BIG Season 4 Class Updates (Patch 10.2.7)

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this just in season 4 classes have received major Buffs and Nerfs and it will change how you play your character if it's in this list some of the noteworthy mentions are Affliction warlock getting cranked and Vengeance Demon Hunter getting shafted among other things and this all just happened last night so let's see if your spec got the right end of the stick it's been quite a while since we've received proper tuning for our live game considering all the alpha War Within Shenanigans that's been going on across the board so actually seeing some of these changes is very reassuring for a bunch of the classes and we're going to start with vengeance which has been the most controversial spec in the game period mostly in Mythic plus because Mythic plus scales higher so spec performance usually matters more and it can be exploited more and Vengeance has been the dominant overwhelming overpowered spec that just put all of the other tanks out of their jobs now what Vengeance have had to done to itself to you know make other tanks Happy Well Sigil of Silence duration has been reduced to 4 seconds down from 5 Seconds Sigil of Silence cool down has been increased to 90 seconds and it was previously 60 seconds just to address Sigil of Silence a little bit it is weaker now and the cooldown being increased is probably the best part of this Nerf and let me tell you why cuz nobody really likes the Nerfs that their class receives but vengeance is just a different Beast since what it does in Mythic plus is just almost perfect if not actually perfect it's damage is very high and that's perfectly fine it's not like the biggest selling point the biggest selling point it's utility and it ties around to its rework that made it received illuminated sigils giving it two charges on all of the sigils this of course just makes the spec really fun and amazing to play with but causes a lot of issues when it comes to its utility because all of the sigils that Vance has were really good but with you only being able to use one charge of them and sometimes not even being able to Talent into all of them previously didn't really put Vengeance on the map but now since you can actually get all of them and have two charges it just made Vengeance the absolute best tank in Mythic plus since you can just deal with everything Sigil of Silence being one of those so unless they're going to be nerfing the illuminated sigil talents to give them two charges which I think they shouldn't because that's what makes part of the Vengeance rework amazing and fun to play addressing the Baseline effect of the Spells is probably the right way to go since as long as they have two charges they're always going to be really good and speaking of cycle of binding has now reducing the sigil coold Downs by two seconds per trigger down from 3 seconds so having less up time on the sigils period And Soul cleave damage has been reduced by 8% now personally I don't think this is enough to make Vengeance not be the number one tank anymore but definitely shortens the gap between Vengeance and all the other tanks to the point that people will actually feel incentivized to push keys with other tanks and not just rely on Vengeance all day every day and another particularly controversial spec that has received Buffs is balance Druid because balance Druids done up you guys voted on getting the tier set from season 1 when balance was cranked and granted it was the most fun tier set that balance has received this expansion I would know because I played it and that pushed me to Main balance cuz it was a very fun experience now most of the people that voted for this didn't really know that the tier set was nerfed before season 2 launched Giga nerfed I would say since it was so strong that it was better than the season 2 tier set and that was at what 20 to 30 high level difference so it was warranted to be nerfed although you know we could always make a point that maybe the season 2 T should have been buff better but I digress so you voted for a tier set that has been Giga nerfed and now balance RS have been sad for about 3 weeks and that is getting changed with the next reset with season 4 the two set bonus now increases the damage of your wrath or Starfire by 50% which was previously 30% this is a pretty high increase for us for a two-piece and the four piece bonus makes the astral power reduction cost of your next star surge or Star Fall B30 up from 15 and increase the damage that it does by 60% up from 40% now this is still not making starall free which was a big selling point of the tier set or the biggest selling point of the tier set in season 1 but it definitely increases the power of the set I'm sure the top boonin in the dream growth Channel have already simmed some of these bonuses to see exactly how much damage that's increased because on paper the numbers are high and they are very welcome but we don't know exactly how much over all damage thisis and not to mention that balance drid wasn't particularly the worst spec in any content so far granted was above average in braid and Mythic plus but definitely this tier set buff will crank it up a couple of tiers in terms of its overall performance brew master monk has been conked in the head as well keg smash damage has been reduced by 10% spinning crane kick damage has been reduced by 10% summon white tiger statue damage reduced by 30% effectiveness of stagger against magic damage attacks increased to 55% and healing spheres healing increased by 10% now you might look at this and think who even plays Brew Masher anymore and you might be right because it's definitely not you definitely not me and definitely not him hey man why are you playing brew master not Vengeance I digress brew master still have crazy Giga damage probably still the highest damage in the game period prior to these Nerfs at the very least in terms of Tanks which it's an identity that they have been holding on for the en eny of dragonflight and having that crank down a little bit makes them eligible to receive some tankiness Buffs although to be fair they should have probably received some tankiness Buffs a long while ago cuz they be squishy man they've been squishy for the entirety of this expansion the effectiveness of stagger increasing against magic attacks is something that tanks always struggle with particularly brew masterer and prop Warrior and it's kind of like a trend at the end of an expansion to have these types of defensives buffed for these tanks and then just knocked down a peg at the beginning of the next expansion it's been going on for a couple of years now so it's not entirely surprising but it's very reassuring to see brew master be able to survive a little bit more damage and hopefully we can see more monks play their favorite drunker moving to assassination a less exciting buff all abilities and auto attack damage has been increased by 6% across the board assassination has been struggling in Mythic plus as currently the bottom of the barrel dog spec that we have ranked in our tier list and pretty much everybody else most likely agrees that assassination is just not doing it in Mythic Plus at all dude and it's not really shining in raids either yet unless I've missed something so seeing a 6% buff across the board is great this will not bring it to be a competitive spec with everybody else but it's very reassuring to know that the devs are keeping an eye open it hopefully they do more for assassination because assassination has been struggling legit in Mythic Plus for what is this the third expansion in the row or more there has to come a point when we can say come on let's just do something for assassination because the rework although brought the tools that assassination needed to be able to crank Dungeons and raids it just doesn't feel like the damage is there considering that prior to 10.2 they've been nerfed and the Nerf hasn't been reversed yet and I don't think the 6% does it just quite and as always we have this patch version of Affliction warlock Buffs and you might look at the numbers and say damn these are some big fat numbers well listen they might not be as big as you think although they are very welcome so Doom Blossom damage has been increased by 10% vile taint damage has been increased by 25% Soul flame damage increased by 20% Soul Rod damage increased by 5% these are all once again very welcome changes but if you put them into perspective at least an AOE cuz pretty much all of these are AOE talents abilities they don't really do that much for affli considering that affli kind of shares assassination position as one of the worst specs in the game mostly in Mythic plus as well but it's not really doing too hot in Rage as well it's not that bad though it's not exactly as bad as an assassination but to put these Buffs into perspective I'm going to be looking at a log of one of the best Affliction warlock runs in aour Vault from a plus 12 cuzz unfortunately afflictions don't really push keys that high and and doom Blossom overall is 10% of the damage that you might do obviously take this with a grain of salt you can you know add or subtract a couple of percentages here and there in terms of you know player skill and the Delta variety of how you that skill is being expressed based on how good you are at the spec and how the tank pulls but Doom Blossom being at most 10% of your overall damage having it increased by 10% essentially means you get 1% more AOE damage from just Doom Blossom which is good but then you have vile Tain by 25 % and vaint is about 3.8 to 4% of your overall damage that's maybe one more per for being generous for AOE damage Soul flame being buffed by 20% is actually funny because at least in this log and I don't know if this is very accurate Soul flame is like the least damaging effect of your overall profile that amounts to almost 1% of your overall damage this might be just the fault of the dungeon itself but it's I would be surprised if it explodes and be way better better better than this So 20% for of that is almost nothing and Sol Rod damage be increased by 5% once again Sol Rod is about 6 7 8 maybe at the very most 9% of your damage 5% of that is not that much but once again we do want and love these Buffs Destruction has also received some single Target attention with chaos ball damage being increased by 3% confr by five and incinerate by 5% once again chaos ball damage is probably the one that matters the most in this this situation since that's mostly destruction single Target but all of the Buffs are very welcome once again last but not least Warrior has received some love particularly Fury since it was in a shitty situation similar to balance but probably worse off so now Fury has received across the board a 3% damage increase to everything cuz arms was kicking its nuts and the season four tier set has also been buffed the two-piece bonus makes Rampage damage and critical strike chance increase by 15 % which was previously 12 and the four piece bloodthirst bonus damage increased to 35% per stack up from 30% and you can just keep scaling this higher and higher this will of course just make Fury a little bit better because unfortunately it was trailing very far behind arms in a lot of the other specs protection Warrior has received one of the fattest Dev notes I think it's the only Dev notes that they have received that any spec has received in this tuning and it definitely addresses similar things with brew master just to quote the dev note our goal for these changes is to reduce protection Warriors deaths to the dangers that are most likely to kill them like burst or magic damage there are some talents that Warriors have for protection against these threats like disrupting shout bolster or battle scarred veteran but it can be difficult to find the talent points for them to provide more build flexibility we are reducing the power of battering ram and moving its damage and defensive benefits into core abilities we're also so increasing damage across the board and buffing some of these defensive Talent options now as far as the dev notes are concerned as a prop Warrior enjoyer and with some maybe small Insight I do have to address some of the points that they made first of all disrupting shout is very clearly on point with what they're addressing is definitely something that you use Boler and battlecar Veteran are not actually used and they are actually trap talents baller essentially makes Last Stand Give You Up time of Shield block 100% Now list normally if you play your prop Warrior right you don't need this you already have close to 100% uptime on Shield block this is a wasted Talent you're better off picking spell block which ironically helps against the issues that the devs mention here while Boler does not because it doesn't actually add value to your defensives it's just a bad play protection if you mess up your Shield block up Time battle scar veteran is also still a bugged talent and a bad Talent design period where you're better off just taking one of the Buffs that prow has received which we're going to go into a second but to address battlecar veteran because I feel like not enough people know about this this is also bugged this is supposed to proc once you go low enough in HP but because it's coded in a way to proc off of the damage that was not yet mitigated it can proc while you're at high HP as well meaning that if you normally take a big hit that would just crank your HP down to I don't know 30% normally the Talon would proc but of course you're also mitigating that same hit that will not actually take you down to 30% HP and since battlecar veteran is CED to trigger on that regardless you can just have it proc despite the fact that you actually mitigated the ability making this a wasted Talent now that aside everything that Pro Warrior has received is actually really good all ability damage has been increased by 5% since one of the biggest issues that Pro Warrior has is its damage compared to other tanks it's actually a fairly tanky tank but you can get punished if you're not careful Devastator damage increased by 30% definitely helps especially in single Target since that has been probably Pro Warrior's biggest weakness in terms of damage output ignore pain healing increased by 6% is neither here nor there although considering that you're going to be spamming ignore pain 24/7 with the tier set that's probably great disrupting shell cool down reduced to 75 seconds down from 90 seconds is probably one of the biggest changes here considering that it helps so much in AOE with all of the cast going on into the game and the lack of kicks normally in group specifically if you pug this is probably protection Warrior's biggest selling point in a dungeon a unique mechanic that only prop Warrior brings where you not only taunt everything around you but you also silence them so think of this as an empowered Divine toll from protection paladin on a larger cool down but now shorter cool down because it's 75 seconds and not 1 and 1/2 minutes enduring alacrity increases stamina by 10% armor by 10% and haste by 2% previously it only increases the armor and stamina by by five and haste by 1% this is exactly what I mentioned for brew master as well where Pro Warrior at the end of the expansion always gets his defensives buffed and then they get nerfed at the beginning of the next expansion which is it's been a trend for ever since BFA I think now this is actually really strong and you might actually take this instead of what they actually nerfed which is battering ram that now increases your auto attack damage speed by 10% for 20 seconds down from the previous 20% now I am all for balancing the talents of specs to promote build diversity it just feels a little bit bad that they had to Nerf one of the only capstones that were valuable enough for prop Warrior to even make it to the starting line with every other tank just to make us pick passive stamina and armor I would love to take both but you know this is the world that we live in and this just makes all the specs perform way better and we're luckily going to see more stuff coming soon and like I mentioned the meta will always shift but if you want to have fun and just laugh at assassination then you can check our last week's tier list right here and uh try not to cry and then cry a lot if you're assassination
Channel: MarcelianOnline
Views: 24,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World of warcraft, dragonflight, wow 10.2.7, patch 10.2.7, dragonflight season 4, 10.2.7 season 4, wow 10.2.7 changes, 10.2.7 class changes, 10.2.7 class updates, season 4 class updates, season 4 class changes, 10.2.7 vengeance dh nerf, 10.2.7 affliction buffs, 10.2.7 balance druid tier set, 10.2.7 fury warrior tier set buffs, fury warrior buffs, dragonflight 10.2.7, wow news, wow updates, world of warcraft news, marcelianonline, marcelian online
Id: RaKt2EbQsCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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