Buckethead Bee Vacuum - Best Design

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hi this is bruce and his bees how are you doing welcome to another video today we're going to be talking about a bee vacuum all right now what in the world is a bee vacuum it is like it sounds like it is a vacuum used to suck up bees people find out that you're a beekeeper people gonna call you they're gonna say oh i've got a bee swarm in my tree they're in my house they're going in and out of the soffit in the wall and some in a hole there and they ask for your help and you come out and you take those bees home with you so to take to use a b vac to have a b vacuum there's a real expensive commercial ones 350 some bucks you know and they're they're beautiful they work well but this is what i use okay now i wish i could say that i designed this because i didn't my friend dc from dc's gadgets actually designed this now the heart of this bee vacuum unit is very light is a bucket head bucket head is a little shop vacuum wet and dry shop vac that's sold by home depot it costs about 25 okay and this unit here should be a filter on it my mine's off but this unit here goes on top of a bucket now as i said i hadn't had the vacuum until now last year and before i used to borrow one from either dc or one of the other people in the club now this has evolved some the old b vacuum we were using it also had a vacuum cleaner head like this but there was a wire mesh canister inside the bucket limited john how many bees you could suck up but it worked well this design here okay it's several pieces take that part apart so this is the capture bucket here okay so when you're vacuuming the the suction that is created from this bucket head it'll pressurize you know negative pressurize this bucket here and it causes pressure in here that'll suck the bees through this hose now i don't know if the camera will pick it up but right on the bottom here there's holes the holes are too small for the bees to come out but there there's a whole bunch of holes drilled in here and about the bottom three inches of the bucket all the way around is a series of holes okay so when the two pieces of this are together so the holes are up here and just these two together is enough to make enough of a seal now what i've also done is on the bottom of the capture bucket i drilled a hole and i put in number eight hardware cloth and i've got this little flap here to act as kind of a regulator okay okay so to use this thing what will happen you turn it this way okay uh the other features of this the hose we just stuck a little piece of pvc pipe here and then attached another pvc pipe piece here okay so to use this suppose i go there is a cavity i need to make a removal there's a whole bunch of bees and i need to suck them up i turn it on sorry this is loud now there's not much suction here it's just a little bit but just that little bit is enough to suck in the beans gently [Music] okay so i've done my work i've sucked up a whole bunch of bees now i've got like five six pounds of bees in here i simply separate the parts [Music] the bungee cords getting in my way okay now i've got all my bees in here so i can open up this little air vent here they also have all these down in here another thing i should have mentioned is while the two pieces are still connected and i've got the vacuum running what i should do is right over here [Music] i've got this piece hanging he wants to work me here okay you see this piece now this is just a normal little pvc plug and i've drilled some holes on the end for more ventilation so while the vacuum's running there's still suction going here i can pull off the hose the bees can't come out because it's still suction here and i'll put this on okay and then when i separate the two pieces now i have all the bees in here so now i'm able to bring them home put them in my car go home with them and when i'm home i'll have a hive prepared and i'll just give them a thump like that and then this is tight i can take off the top and dump all these bees into the into the bucket i've got prepared and good to go i've captured a bunch of bees now you say oh but bruce what if you're far out there in the country somewhere and you can't you can't reach it with your extension cord it's too far you know what you can do this little power inverter here this is 750 watt power inverter i bought it at home at num would i buy it at harbor freight tools it was around thirty dollars and i can clamp this on my positive negative leads on my car battery and this will run my bucket head just fine so you can use this thing so this is my b vac this is how i'm going to be catching bees this summer i urge you to consider making something like this yourself there's nothing to build in it it's just a couple of buckets buckets are like three bucks a piece the bucket head 25 the [Applause] the power inverter another thirty dollars pretty cheap but very effective all right this is bruce and his bees i'm out see ya so i hung this little nuke box in a tree and the bees are using it they're active i see a bunch of ants walking around on the outside they're going to have to kick out but you see them going in and out the door but when i come around to the back they're clustering up on the back of the box now there's an air vent back there but there i don't think they can get in and out on that side i don't know what these guys are doing crazy bees
Channel: Bruce and his Bees
Views: 9,030
Rating: 4.9153438 out of 5
Keywords: Beevac, Bee Vacuum
Id: v7jhwiXNXK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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