[HD] Scenes From A Hat - Whose Line Is It Anyway? (Season 5 & 6)

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[Applause] but welcome back so Whose Line Is It Anyway show where everything's made up and the points don't matter I'm Drew Carey you say tomato I say Bourbon and Coke now let's play a game called scenes from a hat yeah you know before every show we asked uh every audience right down suggestions for scenes they like to see our performers act out from the hat and let's see how many they can do starting with things you can say about your business but not your girlfriend it's open 24 hours [Applause] I just leased out some space to a buddy of mine on back [Applause] parking in rear [Applause] all right shows on which you'd never expect Barney the dinosaur to make a cameo yes that's my final answer I didn't do anything okay bad boy bad boy what you doing I'm the father Rachel [Applause] I'm voting Michael off the iron [Applause] hillbilly proverbs [Applause] a wife ain't nothing but just a sister that you hug [Applause] when the going gets tough squeal like a pig [Applause] all right oh man I will what Drew Whispers In His date's ear [Applause] s bad times for that laxative to kick in now if you turn to page four to seven in your hymnals [Applause] laughs [Applause] [Applause] unusual things for a neighbor to ask to borrow foreign I need to borrow your husband hi I need some monkey testicles and a cola hey I was just wondering if you could keep your blinds open like an hour later all right uh if you you oh boy if you used stripper moves to perform mundane tasks nurse scalpel [Applause] where is my contact all right world's worst thing to say the first time you see someone naked oh that reminds me my tire needs new treads no seriously hahaha who's Jake and Phil and Gary empowered and Jim and Steve and Drew and Tara strange television shows for Mr Rogers to make a guest appearance on Apollo give it up for Mr Roger well yes I'd have to say that is my final answer I'm Britney Spears from Las Vegas and I'm going to do my Curtain Call with my good friend Mr Roger Roger well I'm gonna have to vote Out Billy [Applause] uh disturbing times to make animal noises sweetheart realize how fast you're going thank you what life would have been like if you're what life would have been like if your parents were insult comics eating your pants [Applause] what's on TV in hell click upns Thursday lineup [Applause] tonight an old special naked Golden Girls [Music] butt cracks of the Rich and Famous [Applause] [Applause] things found written in hillbilly fortune cookies [Applause] hell I can't read you just ate what could have been your lover [Applause] hope you enjoyed the chops howdy ready hit number oh boy hit numbers from a musical about breasts I got a dime for two nipples and [Applause] memories [Applause] I'd like to stick my head [Applause] oh damn [Applause] come in Tokyo coming [Applause] the newest number in stump You Make Me Feel So Young laughs [Applause] strike up the old victrola I'm showing my areola [Applause] unlikely subjects to be the basis for musical what's the matter with roadkill what's the matter with Rodeo [Applause] how does food become poo help you [Applause] [Music] why do dogs lick themselves how does food become food things you shouldn't do last minute things you shouldn't do at the last minute and have a good first day at school Daddy's gay thank you that was an interesting one unlikely first lines of medical ads ever wonder how food becomes poo [Applause] been decapitated recently all right what's really going through George W Bush's mind during cabinet meetings [Applause] what does the w stand for whatever there isn't even a cabinet in here [Applause] that's where poo comes from uh if lessons in love and sex were taught in the style of Sesame Street [Applause] [Applause] foreign to look at Big Bird one of these things doesn't belong [Applause] the letter H [Applause] ahaha all right yeah Jeopardy questions where the Whose Line cast members are the answers I'll take people who sit behind a desk and do nothing for 500 people [Applause] uh I'll take reasons why the letter H will keep me up for years to come for 400. foreign I'll take people whose head is a solar plate for a sex machine [Applause] bad things to say is you're about to kiss her [Applause] I was once part of the letter H uh fast boys EQ plus since our Halloween episode I asked the producers for Halloween candy to pass out so they gave me a bowl of jelly beans which is maybe not Halloween candy in England but in here it's uh it's Easter candy so have some Easter candy jelly beans jelly beans on the floor this is the best holiday ever yeah I thought it was gonna look like those orange peanuts and all that kind of crap but jelly beans one of my favorite game scenes from a hat things you don't want to hear in the dark trust me the points don't matter [Applause] hey baby move over [Applause] [Laughter] all right uh what slasher movie villains are really thinking while they're waiting to pop out [Music] I wonder if I can deduct the gasoline [Music] [Applause] I'm stopping you're about to die oh you are going to die you are going to die [Applause] I can't believe they came back in the house all right where are they geez hope nothing's happened to them [Music] this is my family I'm doing this family you've killed a family in this neighborhood before give us about new guys a chance [Applause] disturbing people to get a lap dance from all right [Applause] I am not an animal [Applause] all right unfortunate times to sneeze if you please hand me the Moyle [Music] [Applause] thank you jobs where you shouldn't kid around would you please hand me them oil [Applause] you owe fifty thousand dollars in back taxes um the munchkins what are they doing now [Applause] they're frozen I'm a sort order cook [Applause] it looks like you need a new muffler in this in this corner the mayor of the Lollipop Guild in this corner Gary Coleman fights you forgot to give points Mr Kerry ending a long-term relationship in songs baby baby you gots to go you gots to go why why because you use a whole bye-bye thank you oh I'm one lucky little mister I don't need you I'm dating your sister you are dead to me nothing but scum when I look in your eyes I get inflammation of the bomb you make me feel putrid I hate things you've always wanted to say to the audience at home all wearing toupees when a kiss is completely out of line you may now kiss the bride sorry good morning Mr President good morning well shall I give you your briefing hey your kids been beating up my kid laughs all righty can we get women on the show unusual ways for your optometrist to test your vision yeah okay [Applause] if Tarzan had appeared in other TV shows yes that final answer [Applause] me want the boy go the Survivor thing [Applause] same I want to live forever hey that great album we borrow it for a weekend no sorry brother you gotta get your own [Applause] [Laughter] all right unusual phrases to be teaching in an English as a second language class [Applause] repeat after me go beaver go [Applause] everyone repeat would you like to supersize that [Applause] use your blinker [Applause] uh strange comments for your doctor to make after turn your head and cough would you like to go out to dinner sometime do you smell bacon all right now bend over and sneeze now here's how you throw a curve [Applause] maybe I should turn up the heat in here [Applause] uh besides an athletic event and a criminal getaway times when people run as fast as they can Maria before I die give me a big wet kiss oh [Applause] I've got tickets to Pauly Shore's one-man show [Applause] hoedown all right bad Segways following tragic news stories and everyone died speaking of dying I've been dying to see the new Bruce Willis flick it's coming up it was a big big loss speaking of big right after this The Drew Carey Show but you are all gonna pay phrases that just don't sound right when a Cheesy announcer says them please accept my condolences [Applause] that's right I'll respect you in the morning all right things you shouldn't do while standing in a police lineup give me all your money foreign [Applause] [Applause] disturbing things to hear someone yell out during sex I've got blood in my stool all right number 47 your name I can't remember your name all right odd things to say using a sexy voice foreign do you want any fries with that dearly beloved we're gathered here today you have a booger hanging out again I think we should litigate but if we have to go to trial we will I get hot so I'll go into something all right bad moments for a woman's water to break don't be nervous it's okay I'm a virgin [Applause] foreign kiss is completely out of line when a passionate kiss is completely out of line oh all right Officer yeah we're taking in okay [Applause] not so bad is he all right team what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna demolish the Wolverines defense you with me are you with me things you wish you hadn't said to that Hell's Angel [Applause] Mayu have full lips [Applause] your old lady has the prettiest boobs the bigger the bike the smaller the oh [Applause] did you sign my Village People album [Applause] what really frightened Miss Muffet away zip all right Dr Seuss inspired pickup lines [Applause] hello my dear you are First Rate how about we go on the date oh you're so good looking bubbly boo come back to my place for some bambity boo come home with me I'm not scary I'm really rich I'm do Carey [Applause] you're the kind of girl that I'd like to know my name is Horton and I see a hoe thank you could you do it with a friend could you do it end to end would you do it on a goat would you do it with my coat would you do it in a tree would you do it while I see hehehe my mommy [Applause] come sleep with me sleep with me twice I think that would be really nice looky looky at the size of my shoe you know what they say yes it is true [Applause] the world's worst news anchor there was a bombing today [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Applause] this just in Wayne's got a big old foot [Applause] what are you kidding me for nothing I'm looking at Can't Take My Eyes Off Your fickled foot what our cameramen are thinking right now he really does have a big butt [Applause] baby Drew's first words [Applause] Colin's bald [Music] hey nurse come on [Applause] Pizza [Applause] show me them boobs come on things you might say about your computer but not your girlfriend it's gone down again wow it's got a lot of RAM [Applause] was easier to get into than I thought [Music] next year I'm getting rid of it and getting the new model [Applause] come on let go of my floppy like Oklahoma musicals about different U.S states Alaska where it stays light all of the year [Music] well you never find me in Alabama no no no no no no no because being there it's no fun I get a workout cause all I do is run in Alabama in Alabama you you talk where I live with my 28 Watts going back to Mississippi where my cousin is my dad [Music] [Applause] Hawaii it's tough to drive there from here [Applause] all right sumo wrestlers in other professions sumo wrestlers in other professions foreign [Music] [Applause] dogs would tell if they appeared on talk shows we can't come up with a hose and we're going round and round and round I mean they had to call the fire department you know what I'm saying oh this [ __ ] was in heat let me tell you something so I'm chasing what I think is another dog's tail [Applause] [Music] Jerry I'm here to tell my husband I'm in love with a cat meow [Applause] so as I'm licking I Hiccup and my testicles become lodged in my throat well I couldn't breathe [Applause] man wow I still have a bit Lodge there right now yeah I'm Drew Carey's dog and uh you know right around 11 o'clock he breaks out the peanut butter and I know what's coming the first verbal exchange between Adam and Eve damn [Applause] not tonight [Laughter] where do you want to go for dinner I don't know where do you want to go all right moments when cheerleading is inappropriate Grandpa's dead give me a d e come on where's your enthusiasm [Applause] the second event clip clip clip okay somebody's going to the electric chair gotta fry gotta fry somebody's going to the electric chair all right uh strange welcome greetings on signs as you enter into different U.S states thank you come and hang out in Alabama [Applause] [Applause] welcome to Montana there's nobody here [Music] [Applause] in Ohio watch out for Drupal so [Music] welcome to Hawaii how did you get here in a car welcome to Rhode Island thanks for visiting Rhode Island Utah welcomes you and your wives Whose Line Is It Anyway shower cam hey you're late [Music] times when you don't want a spotlight on you bikinis in here I guess I'll just try on these bikinis in here [Applause] gotta pass this Stone gotta passes [Applause] that was one bad burrito [Applause] unlikely famous movie scenes to be done nude the hills are alive [Applause] you're looking at me [Applause] I'm the king of the world [Applause] look I'm your father [Applause] all right the wrong thing to say when your girlfriend is trying on clothes [Music] [Music] you are so gorgeous yeah it looks good [Applause] well there's attention awning place down the street [Applause] it would look better on Colin inappropriate Elementary School field trips hey kids gather around it's 20 for a lap dance 30 fully new try weird places weird places to find advertising oh [Applause] sorry [Music] must have been a short head [Applause] uh I wish I hadn't said that I apologize because the next paper says little known but amazing facts about Drew Carey [Applause] [Laughter] I have no sense of length when I'm with a woman I go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] did you know at first Drew Carey turned down the role of Geppetto [Applause] thank you I had the power to hire and Fire inappropriate emergency calls to make to 9-1-1 inappropriate emergency calls to make the 911 . honey [Applause] yes you can help me do brown shoes go with blue slacks [Applause] emergency operator hi what are you wearing bad things to say after making love just like a Teletubby and I wasn't even into it [Applause] is that your final climax [Applause] thank you very much [Applause] fast food orders that sound sexy but aren't uh yeah like the foot long [Applause] can you supersize that [Applause] uh check it out uh I'd like a two piece [Music] [Applause] set it up yeah can you slip me a Whopper all right inappropriate times to show off your stomach muscles [Music] Mr Johnson hey look look at your little one and look at these huh do you like that babies okay that's a thousand points for Colin foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] things things you don't want to hear as you finish your last bite of dinner scruffy [Applause] thank you it's things you don't want to hear [Music] Mr Lecter would like to know if you enjoyed your dinner all right okay moving on giving your dates parents too much information don't worry Mr and Mrs Johnson I'll have her back by 10. I'll be finished by then [Applause] don't worry Mrs Johnson I'll have her back by 10. it's when the wife gets home don't worry Mr Mrs Johnson we'll have her back by 10. [Applause] don't worry Mrs Johnson I'll have Mr Johnson home by 10. [Applause] [Laughter] things that would make you suspect your doctor did not graduate from medical school [Applause] cough [Applause] bad topics to open a conversation with what color is your poo first thing in the morning [Applause] okay uh professions where breaking into song is discouraged we're gonna fry you this morning [Music] [Applause] well your husband uh isn't going to make it isn't going to make it no we're going to make it angle gonna make it oh [Applause] thank you I'm a mime things that make the audience boo yeah color's your poo in the morning [Music] okay so we have our potatoes simmering now after we fillet the baby seal [Music] do you simply wait for traffic then you push the old lady push the oven looking for Applause in that one I was looking for and the Oscar for best actor goes to Keanu Reeves [Music] [Applause] mundane activities that might be improved with nudity well welcome to the car wash sir [Applause] scalpel everybody [Applause] famous film roles as played by Scooby-Doo roster Aristotle but rat where will I go what will I do right [Applause] thank you Scooby's not one of mine [Music] right over there about running already [Applause] [Applause] if welcome signs in European countries were truthful entering France roll up Windows [Music] [Applause] welcome to England next dentist four countries over [Applause] things you don't want to hear your grandmother singing about grandma likes to get freaking come on money [Applause] grandpa doesn't touch me anymore [Music] I put rat poison in the Christmas dinner [Applause] I like to be on top right what the first fight between a man and a woman was about how [Music] [Applause] unusual things to be coin operated I really have to pee do you have a quarter [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] all right Talent segments we'll never see in the Miss America pageant [Applause] good point I miss Wisconsin this is a Schlitz [Applause] [Applause] all right if department store mannequins could talk could you pull this thing out of my butt [Applause] would it kill to add a little genitalia [Applause] [Music] what the hell are we pointing at [Applause] uh scenes from famous Hollywood movies as written by Dr Seuss [Laughter] [Applause] Jack please don't leave me don't leave me I beg I will not leave you Rose I've frozen my leg you're Frozen your leg I froze in my leg well please do not leave me it won't leave you I beg all right if boxing Corner men helped us get through our daily routines you gotta stay low you keep doing the scenes he'll keep throwing hundreds at you you got me all right U.S cities that will never have a song written about them we love you Walla Walla Washington we love you Walla Walla Washington laughs proud citizens of dog lick [Music] our arms are wide open at muscular hoochie hella Alabama [Music] [Applause] we call it Butte not but Montana who wants an Oxnard I do I do [Applause] what's the matter with weed [Applause] oh man ah odd things to hear from the voices in your head and brake line and you could be sitting behind that desk [Applause] I'm the little voice in your head and a little voice in your head no I'm the little voice in the head with a real little voice in your head please stand up no it's me I'm the little voice in your head and the little voice in your head I'm the little boy in your head all right uh bad times to smoke a cigarette fire [Applause] all right push Mrs Johnson [Applause] I can't believe I broke my old record of six burritos foreign if your thoughts were Amplified on loudspeakers sting I hope they didn't smell that [Applause] it appears to be working no one knows I'm white I could do that all you got to do is read suggestions out of a hat [Applause] things you can say about your boat but not your girlfriend she's riding kind of low yeah you can put a dozen guys down below foreign [Applause] nice trim [Applause] because it was the sale and right sailing I feel so bad nice aft she's going down uh bad times to use the athletic butt slap your majesty [Applause] I'm sorry I don't think your wife's gonna make it [Applause] on behalf of the entire fourth grade class we'd like to present you with the best teacher award foreign [Applause] topics of discussion that always ruin a dinner party hello [Applause] yes would you like [Applause] [Music] so then my colon is Right lying right on my chest I wake up in the middle of the surgery I accidentally swallow half of it how did that happen I'm wondering well then all of a sudden that's when the laxative hits so I'm lying there wondering how the heck am I going to get out of this [Applause] thank you I want you but the Whose Line cast will ask Santa for this Christmas just a pair of brown shoes [Applause] please enter just a pair of sunglasses [Applause] I can't believe I'm missing bald jokes [Applause] hey you asked for it buddy things that your waitress says to you that can be misconstrued as sexual so who's got the big meat [Applause] the breasts are on special foreign [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Dyloneth
Views: 183,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whose line is it anyway, whose line, drew carey, ryan stiles, colin mochrie, brad sherwood, greg proops, karen maryuama, denny siegel, scenes from a hat, funny, improv, comedy, joke, kathy greenwood, chip esten, kathy griffin, jeff davis
Id: lpIEyxi1EEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 26sec (4046 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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