"Normal Muslim Child" - Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel's Attacker CONFIRMED to Have Religious Motives

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obviously uh a couple weeks ago while he's on the pulpit giving a message A guy walks up yeah stabs him and while he's stabbing him attempting to pretty much I mean if you're doing that at that time you're trying to kill the guy th% he's praying over him while he's still holding the cross okay and he leaves everybody there's 5,000 Assyrians outside upset about what took place I'm getting messages left and right on what happened there an Assyrian Christian Bishop marari Emanuel this is story from daily maill allegedly stabbed in a terror attack in Sydney it's not allegedly yeah why allegedly made an emotional to his Pulpit receiving a standing ovation before delivering a fury uh sermon defending free speech and criticizing prime minister Anthony Alban asserting every human being has the right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion Bishop Emmanuel passionately defended the importance of free speech stating for us to say because of this freedom of speech it is causing dramas and dilemas therefore everything should be censored where is democracy where is Humanity where is integrity he also forgave his alleged attacker saying I love you and I will always pray for you Rob if you have the video if you can show that of him entering you can just play that Rob if it's it's a minute long if you can play that clip go for it true AI I am a proud to be an Australian and wherever I go wherever I travel across the globe when I come back here this is home and I said it I am very proud of these great Anzac Warriors who gave their life up to the very human rights to the very freedom of speech and freedom of religion they died to keep and preserve their human ident identity and integrity I salute my beloved Anzac Warriors and whoever walks in that path must be saluted Rob I want you to play this clip okay that some are saying this is where the even he said it himself that he was getting a lot of hate uh played the clip of him saying what he said about Muslims okay and you were you mentioning you were mentioning this one well we were mentioned the podcast we did with me you jenko and himself play this clip Rob this is very interesting on on how he delivers this message how do you not love this guy in his approach go ahead Rob say to my beloved Muslim World they got upset with me in that interview with Patrick B David oh man that's okay you can get upset it's fine Everybody's Free but let me tell you one thing my beloved Muslim brother and sister this is pre in humanity getting [Music] stab I love you and I will always love you I pray for you and I will always continue to pray for you whether you like me hate me accept me or reject me beside the point you know why because my okay let go go let it keep going sweet heart Jesus Christ of Nazareth always T me to love everyone and to pray for everyone dude just all love all love you like sincerely it's all love this is not an act you know sometimes you see this is like a a message like this being given but it's great to see him healthy it's great to see him on the pulpit it's great to see him him making a comeback it's great to see him committed to what he's doing and this is not somebody that just gives lip service he went to Gaza he went and I think with 53 of his members of his church they went there and he got out of a he tells he tells a story and it's the internet that he they were telling him don't go don't do this don't do that and he said he saw a little a gazin girl come out of one of the buildings so destroyed whatever what and he went out and he's going to talk to her and he gave her um some some toy and he said her face lit up and then all all these uh people from Gaza started running after him and the the the guy in the bus like let's leave leave and he staying there all were hugging there saying we've been forgotten we need help we need help and it was a he by the way I I don't know if he lost his eye or not but the fact that this terrorist allegedly whatever came to stab him and the knife didn't work is literally God intervening and saying it's not your time to go or it's the dumbest terrorist in the history of terrorism well either way we appreciate his dumbness and we appreciate goding this part whoever it was Tom he's delivering the message of Christ and the message of Christ is to while we live on this Earth to express you know love and acceptance of people and communicate the the opportunity to take Christ as your savior in this life and that's the message here we are not here to to be God's cops we are here to com to accept him and communicate his love and that's exactly what he's doing and if somebody wants to come after him for that and and to try to Martyr him for that that is just that just shows the Deep Brokenness of humanity that certain segments of of of humanity are choosing to abide by but that is not the Christian way that is not scripture this man is showing you what the words of scripture look like in real life I wonder what the security at this church or just with him and J now it has to be Bonkers because in Australia like they're not armed the civilians don't have nobody has guns so I'm pretty sure he has to have fullon security 24/7 now because of like he's he's obviously a Target I I promise you I mean think about if you go to this church and think about if this man's impacted your life positively how protective are you of him you oh me as a like for for example my when I used to go to Shephard and it was Dudley I Am Naturally paranoid sitting there watching to see if anything they do when the prop eight thing was going on in California I don't know if you remember the whole prop eight you had to always be careful at at the church because prop a was the whole uh gay marriage thing I think it was at the time and it was a lot of protesting that were targeting churches so I think the members are naturally going to be a little bit more Al alert you know to be ready if anything goes down and they'll be watching everybody coming in asking is he a Syrian who is this guy do you know this guy does he speak this who is this guy like you're asking some of those types of questions to be a little bit more alert but uh best part glad to you you're doing well Adam well great to see that he's back on the pulpit uh resilience and leading with love respect to you um whether you're a person whether you're a leader whether you're an idea whether you even a religion there's one thing that you have to at least be open to and that's criticism and feedback from others sorry um and this will probably get me in hot water there's only one religion there's only one people that how dare you be critical of them how dare you question the perfect religion ever how dare you question our leader how dare you even draw a picture of Muhammad we saw what happened with the Charlie hebo you draw a picture they will kill you and I'm not talking about they the entire religion I'm talking about those three words radical Islamic extremists and that is the person who tried to kill Bishop Mari Mari did what did he shout before he hit by the way do we find out if he was or not do you find out if he is Muslim or not the guy that stabed I I he's allegedly Muslim and he allegedly y said allahar Jewish people Christian people Budd people aring teenager charged with terrorism over Australia Church stabbing boy was arrested after the cinema Zone attacked go little low Rob to see a 16-year Australian boy has been charged with committing a terrorist act police said after stabbing a Syrian churching syy the teenage suspect was also Hospital Shamar Mari keep going Lord what does it Sayan governor on stab or go a little the the bullet stuff at the top R go a little high right there Solomon Islanders voter oh that's something else okay he did not appear in court Lord did not ask Australia police charged you yeah but who is the guy allegedly he is a man of that well I mean who he says the suspect traveled 90 minutes to reach the Christ God Shephard Western where he stabbed Bish marari about six times go lower who wrote this article by the way the attacker triggered a riot after a crowd I'm still trying to find out who wrote the article though it's actually weird though that Australia who is it Al jazer so who wrote it again Rob Al jaaz jaaz are you shocked that Al jazer is not claiming that he's a radical is Islamic extremist they didn't say he had a history of mental illness well any a lot of extremists do listen screaming Allah abbar I mean he's I haven't heard a Christian say Allah abbar and then stabs a priest why are we beating around the bush here why are we beating around the bush here no well Adam it goes into the I I have Muslim friends I have Jewish friends I have Christian friends I'm talking about extremists you can be an extremist of any religion but particularly they're happens to be one that you cannot criticize you see what's going on on campus All Over America right now they're criticizing Israel they're criticizing the government they're criticizing Zionism they're criticizing Judaism you don't see any push back you don't see anyone fighting back in America other than the cops God forbid they were questioning a certain other Faith you would see some dangerous since you brought that up since you brought that up Adam can you explain to me why George Soros a Jewish man is funding all the anti-israel anti-semitism all the hate is coming from a Jewish guy why is that I don't I don't even consider him to be well but I mean he is Jewish he is he's a self-hating Jew yeah he's not of he's not he's not part of the religion he was born Jewish he turned on his people uh turned in other Jews during the Holocaust yeah so what's what's his what's the obviously obviously Vinnie I know you like to use the word demon for anyone that is a like candidate for a human demon what's up Rob uh if we go back to the mar Mari Emanuel uh this according to the attacker's parents they said that he practi his faith like a normal Muslim child praying five times a day F this is from abc. the parents said this in an interview with abc. net in Australia got it but but and by I don't throw away the the when I say demon like that guy what I what I want to do is let's stay here and then we'll go to George Soros because these are two different I promise we're going to go to George Soros yeah so okay now his parents have valid because there's a lot of people saying why would you all of a sudden jump to conclusion that he's a Muslim right because the Assyrian guy in Assyrian I speak Aramaic said Michel Mana is the Assyrian is he a Muslim and the other guy said M he is he is a Muslim so you're I'm speaking the language and if you don't speak Aramaic maybe you don't understand what speak the language of Jesus yeah so I speak so I understand what was saying me and Vinnie heard that and so now his parents y confirmed that he practices mus his fi like a normal Muslim child praying five times a day and fasting for Ramadan so which is a beautiful thing that we have this so we announced the manette contest to come have dinner with us at Casa D'Angelo and go have dinner Rob go to the leaders bulletin folks if you want to see the leaders bulletin just go to man.com and all the way at the top you'll see a leaders bulletin click on it the video explains how to compete it's whoever mans the most both as experts influencers and those who ask others as a user you can compete on this R you can stay on that if you want just stay on that oh you have the categories of where they are but but I want to see how many manx people are doing and then we'll go to that so if right now if you look at this new experts on Manet lightweight if you look at it zoom in Rob Tulsi gabard has officially completed 72 man that she has responded to by the way on man second place so far is Brandon Davis then it's Santino testani John Ray is competing but he's fourth place and he got the rest of the folks go even even Ryan Garcia's at seventh place by the way respond and by the way I think he's responded to every single man he's gotten any he response in audio so it's not like he responds uh uh Rob go to the other category for middleweight if you look at middleweight Fernando is still first place at 46 this is people that pre-announcing the contest they were on here from April 16th he's done four 46 questions he's responded to he's first place he'd be invited to the dinner then is parasa Tomo third place look at the Kell Kelly Dame Dash is even on there at six Place go to the last category heavyweight first place is Dustin not even close 13 Calvin G 77 Chris CU third place and then you got everybody else now Rob go to home team go to home team who's dominating okay dominating Vincent oana 281 thank you everybody I love Vinnie Vinnie Vinnie then it's Tom 204 Adam 75 we're trying to catch up but I'll tell you guys here what's going on here in a minute with Vinnie go down to the bottom with the people asking most questions this is how you use maneka slowly but surely becoming the most uh a a popular networking app because 95% of the time the people respond to you you want an answer back pay for it you want to be waiting for three months DM somebody on Instagram LinkedIn Twitter if you're lucky for by the way the number of people getting back to you if you DM them is less than 3% on sem apps is 1% Mana is 91 to 95% look at the people asking the most questions show that real quick Rob so first place is who zoom in a little bit Rob if you could for the uh Terrell Hall 76 Eddie goser 71 questions he's asked other Manors Eric link 67 very competitive by the way here now go to the other side for people that have been using Man pre-april Dustin is asking questions Azie second place one so so so far it hasn't even been two weeks and top three they're all above a 100 Janette Laos comes to all the lives that we do John Ray okay so here's what I want to do Rob if you can go to all the QR codes how many of you watching this be honest who here loves Vinnie okay who here loves Vinnie if you love Vinnie today is Vinnie's birthday good man good okay tomorrow is birthday but today's Mario and tomorrow we're not doing a a podcast tomorrow so so listen today tomorrow if you love Vinnie you want to wish him a happy birthday go on here manck with them send him some love wish him a happy birthday I'd like to see him get 200 plus manx today to cross 2,000 I'd like to see him get that send him some love at the same time you can man Adam myself or Tom and FYI for those of you guys that haven't yet started competing download the app start manting today right now for end of today R can you go to the flyer shown who the top people are right now we're going to give away Bel belts by the way really the lightweight champion would have been Tulsi if it's today tuls the middleweight champion would be Fernando if it ended today heavyweight would be Dustin the home team would be Vinnie for new users it would be Terrell and for existing users it'd be DUS does have two belts he'd be having two listen we're going to give it to him at casad D'Angelo everybody at first place will be at the main table anyways so there's a QR code at the top download it so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here a
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 323,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Valuetainment Media, Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment, pbd podcast, economy, money, news, politics, bishop marmari, mar mari emmanuel, bishop mar mari emmanuel, mar mari, holy bible, mari emmanuel islam, god, christian, mari emmanuel, his grace mar mari emmanuel, assyrian
Id: sgV44Hu9Z8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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