He’s Taking Over!

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wow good that one did hurt yeah I'm just kidding oh Miss Kitty was taking a nap Matt and I woke her up yeah okay I woke her up she needed to go do stuff yeah hi there buddy welcome Grandpa Adler Farms Matt Adler Farms yes this is straight up Matt at The Farms guess what today is first day of the final countdown you know Matt's been prepping to fill in while grandma and I take a many many vacation like a two-day deal here well about three weeks oh yeah the same day trip yeah we're gonna feed the animals in the morning be gone Matt's going to watch the animals while we're gone then we're going to come back that afternoon and feed him one I'm just gonna come over and watch the house make sure the AC is running the fridge is good to go perfect TV's working satellite you know the important stuff so today I told him I said hey let's just do a final countdown video today he said sure he says I'll just go out there and I'll I'll just do whatever I would do if you weren't here Dad and you can film and I said that's perfect how's that sound no guarantees so I got a great idea hang on a second I got I got it okay I got it just just back up here's the plan I'll be here wait that's Grandma's chair I'll be here there's your apron take the camera I'm feeding the dogs and Batman all the other animals will have to be animals themselves and just feed themselves and you're filming the chickens can eat their own eggs they're fine here where are you going you got your judges you forgot your camera it's a bad idea I can't solo wormy dance this is all your fault y'all gonna have fun okay one of each animal will survive all right I'll see you later there's my dog she's going crazy oh your dog I'll be back I'll be here okay all right I'm gonna go play cards with Magneto uh you couldn't help it you know better ah just kidding just kidding that's a good thing no we're gonna work together man I'll never do that to you well I won't do it to you till we're gone I know then then you're on your own we're gonna do this entire thing yeah we'll do it what do you got going on there this is where it goes well if I were doing it alone this is where it would be you don't want to bend over to get the eggs I was going to wear these are your access it's a shorter reach I was gonna wear the apron you didn't have to do it okay listen hey just give us a minute it's okay I know we got oh Uncle Matt is here let's see oh brother Matt's here I know it's okay we're coming in you'll get your turn just relax stay in the shade look at him oh please now please right now don't feed them silly chickens now grandpa we'll be there in a minute all right all right let's uh let's get this party started are we scratching uh you know what no scratch son okay no scratch well they're looking for something yeah I want you to notice something say yeah this is something I I tend to take it for granted but but who do you see out here that you recognize any of these birds I mean not necessarily by name the Magneto's sister and then his angels somewhere in there is Gilligan's Island that's Sassy's his girlfriend and then one of them he murders their neck I don't know what we call that one these are all the older Birds the younger ones are they I call them oh by the way Colin Shannon are using the term goatlets okay these are our new birds are Chiclets okay it works now we really don't need any food in here we really really don't son okay um so I think we're okay just to go in we're gonna be disappointed but we're gonna get well we're gonna they had scratched this morning okay uh just kind of you know so we'll do the wormies any dust baths going down water they use this one they haven't used these two at all okay I can tell you know I drug them down so that they'd be in the shade early and they really haven't done anything with them but one thing that you can tell I put a lot more sand in look at there now look at that just it just kicks up so easily so now no matter what it's going to be nice I got no excuse no excuse at all except they just don't want to install some jets in there get some jacuzzi jacket jacuzzi Jets there you go they would love that oh love it uh-oh we're in the sun yeah it's hot I know it's all right we're good we'll survive it's all right we will survive we'll get into shade here in a minute all the birds like to hang out hey what about the mouse he's waiting on you he's still alive there's two of them there's two mice under that board and there's a mouse under that over their feeder right there the feeder is showing there's three mice in there unless they're the same ones going back and forth that's how they cool their bodies their feet through their feet you know yeah hey dude you loved it the other day I can't remember it was one that it was either shh Ginger Marianne or Ellie May and one of them had the poopy bottom they got way out of control yeah I wouldn't got me a water dish put her rear in there and washed her rear end so if we're gone and she has an issue I wouldn't admit that you know I had a video I didn't put it on video man yeah I had to do it you know she was uncomfortable what about the other chickens you can do it all for all of them I'd do it for any of them that needed it I'm gonna get him some dude wipes dude yeah some wet wipes dude dude watch wouldn't have done it I had to get a blue shop rag uh no by the way you don't if you notice the hotter it's gotten there's really no bugs in here man floating around they're smarter than the mice look now there's your chicklets see them to the right or see the Chiclets after two roosters they will come around eventually but there's none here right now they there is a true pecking order of chickens a hierarchy and there's a lead hen and a blah blah blah oh it's quite amazing so where's the one Magneto it's a little cross with the biggest one but really you know he actually doesn't have to worry about it too he doesn't really do all the some of the hens are the ones that do the picking terrible Magneto actually just walks through and he's not bad you didn't even announce it today it's a surprise dance are they getting extra worms today uh extra dance well go ahead and pop the top throw them out here too uh one of the commenters said that I got a stank eye from one of them for not hand feeding really you know the best you can do is what you're doing hold your hand out of things make me look good all right she hadn't been eating out of my hand recently come on now don't worry about it come on now you gotta you gotta no this one here now there's the there's the there's the chicken there we go magnita no that's this well Magneta right Magneto my bad oh good one yeah see that that rooster right behind you yeah uh-oh two that's it oh there you go but this one's got a little poopy she's not bad so far am I gonna wipe it not today it's not horrible but does it reminds you when we were babies man it's worse we used to clean arms when you were babies a lot worse chicks are a lot cleaner than you guys ever all right hang on chicken and besides that when I was changing her diaper they never peed on me oh I did that on purpose that one did hurt seriously what how did she get your finger really I'm also a wuss so if you hold the two together what did you do it must have been your fault well no more hand feeding Magneto oh my goodness oh my goodness all right we got like workers comp on here well I might did she draw blood from the hospital yes what's what's up honey why'd you do that here let's see you're a little evil away from here's what I do son because the little the Make It Rain the Chiclets don't come out okay they hang right here yeah there's like one two they're all right here and so I throw some back here you wouldn't have known that but uh I do now yeah I'll put some in here we got to give some we'll just some wormies in there and I got to go get some of the sassy okay but you wouldn't have known that it's still just this this it's a pecking order thing man and I don't know when it's going to resolve itself well I I don't want to scare anybody from hand feeding chickens you will survive that didn't actually hurt but it will surprise you if they miss and it shocked you a little bit surprisingly you're not ready for it but it doesn't hurt yeah chickens I don't care they're all hands no there's there's like there's two three four they're not in there I said hey oh you're talking about something I'm sorry I'm sorry uh I ordered actually Chad has some I ordered some new ones of these it's like astro turf and they're green and they're washable throw two of them way up there on each side uh-oh oh you just about just hit one put one right here oops and let's see if Magneto's not out there where's he at if he's not out there they get to eat him if he's there he'll take one all by himself oh save that one okay I do want to pay Magneto the respected yeah she's no no now here look that's a chiclet right there he don't know how special he's got you see he doesn't know what to do yeah because he's notified by eating his own kind kind I've not given a chiclet an egg yeah well this is this is the normal response I would expect well not just oh go eat it these these dudes here are yeah it's it's too far I've got them trained so hard hey you know what if you can get an animal to feed itself you're doing something right well I know I hear you listen we don't is there a magnet right there yeah he's well you know what he's doing no don't give him one all by himself don't why he's keeping those other roosters those other birds at Bay I know what he's doing yeah he's keeping the Chiclets he's back there well he's eating wormies she got through him after he's eating so what about this other egg uh well we got to give one to uh sassy and I've got some out here we got to give one to uh okay Gray and Sassy but there's a chicklet they're getting a little more Brave now see look what is that tell you what you do what's up throw one throw one right there all right there you go there you go let's just do that let's just do this weird now I have a question Yep this morning I raise the board and there's two mice under here I ain't about the mice life man I'm out on that you want to pass on to mice oh you can do it but I'm going to go over there and look at the house folks you think I should raise this for the mice I gotta get rid of these mice have fun man these birds she's ready you guys ready you got it all right here we go now come here Barry Mickey go look sorry there's one right there get it oh it's getting away okay sis got it sis has one Sis got one and they what they do is they there she pounds it on the ground obviously until it's wow all right the other two got away so sis has the mouse she's going to bring it to you you know that right sis man I think it's dead Savage look she's bringing it to you man yeah I'm good yes you got the you got it she got the trophy you did it you did it Let's uh okay you ready you want to get a wormy let's get the worms you can have the worms just to get the get the bugs you get them you get them sis take it back over there go on Matt oh dude we gotta agree with those mice I think it's weird for chickens to eat their own eggs I can't watch it body slam honey we listen buddy I'm sorry we've got to get rid of those mice man well you cannot and they're just doing what they're bred to do but they're bread yeah I mean it's still making sure everybody knows it's got a dead man look at this you know they get rid of all these bugs and the worm you know worms I don't care about but they get rid of all these bugs and uh you know chickens you guys are Savage man oh here you're missing out there's worms right there okay I get it Magneto you got first place today congratulations she is hammering that one I know it's she that's how they get rid of the mice oh my goodness now you know what she's doing now it's gone it's gone you know how they get rid of it right they swallow it whole it's what they do it's what they do and and you know chickens are they they're meat eaters they eat eggs they eat bugs I mean that's what it is yeah and she laid an egg tomorrow I'd eat it every day or come out I'm gonna raise it until those mice are gone he won't be eating mice when you're out of town zero that board no will not move I won't ask you to do that you're good you're good man they can learn how to pick up the board themselves Matt this is something too you probably don't care about but anybody who has a lot of flies right now and everybody seems to have tons of flies I didn't know this I went to Home Depot they have ones you know I've used the ones with the bags I still have I got one hanging up thing with the bags they get full you know when they get full you got to find it you got to put them in a trash bag they get nasty like spill over these are reusable I got these at Home Depot and you can order on Amazon but Home Depot actually has reusable yeah what I'll do is when this is full which is probably full right now I will I know it's gross but you've got to have them I'll dump that out take it in the woods dump it out you buy the extra packets of the powder that attracts them put one in and you don't have to throw away you know a ten dollar bag and all that those are I think those are eight dollars yeah at Home Depot 8.97 gray and the three little ones everybody's doing great those are some serious fly in there going on yeah and then uh Miss Sassy ooh flies baby sassy is a baby in there all right are you guys good can I see you in there yeah there's baby Miss Sassy tell you what all set I'll clean her water out there so I dump it out it's I got plenty of water that's got to dump it out we'll do that here in a little bit hi girlfriend I tell you what that girl she still is in attack mode with me yeah for sure and here's the Chiclets and the Chiclets in here one two that's there and there that's Goldie they still kind of hang back here a little bit nice yeah plenty of water got some food I'll do those later not any let's go in here and hang out with the doggies yeah they're pretty jealous all right let's go kids come on let's go down here and take care of some Piggies okay I'll put this hay in here come on goats let them be munching on this before we go feed the piggies all right there you go kids no Batman oh bat he's running the camera again always trying to steal the show he's running the camera while you're my favorite he is I'll tell you what what is it did you get rid of his earring what oh did it fall out it's gone it's gone son you're right you know what is that possible is he a rip and it's healing up no no there's no blood no blood his earring is gone ladies and gentlemen wow good catch well I mean you know I wonder how long it's been gone and I didn't notice I always noticed my favorite changed he doesn't have his earring Batman what happened you know what the hole is closing look that is that is wonderful bro you no longer look like you were you know delivered well the thing is now is how that works he's tagged right oh you mean but like a auction yeah yeah delivered he was yeah you no longer look at you're a mail-order girl exactly that's what I mean they're just a normal goat now oh look at that wow and look you know what his head doesn't tilt to the left now it's right a quick complain about neck pain he's good man no more yeah you lost his street cred oh yeah wow right yeah now what well some regular reputation yeah everybody knows everybody knows they don't take that metal in your ears covering up his tattoos look at that yeah wow look at that no more earring you know what I might have to look back on some videos and see how long it's been see how long it's been because I Batman congratulations how'd that fall out though it was on his lobe I don't see how that happened his ear is fine I know I don't know I don't know how did that happen I don't know it's weird but I am so glad yeah I'm glad you spotted that too yeah I mean it was always bothering me that he had it because it's a piece of metal in his ear but golly I know at the same time and I was hoping that it would yeah you know fall out get torn out or I don't know whatever it should be out but the dogs are big dude they're getting they're they're they're it's hard it's probably hard for you and Mom to tell yeah they are huge I'm gonna hang this camera if you just boogies out your eyes let me hang this camera oh my goodness what's up bullfrogs that's what they are you make all these angry noises while you wag your piggy tail let's go piggy stay away puppy stay away all right make sure babe when you uh go out that door I know you're thinking I'm coming out right behind but I gotta I forget Batman's the one you got to worry about what sing to me sing beautiful they'll sing to you ready no stinker we're ready man you might get a little mud on you your leg careful good job I'll get Lola here a little later on there you go oh sweet watch out over there don't eat me oh Lola honey here oh I said Lola oh she'll take hers it's all right leave it over here whenever Lola goes over technically this one got a little extra uh that's all right because they got a bite of Lola's it's okay Lola probably needs to faster than anybody but you can see when Lola moves to a bowl yeah it's over yeah now we'll go ahead and get our goat stuff here good job I'm gonna get the dogs I'll get them in a little bit okay they'll stay over there and then I'll get them all right come on goats you know it's extra when Uncle Matt's here you get a little extra look at how happy Batman is come here bud dude don't hit me well be careful they will uh they don't know it they will and they I tell you what they they could take you out at the knees son that's what I I last couple times I've been in here they they can actually you know yeah and they'll uh well they just take out the knees yeah she's getting their minerals you know some people have suggested and I've got two of them you know a trough feeder I've got a five foot trough feeder I guarantee if I put food in a trough yeah they would you talk about slamming each other now and being competitive yeah you know could you imagine having just one big line of food under there no and then all now see stop it you don't need to do that young man I mean out of all of them no Batman's not doing a thing to him and he thinks you know he's got a Batman this is why you're my favorite I know he's he's the biggest but he doesn't mild-mannered he's nice hey guys everybody switches I bet he won't do it to Fox Batman ends up with a lot more food because he's a faster eater he finished all of them we need to get Batman a mirror so he knows how big he is yeah you don't have to take that Batman yeah everybody's going to see bigger than Bruce Chad's Bruce is a little shorter but Bruce is like a little bull Bruce workout p-dub you go for Fox don't hit Batman don't you do it don't you do it yeah Batman come here you're cool are we cool Batman oh am I missing one oh come on I gotta have another oh dude oh no here I'll have to break one and two I that's all right all right we're good what'd I do I miss goats are mean did I miss a cracker no I guess I didn't well they're it's food son no these are the dog treats there's one for you good girl good boy good girl we're done we're good guys everybody heading all right let's go quiet come on puppies we're gonna let them in now and let them eat a little bit and then I'll let them out again around 6 30ish or seven o'clock you know come on puppies let's go eat Riley's keeping up yeah oh yeah she's got a little run going ribs not in any hurry good job Riley all right good job let's go in here get you a little bit good job Riley want to oh yeah um come on hey Matt yeah could you uh undo this I got a question for you what's up somebody no you know oh was that a wasp it sure is look at that stop ah I get him no scared him off I scared him off somebody asked if uh I got it soon because you know we're trying to teach them not to chew and bite and all that you know I'm saying he goes hey do they have any chew toys can you answer that question one two three four five six seven eight so there's nine oh here right behind you oh 10. I'm standing on one ten ten eleven twelve twelve might have to retire this one so do they have any chew toys Matt yes okay so we got YouTube we got to cover it they just use each other no matter what that's exactly right there's only so much you can do you know if they wind up chewing each other they're going to chewing each other and then you didn't know about that that one's like you're holding too small it's the same size as those two I'm telling you I had to take those from Libby because she got to the point where she could really come down here all right let's toss those out then let's toss those just toss them out I mean it may not be for them to yet well no well it's all right well it's okay toss them out and then we'll uh yeah Uncle Matt needs to bring him some I think those toss those in my good grass I'm growing grass can't you see why do I get to ride your tractor oh I know I I never even got it anybody anybody want to see Matt ride the tractor raise your hand oh I see those hands hey next video yeah you're on the tractor okay or this one well we're not done now let's do next video okay that'd be excellent I'd love to do that I never drove your old one oh man well you look you wisely wouldn't let me well if I ask you everybody you have to yeah you don't even have to ask I know you actually would be better because now that you wouldn't be used to the little one now you jump right on that bigger one and it's it's a big it feels bigger too yeah and puppies are eating good there you go all right that'll be fun uh big night tonight fireworks down and so we've had to do this I'm not sure where this video Falls after the Fourth of July is going to come out but you know we're putting them in here we're going to fence we're going to put them in our pen tonight we actually thought last night we'd have to do it but we didn't but our neighbors are gathering like I showed you and they do a big big professional deal and it's going to be loud so we're going to put them in here hopefully the goats will come down here and that way they won't freak out and run you know we're afraid they'll run off somewhere try to get out who knows what hurt themselves so they're going to be spending the night in here tonight yep won't hurt them a bit they can stay at Uncle Matt's but yeah oh Libby would have loved on that right all right so cute oh both of them will offer you their paws Cedar Paul coming up so cute yeah see why my hat I don't know dude what'd you get on me oh there's mulberries and dope mulberries and goat poop goat poop brother Matt you puppies all right wear yourselves out take a nap all right let's go uh we're good here everybody's good get all that off of you yeah they're brushed so they look good you know they get in that water and I'll I'll change out their water tonight I don't sure do it every morning and every night all right puppies we'll be back after a while we'll be back man you did great thanks doing that all by yourself all me I know you could I knew you could do it but I'll train you one day I'll show you how it's done you just asked me if I'm a bit concerned about how it's going to go before I leave not at all but I know there's a plan there's one thing I know for sure all the animals will be food food and watered I'm not opposed to calling in food and watered and I'm not worried about it because uh doesn't need nothing like I said there has to be in any certain order I'm going to call Kyle and Shannon and beg resort to begging well I'm going to have a long night tonight Matt with the firecrackers going on yeah animals are gonna freak out so I probably won't get to bed until I don't know when but the dogs will be up I do have the cameras I can check the cameras the goats they've been this is their third year they should be they're not used to it but they they'll get in the Porta Hut they'll go in their place down there and hold up the chickens you know what they don't care for some reason and they'll be in their Coop so I think we're golden yeah well by the way when we did our last uh rock and roll and we did this yeah I read the comments that's I love you in ASL American Sign Language yeah you know what I like that better yeah so and I didn't I think it's an aim it this way aim it this way okay aim it that way all right so that's uh I love you in sign language the sign of love all right let's do that okay are we still rock and roll or rock and love are we rocking love I don't know about that one I should probably think about all the difference yeah anyhow thanks you got thank you I tell you what if you do something there's enough people that that generally know you know somebody's going to tell you hey look you know because I didn't know so good anyhow well Matt we did our third video and we told her first third video yeah you're right it's our first third video yes on Monday yes and it was a great success yes of course we are so excited everybody was excited about it very encouraging and you know we just appreciate it so much you know it's it's going to allow us to show more and do more doesn't want more of Grandpa and Grandma at other Farms all right good question I think that's an excellent question are you sync rocking I've messed up and got out sink Rock just let me know when wait a minute new title sink Rock sync Rock sync like rock rock and sink sink like rocks maybe not um just brainstorming somebody suggesting one somebody give us a rock and something yeah not rock and roll we're not really rock and rollers I'm a 70s you know I I did I like rock and roll only in the 70s rock and Ralph uh Rock Around the Clock Rocking Around the Clock all night long Robin it's just we can't talk who sings it Happy Days somebody around Elvis this time I know the words I never know who sings it don't care I'm singing it right at that time all right dude good video man okay good job good work good job you're gonna do fine we I ain't worried about it you should be worried a lot I'm not worried about it let's see when I come back we'll have more my dogs more mice we only have two dogs the goats will be over there in the woods on the east side yeah you know Batman will be inside Batman will be in the house be an inside goat mask I thought I said you get rid of the earring you can move inside that's all you had to do I said get get rid of your ring get your hair cut those are my rules right I'm at least going to shave his saddle bags oh good luck with that yeah good luck with that you can shame but they're still gonna be there I got names for you so yeah that'll be exciting we get back yeah you know the chickens where will they be out in the front yard I mean it's free range we'll pull up we'll pull up after the it'll be the freest raging chickens we'll pull up after the weekends over every animal will be in the front yard you'll see Magneto poking his head up out there in that field help Grandpa help oh then Magneto will be over there you know what all I gotta do then is just throw a fence around the front yard and walk out every day and there they all are you know what I mean oh my word all your Gilligan's chickens will be alive they know how to survive the catastrophe they've been survived a sinking boat exactly deserted island oh that's gonna be too funny man thank you again though we do appreciate it and and you know that that's going to be you know Matt that's going to be Matt's thing right there right now folks I'll tell you something right now this guy he is an I.T all three boys are and Matt has been in this profession and actually you know working well you've been five years now yeah at the one place yeah yeah strong you know he's just he's just got it going on if there was ever a a channel that you might do or something like that it's probably going to be I.T along those lines that's my guess I've had the most depressing Animal Farm ever well but listen we're you know I just don't want there's no pressure here whatsoever you know you just fill in every now and then me and Grandma can sneak away we're we're good with that there you go that's all we uh I mean technically I mean you know you know I'm on a channel I'm on your channel you are in a channel this is a channel I know and you always will be every you know listen if you don't you know how many views I get if you didn't show up I know yeah I'd have to just shut her down I might as well just you know I think I'm tanking your ratings but you keep bringing them back no no no man no no no no no they like to see the city boy get all squeamish over mice we're two we're both City Boys yeah no you got it you you definitely get a lot more well it was a learned thing though man it didn't come natural so well apparently I can't even learn it it's it's the love of animals that comes natural I love animals just then you just learn the different animals and they're what they like what they don't like and you know like everything else uh most of the animals especially the goats wouldn't come near me pigs you name it and then after a while you know just be patient talk to them feed them and bet on them and man they just like you they've all warmed up to me minus a few they are minus a few chickens they won't even miss me those chickens listen the chickens they will miss you chickens chickens are chickens man you know they they're they they build tough so I'm not gonna be able to replace you know how awesome you do well I'm just gonna make sure that they're alive bad buddy and I'll pet Batman and the dogs nailed it might slap a pig on the butt a little like just Lola yeah hey everybody right on the bacon that's why we love you man I love you too I hope you all had a few laughs today I did I did I think I shed a tear there or something you know it was awesome so thanks buddy yeah I love you son love you too all right love you guys love you guys God bless you love that rock and roll I can roll uh rock and roll love Yeah help us out on that yeah again yeah on until next time everybody try that again until next time everybody goodbye you're welcome awesome you don't have to put it in there this time because that was spot-on excellent all right [Music] foreign
Channel: Grandpa Doss Farms
Views: 27,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grandpa adler farms, grandpa adler farms youtube, adler farm, farm life, farm 1.0, farm life vlog, small farm, farm vlog, ozark mountains, adler farms missouri, adler farm youtube, small farm tour, ayam cemani, livestock guardian dog, tarter usa, small hobby farm tour, hoss tools, adler farms Misouri, adler farms on youtube, ozark mountains animals, farm life for kids, adler family farm, adler farms location, farm animals, kune kune, kune kune pigs, chicken coop, goats
Id: iXcsl-oGDvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 6sec (2046 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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