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What we want on variety shows [(Baby chick you)] are people not used to it... [(Entertainment)] There's so much to pick and choose from Is there a program you want to go on? I don't think I should mention it here Why not? Don't I have to say "Infinite Challenge" here? Oh! There's no such thing Oh... really? PD Kim Taeho isn't going to be like Excuse me miss Youn-Jung, please say "Infinite Challenge" [(Full of smiles from the get go)] [What's this?] [Line up makes your heart flutter] Hello (Polite) Culture, arts, philosophy Gossip Even rumors from the streets Everyone who wants to chat it up, gather up! This is Salon Drip 2 [(Oh my)] [Meaning: Bigger please] I'm losing energy by the second [Let's hype it up!] [Thank you very much] Today we have two charming people that once you fall for them, you can't escape their charms We've never had a guest like this before The personification of cool! Ryu Seung-ryong Is this live? [His first comment is different] It's like a livestream And the personification of beauty! We have Go Youn-Jung with us Are you nervous today as well? [Nod] [Nervousness level 1,000,000] I didn't eat in case I would get an upset stomach Really? I ate a big meal... [First time meeting] Oh my... I've never met Go Youn-Jung before, that's so cool [First time meeting] I've never met Jang Doyeon before [First time meeting] Me too I've never been on a variety show [1st day rookie at a variety show] I've never met anyone before They're like dolls [Greeting the doll] The doll is walking Two different looking dolls are walking! [Here come the two dolls] Nice to meet you [(Welcome dolls)] They're total dolls They're total dolls I'm a big headed doll [Calls himself a big headed doll] It's hard to get just one of them here To welcome them properly for joining us together [Each stroke was done carefully] We prepared that in the back [So nice] You're the one... Who came up with the term dirty sexy I always had a beard back then [(This is surprisingly Ryu Seung-ryong)] [Seung-ryong gained the nickname Dirty Sexy from movie "All About My Wife"] It was from a reporter Even Kim Yun-seok said "No... it's just Dirty" [Dirty Seung-ryong] You're so lovely The term Dirty Sexy is just cute I didn't know what you guys liked to drink so I have some prepared [Not an ad / Prepared especially for Seung-ryong who's into kombucha] [(As expected, picks the kombucha)] [(Need some for Youn-Jung too)] You can have the pomegranate [(Jealous)] How nice of you to do that In that case, "Doyeon can have the pomegranate too" I have to take care of myself [(Need to take care of Youn-Jung)] This is good [(Sits up)] Usually people at least pretend they're going to open this... I was just about to open it with my super powers Hearing you mention super powers even before we begin our talk Are you promoting... Of course [(Such cute antics)] It's Go Youn-Jung's first time on a variety show, right? Yes... yes... How is it? I'm so nervous [First time on a variety show] What makes you so nervous? I don't know, I'm just nervous [(Hesitant)] [This baby chick nervous from the start] [(Bow)] [Worry+Nerves to the max] What do I do... I'm just nervous when there are cameras Oh no You're in front of a lot of cameras when you're acting though Right I love how down-to-earth this is You're a great actress and although a lot of people don't compliment people based on looks [How can we not compliment you] Your visuals are amazing If you start just going at it [Nation's MC Go Youn-Jung] on your first variety show How would people like me survive We'll get to the promotion time that the two of you talked about [(Han Hyojoo / Zo Insung)] Your line up is pretty amazing so it's been the talk of the streets Moving on Disney+ Who's in charge of promoting? [(Tosses the promoting)] [Baby chick in charge of promoting] Start promoting! [Give me a moment] [Loading] [Start promoting!] It's about a story of kids being passed down a power from their parents and having to survive while keeping their powers hidden [Facing threats going beyond times and generation in a superpower action hero film] It's about a warm family as well It has a lot of action and a hero film with a Korean style Disney+'s Moving [Was that... good?] Great job [(So cute)] [Webtoon, Moving] It's from our dear Kangfull writer Aside from the actors that are promoting right now it's filled with other actors that are twice, three time more known [Father and daughter in the film] I passed down the powers That's all I passed down We have different looks We have different face sizes So just the powers! [The mother was a beauty...] I have the power to recover quickly but still feel the pain That's my power That's iffy With the birth of my daughter [Soft spot for his daughter] She's the one to give me purpose and is like a heart That's warm I'm Ryu Seung-ryong playing the role of Jang Joo-won I play the role of Jang Hee-soo, Jang Joo-won's daughter Just like my dad I have the ability to not get hurt but still feel the pain Haha... Why are you laughing? Since she's an actress, she keeps looking at the camera Oh! [(Am I not supposed to?)] Is that so? Like this - I'll start over! - Not at all We don't have redos No redos? [A dose of her cuteness] [Lost baby chick] How far did I go? You need to start over from the walking You kept looking everywhere else but me I'm sorry Actor Ryu Seung-ryong said in an interview "I have a deep relationship with birds" Does this film have things to do with birds as well? [(Owner of Suwon Wanggalbi Chicken)] I did in the film "Extreme Job" [(Daughter owned a chicken place)] In the film "Psychokinesis" and weirdly enough, in this film I own a chicken place There's another film I shot recently and that's called "Chicken Nugget" I filmed a fried chicken advertisement and one for chicken breast [Chicken universe] I'm one with the birds It has to be because of "Extreme Job" and where the restaurant became a hit while you were undercover [Fried chicken place owner] I hear it had the most influence after the mayor... [(Right)] If you look at it, you're the reason why that street got popular [Suwon's Paik Jongwon] What's different this time? Back then it was a seasoning This time it's the crispy but juicy fried chicken So good you can eat it as yukhoe It's juicy on the inside but crispy on the outside Who do you think you're talking to Fresh chicken although it's dead Fresh although it's dead... [It's an actual line from "Moving"] It's fresh chicken although it's dead You won't even notice if you went as two and one dies That's terrifying Terrifying That's a scary saying! That's a very scary saying You went in to eat as two but don't know if the other dies [Horror] That's no good That's pretty scary, right? [(So funny)] You first impressions of each other Go Youn-Jung though Ryu Seung-ryong would be scary Ryu Seung-ryong thought Go Youn-Jung would be difficult That reason being was because of Instagram That was because of the beard That's why I shaved my beard off [(Shaved for Youn-Jung)] 90% of kids even if they're happy They cry once I approach them - Because of the beard... - Because of the beard... Are you okay with your beard shaved? I went into the meeting thinking he would be scary But he had prepared a flower bouquet [(So sweet)] [The scariness changed to sweetness] - Just for you? - Yes He ordered the flowers in advance [His feelings arrived before he did] And the flowers came to the office first Do you usually gift people flowers in the first meeting? It's not common What was the reason? We're family in the film and wanted to do well in the future That's so cool [(So proud)] I though Youn-Jung would be difficult to approach at first She's like an actual doll? [Bragging about her daughter] But she's so nice and easy-going She has a great personality and approached me first When she's on the set with people her age her lips always meet her ears Lips meeting ears sounds scary It does Thinking about it, it's scary... You don't have to comment on everything I say [Horror Sexy Ryu Seung-ryong] No, it's actually scary thinking about it [Actor Ryu Seung-ryong] How is he on the set? On the set he has this default face "How will I prank them" [(Got caught)] [Lifts up the mood at the set] [(Smirk)] It's this face right here! [(Got caught again)] This? - That smirking? - Yes [(This is it)] [(This)] It's like from a cartoon It was something Director Lee Byeonghun requested during "Extreme Job" I practiced it a ton I got a cramp afterwards A cramp on my eyebrows [(Eyebrow greeting)] Whenever I greet the staff now, I greet them like this That's why it looks so naturally I can do it multiple times at once Three times at once Like a flying seagull [Try not to laugh failed] I heard Go Youn-Jung's role is getting ready to enter sport university That's right Are you actually athletic? I majored in art but I liked sports the most during school I looked it up and I saw that you did figure skating I did that briefly, I did ballet for a long time though That suits you [Matches the face] You look like you do ballet [Looks like she does ballet] [(Peek)] I look like I do mask dancing Why would you say that Oh... okay [Seung-ryong was in the mask dance club in university] Mask dancing is nice You've done a lot of sports You did figure skating Haidong Gumdo as well - Haidong Gumdo, wow... - I've never done it before What? Where did it come from? I don't know It's on the NamuWiki page... I saw that as well Yes I think that's where I saw it I... I've never done it before Do you have no connection with Haidong Gumdo? None It might be because I used a sword during "Alchemy of Souls" [Her sword skills might call for misunderstanding] That's why Then can you look at your favorite camera to put things straight? I've never learned Haidong Gumdo [(All right?)] Are you comfortable now? I think it's better [(That's a relief)] Do you usually drink? I can't but I like the atmosphere If you're too uncomfortable, I'll add some alcohol in your kombucha Sounds good Something Ryu Seung-ryong said in the past has been in the talks "The actor who will portray my younger self is Cha Eunwoo" [Even funny to me] Can I ask what was on your mind when you said that? I'm sorry but you're not mad, are you... I didn't understand Oh... Don't try to understand... Who would he like to act as his younger self? Oh, like a younger version There's only once! Face genius Cha Eunwoo You said something like that Well... - It was a stretch - Not at all What do you mean Right... that's right [That... hurts] You both have different vibes! You have different charms so [Try not to laugh challenge] But strangely enough [Moving] Cha Taehyun is playing as a high schooler There's only a three-year age gap but it's weird to play the role as a middle schooler Right This time Weirdly enough, I play as someone in their 20s Weirdly enough...? There are all sorts of people in their 20s If you look at me when I was in my 20s I look like I'm in my 50s For real! [Seung-ryong's time goes backwards] Others told me I look younger now He showed me an older photo of himself - Of him in his 20s? - Yes! So what did you think about that image? It wasn't Cha Eunwoo There was a misunderstanding In "Mount Jiri", there was someone named Cha Woonwoo...! That's enough! [Boomer joke] Gureum's friend, Woonwoo! [The only actor that can portray me is "Mount Jiri" Cha Woonwoo] Then can Youn-Jung send a message to Cha Woonwoo? Me? [Embarrassed dad] I'm sorry, this will happen a lot [To. Mount Jiri's Cha Woonwoo] Our dad seems to cherish you a lot [(Head down)] Please stay healthy If we get the chance to meet, I look forward to it It was a ridiculous request but thanks for going at it sincerely [Baby chick has leveled up] I miss you Woonwoo One of Ryu Seung-ryong's nickname is [(That's right)] Chungmuro's daughter lover Before actress Go Youn-Jung there was Ye-seung There was also Shim Eun Kyung as well [Kingdom] There were more, Kim Hye Jun who poisoned me [Dad excited to brag about his daughters] I had some bad daughters I hear you're still in contact with actress Gal So Won? I meet her once a year since she's living in Jeju Island She transferred when she was in elementary Whenever I visit Jeju Island, our families meet to have a meal We're all close! - Her uncle, aunt - Oh my - This is legit - Her grandmother They're close with my kids I have a special relationship with So Won since I've known her since 6 years old She's like an actual daughter to me Whenever she goes into elementary, middle, and high school I gift her a bag [So sweet] You're so sweet In the future it'll be time to gift her a luxury bag [Not too much longer] You'll see the tag on a bag one day Oh my... [(Kidding)] So bad of you [It's here again] Then can Go Youn-Jung say something to Gal So Won instead of your dad Is this like a half-sister? Then it gets weird for me No, just as daughters [To. Gal So Won] I'm Ryu Seung-ryong's current daughter and had so much during the shoot I can imagine how happy you were during your shoot with him I hope you're happy and healthy in Jeju Island I hope to meet you in the future You want people to be healthy! You wish health upon people [Health fairy baby chick] Health is important She's getting better! If we start over, I think it'll be great - Should we start over from the hallway? - Should we walk again? You're great at this The two of you seem to get along but through our research your MBTI they don't match at all ENFJ - And Youn-Jung? - ISTP I never knew She's always so bright on set and goes around greeting people [(Thought she was an E)] It's half and half for me I'm an E on the set but anywhere else, I'm an I [I moment] I don't want to head out so I stay and home...! [E moment] But once I'm out, I don't want to go back Then let's say your appointment got canceled [(Half E, half I)] Do you like it or no? Sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't If I didn't get ready already [I moment] Thank goodness, I don't need to get ready I don't need to wash up but If I already got all ready but they cancel on me [E moment] I need to do something else since I got ready - I already washed up - Right Do you not wash regularly? [(You caught me)] As for Ryu Seung-ryong's MBTI People that are ENFJ are [(Based on 2017)] Jimin of BTS Suho of EXO Kang Daniel There are a lot of idols If you were an idol, what would your position be? - Position? - Yes [Never heard this question before] The question was like Moving, right? [(Type N getting into it)] Most of them are the center So the center...? Slightly on the right Why? Do you like being on the right? [(Super into it)] I think being the center would be too much pressure [(Center)] I'll help out while watching the sides? [Would be a right-sided idol] I would make sure the center stands out [(Super into it)] But help out on the sides as well Go Youn-Jung's MBTI ISTP has Park Myungsoo Yoo Woo-jae [(Super into MBTI)] Ah... Park Myungsoo You have a lot of entertainers with the same type Do you want to do entertainment? Not at the moment but if I get used to it and get more flexible in the future But you know what What we want on variety shows [(Baby chick you)] are people not used to it... [Unexplored variety land] Like unexplored land [(Entertainment)] There's so much to pick and choose from These days, as the viewer If you have people trying to be funny It's a little hard to watch But natural people like Youn-Jung That get people curious, it's not common to see [(Confidence boost)] You're a total gem Then is there any program you want to go on once you get more used to it? I used to but I don't think I should mention it here Why not? Don't I have to say "Infinite Challenge" here? There's nothing like that, we won't take you away Oh... really? Nobody is going to be here PD Kim Taeho isn't going to be like Say "Infinite Challenge" [True unexplored variety land] They don't do that these days They take it easy these days [(At ease)] They're all nice so they'll keep it to themselves What is it? I want to go on "Earth Arcade"! - I'm sorry but that's not allowed - Right? [Lovely itself] We have two taboos here It's Kim Taeho is a dummy and Earth Arcade [It's fun to play with the entertainment rookie] Let's say you got an offer for a program like that You like comfortable things so you got the power to bring someone on with you You want to do it with this member It doesn't matter if you have a connection with them or not Someone you think it'll be fun to work with Doyeon Nice! I'll bring Go Youn-Jung over! [Excited to explore the unexplored] Let's make something big [(Just wait for it)] Wow Is there a show Ryu Seung-ryong wants to go on I want to go on "Ggoggomoo"! [Doyeon is currently on the show] Ggoggomoo? I even called Director Jang Hangjun and how I wanted to appear! As a host? No, just as someone who listens Really? But Director Jang Hangjun said Seung-ryong, I think you'll know about all the cases [Seung-ryong has a lot of interest in cases] I need to react like I'm surprised but he thought I would know too much so I got rejected [How unfortunate] I really enjoy it I just filmed an episode of "Ggoggomoo" Oh really? The time was 1979 That's so fun Do you remember anything from today? [Get a taste of reactions] I wonder if you'll know this one [Salon Drip storyteller / Jang Doyeon] [(Already into it)] [Salon Drip story friend / Ryu Seung-ryong] There was a man named Lee Chul-soo Oh! Chul-soo... [All we mentioned is the name] [Chul-soo no way] If you keep that up, it just sounds like you're making fun of me What you said earlier Lee Chul-soo? We can't use those reactions... [No "Ggoggomoo" for you] Right Once I heard you would be here I felt like I've seen you in so many movies so I looked at your filmography [Been building up his filmography] The pages were endless You started off with a minor role and then a supporting role and then up to the main character A lot of people say you're "An actor that improves step by step" Do you perhaps remember the first line of the first film you did? I remember the play Back in 1986 when I was in 10th grade During the film "Wandering Stars" [A line from "Wandering Stars"] Who's comforting who Family? Parents? A household where the parents are oblivious to their children? I was playing the role of a boxer [Seung-ryong's first movie] The one for "Someone Special" was short There was a long line but it was all edited The line that appeared in the movie was What are you... You dog baby [Short but sends the message] You still remember the entirety of your first line from your play? I practiced so much [Practiced the first line so much] I practiced so much I still remember it despite it being 30 years ago Do you remember your first line, Go Youn-Jung? He still remembers despite it being 20 years ago I can't remember mine... I'm sorry... [Seung-ryong wasn't able to read the room] [(So bad)] If you asked her first I remember the scene though! That's fine, what was the scene? That's fine, that's better than nothing... It was a drama called "He Is Psychometric" [Didn't know she was being filmed in different angles] I didn't know about full, tight, bast shots So I thought we moved on to the next scene after the okay - But they filmed it from different angles so I was confused - Right You're supposed to disperse your energy [Tight shot / Need to use a lot of energy for these] I'm supposed to do it during the tight shot but I had no idea [Something like this / (Doing her best)] But when it's a full shot, I try my best I know what you mean Actors need to calculate everything and use their energy accordingly [Planning type] I'm a super J so it's very easy It might be hard for type Ps I usually calculate my energy Since I'm a type J... Are you a believer in MBTI? I was super surprised! Why? MBTI just goes perfectly [(What)] My entire family took the MBTI test It helped us understand each other a lot That's why they acted that way... They say the purpose of MBTI is that I couldn't understand why my son acted that way ENFP [(Hi dad!)] It's something I just can't understand It has that energy! That's how I got to understand them I hear something unexpected happened during the first line and the first scene, what was it? I think it was in January or December That must've been cold It was so cold I didn't even realize my lips were frozen What do you do in that situation? I think... I went about the shoot the best I could [Lost for words] [(Guys, Go Youn-Jung is definitely type T)] You mentioned your lips were frozen Can you share about where you froze for the award ceremony - At the Baeksang Arts Awards? - Should we move on? No it's fine! A lot of people were worried for me [Youn-Jung froze at her first Baeksang Awards] [(Nervous)] It was the seconds awards show I've been to in my life The first one was the Blue Dragon Film Awards Oh my I was super nervous back then as well It was during the night and with all these camera flashes You can't really see the people I figured as long as I don't trip on the red carpet, I'm good I even had a dream about tripping Just being on the front page of Naver Rookie actress Go Youn-Jung, trips at her first awards show... Uh oh Clumsy Youn-Jung! That's when you know? You'll turn into [Clumsy Youn-Jung will follow you] Clumsy Youn-Jung for 10, 15 years It went by smoothly so I figured the second one would be fine Up to the moment I arrived, I wasn't nervous at all But now [With a rookie manager] I was with a manager I've never seen before They asked, "Are you nervous?" Yes... I'm so nervous They said, "I would be nervous too" [Rookie manager is an uppercase type F] "Huh... I'm getting more nervous" The guards outside knocked saying, "Please come on out" and they just opened up the door [(This wasn't expected)] There were just so many people out there in the middle of the day There were people already standing at the photo wall so they told me to wait in front of my car but the car ended up leaving Right, the car leaves They need to make way for the next people It felt like I've been abandoned [That day's plans were all unexpected] They just said "Get going" so I had to get moving While you're walking [(Rookie manager)] I would be nervous too! That just sticks in your head Your fans must've been worried I was worried too Right During last week's photo wall for the "Moving" press conference everyone was like Youn-Jung, it's no big deal, you can do it! Once we got back down, they said, "Told you it was nothing! Look!" Zo Insung kept telling me to take deep breaths Breathe Youn-Jung! Make sure to exhale, not inhale, when you're heading up! Nice! They're so reliable You calmed down from the pep talk from others thinking how nice it was but your manager saying I would be nervous too! They're not someone you're used to either [Manager wanted to encourage her] Yes, it was the first time You prepared an acceptance speech too, right? I thought about what order - To thank people - Of course I actually did a little prayer begging I didn't want to go on the stage I was just so nervous What are you saying! Even if you have to go on four legs it's people's greed to want an award sometime in their lives I didn't want to in case I actually had to crawl... - Nice - Nice [Grown into a chick] How was it? Was it better than you anticipated? Yes! [(Happy)] I had lots of fun [Baby chick opened her eyes to shows] - Are you more open to shows now? - Yes [(Building up)] If Youn-Jung has opened up a bit Can you walk through the long hallway with a bit of entertainment again Me? Alone? [Broken Youn-Jung and excited adults] How would I do that? She's already doing this [She looks very determined] [So cute] [(Out)] Why is that "tie"... Youthful cue! Oh! Let's do that! [Stand by] We have an amazing guest [Starting the opening again] The epitome of youth It's actress Go Youn-Jung Youthful cue! [Here comes the variety queen] [Happy] [Shy but very proud] That's totally different from Baeksang Awards [(In awe)] This is how actress Go Youn-Jung looks now That's so nice Do you usually take a lot of photos? [Selfie lover Ryu Seung-ryong] I do [(Surprised)] Oh really? Despite how I look So like a persimmon, with Youn-Jung Every time I release something Since I'm a super type J! [MBTI: Shouldn't have mentioned it] I don't just take pictures I have a plan [So touching] I categorize my files into folders Can we see your gallery? [(So cool)] We'll just take a look [Actor Ryu Seung-ryong's phone album] Wow, it's categorized by date These are my family photos [Photos with his wife] - You and I - There's a folder called You and I [Scenarios to bring pain to type J] Let's say you had a child actor that was looking through your phone and then corrupted this file All 53,123 photos are condensed into one album called Album Your "You and I" folder is gone [(Happy type P)] [Everyone else is having up / (Heart is racing)] [(Calm type J)] That's why I download everything on a hard drive I sync everything up as well It's actually happened before and it's really hard [(In awe)] Let's take a selfie as well Is this going to be used? Into my album folder... [Saving his 53,1333 persimmon] One, two Then to commemorate your appearance on "Salon Drip 2" Can I ask to take a Salon 4 cuts? We don't need to open the fridge door, right? If you open this, you'll get scolded by Um Jiwon ["Salon Drip 2" EP.2, actress Um Jiwon] - Um Jiwon? - Um Jiwon came on and said to stop opening this because of the electric bill One, two, three [Congratulations on becoming Salon Drip 2's member] [Next week] It's an introvert's acquaintance [Shining Davichi is here] [Their YouTube team is here too] You're Minkyung's YouTube team? When I have a camera with me unintentionally No way You bring it with you [Hectic vlogger with 1 million subs] What do you mean not intentional My best content number 1 and number 2 Why do you... get nervous whenever you see me? [Endless serenading towards one woman] I like her so much You let her sleep at your place But is there anyone that doesn't like Jang Doyeon? [Unless confession attacks] Dating shows are so funny Isn't this a dating show? [Jang Doyeon's women] [Check it out on YouTube TEO] Did we already film 2 weeks worth?
Channel: TEO 테오
Views: 4,313,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 김태호, teo, 지구마불, ena, 곽튜브, 빠니보틀, 원지, 세계여행, 예능, tvN, 댄스가수유랑단, 댄스가수 유랑단, 이효리, 엄정화, 김완선, 보아, 화사, 마마무, Kpop, KimWansun, UhmJunghwa, LeeHyori, BoA, HwaSa, 게스트, 아이돌, 음악, music, stage, idol, k-pop, 티비엔, 살롱드립, 테오유튜브, 유튜브, 노래, 무대, star, super star, k-dol, 케이팝, kpop, k-music, 차정숙, 닥터 차정숙, 장도연, 토크쇼, 토크 예능, salon drip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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