Beginner's Guide to Dragonflight Vengeance Demon Hunter

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hey there everyone maserock here and today we are doing the beginner's guide to Vengeance Demon Hunter if you're just picking up this spec let's get into it but first please do like comment subscribe it really does go a long way to helping out the channel this is an early access video for my patrons as well before it comes out on YouTube so if you do want Early Access content and you wish to support you know your smaller content creators patreon is a great way to do it uh also please Discord if you uh want to come in ask questions hang out with a wonderful Community full of great people discord's a place to do it and as well uh twitch you can come watch me stream come play all of this come see me play all of the tanks live all right so we're going to start with active mitigation and defensives for vengeance Demon Hunter so metamorphosis is your three minute big cooldown you transform into a demon for 15 seconds you increase your maximum health like 50 percent your armor by 200 while transformed and shear and Fracture generate one additional lesser Soul fragment and 20 additional Fury we're going to talk about resources a little bit later but the big thing is here you get 200 more armor and 50 more max HP this is of course very very strong but it's kind of one of the weaker ones when you're talking about all of the sorts of things that you can go but you also with some talents gain an extra 10 leech so base you get 10 leech within the kit itself within the Tool uh within your talents then you'll get another 10 on top of and you just deal more damage and all of this fun stuff because you're generating more Fury and everything else the next defensive that you have is fiery brand bass this comes at a one minute cool down it deals fire damage to the Target applied and that enemy's damage done to you is reduced by 40 for 10 seconds so this isn't a you fire Rebrand and everything around you deals less damage it's the Target that you hit with it very very important but it's got a nice low cooldown of one minute lastly there's fell Devastation now this has a one minute variable cooldown with the talents that we're going to take which we will get to in a later portion of the video but what happens here is with demonic a talent in the class side you gain feldev for six seconds when you hit you get felt that you get metamorphosis for six seconds when you hit Fel Devastation and fail Devastation deals a good chunk of damage really really solid there deals a lot of fire damage and it heals you up with Frailty and things like that so now we gotta start talking active mitigations which with this build here you're actually going to be able to get full uptime on demon spikes so what demon spikes does is it is a rolling ability active mitigation it increases your Parry Chance by 15 with uh with the uh talent that we take and it increases your armor actively now here it is based upon there is uh your with your Mastery we'll talk about stats a little bit later but it the amount of armor that you Gain is based on your mastery lastly Frailty Frailty is very very important and we're going to start talking about this right now so Frailty is a debuff that you apply with Sigil of flame sulk leave and Spirit Bomb and each and you heal for eight percent of all damage you deal two Targets affected by Frailty so this is very very important that rotationally you want to make sure that you're keeping as many stacks of Frailty as you can on as many targets as you can because you're going your damage is going to heal you for eight percent and this overlaps with talents like Soul Crush multiple applications of Realty May overlap and and soul cleave applies Frailty to your primary target for five seconds easy peasy let's go so with that you keep demon spikes running 100 of the time with this build talents like feed the demon is going to reduce that every time you use a soul fragment which you break with fracture and some other abilities as well at least in decree will give you some fragments and things like that but what the with this build you actually want demon specs to drop because we're running calcified spikes so when demon spikes drops you gain a 12 reduced damage after demon spikes and fading by one percent per second so when that drops calcified spikes comes up and then you want to hit demon spikes again and with this build you're actually able to have full up time on both towards the end of your demon spikes you're the calcified spikes are gonna be a little bit lower in that damage but you're always able to reduce that damage wherever possible now the build I'm running here is a lot more defense oriented than it is offense oriented because there are some really cranking builds but they're kind of also really glass Cannon uh so that's something you got to watch out for Now with uh excuse me with stats haste is your number one first priority stat that you want to start getting this affects everything about your kit how fast everything goes and how well you're able to kind of work your work through your gcds and all of that after that versatility is your next very important stat which is why I also like tepid versatility because versatility tends to be very very difficult to get especially in season one as we get further on into the season and the item levels start going up the secondaries start increasing versatility is going to be a lot easier to get but right now it's a little difficult so wherever you can get extra verse try and get it that's why I just run temp adverse on my server though like 30 gold or something a file right now they're super cheap so it's a really really nice and it's a nice way to shore up your defensives but haste is the first versatility is the second now when it comes to Critical Strike and Mastery so Critical Strike will actually increase your Parry Chance by the rating that's there so if you look at the Critical Strike chain chance I have 23.77 if we go into my Perry the Perry of 2377 is from the Critical Strike chance so if you get something like a five percent Critical Strike increase from algathar Academy you will not get increased Parry because that increases the percentage chance and not the critical rating stat itself but if you get something like hunger of the pack that increases your Critical Strike rating it will also increase your parry and Perry is a very important step for Mythic plus so that's so this is something that you're going to want to be getting a little bit more of and focusing a little bit more on from Mythic plus but Mastery increases your armor by 28 of your agility armor bonuses double doubled while in Demon spikes now that 28 is based on the Mastery that I have now so we'll call it x amount of agility and all that fun stuff and the Mastery increases your attack power as well so Mastery is a little bit better for raid Critical Strike is a is better from Mythic plus these aren't things you want to dump anyway but I have noticed that Critical Strike and Mastery are some of the more easy easy secondaries to get so when you're looking for gear it's obviously item level first then haste verse and then crit Mastery are kind of a where you want to be for to get as tanky as possible so as we're talking with this with rotation we do have a lot of talents in here that synergize around immolation Aura which I find works really really well with the Critical Strike anyway so that's where I've been trying to get more of all of my Critical Strike things like uh your aura of pain increase the Critical Strike chance of immolation Aura immolation Aura also increases your armor by 20 and causes is melee attacks to suffer fire damage immolation Aura generates Fury when it deals Critical Strike damage there's a lot of synergies there with immolation Aura and Critical Strike so that's where in Mythic plus the more targets it hits every time it deals damage the more chance you Critical Strike the more Fury you gain it all feeds into one another and this is this very important to do because Vengeance doesn't have a lot of buttons it doesn't have a lot of things to deal with a lot of mechanics you have what you your kit is very good and very solid but you're always kind of lacking something and if you misplay something you can be in a little bit more danger then you know if you ran you know a protection Paladin or protection Warrior or whatever have you not that's not to save vengeance is weak at all it needs a little bit of help I have a different video on that already if you can see here this entire section of columns doesn't even have a talent Point into it that's kind of a problem but I discussed that in a video that's already that's linked down below if you're looking for it uh rotationally in single Target you're going to want to be focusing on Soul cleave more than you're going to want to be focusing on Spirit Bomb unless you get a proc now your tier set for season one does increase Spirit Bomb damage but this is going to be like I'm trying to do this for like all of dragonflight unless there's significant changes this one will already be unlisted if there is by the way but if there's significant changes I will change accordingly but in single targets Soul cleave is going to allow you at the cost of two Soul fragments to apply and maintain a lot more Frailty stacks on a single Target than Spirit Bomb is at the cost of four or five now Spirit Bomb is a variable Soul fragment cost ability but for it to do your most amount of damage you really want to do it around four to five Soul fragments instead of two to three so when you get your five and you get a nice big proc boom Spirit Bomb Soul furnace is also very nice every tensile fragments you consume increase the damage of your next Soul cleave or Spirit Bomb by 40 so this is something to work in rotationally it will it will be nice and glowy when you get Soul furnace up and that's when you want to use Spirit Bomb because increasing that damage is huge but mainly in AOE you're going Spirit Bomb wherever you can and then in single Target two Targets so cleave tends to kind of win out as one of the better options but really there's not a whole lot of difficulty to the rotation of Vengeance which is really really nice you can get around quickly with infernal strike you have lots of abilities to break Souls such as Elysium decree uh we'll break Souls as well sigil flame will apply Frailty fracture break Souls it and uh and of course with immolation or as well we have fallouts or emulations initial burst has a chance to shatter Soul fragments as well and immolation Aura is a nice you know low cooldown for me it's 12 seconds so this is something that you can work in rotationally brake Souls use them for Spirit Bomb and soul Cleaves heal yourself back up keep demon spikes up 100 of the time keep calcified spikes up as close to 100 as you can of course when you're starting a fresh pack you have to wait for your current demon spikes to be able to you know drop off to get calcified spikes so you are a little bit more in danger at the start of a pack and then once their first semen Spike drops off you get calcified spikes up then that way you're going to be able to kind of roll all that in and kind of remain decently tanky and then fell Devastation here deals a lot of damage with stoke the flames you have access to cheap depth with this build every minute and you gain a metamorphosis whenever you activate that cheat death I have noticed that once I started getting into the 16 17 18 keys there is a fiery Brand Build That deals a chunk of damage like I talked about earlier but that started making me feel really really glass canony I deal a lot of damage but then I just gotta you gotta bolt and like there's not much else you can do I'm not a fan of prodded of the Flames for various reasons but if that's something you want to run to gain extra tankiness you can I've seen a lot of people run it and that's completely fine I do like a leasing decree it deals a lot of damage it gives me soul fragments every time that I want them and need them it's just a better pick for me and I enjoy the play style a little bit better uh there's also some things like Soul Monger this is a flex Talent I've come to like it a little bit more because when you consume a soul fragment that would heal you above full health it Shields you for a maximum 54k this actually does do a considerable amount of healing over time will help with bosses and can help with tank Busters if you can get enough so Clues off before a tank Buster will come in and things like that but this is not always the most optimal Talent depending on if you want to put it in somewhere else there's definitely some ways to increase your fire damage and things like that you can play around with the tree but the important things to get here of course fire Rebrand deflecting spikes get the extended spikes as well this is how you're going to get your full uptime Spirit Bomb Soul furnace Soul crush is a very very important to how this build works and demonic as well but all in all basically jump into a pack with your demon spikes up hit emulation Aura do not hit emulation Aura while you are jumping or before you're around packs because you want that Fallout initial burst of Soul fragments or you're going to start feeling very very uh squishy at the start of polls so jump land immolation Aura and get your soul Cleve Spirit Bomb fracture rotation going break Souls use them and just keep on going really there's not it's not a whole lot of complication but with time you're going to notice that you're going to have to start timing things incredibly well such as your fiery Brands your fell Dev and things like that and I did say that feldev does have a varying cooldown and that is because of dark glare Boone when feldev fully finishes its cast you need to fully finish the channel it refreshes 20 to 40 percent of its cooldown rotation and refunds 20 to 40 percent of its Fury so it is variable down from one minute uh if I'm not mistaken it's like 36 seconds is like the best that you can get it if I'm not I think I got that math approximately right um 36 to 38 seconds on the better end of things I really wish feldev we had dark glare Boone with like a 45 second feldev that would make it feel better but it is what it is um all all in all this is kind of The Beginner's build that I would work with and go from there once you start getting into much higher Keys you can start optimizing things around like charred warblades does not deal a does not do a whole lot of healing over time and unfortunately because it's three percent of the fire damage you deal but for a beginner that can be very helpful where that Talent Point could be spelled spent elsewhere once you start getting up into hierarchies all in all that is the kind of guide for vengeance Demon Hunter today for beginner uh hopefully you guys enjoy the spec and pick it up and have a lot of fun it has a ton of utility you know I didn't talk about Central silence chaos Nova in prison Purge you have a lot of buttons that you can take that are really really good to be using and of course you can just zip around with your wings and have a lot of fun with infernal strikes that is Vengeance I hope you all have a good one thank you very much for listening thank you very much for watching everyone have yourselves a good one Happy tank bye [Music]
Channel: Mazorrok
Views: 11,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, world, warcraft, dragonflight, vengeance, demon, hunter, vdh, dh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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