody regardless of how hard you made it for Jesus so even you should follow the Bible we believe that Jesus was Jewish he believes that 2,000 years ago he was Jewish he was there but he has come back now as an African in this room they're repenting their sins to Jesus this me as a servant of God it's really a beautiful Community here it's a very beautiful Village what's your goal in life my call is to take people to Heaven all people all people worldwide even you not Kenya not Africans only but the entire world so how can you take everyone to heaven when I preach this gospel I want them to repent and to become obedient to my Lord then God can indite them to the Book of Life what can you say about him when our neighborhood here are sick they always run at his place so that he pray for them and they get well have you done that yeah and he makes you feel better yes he prays for us really yeah you could think what you want about this community but as they singing and chanting it feels very real the emotions the spirituality met these guys in Nairobi and I asked him about you and they said not nice things you were to crucify that man yeah it's bad ah it's not bad it's not bad yeah it's good so you don't mind when these things see uh God make it reality in the in this world then this ah then will be very very nice and they will say God help us we didn't know you that is good it's really interesting walking around the village with Jesus it's a really still place there's only a few houses here everybody seems to know him and love him but the real test is going to be taking a car 30 minutes away to the actual town where there's a busy market and then we're going to walk around and see what people think of him we have a car full of people here here Jesus is on the phone yeah His prophets are behind us oh I'm curious what people will think in a bigger city are they Believers will they idolize him or try to crucify him this is going to be interesting people are just screaming yesu which is Jesus out the window yeah all right we've entered the town pretty chaotic there's a lot of people around it we got a crew of people following us everyone wants to see Jesus how do you feel that everybody knows you that's good and I'm I'm happy because of that so far everybody seems to really like him they're like wanting to say hi amen amen amen is he the real Jesus I don't know but otherwise I've been woring the god that I've never seen so maybe it's the real Jesus because I've never seen God how are you this is literally insane there's like hundreds of people around here I can't move I'm getting like stomped by people too many people following us Jesus asked for a goat so I'm GNA get him a goat this one right here in the white how am I going to take my money out of my pocket there's no way I can take money out of my pocket oh my God Jesus hey thanks for playing Go no problem enjoy the goat with your family enjoy look at all these people looking at you man how do you feel they love me I feel happy it's good feels like I'm walking with the president of Kenya there's so many people here everyone has their phone out Tak pictur makes me think that it's not a cult is Jesus fromong I don't have Jesus I don't have Jesus I jesus I Jesus look how many people are crowding around the car yeah what do you think of all this by the experience well I got to say after being here meeting Jesus in his village and also taking him to the town I got to say even if you're a doubter whatever he created for himself it feels real people idolize him they bow down to him they really do think he's Jesus if you ask me it's totally a cult but you know what it's been a pleasure to shoot this story thanks for watching subscribe for more epic stories from every country in the world and I'll see you guys in the next video love you all can you give me a [Music] blessing I meina
Channel: Drew Binsky
Views: 886,047
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Keywords: drew binsky, drew binsky vlog, drew binsky travel, travel, real Jesus, Kenya, jesus, travel vlog, stories, food, Kenya travel, Jesus in Kenya, east africa, Eliud Simiyu, self-proclaimed Jesus, North East Africa, jesus christ, Jesus, slain in the spirit, fake jesus, culture, traditions, black jesus, asia, Kenya vlog, Drew binsky in Kenya, is Jesus alive, prophet, Jesus prophets, Jesus story, bible, drew binsky kenya, kenya drew binsky, african vlog, kenya vlog, nairobi, christianity
Id: Ejwj5atUxF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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