COD Modern Warfare II's Campaign is Beyond Horrible

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if you haven't tuned into my last couple streams you might not know that Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2's campaign is horrible actually Beyond horrible it's shockingly boring for a Call of Duty campaign and the story is just complete nonsense I imagine the question on everyone's mind right now is why did I of all people buy Call of Duty again especially after last year's disaster which I gave worst game of 2021. I wish I had an answer for you other than I like to torture myself and believe it or not I do enjoy Call of Duty's multiplayer to a point and it's been so long since I've played a competitive multiplayer game at least for any significant amount of time that I was willing to give this one a chance as I did enjoy Modern Warfare 2019's multiplayer quite a bit in the campaign released a week early so I just said [ __ ] it I'll play it how bad could it possibly be well the answer is pretty [ __ ] bad so instead of making taking a proper video critiquing every little detail and just expressing my rage in the longest form possible I decided that would be a complete waste of time because the vast majority of cod fans buy these games just for the multiplayer as that's where pretty much all of the replayability comes from and so I'm going to do something a little bit differently this time consider this a stream highlights video with some post commentary where I deem necessary so without further Ado here's the Modern Warfare 2 2022 campaign oh my God I'm a sellout guys I'm a [ __ ] seller a sellout synthetic sellout who plays shitty modern games he doesn't like hardened I played hardened before it was kind of horrific I'm gonna be honest so hopefully it's not as annoying if they bring back pharah I'm gonna lose my [ __ ] dude it's ghost remember him he's he's my fable character armor and Hardware all Russian oh my God the Russian's the bad guy again whoa dude I didn't I didn't see that coming God why is it the Battlefield 4 is like the only game that the balls to make the Chinese the bad guys I guess they just didn't care about Chinese money or something I don't know uh they don't expect me to jump off this dude get your glass in there and find in general I knew that was gonna happen do you do you want to get ready to hear me complain about the lack of player choice whatsoever in in this it's pretty [ __ ] bad [Applause] Jesus Direct Target destroyed actually isn't that a [ __ ] declaration of war might as well General Shepard oh I know that look a weird war oh my God no sir damn right I don't care dude it's so remember so I remember so oh my God I'm I'm going depth I'm going deaf holy [ __ ] hold up there's the world's slowest friend sprinting isn't cinematic you're not still Springer I know I I had free thought guys I had free thought for a second the game's like what the [ __ ] are you doing did I tell you you could Sprint here now how fast yeah right take off night vision it does make sense uh uh okay did I go down here [Music] I at this point I really would welcome them just giving me an exact marker oh I'm blind that you need to give me a straight line I'm a dumb FPS gamer if I don't have a straight line I don't know what to do at some point it stops being ironic and it's just true stay rebooted the ghost oh I think that was your woman it's time to hear the crash site yeah okay don't stand out in the open got it I understand what Mount is T Mount is T well there you go I just died there's officially too many [ __ ] buttons I'm not hitting t I've said this before my hands are below average look I hold it next to my face all right there you go I've I've exposed myself I'm not hitting T though yep that's me dying in the tutorial Mission I bet you're wondering how I got myself in this situation well as you probably could tell immediately this is supposed to be a mounting tutorial well I completely ignored that not to mention you're supposed to notice these mines here and place them down which I did but I placed them in stupid places where the AI just walked around them and killed me you can consider this the first of many silent or Not So Silent protests against this game's incredibly linear forced lack of player choice level design I wonder if I just can I just cheat can I go way over here and just snipe them am I gonna get punished for this eventually what the [ __ ] oh see left the mission area thanks game it killed me for standing outside the plane I thought for myself guys I'm sorry I I thought for myself like an individual what an idiot I am you know what's my favorite part about sniper segments when the snipers are so dug in that you can't see them despite the fact I can see a laser sniper he's protecting the warehouse let's get there oh wait I can see him oh well what do you know that's an improvement it's an improvement I love how we're killing Hassan [ __ ] in the first mission I think that's that's good I love the locked doors like here's an idea I would be this side actually look there's even a shotgun you want to add realism to your game boom boom let me in no that that would be player choice then when we secured the crash site we're saying we shouldn't have helped choices have consequences wow what a badass line okay oh my God foreign look at that they give you an option to go on the box and you die instantly if you do it oh dude I need cocaine to play this your son has been passing out our ballistic missiles like it's [ __ ] Halloween and we didn't know about well he did say we deserve 9 11. he did say that America deserved 911 dude [ __ ] it I'm saying it I think it's pretty obvious that I didn't pay any amount of attention to this game's story during the streams so I will now attempt to explain it to you the short version is this is still a alternate universe prequel much like modern warfare 2019 as to what the plot of this game is specifically basically this Iranian guy gets blown up in the beginning and the guy serving under him Hassan no relation to the candyman's Future victim has acquired three American missiles and obviously he's gonna do some bad [ __ ] with them so it's up to task force one for one to track him down I also want to point out that Laswell This 50 plus frail malnourished CIA station Chief one to get back into the field which is one of the many sources of cringe and wokeness in this campaign but before I get into that let's get back to the highlights I'll say the outside you clean up the dogs stay quiet stay quiet I already [ __ ] up the stealth it took about 10 seconds to [ __ ] up the stealth it's about it excite enemy down [Music] I've only been spotted about five times in the stealth Mission I think I'm doing pretty good guys he just saw me through a wall he saw me throw a wall you saw that saw me through a wall shitty ass bad game design all right I think I got him I think they're dead well that door was bulletproof get down I didn't even know there were enemies in front of us I just wanted to see if I could kill people can I kill the normal people since I can't kill her we gotta experiment we got to see the depths of the lack of player choice here I must know what the game just [ __ ] crashed game just let me commit to that aside not very realistic oh what the [ __ ] I don't care even though I I blew 2500 as a scooter I have no shame in lowering it to medium settings wow yeah I'll take the one at the bridge put too many up God's down bridge is clear literal Columbine Prodigy at least I got the demographics of Europe right indeed the beautiful beautiful Europeans making fun of the amerimuts look at this European maybe this European very European people I I uh yeah so much better than the amerimauts secure heading your way oh [ __ ] okay this segment right here is the perfect example of why this campaign has horrific level design you're supposed to take cover behind this wall around this little outside seating area for this restaurant but Captain Price is way ahead of you if you didn't know that this combat encounter was about to start there's no reason you would be standing all the way over here and if you're not already behind it when the shooting starts you're [ __ ] dead and now this is where the plot kind of derails and goes to [ __ ] as it tries to be some kind of weird clone of sicario combined with some very dated political commentary on pmcs bordering on propaganda as now we are playing as Mexican Special Forces because as we just found out in Amsterdam one of the major cartels smuggled Hassan over the border and so Laswell has ordered Alejandro who she apparently knows to investigate honestly my biggest problem with the rest of this campaign is that despite the fact this franchise is one giant recruitment ad for the US military you actually don't play as an American at any point in this game in fact the only American character who's out in the field on missions is the [ __ ] Boomer CIA agent Alex the CIA guy from the last game is nowhere to be seen despite the fact that pharah the most cringy character in this reboot series makes a cameo in this one as well so instead of playing as some badass marine or Navy SEAL or Army Ranger it's up to former SAS and Mexican Special Forces to save America I can't tell if this is supposed to be some kind of political commentary or not but I gotta say it [ __ ] sucks do not let Hassan cross the border yes blasted Alejandro angry Joe's long lost brother whoops I just killed that guy oh I actually couldn't kill that guy but he was gonna hit me with a baseball bat what the [ __ ] self-defense Nick Spencer two bucks it's only a Zoomer game if it has genital mutilation my God surely it's dark times for the Zoomers taking hormones chopping their dicks off 20 of them are LGBT it's truly over is at least better than Vanguard yeah I mean vanguards hard to tell you boys apart from Cartel where's your suspect that's racist holy [ __ ] he deserved it he was a racist cop [Music] we got a phone Sam Hyde no let him burn ain't looking too good these days he lost all the hair after his his roid abuse I've never been to Mexico what about everyone's pretending a dude with a skull mask is like a normal thing that we should respect if it's like late 2000's edginess but it's kind of weird now that culture is kind of flipped I mean I like it I like the edginess but just in a realistic setting it's too Goofy where the police has a very serious problem there are a few here to uphold the law and many of those who resist corruption disappear what about the military well because we are well trained soldiers are recruited by the knuckles why not you grew up here Carlos Vaqueros Cowboys will die fighting for it died defending a [ __ ] full of crime sounds about right and it's with this level that the campaign really starts to take a turn for the worse both story-wise and gameplay wise the first major gameplay issue is the inclusion of armored enemies and no not enemies in Juggernaut suits but enemies just wearing armored plates like in war zone now it's no secret that the campaigns for these games basically serve as I guess a tutorial for multiplayer now obviously the AI is far more stupid and simplistic than a human but at least you can familiarize yourself with the mechanics right but these armored enemies are by far the most obnoxious [ __ ] inclusion of this because it commits a major sin with shooter design in that enemies do not react to your shots until the armor is broken and this armor more than triples their health normally it only takes a couple shots to kill an enemy with most guns with this armor it's going to take at least half a magazine unless every bullet hits him in the [ __ ] head and you would think with enemies this tanky they would maybe add only one or two per encounter well for the last few missions they're in every goddamn enemy encounter and there's usually at least three it's so [ __ ] annoying and you'd think to have some kind of semblance of campaign progression that would at least give you a heavy sniper rifle or maybe give you some armor-piercing rounds as I believe that was a thing in the gunsmith right in 2019 maybe I'm misremembering but no most of the time you're still stuck with standard ass assault rifles or SMGs a goddamn grenade to their face only breaks the armor it doesn't kill them it sucks it sucks so [ __ ] bad man and they only add more and more annoying elements from here I like this of the no stock weapons I'm curious to see if they fixed it to make the recoil more stupid because like you know having an assault rifle and no stock just dumb all right let's test it yeah no you could still hold that on target yeah that's stupid [ __ ] Call of Duty [ __ ] guys I went off the linear path I went off the linear path what was I thinking what was I [ __ ] thinking it's a campaign good or is it coach it's oh it's okay it's okay it hasn't gotten bad yet Modern Warfare 2019's got bad about maybe like five missions in or something so it might be the same with this one we'll have to see if they have another strong independent female character who takes up half the [ __ ] plot because that's what they do with pharah in the last one what what the [ __ ] you guys saw that right what was I supposed to do there so play at forever now suddenly I like it suddenly it's a good game because you can play it for foreign there's an invisible wall you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me I hate these [ __ ] games [Music] this doesn't make any sense can we talk about how the scene makes no sense I'm supposed to be using the Rocks as cover but what's stopping them from just standing on the ledge and shooting directly down and killing me this doesn't make any sense oh [ __ ] since I once again was paying absolutely no attention at this part I'll fill you in on the plot here we meet Graves the leader of Shadow company the fill-in for Black Water the infamous PMC that was involved in some major controversies that I'm not even sure I'm allowed to talk about on YouTube but I would advise that you do some of your own research as pretty much every instance of a private military corporation appearing in fiction like Metal Gear Solid 4 or Deus Ex human Revolution or many other modern military games often paints pmcs as cartoonishly evil and incompetent which couldn't be further from the truth does Modern Warfare 2 handle this any differently of course not and so Graves is our obligatory white male villain for the game but they try to distract you from this fact by giving you a level where you take control of the guns on an AC-130 which is pretty awesome for the first five minutes oh I can use 40 millimeter now sweet unfortunately this level is 20 [ __ ] minutes long the game almost doesn't want you to have fun it's weird because like the multiplayer is constant action like it's actually Too Fast Too Much adrenaline and [ __ ] and then the multiple like the single player is slow as [ __ ] like what why is this happening you're the commander of a foreign Terror organization I can say the same to you what's your target true I'm a hostage this is illegal you are a prisoner of war Iran is not a war with Mexico I've broken no laws I want this bastard in permanent custody or looking up at the goddamn grass killing Hassan is an act of War keeping him is illegal right now he is all right so this is when the plot gets completely [ __ ] stupid so we spend all this time trying to capture Hassan and when we finally have him we can't hold on to him because it's illegal he has diplomatic immunity he's a [ __ ] terrorist who smuggled missiles into the United States you really think that the government wouldn't find a way to make him disappear or have an accident and end up in Guantanamo Bay being waterboarded and having his [ __ ] testicles shocked till the end of time are we really expected to believe this this is just straight up [ __ ] propaganda at this point because the US government good and bad guys bad we've never done anything wrong and honestly in this case they would be completely Justified obviously the bad guy does have missiles why wouldn't we be torturing this guy for information I mean really this is so [ __ ] stupid on so many levels God damn dude how did anyone watch this scene and be like yes this makes sense uh please tell me we're not playing his Boomer chick no don't do it what you want to Bravo I'm in position are you [ __ ] kidding me this would never happen ever this is like the most unbelievable [ __ ] they've done yet no look I'm touching grass guys finally I did it now eat the rest that is the next step they never tell you the next step you gotta touch grass and then eat grass then you'll be a true Normie my God why is it so slow I'm about to shoot price up his ass I can't of course I can't why would I be there we go this is like like what do you want man this could be a [ __ ] cut scene there's no reason I need to be playing this sure to anticipated paths if you have to maneuver do it slow and steady no quick movements well if I just get behind him I should be fine right no way that's too close they would notice you I mean look the boots aren't even covered what the [ __ ] I was literally right behind what's Wednesday supposed all right I'm right I'm like sniffing his anus here so I I'm not even gonna look at the screen God damn it it's the [ __ ] last guy this hurts do you know how bad this hurts I want I want to die right now God damn I want to die I'm expecting to believe you can evade that with no cover and concealment give me a break at least smile forever for one they did Cover concealment no dude we're like invisible it's Tall Grass bro nothing inside what do you understand where it's super tall thick rest you can literally see through this I don't know this is cringe what's your favorite weapon God damn she's lame you can't even answer the question oh we'll say DMR I guess that's all that whoa dude she knows her stuff you're such an enthusiasm as well did I not just predict the dialogue did I not just call exactly what he was gonna say are you [ __ ] [ __ ] you Target Rich environment affirmative I can't tell all over the place the nap two hours later where did that bullet go [ __ ] that up foreign that would have been so cool but they were too ready they were too ready the game never lets do anything cool you told me two notches that's what I aimed [ __ ] laughs turtles love their tongues I love I love when they slow down the Sprint that is my favorite [ __ ] thing favorite dude you don't know how much I wanted him to pull the trigger you don't know how much I was so ready there she is dude did they make her uglier dude I think they made her uglier Captain it's better like they may I think they made her eyes twice as big like her nose was already huge they gave her bug eyes she like killed the Russian guy from Punisher you know the huge one like there's a dude with the gas mask on in the previous game and as like an eight-year-old girl she stabbed him to death it was the worst [ __ ] bite it was so bad so as you could probably tell by these remaining highlight Clips I was starting to get pretty low energy at this point for multiple reasons the main reason being it was already past midnight at this point and guess what there's over three hours of game left and I decided to finish it anyway because I really didn't want to stream this campaign again so the actually entertaining moments get pretty thin from here on out I do want to say that this mission was actually legitimately good which again you wouldn't be able to tell because of my low energy but I actually think this was a really clever tutorial for the vehicle controls for Warzone while also being a legitimately exciting Mission definitely a bit too Uncharted for my taste but even going back to play the original Modern Warfare 2 which I did the very next day after this stream this Series has always been bombastic over the top and unrealistic especially the modern warfare games specific typically so let's just say I had a great time playing this Mission I wish there was more like this in the game but unfortunately this is probably the longest segment of just straight up shooting with no scripted sequences no Force stealth and of course it's the most fun because we play these games to [ __ ] shoot things and have crazy stuff happen that's the whole [ __ ] point jump driving [Music] [Laughter] security and Max oh [ __ ] what just did I run over an explosive tank what the [ __ ] was that oh no oh they're mines oh [ __ ] oh no that was close how is that my fault take another vehicle guys we need to spread out [Music] so what do you want as well clear okay cringe and this is where the campaign goes to [ __ ] and it never quite recovers as our next mission has us trying to find elsin nombre a mysterious cartel boss that nobody knows the identity of and so it's up to soap to infiltrate them with valuable information and it turns out that the cartel boss is a woman though they trying to fake you out by having her be the torturer but considering that her model is obviously more detailed than some of these other surrounding ones and she's given so much screen time and it's extremely [ __ ] cringe by the way foreign [Music] there's only so many ways I can say it sucks immediately then you're given a spy mission a sort of Hitman rip-off I guess except with extremely limited mechanics I just don't understand why games with no stealth mechanics keep having four stealth segments now it's not actually forced if you get discovered you can still shoot your way out of it and I did but I got discovered because there's no [ __ ] indicators other than your compass for if an enemy is spotting you and I didn't even know he was there because there's no radar there's no way to know if someone is at your immediate right or behind you other than just going as slow as possible and believe it or not the worst part of the mission is actually when you finally find Valeria as the developers clearly didn't test this part as due to Bullet penetration you can very easily kill her if even though you're supposed to capture her alive I think I accidentally killed her three [ __ ] times without even aiming at her okay which one was she what the [ __ ] dude I'm not shooting her what's going on I think it's bugging or maybe bullet penetration guys what is happening So eventually you capture Valeria AKA elsinombre and we're given the most pathetic interrogation scene I think I've ever seen Alejandro honestly I don't even know if you can really call it an interrogation they ask her some questions she either Dodges them or just yells at Alejandro because oh they were both in the same unit in the military who the [ __ ] cares nobody gives a [ __ ] this is kind of important there's a missile in the United States right now and do you think they torture her or even slightly incentivize her to give up the information not really no it takes the [ __ ] PMC guy to say oh yeah I might torture you if you don't tell me what I want and then she just gives up the information instantly on the condition that they leave her alone and just let her continue her business so anyway on to the next mission with the information that she's so easily gave up Valeria has told the gang that the missile is on board an oil rig and so I guess this is supposed to be a throwback to the original Modern Warfare 2 which had a mission where you saved hostages on an oil rig well instead this time you're trying to abort the launch of this missile and it's actually a fun mission because guess what you just shoot guys the whole time you shoot guys out in the open you clear rooms there's a part where you're on the deck of a ship and as it's shifting back and forth the shipping containers shift as well making the cover actually move which is actually a pretty cool idea and it's only about 15 minutes long which is the perfect length for a Call of Duty Mission if only most of the rest of the game was like this now of course immediately after this another stupid thing happens General Shepherd betrays you and has Shadow company try and kill you we also learned that somehow they've taken over a Mexican military base and the entire town did they kill the military and the police and a bunch of civilians and [ __ ] I guess they don't really explain it or maybe they do again I wasn't paying attention I don't really care and so ghost and soap get away and are separated in this big city it turns out this mission is a tutorial for a rumored upcoming tarkov-like mode because guess what they added [ __ ] crafting to Call of Duty as if Call of Duty wasn't already a generic mishmash of different things from other games the only thing it's missing now is RPG mechanics and it really will be the most generic [ __ ] game ever made oh and guess what it's another stealth Mission like the fourth [ __ ] stealth missioner segment in [ __ ] Call of Duty dude and I can't forget to mention that during this whole 20 plus minute segment soap and ghosts are hosting a podcast I deserve one I'm just kidding you wanted to win congratulations you're a winner sorry sir I'm a Translate go [ __ ] yourself much better it's yet another modern gaming sin of constantly [ __ ] talking to the player or you'll get bored what the hell is wrong with normies that they constantly need talking to hold their attention isn't actually playing the game engaging enough for you not that we're even really playing a game during this part this was just painful and the worst part is at the end you get ambushed by a [ __ ] ton of dudes and I legitimately got stuck in that segment and guess how I figured out how to win I hid myself in a tiny room and just threw traps over the desk over and over again until I won I know it's low hanging fruit to make fun of AI in video games as it hasn't Advanced since [ __ ] fear but man I am [ __ ] tired of the same brain dead aimbots that they call enemy AI well since my brain was completely fried at this point as it was nearly 3 A.M as I was playing playing the last few missions of the game I was becoming increasingly more frustrated and bored by the game as it constantly shifted pacing and this next mission is a perfect example you need to break into a prison that somehow Shadow company took over again they don't explain any of this to break out Alejandro who was taken prisoner and it starts off promising enough even though I'm kind of sick of stealth missions in these games again because there's no real stealth mechanics at least I got to shoot some people then they immediately [ __ ] it up within five minutes as you have to once again engage in a CCTV real-time strategy segment I don't really know what else to call it if you remember in the last game you had to guide some woman to safety and it was horrific well this is only ever so slightly better than that when you finally grab Alejandro you actually get to shoot things again but very quickly it becomes annoying as they throw riot shield guys on top of the armored enemies in between these two enemy types it's killed any semblance of Call of Duty being fast-paced this has straight up become The Stereotype of all regenerating Health Shooters where you peek out shoot a few bullets hide back in cover till your health regenerates peek out again it's [ __ ] boring the best thing I can say about it is you're given a special backpack that can hold a bunch of different types of grenades but again I was so tired I didn't really take advantage of this at the very end of the level you get to have fun for about 30 seconds as you're given a 50 cal and a grenade launcher that you can use to great effect obviously foreign something interesting is happening and then Captain Price gives us the big twist of this plot that it's all General Shepard's fault as he's the one who lost the missiles to Iran in the first place he was delivering them to an Allied Middle Eastern country I'm assuming urzik Stan the fictional country introduced in the last game and Shadow company lost it to some Russians that ambushed them honestly it could have just been a cutscene it's a completely pointless unreal shooting segment and Laswell tells us that's the reason General Shepard tried to have Task Force 141 killed because they were getting too close to the truth now I want to point out that if you remember the original plot of the original Modern Warfare 2 that you now know that this new timeline has gone completely off the rails there's no way this is going to tie back into the original trilogy because General Shepard doesn't betray you until near the end of the original Modern Warfare 2 which takes place significantly after this in the timeline well well technically not because this universe takes place later in the timeline you know alternate universe [ __ ] you get the point the point is Makarov isn't even here yet and Shepard has already betrayed us and price already wants to come after him next so whatever who cares so then we get a Call of Duty ghosts reference as the team decides to be Team Ghost for one Mission I have no idea why I think it literally just exists to throw a bone to a game that not many people actually liked but at least it's kind of cool to see ghost actually put his real ski mask on instead of the stupid Halloween mask he's had on for this whole game and it's up to ghost team to infiltrate the shadow company's main base and take out Graves and so for the second last mission of the game it's split between a half stealth Mission and a full-on assault on the base and look some of this is just my own poor gameplay but I died so many [ __ ] times times in this Mission half because I was so [ __ ] tired I'm gonna keep repeating this but it was past 3 A.M so cut me a little slack on this gameplay but the other half was just straight up [ __ ] deaths from enemy placement that you had no way of seeing coming dude what the [ __ ] is this game the why are the why are they like it's an actual Call of Duty multiplayer experience that the NPCs are camping the NPCs are [ __ ] camping dude not to mention for whatever reason my game started crashing again now I'm starting to realize why they released this a week earlier this is an open beta for a goddamn single player campaign but I was determined to finish this so even though it crashed like four or five more times I still pushed through and it sucked the whole way dude I was so ready to be done but even when you get to the end and it's a tank boss battle where you just throw C4 on top of them three or four times there's still one more Mission but first we have a really cringy cut scene with Valeria the cartel boss who knows about the third missile and it's already in Chicago I think I expressed my opinion pretty clearly on this during the stream you just put a bullet in her she's yours I mean I all this honor and heroic [ __ ] no she gave us the info now you just kill her like we don't need her anymore she's outlived her usefulness right it matters what you can prove no no if the US government locks you up forever I don't they don't need to prove [ __ ] why who are they lying to they're lying to the kids I guess and like really dumb normies or something this is not how it works and so for the last mission predictably we're in Chicago and you start off by repelling down a skyscraper and sniping some dudes which is actually pretty cool but unfortunately it very quickly becomes obnoxious as [ __ ] as you have to proceed through some server rooms with very tight corners and of course they throw enemies with shotguns at you that again have aimbots so if you peek at the wrong time you're [ __ ] dead instantly eventually you fight your way to this penthouse suite that has like five armored enemies in it and I ended up getting a really shitty checkpoint that gave me some flashbacks to playing Halo on legendary just [ __ ] up over and over again but I refused to lower the difficulty because it's the last [ __ ] mission there's no way I was gonna do that so shortly after this encounter we learned the missile has been launched and so it's a race to get to the controls which of course Hassan has and soap ends up having to go It Alone lands on top of the dude and he's completely fine drops his guns grabs the missile controls and the final boss fight is a goddamn stealth battle this entire goddamn campaign has been full of shitty stealth segments I guess it's only appropriate the final boss is another one first you have a timer to detonate the missile mid-air doing a hacking Mini-Game that was introduced earlier and then afterward you have to craft a gas bomb and a knife to gas the enemies and then stab them in the neck there's only two of them thankfully and then you get a little cutscene with Hassan you play as ghost for another two seconds and snipe the dude in the head and the games finally [ __ ] over the last cutscene is in a bar afterward which has a little teaser for Makarov yes they're going to bring back Makarov and then there's a mid good credit scene that's a teaser for the new version of no Russian which will be on a plane instead of an airport I'm gonna be honest I really don't [ __ ] care I guarantee you when Modern Warfare 3 comes out they're not gonna let you shoot civilians I just don't believe it my reasoning for this both of these games have completely pussied out on any of the controversial [ __ ] that was in the original trilogy in the original Modern Warfare 2 you could gun down as many civilians as you [ __ ] wanted in that no Russian Mission and then there's the Russian paratrooper invasion of the United States where they're full-on blowing up buildings the [ __ ] white house is on fire and they've taken it over General Shepard betrays Task Force 141 and kills ghosts at the end of the game you even shot American soldiers who were working with Shepard all this crazy different [ __ ] is happening and what happened in this game uh I don't know uh Iran has three missiles and they're working with the Mexican cartel Wells okay at least the last game had a waterboarding scene even though it was pretty [ __ ] cringe Okay so we've established this story sucks what about the gameplay well you already know my answer for this one it's not quite as bad as I maybe have made it seem during the stream because as I already said three times I was getting increasingly more tired and more bored and more frustrated I don't really think these campaigns are meant to be played through all in one sitting but for whatever reason half this thing was slow paced as [ __ ] and there were several different gimmick missions and gimmick mechanics most of which sucked probably only three of the missions let you actually shoot enemies with the basic standard shooting Mechanics for the majority of the time which is a damn shame because that's the best part of these reboot games but pretty much everything else is worse man what happened to these simplistic campaigns that had basic story setup for each Mission and then you just shoot guys in increasingly crazy bombastic scenarios now they've added all these new cutscenes there's so much more dialogue they're trying so goddamn hard to make task force one for one iconic because they want to sell you skins that's really what this is about okay it's about monetization at the end of the day if they can't make money off it it's not worth their time [ __ ] this campaign I don't want to talk about it anymore I will give it a brief mention in my full review for this game but I'm just gonna direct it back to this video I really don't want to talk about it anymore despite only being seven hours it felt like an extreme waste of my time and honestly even though I knew I would spend the bulk of my time with multiplayer and is the only reason I bought this game at all it really has decreased my enthusiasm for playing multiplayer because I know I'm supporting a woke piece of [ __ ] product which I'll admit I already knew that going in but I didn't think it would be this [ __ ] bad all right that's about it I'll see you next time guys with the full review of Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 2022.
Channel: Synthetic Man
Views: 198,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 0sec (2820 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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