He chatead the system to get the highest score on Pac-Man | Positive

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I did the world's first perfect score on pac-man 3,000,000 333366 austin adjust safe [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and you start off and the first board but on board 21 that's where it's reaches maximum difficult you can't miss it up a price of aluminum you can't die once he's focused you gotta stay with it all the way there for five hours [Music] the moment that school went up there I know I achieved perfection
Channel: Positive
Views: 63,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: positive, billy mitchell beats pac man, meet the man who beat pac billy mitchell, billy mitchell pac man high score, billy mitchell pac man cheat codes, billy mitchell pac man perfect score, best pacman player in the world, billy mitchell pac man record, billy mitchell lie pacman, the man who beat pac, pacman perfect score, the man who cheated pacman, billy mitchell cheated pac man, billy mitchell beats pacman, billy mitchell fake scores, beating pac man billy mitchell
Id: weG2nCzblJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 2sec (182 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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