He bought the biggest shop on YouTube!

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we smoked that place out until you couldn't see 2021 was the year of youtubers buying buildings mostly because things have gotten out of control i think we all have too many cars but there's no such thing as too many cars you just buy a bigger garage and as all car guys know you can never have enough garage the you get a big garage two weeks later you're like i messed up this was way too small but i'm not gonna have that problem for a while i think i've got the two-week we're way past the two-week mark and we're still doing pretty well i bought 20 000 square foot of building in kansas and it was cheap i was up in chicago shooting some videos with legit street cars we were having a good time rebuilding a bagged fiero and at night a listing popped up on facebook and it showed these two buildings just one little you know facebook ad and i clicked on it and i was like wow this is huge this is gonna sell for a ton of money it was these two buildings and they had been a welding shop they built trailers inside of them they were beat up i just thought that that's easily worth a million dollars but it was an auction it was no reserve so i hopped in i registered for it and the auction was opening that night so i bid one dollar and i was like i mean if we win it for one dollar i'm definitely in so anyway it was about a 45-day auction and i had almost forgotten about it and then towards the end i checked in and i was like well it's a 75 000 and we're at 10 days left or something like that and it it didn't move again and then it's the day of the day of the auction ending and it ends like a little early in the morning for me but i woke up for this don't worry and uh i started following the auction and it's at about a hundred and fifteen thousand dollars i think and there's quite a few people bidding it's running up it gets to i think 175 going back and forth and i might have thrown in like one or two bids but my strategy on all auctions is be the last person like there's no point in bidding in the middle the whole auction is worthless except for that last 30 seconds like that's all that matters so bite your tongue don't put a bunch of money in and click the mouse otherwise you're just running the price up on yourself even in real life and on the internet don't run the bit up on yourself so i sat there waited it out and at the end hits and of course this is one of those auctions that auto increments every time there's a bid just like an auction in real life you bid and one more minute gets out of the auction so i waited till the very last 30 seconds and i finally threw in my bid and i think it was about 175 000 and we kept betting it up and it just kept moving just a little chunk at a time and i would bid it up a thousand dollars which was the lowest increment you could do and then there was eventually just me and one other guy and that other guy you could see that you know the usernames just have the asterisk but it makes sense because it shows you enough the username to know who you're bidding against he would sometimes run it up like twenty five hundred dollars or five thousand dollars and i would change the bid back to one thousand and i would bid again i'd wait till the timer ran out and at two seconds i'd bid again and i did that over and over and we kept that up for about an hour going like a thousand at a time so about sixty thousand dollars we ended up in the uh somewhere in the low two hundreds something like that going you know just back and forth messing around and all of a sudden it said congratulations and i was not expecting to ever say congratulations you won on this ridiculous property but there it was it was right in front of my face so there was a some some extra money to the auction company on there is 261 000 out the door that's what i paid for 20 000 square foot of a pretty beat-up building so we had a 30-day close which i thought was a ton of time apparently that's very aggressive for banks they don't like to hear that but we got it done we got the money together signed the deal about a month later and i moved in we moved in hoovie was there weston gw was there we had a great time we had a big opening party where everyone came in the warehouse and did burnouts we smoked that place out until you couldn't see luckily it has four gigantic exhaust fans you couldn't hold your hand in front of you and see it with the burnouts we were doing in the building but then you could run over and hit the fans and it would suck all the smoke out and we'd do it again so the first couple days of the warehouse were absolutely wild we had a lot of fun in there and then i looked around and i decided we needed to uh start fixing the place because it's just old so we got after we stripped the building pretty much down to its bones and we pulled all the electrical out pulled really everything out of the building there were holes in the floors from machines stuff like that we cut out all the problem areas in the concrete poured new concrete rewired the whole thing put in all led lights and started building something worthy of working on cars and making videos in it we've got four big bendpak lifts in there now for ten thousands where i can keep enough cars to stay busy which is a big problem of mine you end up waiting on parts projects like say a twin turbo r8 where parts could be months out you got to work on something else so we've got four lifts in there to keep me busy no matter what there's always a car going on a lift so i can work on something for the day that's pretty much my one rule is work on a car every day fix something so we we're doing that but right now we're in the middle of floors and we stripped everything out of the building again it's empty and it's getting fully epoxied floors which are going to look insane just based on like the size of it it's pretty crazy and having nice floors is going to make a huge difference uh having the cars on display in there and working and being able to find screws you drop on the floor the most important part obviously and at some point i used to build nightclubs so i looked up and thought why is this a nightclub so we just did that too we uh put some hang points up in the red iron and we hung a 30 foot of box truss and we started putting up lights we've got a line array in there a nice jbl vrx line array so we can shake the buildings down the block which i you know i have had some talks with the neighbors one of them likes to call the police on us but now we don't turn the system on until they leave we've got moving lights in there all the cool stuff so we can just have fun have like turn the place into a nightclub and have fun instantly working on cars does not lend itself well to working on youtube at all they they don't go together but it's pretty enjoyable we've got a big detail bay in there we're building a full inside detailed bay with like a closet pressure washers inside and all that good stuff a balcony that's the mo tool lounge we've got couches up there where you can look out over the shop kind of stand out by the railing see what's going on and maybe a coffee bar we're thinking that would be a good addition for the caffeine you need to keep working on cars all day kitchen conference room and uh you know the cliche things uh make lights out of pistons or something make the tables out of audi engines i've got a lot of ted audi engines sitting around so i figure an audi conference table coming soon but 2021 was truly the year of uh youtube shops mine was a 2020 but now uh everyone's jumping on the bandwagon trying to go bigger and bigger i have a feeling none of us are ever going to top adam lz even though for quite a while i had the biggest automotive shop on youtube we'd like to thank patrick adair designs for their support of the vinwicki channel this month patrick and his team make some of the most amazing rings out of the most exotic materials on earth they make rings out of superconductors and meteorites and stardust and all the things that you can imagine including old parts from broken exotic cars they've got over 20 000 customers and patrick decided to document his journey and the ways that he makes his rings and the cards that he enjoys on his own youtube channel so he's part of our youtube family he's coming by to tell some stories soon but check him out at the link in the description below and use the code binwiki for a 15 discount thank them for their support of the channel and find you an awesome ring
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 337,141
Rating: 4.9304538 out of 5
Keywords: WatchJRGo, JohnRoss Lumbert, VINwiki, Car Stories, shop, auction, business, real estate, commercial real estate, building, zoning, investment, kansas, development, entrepreneurship
Id: vFti3fLVcAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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