HBCU VSU Gets SCREWED! Biden PULLS OUT Of Virginia State's Prez Debate | Shameful Miscalculation

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President Joe Biden Donald Trump going to face off in two presidential debates y'all in June and September Biden y'all had the video Biden dropped oh come on y'all y'all don't have come on now y'all didn't pull a video now you GNA make me pull a video all right so Joe Biden dropped this video this morning y'all um uh throwing down uh challenging uh Donald Trump uh let me go ahead and get it queued up please so um know kill that video I'm ready here we go listen to this Donald Trump lost two debates to me 2020 and since then he hadn't shown up for debate now he's acting like he wants to debate me again well Make My Day pal I'll even do it twice so let's pick the dates Donald I hear you're free on Wednesdays Donald Trump lost two debates all right so here's what happened so threw it out there CNN is going to do one in June um somebody's doing one in September uh it don't matter here's the problem ABC is going to do in September y'all here's the problem that screws Virginia State University so by By ignoring the presidential debate commission Virginia State University was selected as the first HBCU in history to be selected to host a presidential debate now it's not going to happen because Biden sent a letter to the commission on presidential debates indicating that he would not participate in the committee's announced debate dates but should instead participate in debates hosted by news organizations Owen Williams dandri the assistant vice president for Communications Virginia State University released this statement Virginia state University is disappointed to hear media reports suggesting the US presidential candidates may not participate in the in the scheduled October 1st 2024 debate at VSU a presidential debate at VSU is a huge win not only for our students in the Campus Community but for the Greater Community in general as the first historically black college of University to ever selected to host a general election US presidential debate VSU recognizes the event significance and welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Democratic process we will continue to work closely with the commission on presidential debates and their stakeholders as we as we uh assess the situation University will continue to provide updates and further details as they become available now to host this stuff y'all got to raise a lot of money and they were raising the money and so here's what needs to happen President Biden you need to say okay you and Trump have agreed to one on CNN in J in June uh uh and uh June 27 then one in September on ABC you need to say President Biden we're going to do one of these debates at Virginia State University now all these other rules no crowd cut mics off all that sort of stuff that's fine but the reality is it should be at the HBCU plus it should be in Virginia cuz you going to need Virginia to win and so this to me is one of those one one of these things that I don't care what the damn networks okay and y'all doing this yall doing this crap with with first of all with with these with with the white networks anyway it needs to be one of these debates galanda needs to be at Virginia state and President Biden needs to say Trump since you love claiming you did stuff for HBCU debate me at the HBCU and Virginia state I so I absolutely agree with you I think it is disrespectful to black people is disrespectful to young people and the debate was already set so you're stopping but you already agreed to and this is just one more example of how the white leaders of the democratic party absolutely take us for granted us being black people I'm going to say it I didn't stutter and they break deals with us and they just expect for us to vote for them well actually no no no no hold on Biden did not agree to this debate the presidential commission debates picked three locations they picked three three locations of presidential debates one for the vice president and so the Republican the party had already said they didn't want to participate Biden then Biden then today not participating in their debates so he had not agreed to participate in those debates today he said I'm not participating what I'm saying is even though the commission has CH chose those locations and even if both candidates say they're not participating because of the commission's rules they still are going to debate and I'm saying make tell the news organizations hey ABC CNN's already said it's going to be at their Studios uh in Atlanta okay then the ab ABC W they should say ABC will do it but do it in Virginia state but but that but that's what I'm saying Roland first of all if they picked Virginia then they should do it in Virginia but APC can put their cameras up in Virginia whoever whoever they can do that what I'm saying is the black vote is super important to Democrats win it and it's yet one more example where we have black Excellence there are not a lot of HBCU Biden has a whole part of his campaign or part of his office that's devoted or at least they say so to Black Greeks black to HBCU so put your money where your mouth is put your actions where your mouth is and since you given a little was that John Wayne whoever he was in his little uh commercial that he just put out then you need to use that Vigor and that determination to make sure that at least one of the two debates that you agree to is at that particular HBCU I am extremely disappoint wanted in what he did and again and I'm going to keep saying this I'm not just going to give my vote to people who Overlook me he needs to honor that debate he needs to honor one of the two and the truth is Trump talking about how he trying to get black people too so if y'all do what y'all supposed to do at these debates then it should be at at an HBCU and it should be at that HBCU and then show us what you got so that we can make a good uh decision uh Rebecca you know it's it's really interesting um watching this because I think um the political apparatus of the White House and the DNC I think they're making um a miscalculation here um because it's more important than ever to make sure that student voices are being heard especially as we're seeing uprisings and protests happening um across the country and if we saw it this spring then guess what we're going to see it this fall too and so even um with the three um scheduled debates from the presidential commission it was on three college campuses and I think that's very important but the second miscalculation I'm seeing this week is the DNC floating out the idea of making um the convention in Chicago um partially virtual as if they're trying to do it to cut down on the likelihood of disruptions and protests from those who are demanding um ceasefire um from this Biden Administration so I think the Biden Harris Administration really need to listen um to their base because this isn't going to go over well and quite frankly they can't lose any more of their base if they hope to win come November well uh again President Biden your campaign y'all should do one of these debates at Virginia State University period I wanted the people of Baltimore to hear it from me I have done nothing wrong but I see that what you are trying to do is destroy this black woman for doing her job I have heard your calls for no justice no peace however your peace is sincerely needed as I work to deliver Justice on behalf of Freddy gret Marilyn was a force to be reckoned with I was assuming this is all because of Freddy gray but it actually is much deeper than that Baltimore's top prosecutor woman named Marilyn MOSI was indicted yesterday in the eastern district of Maryland for perjury couldn't help but think about Donald Trump this is what you got to deal with when you are a black woman fighting for just causes in America yeah but just taking just take it on the police period she's stepping on their toes they want to cross her out of the system so she can't stand up for the preure reach pool grab me and Pull Me Out imagine if this for you you would want people to stand in your corner I lost my car I lost my job I lost my marriage and I almost lost my mind for a little while there just so much right now Lord and I'm just why are you putting all of this on me I'm about to break
Channel: Roland S. Martin
Views: 16,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roland Martin, #RolandMartinUnfiltered, Black Star Network
Id: 6cWxnmJacWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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