[ENG] 커피 두세 잔은 핑계고

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[A 34-sec preview for today] Can you upload this at 6:30 AM? - What time? - 6:30 in the morning. You want us to upload this 6:30 in the morning? I wake up at 6:30. Are you the only one watching this? - I wanna see it first. - Are you the only one watching this? It's hard not to talk about getting old. I'm still far from that topic. You seem deeply involved with this. Deeply involved. You've been listening to us very carefully. I don't have a vault just like you. Right. All of you're making fun of me... I should've called Se Ho. Se Ho should be here with me. Se Ho! [Does the cafe look familiar?] [In a cinematic atmosphere] [I'll have a chat with my good friends] [Pinggyego] Hello. [Someone's already arrived] Did someone come here? Hey! Hey! [In Sung arrived] What's up! - What's up? - You're glowing. [Fiddling] You're stunning. Still working out hard? [Exchanging blessings] He's stunning. Have a seat. [Working as a host and an audio director] In Sung, put on your mic. [Still fixing his eyes on him] In all seriousness - You look so handsome today. - I'm flattered. You know nothing. [LOL] You don't know how handsome you are since you look at yourself everyday. [Feels strange to see a handsome guy in person] What's wrong with you? [Feels strange to see him] What's wrong? You got more handsome. [The distance] What... I mean it. I'm not joking. - Is it because we haven't met for so long? - Is that why? [While having a difficulty in adapting to his appearance] Last time we saw each other was at 'Happy Together' - Right. - Am I correct? We called several times. [The second guest's arrived] You called me out of the blue. I know. Tae Hyun! [Greeting] Thanks for coming. Shall we order some drinks? [Surprised by how thoughtful they are] Look at them! Jae Seok, what do you want? A weak americano please. [Input an order] An iced one. [Output the order] A weak iced americano please. In Sung, are you gonna pay it? [In Sung will treat everyone] Yeah. Please make that weak. I'll have my Samsung Pay get some rest today. I wanna try this. [Tae Hyun wants Dutch Coconut Smoothie] What's that? It's Dutch Coconut Smoothie. You're dressed in sporty outfits. [Feels strange at them] You look just like a celebrity. Of course, I know what I'm filming today. Give me my mic! - Here it is... - Here. Why did In Sung get so handsome? In Sung always looks handsome. It's hard to find a moment he looks bad. I know. [May of 2017] He appeared in 'Happy Together 3' Because I called him out of the blue. He looked handsome then, but today he looks more... Is it that much? [How much did he pay?] How much is it? How many drinks did you order? Three. [Checking the order] Didn't I order three? In Sung... Are you strapped for cash? [LOL] I'm having a hard time now. Yeah? These days... When you say you're strapped It sounds so funny. Since I don't film many movies or series... Right. What did you do before coming here? I stayed at home. [Buzzing] What did you do at home? I worked out in the morning. Uh... Since we'll be filming this... [A disadvantage of chatting in the cafe] I like this place but - When there's some noise - It happens. Please talk louder. We need to be louder than this. - They're grinding beans. - Yeah. [The kitchen's open to everyone] This is the noise of grinding beans. It's genuine. Why do you always shoot here when I appear your show? What? Is this your filming studio? [The same place as 'A Cup of Coffee Is Pinggyego'] This is not our studio. This place has a cinematic atmosphere. We love this place. Whenever I appear in your show? [Those who wanna talk (2/3)] It's because... Let's come here when we promote new movies. [Came to chat in excuse of promoting] Dramas or movies, nice. We need to pay the rental cost though. Since you already paid the cost [Joking] The guests should buy drinks. - Living frugally is important. - We're not strapped. [A bit of misunderstanding here...] We have a plenty of production cost. - Yeah? - Hold on. What's good about this show is They don't require us to pay money. What money? Do you require money? Not at all! [Talking about promotion costs] We don't ask for promotion costs. I love this show. [This is just a chatting show] When Tae Hyun and Yeon Seok came here [With a bit of a movie story] We talked about it earlier. How do we ask In Sung and Tae Hyun for money? We'll be blamed by everybody in the industry. He won't say anything [That one] But that guy won't stand us. I'll let people know immediately. I'll tell only one person. [That person] And that is him. He'll make it a high-profile issue. He'll probably put up a poster. [Scared] [Speaking of a movie] You filmed a movie with Hye Soo ['Smugglers' will be released on July 26] Called 'Smugglers.' ['Moving' will premiere on August 9 on Disney Plus] Is it an OTT series? The next week on Disney Plus. On Disney Plus. When will it be uploaded? ['Smugglers' will be released on the following Wed of the uploading date] - You can talk about both. - I love it. We can fit your schedule. Even the time. How can you fit the time? ['Mystery Is Pinggyego was uploaded at 10] The last episode was uploaded at 10, the air time. Really? [Starting to annoy him] You don't need to do it for us. - Since it's a Disney Plus original. - Hey, we're gonna do it just for you. - Then just! - We're not that much... Since I wake up at 6:30 Upload this at that time. I'll watch this. - Can you upload this at 6:30 in the morning? - What time do you want? What time you want? 6:30 in the morning. - At 6:30 AM? - I wake up at 6:30. Are you the only one watching this? I'll watch this first. - Hahaha - Are you the only viewer? You said you can fit our schedule! [Jae Seok's provoker will be busy today.] He always provokes me like that. Do you have any schedule except this? [Filmed 'Yoo Quiz' in the morning] I filmed 'Yoo Quiz.' - It ended quick. - I hurried to come here. - It ended real quick. - I did it in the early morning. Then why didn't you come with Se Ho? Why didn't Se Ho come here? Se Ho has his own schedule. [Staggering] I expected to meet him here. [The uninvited guest expected to attend every event] [It isn't strange for him to come] I could've come here with Se Ho. [Off the topic] Se Ho has his own schedule. It's been reported that In Sung appears in our show. - This is just a YouTube show. - Right. - You know, there's... - What did they say? Only one news article about this. No, it's not only one. [Staff] There're two... Two articles? There aren't many. Thank you, reporters. [Thank you] For real. I thought it's all over the news but it isn't. [The source: JTBC news] Exclusive! Zo In Sung meets Yoo Jae Seok in Pinggyego. When I search my name the only thing I can see is... What is it? [Exclusive Tae Hyun, In Sung and Hyo Joo meet Jae Seok] The article from Joy News. [In 'Pinggyego'] What's the other one? I guess they might've missed your name. I might've been missed out. [Zo In Sung meets Yoo Jae Seok again] - It can happen. - There're only two of them. [Coffee was served] This is too harsh for me! Reporters are busy. There're only two articles! [Serving the coffee] But they missed my name! [We'll add your name on subtitles] I feel sad. [Exclusive! Tae Hyun appears in Pinggyego] Thank you, In Sung! [Showing interest in the camera of the staff] Why did you bring that camera? Today is a special day... [Been a long time since we left our office] A special day. - It's in style. - I know. That's an expensive camera made in a foreign country. - LEICA? - Yeah! Made in Germany! [Emotional] Walking around Seongsu with just a camera To capture the world of one's own. Hey! [Interrupting] I'm talking now! To throw away something... Hello. [Here she comes] Hyo Joo! Hyo Joo brought her camera! [Adding a spoonful of emotion] - Why? - Hyo Joo! [Feels distracted upon arriving] She brought her camera too. - Hey! - Hyo Joo! [Saying hello to the host] It's been a while! What's up? They told me to come in. - Come in. - What are you gonna drink? [Sorry?] Tell me what you drink. [Leaving] The drink... [Ordering coffee first] What are you gonna drink? - I want iced americano. - Weak? [Talking later] Hyo Joo, why did you bring your camera? [for taking pics] To take photos of us. Making a V pose? - Pose naturally! - Siri: I don't know. [Siri says something] It says it doesn't know. Hyo Joo likes camera, right? [The upside of Pinggyego: getting to know each other] This is my new hobby. This is expensive. This is made in a foreign country. [One more pic] Yeah. I'll pose naturally. Me too. [Stiff] [Pretending to drink coffee] This isn't real. I got unnatural when I said "I'll pose naturally." [Sat and got a mic] What did you do before coming here? I stayed at home. Lying down... You didn't work out today. [The one lying down at home] You're gonna work out after this? I was gonna ask this. When will you participate in that? What? Triathlon. Are you gonna participate in triathlon? - Is it drama or movie? - You're gonna participate in that? [For real?] Just for fun? - I can't believe this! - She's been practicing so hard. Doesn't it require so much stamina? I know. [She wanna try someday because exercising's fun] I had to work out hard for the movie. It's called 'Believer.' She worked out like a trainer. I worked out really hard And figured out it's beneficial for my mental health too. You're right. So I decided to exercise hard. Of course you made up your mind on your own. - Or a partner you work out with - I know. Your company, or your trainer might recommend you. Correct! Your trainer? [Answer: her trainer] Yes. - Did your trainer suggest you? - Yes. I was correct! Trainers talk you into doing a new challenge. You're right. Has he participate in that too? Did he say you're talented? [Being tempted] He's participated in triathlon many times. Yeah. [Trustworthy] It's a rehab gym for atheletes. You work out in the water? You're right. [Hyo Joo recommended the gym to In Sung] I recommended the gym to him. I got a surgery since my knees and back were not good. The rehab treatment in the water, She suggested I get that treatment. I don't have money. When I get paid, I'll... I'll get paid. I'll get paid soon. - I might try it then. - When is it? When will you get paid? He got us two cups of coffee. - Did you pay it for us? - He got it for us. - Here's your coffee. - After looking at the bill Yes. They're nice. [Standing up all at once] They're submissive. This is how they do usually. Thank you. It's because [The supermarket of the countryside] We've filmed 'Unexpected Business.' You have. [An occupational disease] We got sensitive to those words. Tae Hyun is not young [A quick response] It's not easy for him to respond like that. [Forty seven] I'm sitting at the end. Yeah! You're ready to move. [Sure thing] Look at my foot. I know. [Glad to see them after so long] I'm glad to meet you. Thank you. In Sung, you're getting... Older! [Spinning the ice flashily] [One more time] I need this. [LOL] Need to melt the ice. It's hard to hide getting old. I love how In Sung does that. I've worked in this industry so long And I've met many people. But when I meet someone from not the entertainment industry I sometimes get nervous. It's because I barely know that person. [Could I say this?] But there're some actors not making me nervous. [Actors making Jae Seok relax] In Sung and Tae Hyun. I don't see Hyo Joo often, but I don't get nervous in front of her. [And Kwang Soo] Dong Wook... [Actors making Jae Seok relax] I don't get nervous with you. I can't see you often but We've been working for long so I get comfortable with you. That's really nice. Right. To promote your series If three of you appear together [Excessive demand] Many shows will probably want you. Are you gonna appear in another show? [VIVO TV with Ryu Seung Ryong] I'm gonna film with Seung Ryong. With him? He told me to do it together. I don't have authority. Whenever someone suggests me... My superiors... I heard they'd appear in this show. That's why... I'm considering a couple of shows. - I'll call you if it settles. - Okay. How about Tae Hyun? [The following day of the shooting date] I'm gonna film Jong Kook's show tomorrow. You already filmed his show. There're actors who played high school students in the series. They wanna film Jong Kook's show. - So many people love sports. - They want? Do Hoon and Jung Ha. - Really? When is it? - Tomorrow. Do you wanna join? Join us! - Dressed in sportswear! - I mean - Why is it so easy to cast Hyo Joo? - Hyo Joo can't miss that. [Those who talk with excitement (3/4)] Why is it so easy to cast Hyo Joo? - What do I do tomorrow? - Two or four? [Pinggyego!] [The late promotion] You need to do this since you're here for promotion. You filmed 'Moving.' - It's 'Moving.' - Tell me about your new drama. [Putting it on each other] It's because [A bit difficult to say the story] It's so hard to tell the story. [Kang Full, the author of a webtoon 'Moving'] If you refer to the original webtoon by Kang Full [Joined in writing the script] You'll get it more quickly. ['Moving' released on Aug 9] We're married and we have a son. Seung Ryong has a daughter. Sung Kyun has a son. It's a story about them. Each of them has their own super power. In Sung can fly. I have supernatural senses. - Hey! - Can see and hear well. [5 senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch] Do you have taste? I do. What's a super power for taste? You can sense distasteful food tasty? When she has distasteful food HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! When she tastes something [As soon as she eats something] She figures every ingredient [Notices every ingredient] In the food. She senses everything. [The parents generation with super powers] We're parents who have super powers. But the kids [Because of the genes] They have super powers [The kids have the same super powers] The same as ours. What do you have, Tae Hyun? I have one of electricity. Are you an electricity human? Kang Full called me saying [Some characters are new] "You're not the original character, but I need you." [The hidden story will be revealed] I was so glad. "What super power do I have?" "You'll have one of electricity." In reality Tae Hyun Has a great power in the entertainment. [For example] Slander Provoking fights. - Driving a wedge. - Causing troubles. [He's many super powers in real life] He's gifted with those things. I picked up how to steal in 'Running Man.' Speaking of super powers What do you wanna have in real life? This question is so boring. It's because... [Started to provoke him] I never expect you to ask this. His tone too. He was trying to host the show. - You're provoking me! - This is not we intended. I'm really upset! Hyo Joo, I think you're gonna answer me. [I'll treat you] I can remedy your habit. [Wanna go home...] Just be relax And come to us. [Inviting him to 'Unexpected Business 3'] If you come to us and stay with us Are you saying you're gonna treat me? Real quick! - I'll treat you quick! - Very quick! [Snapping his wrist flashily] Won't take long. It'll take half-day. In Sung has changed a lot after all these years! Never mind! Don't say anything! - Hyo Joo. - Yes? You seem the most favorable. You do! I feel myself as a chick among many players. - Cheep...cheep... - Hyo Joo, you're the most favorable. I'll ask only you. Hyo Joo, what kind of super power do you want in real life? [Cheep...] Ah... That sounds too boring... [The same team] They're all the same. What super power do you want? Me? Invisible! - Ah... - Why? Invisible sounds a bit... Pervert... [Cheep... cheep...] [Let's listen to him] Why do you want invisible? Why does it sound like a pervert? There're moments I wanna hide! - Why? - It's like you're gonna look at something in secret. I wanna disappear immediately. [Provoking once] Do you wanna look at something in secret? Look at what? [Provoking again] Getting in somewhere in secret? I don't know. [To make Jae Seok pissed off] I was gonna almost pour the coffee. Don't ever Involve me with that! [that] In Sung wasn't like this. He's changed a lot since he became close with Tae Hyun. Since he's getting a lot of attention [She's right] You're so! [Cheep] He wants some rest! We're getting a lot of attention too! [Famous stars] We get much attention too! You, Zo In Sung! My nickname is Attention Zo. You're called Twice Zo. [A sip of coffee amid much attention] Twice Zo. [Crying] Attention Zo! - I'm called Attention Zo. - You're doing well. Wait! There might be many commonalities between you. The one thing I know is [The commonality] You're close to Kwang Soo. I'll ask In Sung first. [Curious] What's Kwang Soo to you? My dearest. [Cheep] Why do you say so? - Dearest? - My dearest. Dearest... I need to take care of him a lot. [Accepted] I know. [Accepted] You're right. - He's very sensitive. - Yeah. And he's very clever. Agree. That's why he gets hurt easily. He makes himself sad. You get it right. [They travelled together] I went on a trip with him. [Kim Woo Bin, the actor and D.O of EXO] With Woo Bin and Kyung Soo. I watched them walk together from behind. He's the oldest. He seemed like a grown-up. He's improved a lot as much as he's been agonized. Kwang Soo feels so grateful to In Sung. Not only to In Sung But also to Tae Hyun He opened up his heart. Jae Suk cares about Kwang Soo. Thanks to much affection by many people He became a flower. Kwang Soo's become a nice person. Such a long flower. He needs to be rolled. Is he a vine? Speaking of Kwang Soo - I miss him. - I miss him too. [The next interest of the host] Hyo Joo, I wanna ask this. [The amount of chatting] Do you like to chat? For me... It takes some time. How long does it take? Yeah? Well... How long does it take? Just take your time. Take my time? Do I have to wait long? I like to chat and talk a lot quietly. She's very funny. In Sung, do you like to chat? Of course. I meet friends to talk. Tae Hyun loves to talk. I don't talk much. You? The only time I talk is when I film a TV show. In real life I don't talk much. You're lying. [It's real] Gosh. [Attention! I'll explain] He doesn't talk before getting drunk. When he gets drunk he becomes another person. Hahahahaha How? Hey! I love it! Usually I'm... I hate it! Speaking of your new series ['Smugglers,' the movie starring In Sung] His new movie will be released soon. So let's talk about it. It'll be released on July 26. [The cast - Kim Hye Soo, Yum Jung Ah] With Hye Soo [Zo In Sung, Park Jeong Min, Kim Jong Soo, Go Min Si] And Jung Ah We smuggle something in secret. The female drivers who work hard Barely make ends meet. One day they find some stuff deep inside the ocean. I'm the king of smugglers who wants to make a fortune with them. That's how the story unfolds. - The director is Ryoo Seung Wan. - I'm looking forward to it. Director Ryoo Seung Wan? Sounds so fun! I'm looking forward to it too! - Is this the first tentpole? - Yeah. Tentpole? [Tentpole: A movie that supports] A big-budget movie expected to compensate for... [The performance of a film studio] Is it called tentpole? For this summer. When launching a program I get nervous about ratings. Since this is a big budget movie You must feel nervous. I agree with you. [Just like checking ratings for a TV show] Do you care about ratings? [They check the number of audience] We check the number of audience. At midnight. We can check the number. - Based on time? - Right, based on time. A distributor predicts the number. As soon as we meet in the morning They tell us how many audience will come to watch the movie. While moving or greeting They check in real time. "How many do we get?" [When the number is low...] Lower than we expected It's because the weather... [Because of the weather?] It's the same! That's what I say when I have low ratings. "People aren't staying at home because it's so sunny." It's relevant. Do you have high ratings when the weather's good? I'm kind of expecting rain. When it's rainy people don't visit a movie theater. Since they come a long way. It's the opposite from TV ratings. When there're some big social issues The movie cannot get much attention. [Mystery Is Pinggyego] Hang Jun appeared in our show. We talked about a movie release. [Hang Jun told us how important the first score is] The score of the first day's important. It's called opening score. The score of the first day and the first weekend. Is that important? When you check the score of the first week, you'll know whether the movie is a success. Like it's way better than expected? Then I'm like I did it! [Satisfied] It's easy for us to get emotional. That's one of charms. [EXO D.O] My friend, Kyung Soo He gets emotional of course. When the movie fails I'm like [Analyzing reasons] "Why did it fail?" "What went wrong?" But Kyung Soo says simply. "It seems I failed." [Is he T?] He must feel upset. But he abandons it so fast. [No way to go back] There's no going back. But we get upset while analyzing causes. We do. He accepts everything so fast. No way you can do. Marketing strategies Won't add more audience proportionately. What about Hyo Joo? You get too emotional? Or... When I was young, I tend not to get emotional and calm myself down. As I get older, I get more emotional. But I get emotional for others around me. [Angry] It's because When I get angry with others around me together They'll like this. It's a way of comfort. That can comfort others. When you hear good news, don't try to suppress your emotion. "Okay, great!" Although ratings get lower next week enjoy that week like a festival. When I was young The roles I've played were calm and responsible. I had to calm myself down. - Because you're a main character. - I thought I had to. [The pressure of keeping composure] I know what you're saying. I felt like I had to. - That's what a main character should do. - That's necessary. But I don't think I have to. The more I get aged the more honest I get. I know after bad news comes good news. - You're right. - When I hear good news It's important to enjoy that moment. Whereas in face of bad news it's important to face that moment And express how I feel. Expressing your emotions is necessary. The situation I'm in and the feelings I have When I express them honestly In retrospect you won't feel no regret. What's good about getting old is I know how much I can express And how much I can handle this. So I can make my life valuable. Since In Sung doesn't work and get paid He stays at home thinking a lot of things. Why do you bring up that story? That way he got better. All these years I haven't met him in terms of finance... You'll be misunderstood! Aren't they the same? He has no money and you have two trillion won. Hey! [The rumor of him having two trillion won] They're the same. Why is that sitting there? If that's next to me I'll hit that throat. You have two trillion won? [The innocent question] Hyo Joo, do you believe that? - Do you believe... - I envy you! [Innocent] Hey... Hey! [Making rumors] Half of Apgujeong belongs to him. Stop! [The world of their own] I can't believe it. - I envy you... - Attention Zo! - Amazing... - It was funny though. She doesn't listen to others. She sits right next to me. But she doesn't listen to me. [The same team] She goes her own way though I said it's false. [The conclusion of rumor] Is it eventually [In Sung has no money while Jae Seok has 2 trillion won] I have two trillion won and it's envious? [Made by Cha Hui-bin] This is amazing. Jae Seok has two trillion won while I don't have any. - Think as if you had that money. - You made up everything. At least I feel good. Even though I don't they think I do. If I have two trillion won I can take over a sport club. With that two trillion won Can you buy Hanhwa Eagles? To bring star players to the team? They have the president Kim Seung Youn. Hold on. Why do you talk about the president Kim Seung Youn? Of course they do. But if you buy the team I think we can manipulate you. [What they need is a puppet president] [They're fans of Hanhwa Eagles] We'll make the team we want. We don't know the president Kim Seung Youn. - We don't know him! - But we know you. We'll be like "you know nothing about Hanhwa!" - We'll handle - We'll set up everything for you! [The imagination of fans] I'm happy! I'm happy. So good! [In Sung has tossed the first ball] I've thrown the first ball. [They watched the game together] With Tae Hyun They did it together. They're real fans. She doesn't seem interested in baseball. She's from Chungju. I'm not interested. And yet I cheer for Hanhwa. [Hanhwa Eagles' hometown = Daejun, Chungcheong] You're from Chungju. The overall flow of the KBO league is important. Even if you cheer for another team Hanhwa or Lotte... Of course. No more sympathy! [The fan couldn't control his anger] [Trying to settle] I'm happy. [Fails] Consider us their rivals! Don't feel sympathetic! Since when! What I said was I want Hanhwa to win! No more sympathy! I don't want them to win. [Learned the attitude of real fans] You don't just want a rosy future. [Pinggyego!] It's July now. Oh my... I don't like summer. So I wish it could pass faster. But meanwhile after summer I feel like the entire year is going toward the end. We became one year younger though. I became two years younger. Since it's before your birthday? Until before my birthday. - Two years younger. - I'm 50 years old. How about Hyo Joo? I'm 36 since I got a year younger. Okay. How about In Sung? I'm 41 since I got two years younger. [47] 41 sounds very young. Although I became 41 My body didn't get young. You're right. But I feel like I get an opportunity of a year. Since Hyo Joo became 36 from 38 You'll feel more... From 37 to 36. You're very sensitive. Even a single year is important! That's another problem. Yeon Seok is very sensitive [I know] [Refer to 'A Cup of Coffee Is Pinggyego'] To his age... [He became 38 from 40] On that day [He cared about the first digit getting changed] Since he's in his 30s... Anyone who's in those ages must care about it a lot. The first digit's changed. How's the thing changed when you got 50 years old? Is it different? I don't know yet. I'm 47 years old. It's not like I need to do something since I'm in my 50s. - I feel something like... - Really? "I'm getting old." Even though I do the same thing [Feel myself different with age] It sometimes feels different. That happens. That happens to me. Sometimes I feel that I'm old. When I'm shooting action scenes I'm not mad at my counterpart. I'm mad at myself. I have to get over that [Feels frustrated with his age] But I can't. I hate myself when that happens. That's the difference. I think what's important is Accept and embrace that limit. Think of this. "I'm still healthy." "Though I'm old" It can be dangerous. It's easy to get hurt. [Might lead to injury] Dangerous when filming action scenes. It's ddangerous. I film action scenes by myself. I can do those scenes on my own. But it takes long to get my body recovered. It takes longer. [Over two days are required for recovery] It takes about two days. Right. When I sprained my ankle After that night It was recovered after two days. But now I gotta go to hospital - Even if you do - It takes longer. I'm like "why doesn't it get any better?" Why? Why doesn't it get better? Because I get mad at myself. When I look in the mirror "What the heck is this?" "What's this? I've never seen this on my face." [The uninvited guest on the face] Since when do I have this? So I go to hospital. [They won't tell you the name of illness] They don't let me know what that is. They try to make you relax. - "It happens as you age." - "An aging process." [The proof of aging] "This is part of againg." Well aging is necessary. It's hard not to talk about getting old. [The familiar topic in Pinggyego] With whoever comes to Pinggyego I talk about age. I'm still far from that... You seem deeply involved in this. [Ignoring] - You're deeply involved. - You're listening very carefully. And relating to our story. It's a bit unfair. Hyo Joo, you might not have realized. [Nodding her head unconsiously] You were like this. You were like this when we were talking. I wanna know this. Do you eat breakfast or not? I don't. I eat my first meal at lunch. It's around 12 or 1. What did you eat today? I ate rice with seaweed. - Without any side dishes? - Yeah. What seaweed? - Yangban? - The Famous... - The Famous Grandma... - I've never heard of that. It's really delicious. Then send it to me please. Send it to you? - In Sung, are you poor? - I will. [The character never seen before] Send it... You know what my nickname is? It's a single, old man in Bangi-dong! [Appealing his nickname to get the seaweed] In just a few years... I promise I send it to you. Let's share delicious food. When I was young People used to share everything. - I like him. - Let's be considerate. [The host loves his talk] I love how he talks. Did you eat breakfast? My parents live next to my house. So they serve one meal a day. The meal time is 11:30. But we can't eat anything before 11:30. You can't eat anything before 11:30? No. We had to eat together at that time. And my mother doesn't cook before that time. - If I wanna eat, I have to cook by myself. - By yourself? How long is the meal time? Until 12. You have to eat for 30 minutes? [The meal is available from 11:30 to 12] I can eat food only before 12. Before that time span. Even if I can't make it My mother wouldn't make any food for me while cleaning. How wise she is! [His mother's way for efficient meal time] I think she came up with great idea. It's because mothers should prepare meals for their families. [Two bosses of 'Unexpected Business'] We've managed our business. The day's gone while we're preparing meals. The day's gone! No life! My wife always says "What should I cook today?" [Deciding menu is not easy] That's a big problem. Preparing three meals is not easy. Since their couple has many kids. Our kids are still young. I love your mother's idea. I'll use that idea when my kids grow up. And these days delivery service is so convenient. I can deliver some food if I wanna eat early. Or if I wanna eat my parents' food - I can visit my parents' house. - You must get in. But! If I didn't get the call from my parents, I can't eat with them. They called me to come earlier, and I didn't answer the call. And I get into the house like past 12. [In Sung over] That means over. The meal won't be served that day. But we don't eat dinner together. - On your own. - Because I might have appointment. Then what do you eat when you don't have any appointment? I deliever some food Or I eat some food alone. How was today? I ate what my mother cooked. - Before 11:30? - Yeah, at my parent's house. [He made it today] His schedule is so tight. - The most tight schedule... - It's really tight! [The most diligent man here] He should eat between 11:30 and 12. I can't eat anything if I miss it. What was today's side dish? Gajami-sikhae. That sounds delicious! Gajami-sikhae and rolled omelet. - Wow! - That's nice! Pomnyun sometimes sends me some food Like cabbage or cilantro. Pomnyun? Yes, he grows vegetables. [Rice wrapped with vegetables] I eat rice wrapped with the vegetables. - Nothing special. - Sounds delicious. [The wise rule of In Sung's house] Only between 11:30 and 12 You can eat food. - Your mother's so wise. - She really is. Mothers must be powerful if the rule's to be established. She was when I was young. When my father allowed me to do something But my mother didn't, that means I couldn't do so. She's so charismatic. They're meant to be. [His parents: In Sung, accept it] I don't know well. But it's not something I can do. - Among your family members your mother - Is ranked the first. She's No.1. - Who's No.2? - My dog. [His father's less powerful than the dog] Your dog is No.2. - The next is? - Then comes my father [The rank His mother>his dog>his father>In Sung] And I'm the last What did you eat, Tae Hyun? Nothing special about my breakfast. What Su Chan has left. [Sorrowful meal of daddy] My wife cooked breakfast. I grabbed what my son left. You expected something special but there's no such a thing. When I eat alone I don't eat at table but stand in the kitchen. [A stand-up meal] We do that too! Before cleaning up [A quick meal before cleaning up] It's to fill up your stomach. That's enough. - I do that too. - Right. If I set the table I should do the dishes later. It's such a hassle that I eat to fill my stomach. I love side dishes. - Because my wife's already cooked them. - Right. And I like to mix everything with rice. [Everybody does the same] I know! What do you like to mix with rice? - Young radish kimchi! - Young radish's being harvested now! [Young radish + red chili paste + sesame oil] The sauce of young radish kimchi... I ate like that a couple of days ago. I made bibimbap with young radish kimchi and ate it standing. [Did everything they said] Exactly. With sesame oil and red chili paste added! Seaweed! I need The Famous Seaweed! To sprinkle that seaweed! [The Famous Seaweed got really famous] The Famous Seaweed It was so good. And you need fried eggs too! - But it's bothersome. - I make it when I'm in a good condition. [Such a hassle to use a pan] You need to clean the pan too. Or since it's summer You can eat rice put in the cold water with pickled veggies. Everybody's the same. I thought you guys're like Preparing perfect breakfast on the table to eat gracefully. But everybody lives the same. Do you usually lie down at home? All I do is breathe at home. [Busy breathing at home] "What do you do at home?" "Umm, I just breathe." I just breathe at home. Should I do anything at home? The house is a place to relax. He watches baseball from 6:30. He's right. When the season ends I feel so empty. It's like saying goodbye to my friend who I meet at 6:30. "What should I do from 6:30?" We feel sad for 5 months. Players play baseball from Tuesday to Sunday. I hate rain because they can't play baseball. They don't play baseball on Monday. [A JTBC's TV program that makes In Sung feels fulfilled] There's a TV program called 'A Clean Sweep' Broadcast on Monday. We watch it on Monday. [In Sung's busy week] It's my schedule for a week. [The tight schedule of baseball fans] We're so busy. In Sung's life is full of baseball. It's my friend. What do you do at home? Just lying down? I bought StandbyME. It's so convenient to watch TV while lying down. [The baseball fans who don't know that stuff] What did you buy? - StandbyME - What the heck is that? It's a movable TV. I carry it wherever I go. [A pair with TV] Watch it while lying down. Hey! If you have that good thing Send it to us! Send it to us! I don't know that thing exists! I go in front of TV to watch it. [Intimidated] Send them... - Is it expensive? - It is. She's strapped now. That seaweed is great. [The Chungcheong's way of refusal] It's so funny to think That Hyo Joo carries it everywhere she goes. I carry it to the bathroom when I take a lower-body bath. [Her passion to watch TV in the bathroom] That's nice! This is a real talk! I love In Sung's new buzzword, "send it to me." You've already received two things. Ah, then it's your birthday gift! StandbyME? But it's too expensive. Can I give seaweed as a gift? Isn't seaweed too cheap? The gap's too big. What am I talking now? [Watch my mouth!] Oh my! Then send seaweed to me. Let's go slowly. If the gift starts with StandbyME It'll be a huge burden to In Sung. [Agreed to send seaweed] Send seaweed to him. Starting with seaweed. [After watching this] Many people will send him seaweed. Please don't! Please don't do that! This is a joke between us. Even if you wanna send it to him [Please don't] Never! [Tae Hyun's easygoing] He's not picky about food. I just... The need for food isn't that strong for him. - When I say something isn't tasty - That means it's bad. That means no one can eat that. - You're like me. - I'm not picky. [Example) basil] Of course I do not like some food. I'm not sensitive nor picky about the taste. I felt sorry for my wife when we first married. She cooks so well and a lot But I can't express my gratitude to her. My response isn't that big. [Feels sorry not for expressing thankfulness well] I feel sorry for her. She used to cook beef-bone soup and Share it with Jong Kook. She cooked a lot of things. [His wife loves cooking] My wife did. She's amazing. Jong Kook loves to visit my house. [Jong Kook's morning routine] In the morning He eats breakfast watching UFC games or Netflix. - He said it's his happiness. - Yeah. [The upcoming TV show] We went to Mongolia together. [He and his besties went Mongolia for shooting] He always watches that. He only watches that. [Jang Hyuk] Every morning Hyuk is... [Working out] Which makes me laugh. He never changes. Kyung Min drinks every night. [Always the same] You guys are amazing. It'll be released from August. I'm not sure how it'll be. I'm not sure whether it can be broadcast. Of course it can. I think it's gonna be funny. This is off the topic. The other day Tae Hyun called me. He asked where I was so I answered I was at home. "I'm gonna visit your house to drink with you." He arrived at my house. [They were drinking together] We had a little chat. He suddenly called Hyuk. [Remembered] So he had - No schedule on that day - He came? [Many participants of the house party] They came to my house for the first time. We drank together. And then Tae Hyun suddenly missed Jong Kook. But Jong Kook doesn't answer to Tae Hyun's call. [The reason: Jong Kook is tired of being with Tae Hyun!] But still If Kyung Min calls Jong Kook Jong Kook will feel suspicious and avoid the call. But he answered Hyuk's call. Jong Kook did? So Hyuk asked Jong Kook to come to my house. Jong Kook came to my house. - Oh. - He came? - So we drank again... - I remember. [The next visitor was Kyung Min] We called Kyung Min. But he couldn't Leave his house because he had to take care of his kids. So we video called him. [LOL] We all drank together like that. - With video call on? - Yes. We told him to come to my house! He lives close to me. [A remote meeting from far away...] "I can't today." "Until when are you gonna drink?" [The forgotten memory came to him] It came to my mind. [Asking instead of the owner] Why did you invite them To In Sung's house who aren't close to In Sung? I was drunk then. He doesn't answer my call. He doesn't even answer me even in the day. I called him in the afternoon. He answered the call since it was afternoon. But I was drunk back then too. Since then he doesn't answer my call even in the afternoon. That's why Hyuk called him instead of me. So Jong Kook got off his car Saying "I've never expected to see you like this." [Puzzled] "I've never expected, either." [Mimicking Jong Kook so well] "Is Tae Hyun drunk?" "I think he is." "Ah, he's such a..." [The host feels so proud about that] We stayed together. And then they left. After they left staying alone Watching the remains they left Yeah. 'What party did I have today?' [The precious relationship The petty reality check] You should understand this. Do you know how comfortable it is when you're at your bro's house? - It is. - I know. They do everything for you. [Example] I feel comfy at Kwang Soo's house. He asks "do you want chicken?" "What do you have?" "I know the restaurant famous for chicken kalguksu." "Let's order that." I end up staying there for like 6, 8 hours. - You must be busy talking. - Of course. He sweated later. Me and Seok Jin visited his house. [Understand why he sweated] Kwang Soo was... We spent more than six hours at his house. - That's amazing. - We could. Hyo Joo should buy it, right? What? - Seaweed. - Yeah. [Started to talk about seaweed again] You get it by yourself? When I first tasted it I thought that was so delicious. Kwang Soo ate it too. [Started to talk about Kwang Soo again] Kwang Soo heard about that too. Anyway he sent it to my parents because it was so tasty. - Really? - Oh... I feel so thankful to him. Why didn't he tell me? - He's still... - What's wrong with him? I'll send three boxes to you. - In Sung looked so scary. - It's not you... I don't feel upset with you. Kwang Soo... Kwang Soo... We keep talking about Kwang Soo even though he's not here. We do this stuff these days. My friends feel uncomfortable if I get them everything. I understand. [His juniors can't say they're gonna treat him] "I'll treat you today." It's hard for them to say so. - We set a rule by ourselves. - You did? - You need a stopwatch. - How? Push the botton twice and multiply the last digits. [00:65, 01:43 5X3=15] It's fifteen. Everybody does the same. If any of the last digit is 0 it means the result is 0. The one who gets the small number treat the others of a group. By multiplying? But when we go travel We should pay everything. Drink coffee or take a taxi [The expense for traveling] Drink alcohol or eat. It's expensive if eight of us eat together. Or sometimes we wanna visit a fancy restaurant. [In Sung Pay is useful] Then we do this. [The problem is...] The game should be fair since it's random. But? The other day Kwang Soo joined us a bit late. - Is this about Kwang Soo? - Kwang Soo again? [Please listen] He did this without knowing nothing. [Pressed the button twice] "This is a rule. Just do it." [Had to pay the lodging expense.] He got the small number to pay the expense. Over a million won. You know his face. Dumbfounded... "What's this?" - "You should pay this." - You copy him so well! [Kwang Soo is inside of him] "What's this?" [Kwang Soo followed the rule] He did... And we took a taxi To eat sushi. Sushi restaurants are expensive. [Guess what happened] He got the small number again? We did it for a taxi price. He had to pay for it. [A trick?] What's this? You were not fooling him. Yeah! We weren't. [The dinner course looked expensive...] Since the restaurant's expensive - Two of us needed to pay for that. - You were wise. - To relieve the burden. - Two of us. That two was Kwang Soo and Woo Bin. It got contagious. [A mystery unsolved] The virus infected another guy. Then Woo Bin... Woo Bin again? He had to pay for everything for three days! [Woo Bin paid everything continually] No exception! Taxi, tea and convenience store. - Everything? - He had to pay everything. This should've been filmed by a TV show. [Feels sorry] It was so hilarious. - It's so fun to film this! - I know! [Another funny story] Those who wanted decided to stay there longer. Me and Woo Bin and some of us stayed there. So we needed a hotel to stay in. Woo Bin found one. [Woo Bin] "I'll pay this." "No, let's do this again." [A quarrel for fairness] "We should!" "No! I'll pay this." Anyway we did the game and Woo Bin lost again. Then Woo Bin said "What did I tell you?" - "I told you I would!" - He missed the chance to take credit! [He couldn't take the credit even though he paid] "I wanted to pay to look cool." [Another travel story] My family visited Spain in February. It was tour packages. So there were more than 20. That's so fun! - And you get close to others. - With strangers. You get close to other members. They didn't think I'm special since I'm an actor. After 3 days We were walking down the road together. Someone wanted to say hello to me. [A member approached him...] He approached me saying "Hyun Tae..." "Hyun Tae! I've watched all of your movies." [Confession in three days] [Hyun Tae's thanks] "Thank you." They don't do that from the beginning. The name... [He must've been confused] Since he was old he could've confused my name. - Hyun Tae. - I said nothing. Cha Hyun Tae. We got into a shop. [No doubt] "Hyun Tae, go in." [Once again] Ah... Although he watched every movie Tae Hyun starred - It wasn't a mistake. - Hyun Tae. Sometimes I reverse the names of my friends to get close. That's what you do! [EX) Wook Dong, Ho Se, Eun Song] Hyun Tae! It wasn't because of that. For real. He did that in a few days. He did his best anyway. [Pinggyego] [Researching their favorites] What's your favorite food? My wife asked me what I wanted to eat when I came back from Mongolia. I said I wanted galbijjim. - Oh. - Galbijjim! That's my favorite food my wife makes for me. The last day in Mongolia [Visited a Korean restaurant] We visited a Korean restaurant after shooting. - Galbijjim was served. - Wow. Galbijjim and stir-fried pork. So I didn't eat galbijjim. - Just two pieces? - To get the delicious jalbijjim. - Ah, he's! - I should've eaten it at home. [Applaud] You're adding a cliche! A story about your family! [Mad] He's adding it! Cha Tae Hyun! To protect his image. I started to regretr it. [AHCHA Tae Hyun] He's adding a cliche. That's not what I intended. So explicit! You have such thing? 'I'll have this when I go back home." What I wanna eat at home? There's something I don't wanna eat. What I don't want is curse words. [Married guys agree] When I get home But why do you hear curse words? It happens sometimes. [A perfect buildup] What curses with two trillion won? Oh my! [Keeps asking their favorite foods] What's your favorite food? I love noodles. [Noodle lovers are crazy about noodles] I love noodles. I love noodles too. I can live by eating noodles all day long. [Recommending tasty noodles] Have you heard of 'Jungnam Myeonok?' That's what Jeju people eat. I got that as a gift. It's pretty thick. The power of noodles is [I wanna eat that] Different. How thick is that? Hey, send it to him. [Accepted] He loves noodles. - Send it to him. - Okay. I love today's talk. Instead of asking what that is ['Send it to him'] Sending is powerful. - I'll send it to you. - Let's say it short. Send it. What do you like? I'm a rice lover. [The most favorite] The warm rice. Since I live alone I don't cook rice. I can eat rice when visiting my parents' house. Before marriage I lived with my parents. I've never lived alone. [Wants to know how it feels] What is it like to live alone? I was just like you. Before marriage I've never lived alone. So I wanted to do so. - Just once! - So [Tae Hyun tried to live alone] I lived alone for two years. You have to lease a house for two years. I tried but... I got into my parents' house after only a year. Why? I couldn't live alone. I lived alone for a year or two after getting out of the army. [A review] I got devastated. I know what it's like after that one year. [Relating to him] I know what it's like. [No more try] Anyway you tried. I realized I can't live alone [Compromised to the reality] So I live next to my parents. - That's great! - That's so nice. How long have you lived alone? I started working since when I was in high school. My hometown is Chungju. I moved to Seoul with two packages. I lived in my aunt's house since I had no house. After getting into a college I started to live with others. - With others? - With others? Since I had no place to live in my company offered [The accommodation for local residents] A place to live in to employees like me. They offered us a place. IVY! With IVY? I lived with IVY and another aspiring singer. [When she started acting] I started to earn money. And got my house. I was 21 when I started to live alone. That long? [Lived alone so long] You must be pro in terms of living alone. But still I'm clumsy. [They don't go together] I'm not good at doing house chores. - Really? - Just... I don't make a mess since I don't wanna clean it up. [Relating to her] I just keep everything in place. But I don't like mess. Keep everything in place and I don't touch it. I touch what I need. [Minimize the movement] Your movement is efficient. With minimum movements Some rooms! I haven't got in there for like two, or three months. - It happens. - Right. For real! In Sung, please! [Listen to me] I don't care about some rooms! What kind of room haven't you visited for two months? - I have no business! - It happens if you live alone. [Nodding] Really? [Hasn't lived alone] When you're like Having three or four rooms - I move between my room and bathroom. - It's because he lives alone. The rest rooms are empty. He doesn't earn a lot of money now. [Staying still] But he earned a lot. - Do you think his house has one room? - Okay. - He earned a lot. - Yeah! - He's only strapped for now. - I understand. How can you say he's strapped now? When he paid 14,000 won "Wow, it's expensive." Why did you say the exact amount? You don't care about him? If people know In Sung gets surprised at 14,000 won... But the price is reasonable since we ordered three cups of coffee. - This place is reasonable. - I know. Ah, you must've felt good. [He didn't look good] But your response earlier was... Since it's a reasonable price. - You were? - Now I know. Now we understand. [Researching the consumption pattern] Where do you spend money the most? I spend money eating food. But based on your words You don't buy a lot of things to eat. [Eating out...] I eat outside. I usually treat my friends. [Empathetic] You should. You spent a lot eating? Yes. - I don't wanna save my money. - I know! In Sung, you spent a lot eating? - Yeah... - He buys meals most of the time. I used to wanna get expensive cars. I don't wanna get expensive watches. All of things become meaningless. 'I want to eat well.' 'This is why I work.' That's what I think. When we go countryside for shooting [The big pleasure] We search for a famous restaurant. "This food is famous in this neighborhood." [The one in charge of searching / in charge of booking] Hyo Joo reserved a restaurant. - That's our pleasure. - I agree. I spend my money treating my friends. Instead of spending myself Cash gifts! [Agree] I spend my money giving cash gifts. - Or staff dinner costs - That takes up a big part. Me too. If it's too small [Everybody's concern in terms of cash gifts] It's easy to get blamed. - After checking... - How many do you give? That's my biggest concern. Although I barely know that person it should start from 300,000 won. [The standard's high since they're celebrities] Of course. - You're right. - If I know them, it's from 500,000 won. [The same as his limit] That's my limit. It you're close to them it's 1,000,000 won. You're exactly same as me. It's right. We all should go like that. This is... [Ready to joke] When I have to give Cash gifts to others I don't have any extra cash In my own vault just like you... [Suddenly got a vault] Yeah. [Excited] They're the same team. [Misses his brother] I should've brought Se Ho. I miss Se Ho! Se Ho, you should be here! [No more joking] And I drive my car To find an ATM machine. But you know... I don't wanna spend that fee. [A tight budget] - So... - I know, that's why you should go that bank. You should go to your main bank. [But you can't find your main bank] Find your main bank? It's too far... When you find your main bank Withdraw some money on a regular basis. - That's the answer. - In case you need it. [A good tip for cash gifts] This is knowhow. In Jae Seok's house His vault is located in one of his rooms. [Mad and funny at the same time] [LOL] I've heard of this. [Helping Tae Hyun] Upon entering that room - He should enter a keycode. - Please stop. [Grabbing collars] [Still furious] These guys! It's time to... We've talked a lot. It's good to learn something whenever I come here. [The rumor made in Pinggyego] When I came here [1. He has a house for parking] That one! [2. 5M table with a throne] When he came here with Yeon Seok [3. A vault room] He said I got my parking lot. How about building a filming set with the props of these stories? [Accepted] We're gonna build one With everything in it. Hilarious. [Pinggyego!] Since you've come here twice [Possessors: Eun Song, Jae Woo and Hyun Tae] It's your second time coming here. [Coupons are issued for those who visit here more than twice] If you get one more stamp you'll get paid. [Reaction] Nice! Should I get this? [For guests who visit here for the first time] In Sung and Hyo Joo got one stamp. Get two more stamps! [A photo card with healthy sweets] Thank you! [With a success of 'Moving'] Have a smily summer! I used to be Ms. Binggrae Really? [Flattered] Yes. - We liked Eagles. - Binggrae Eagles. [Meant to be smile] This is for Hyo Joo. - Binggrae. - What's this? This is my photo card. A limited edition. Wow! [The sound from his mind] So hard to look at. What's this? [What's this for...] What's this? Just a gift. A photo card. Ah, poker? [Threw the card] This isn't that card. You can't play a game like that. She's funny. [Addictive] You're funny... Hyo Joo's funny. [Tried to wrap it up] Why are the glasses? [A Phatching card] Like this? [Glad to give you a small pleasure...] This is a limited edition. [Addictive] I can't see his eyes. - Today was so... - So funny. Thank you so much for coming here. And then... I'd like to extend my gratitude to Kwang Soo. Thanks. Thank you. Bye. You worked hard today. Thank you. Tae Hyun) You going home? Jae Seok) I will... I'll lie down. Long time no see. In Sung and Hyo Joo. We met at the ceremony. We did? [Directors: Cho Eunjin, Jo Subin, Lee Eunsol, Chu Hyungrok] [Writers: Kim Song-hwa, Kim Yi-jin, Jung Chae-hue] [Mixing: Youth Sound | ChungchoonSound] [Pinggyego!]
Channel: 뜬뜬 DdeunDdeun
Views: 7,048,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: chcNLCpBhqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 55sec (3115 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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