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[Music] foreign this is a story of a companion by the name of the Allah and he had a girlfriend in Makkah her name was Anna and of course they weren't married so they had a relationship in where he would spend bites with her he would spend time with her he would drink with her and so on a few years go by and Islam comes and he accepts Islam and the Hijra takes place to al-madina So eventually he had no other choice but to sacrifice his relationship with this girl and out he sacrificed that relationship for the sake of Allah and he migrated with rasul Allah until he reached al-madina and all the others did the migration as well a few months go by in Medina it was very difficult to give up what he gave up I mean there was intense and strong love between them so when he's in Medina the problem is that in Makkah there are still prisoners of the Believers that as they were trying to escape Makkah they were captured by quraish and they were imprisoned and they were tortured so when the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam arrives to Medina the first thing he does is that he selects and he chooses some of the sahaba that were strong that were tough and he chose them so that he sends them back to Makkah so they can go into Makkah and free the prisoners of the Believers and get them out of trouble is choosing some sahaba and he chooses from among them was a tough man he was strong he selected for this mission to go and free some of his brothers that are still trapped in Bakka so now he narrates the story and he says I left madinah and I began to approach Makkah it was a full Moon's night so it was a bright night I went until I reached one of the walls of Makkah and he stuck himself to the alone because obviously he doesn't want to be found and he doesn't want to be seen and he began to walk alongside this world and he says as I'm walking I see an earth she saw me and she said she recognized him from his shadow Martha is that you and he kept quiet he didn't say anything she said again and now this time he gave him and he said yeah it's me so then she said to him oh welcome she's remembering the old days so she said to him come tonight come over and let's sleep over my place tonight so without hesitation he stood right in front of her and he said has made Zina has made adultery impermissible it's horror I'm in a different religion and things are very different here that is absolutely incorrect for me to pursue with you and go home tonight so she being a disbeliever she's got no idea what this means and what this dinner is so he's confused is and she said to him what do you mean dinner it's as though she felt like she's been accused in her dignity and her honor so she said to him listen if you don't come tonight with me I'm going to scream out from here that you're the one who is coming into Makkah picking up the prisoners and freeing them but he heard that and he began to run he's running towards a mountain in Makkah called Al khandama and she screams out all people of Makkah this is the man who comes in and carries your prisoners and he frees them so he began to run as fast as he can he gets to the mountain al-handama and he hides in a cave that he knows he was a makkan boy so he knows around and he says I can count almost eight men of the strong men of Makkah they were on their horses and they're following me and they're following him on the mountain and they're searching for him and they said they spent a while on the mountain and he's hidden in the cave and he's really silent and he says until they gave up the search so everyone got onto their is about to go down the mountain and just go back to their houses and he says except for one of him he says one of them he came and he wanted to urinate so he began to urinate and urinate in my head and Allah blinded him that he did not see me Allah gave him a miracle so they went and what would you think was going to do he did not just pick himself up and go straight back to Medina he doesn't want to upset and his brother in matka that is waiting for him so he goes back into Mecca once again and this time he gets there successfully he finds the man chained on the floor so he unties him basically and he puts him on his back remember Martha was a strong man and he walks with him until he reaches a place known as which is just outside Mecca once he gets there he puts the sahabi down and he cuts off the iron Ferris that were on his feet and the chains that were in his hand and so on so that the sahib could walk on his own and then they make their way until they reach Al Madina alhamdulillah successful he got his brother released and the next day he comes to Nabis ask him a question you wouldn't even imagine he's going to ask this question he says please give me permission that I go back to Mecca and get married to my ex my girlfriend Anna give me permission to go and by the way she almost killed him but this is the intense love that was between them he says give me permission to go back and marry her in the narration it says remained silent why did he remain silent even though the answer is very clear that it's not allowed for a Believer to get married to a disbeliever and that's exactly what anat is so the answer is Martha no goodbye doesn't answer was feeling what was going through it's not easy he loved the girl and so just to dismiss him and just give him a bold answer look it's Haram just go he's not going to swallow that really easy and he is going to remain hurt all his life he acknowledges this sensitive situation someone has loved the girl for all his life in Mecca and he spent most of the time with her and he's coming to you for direction how are you going to answer this situation very sensitive it was so sensitive that Allah sends down an Ayah from above seven Heavens to treat this case of illness he gets up and he faces and he says Allah has just revealed the adulterer shall not marry anyone except an adulteress or a disbeliever and the adulteress shall not get married to anyone except an adulterer or a disbeliever and Allah has made this impermissible upon the Believers don't get married to her Allah and he listens to the advice gets up and he's so happy and he's full of pleasure and contentment from the inside you know why because Allah declared him from among them Allah and you're not supposed to do that he gets up and it's as though nothing has ever entered his heart of love in his life these are the true followers of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam no matter how much they are attached to something they would let it go in an insert if they knew that this would displease Allah understood if I pursue in this marriage it'll upset Allah it will anger Allah it will earn May Allah's punishment it's not worth it so he lets it go and he moves forward in life and look how beautiful this is after this incident he lived one and a half years he could have lived that one and a half years in depression but because he made the decision to step over his own desire and to step over his own said what he wants for himself for the sake of Allah and in Obedience of rasulullah look what he gained number one Allah gave him a miracle during his life and that is that when that person of Makkah urinated on him and did not see him number two Allah would bless that he would Place him under his shade on the day of judgment you know the Hadith he says that one of the seven types that get to be shaded under the shade of Allah on the day of judgment is a person in which a woman came to and she called him and he said that's exactly what did further to this pursued in life and he went ahead in his knowledge and he became an expert in the Quran imagine he kept recalling that woman what would happen to him no knowledge nothing would have happened to it but because you put it behind his back he became a student of knowledge of rasulullah to the point where after and it is over there where he attained bow to them look how much he gained because he understood what it means to be a follower of rasulullah
Channel: The Daily Reminder
Views: 596,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BILAL IBN RABAH, Prophet, Mohammed, Sheikh, TDR, Quran, prophet, Muhammad, Islam, Muslim, ALLAH, quran, tafsir, nasheed, arabic, mufti menk, omar suleiman, muslim, omar, seerah, ramadan, the daily reminder, dua, ismail menk, mufti, Jibreel, jibreel, allah, muhammad, suleiman, ramadhan, abu bakr, muft menk, menk, mosque, umar, ahmad, children, yaqeen institute, night, imam omar, dr omar suleiman, yasir qadhi, muslims, sahaabi, ibn, al, khattab, islam, abu, ali hammuda, day, emotional, story, freemason, dajjal, Abu Bakr Zoud
Id: 6o3wgvOjmGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 26 2022
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