Have You Seen Flamma?

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today's episode is all about a brand from shenzhen china that started in 2019 and dropped their first pedals in 2020. they're really good they are a budget line you need to know about so hang out with me and learn all about [Music] let's jump into this line we can call it a budget line because the prices of these pebbles are freakishly low and let's get one thing out of the way how do you say the name flamma flama well i'm from alabama and it's pronounced flamma that's how i remember this so here we go with flamma we're gonna start by stacking two petals we're gonna do that on every jam because there's a bunch of petals we're gonna do the delay you've seen this on at least two live episodes so far this is as of now my favorite budget delay pedal i've ever played i can't believe i'm saying it at 75 dollars i would put this on a board so fast mode 4 is called it's like what's it called mod galaxy and to me it feels like if a tape delay was best friends with a memory man and they hung out and they gained each other's skills and attributes i love it and then we have the drive i have the box that's strange do you guys know how the box no there's a sticker in the box other stuff in the box look how tiny look how small here's what i think is interesting about this i think even myself would put the volume knob as the big knob but i don't know if that's the best move because they made the overdrive knob the big knob and i think i like it i think i've been wrong and i'm here to tell you that i think i've been wrong so we're gonna do this this is 29 is that correct twenty twenty nine dollars that's a cup of coffee and this is super cheap seventy something these are definitely budget pedals we're gonna stack these play something really emotional because honestly this has wrecked my life that these are this cheap here we go wait that mode is just called galaxy not mod galaxy whatever it has mod so we'll call it mod galaxy [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i just found myself that was sometimes melody meets tone in a brand new way it's good 29 did you hear when i kicked that on it sounded like all the fears of my heart were audible it's really good puddle next up at 39 i call it the mini reverb they just call it the reverb but it's a mini so we're gonna call it the mini because there's a big one for later studio church and plate i'm going to use studio and then we have the mod first off i want to talk about this mod color it's pretty bright and it harkens back to something i want to show you yeah whatever it reminds me of these dod pedals and let's be honest this could sound like hot trash and i would love it because it fits it fits the color scheme of this what do we call this what's this palette what's it called cocaine it's just a cocaine palette my hair is long my pants are tight my music's loud my colors are bright i like that okay so we're going to jam i'm going to use the ring modulator setting on here now let me clarify some people watching the majority of people watching the show i love you but you're boring and you want to hear chorus i don't want to play chorus there's chorus flanger tremolo phaser vibrato rotary it has a lot of stuff i'm going straight to ring mod why i don't want to be boring i want to do something crazy i want to get out of the box i want to jump out of the box head first and hope there's water that's what we're going to do reverb we're going to play some kind of mushroom acid jazz blues riff i don't know we're going to mess with the time signature honestly we're just going to do what we want because if we don't do what we want we're going to be miserable and i want us to be happy and then i'll give you a little smorgasbord sampler i'll rotate the knob for 39 you get a bunch of modulations in a tiny petal same thing the verb's amazing here we go wait don't you have the box for that green one oh my god i do hold on stop everything yeah i have to do i have the box for this there's stuff in the box look at that sticker manual it's in chinese i can't read it but i don't need to read it because it's simple they're smart here we go ready acid mushroom blues jess [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] um [Music] [Music] all right next up is the mini delay i'm going to use the tape echo setting and set it kind of normal kind of like a slap tape this is a cool pedal it has analog um it has a real echo setting and then the tape echo really cool and i'm going to use the distortion but i have another box what are the chances that i would wear i have the box shirt and have b it's like i'm promoting am i doing a plug for like a is this is it i have the box and shameless plug can we are there two stinger can we do two back to back yeah we can do anything we want we choose our destiny this uh distortion here let's see wow i'm life's hard open it there we go uh high pass low pass toggle i'm gonna go low pass so it's gonna be a thicker warmer sound again drive knob big i kind of like this i would have gone volume but now i'm thinking maybe they've done it right i don't know 29 the delay is probably free at this point i don't know how they do this all right here we go wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what's up um they have drum pedals like pedals for drums well no it's like drum loop pedals so i was thinking maybe do you think it'd be okay if you record a loop into it well you can do both you can record loops oh it's an actual drum machine yeah it's a drum machine and you can also do loops in it as well but so do you think for this jam i could take like a break i guess whatever okay cool have to probably take some vacation minutes or something okay i don't know oh yeah i'll do this i guess so you're gonna let the robot i'm gonna use this one robot drummer okay well see what happens here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you just run a like a like a drum machine like a cheap drum machine through a clone i did okay was that an arpanoid electro harmonics what made you think that was a good idea um why wouldn't it be a good idea well you know they made like i heard i've heard these actually i remember but i heard them and they sound really good but you kind of destroyed how they sounded i just want to represent their hard work you know you used a clone and an arpanoid yeah yeah i guess we do what we want here huh again this sounds amazing at 29 that is literally a cup of coffee you know what i'm saying it's unbelievable where are you getting coffee you just buy coffee on the street wherever you're at it's 29 every time hey does anybody want coffee who wants coffee i just made a fresh pot of coffee does anybody want just buy this instead say no to caffeine say yes to distortion it's that easy it's not hard you guys everybody just acts like this stuff's hard it's not hard don't buy coffee next up we are gonna combine i call it the big reverb again because it's not the small one or tiny big large small tiny you get the idea i'm gonna use setting seven which is a modulated verb uh just like the delay that i absolutely love this is the exact format by the way these are stereo as well 79 wild love this setting i'll kick it on after the modulation that will have already been on and i'm gonna use a tremolo setting basically like a hard helicopter-ish trim sound and uh kick this on we'll just see what happens together this is like what is this it's like the price of half of a normal pedal for both pedals like three cups of coffee again where are you getting coffee [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] i know what you're thinking a lot of judgment i've already read the comments from the past i have a time travel ability that i haven't really shared with people until now and you're saying he played every breath you take and like verbed it out well you know listen here mister misses whatever i wrote that i've never heard every breath you take i don't know who sting is and i honestly am super offended that you don't respect my artistic abilities my songwriting talents and my ability to pull riffs out of my butt that is my riff that is my progression i stake claim on it if you ever use that i will come and find you i'll hunt you down and i'll claim it as mine just like you claimed it was stings in the comments so get out of the comments and move on with your life the flamma line has a couple cool things that emulate amps or cabinets i don't have the tablet the cablet i don't have the tablet i don't have the cabinet simulator nor do i need it right now because i'm using my amp and cab but i do have this preamp now this is cool you have uh the same format as the delay where you hit the mode and kind of the light goes across and you choose a number so this pedal corresponding numbers are on the side number one is a fender deluxe uh number two is an ac30 number three is coral reef not sure what that is what amp is related to a coral reef it could be i don't know plex 50 is a flexi uh blue eye 100 i don't know you know sometimes you don't need to know you just need to know number six is mb fifth gen i'm not sure what that is either and then number seven is a 5151 maybe that's a reference to van halen's 5150 i don't know nor do i care i'm gonna go to the number two which is ac31 ac30 i played with this quite a bit and it's impressive for the price it adds a different amp sound to your amp so i always play these loud and clean fender style lamps this is going to give it a bright punchy mid-range a little bit of grit it's honestly very convincing and shocking even i'm shocked and i'm never shocked i'm a boring person i don't get excited and right now i'm losing my mind and then i'm gonna add to it the echo verb i know i said this is my favorite this is my favorite delay in this price range of all time i can't believe i'm saying that it's that good this is an incredible dual delay it's dual because it has delay and reverb now you know that i love the dispatch master okay it's the first love of my life with combining delay and reverb then you have like the healy caverns this is incredible though stereo tap tempo and it's like 97 dollars i'm gonna play these 97 that is four cups of coffee for if you would just stop drinking coffee you could have gear people complain are you buying coffee you just if you stop buying the coffee you're gonna realize you get more gear less coffee more gear more gear less coffee are you shopping on like godcoffee.com [Music] [Music] me [Music] so [Music] [Music] that was my favorite jam we've done today in the comments let us know what your favorite jam was this combo is really cool i tend to play fenders like i said earlier i love that this gave me a different grittier sound to the jhs amp that's usually kind of fat and clean this just did a thing and did an ac30 kind of thing and again this that setting that i'm on is like a reverse echo underneath the verb i didn't use the tap tempo because i just locked it in with the knob it's incredible and i just want to say this line is a perfect example of if it sounds good it is good i'm gonna say it again and we're gonna put words on the screen if it sounds good it is good i think there's a stinger for this right yeah if it sounds good that's a stinger that really just got to the point i don't really have much else to say these reverbs they're incredible this delay i've already said it 10 times it's incredible this mod it's so cheap if you want some weird mod sounds this is perfect tiny reverb this modulation i barely touched the abilities of this i don't think i did at all i literally used a tremolo distortion delay we didn't even hear all these amps and this thing listen these are basically the cost of coffee if you will stop buying coffee you'll have more gear let's go to record time this week's record time is brought to you by one of my favorite records so far of 2021 it is collections from the white out by ben howard ben howard's an artist that i think i've showed every record by him on record time and every time he puts out a record it'll probably end up on record time he's one of my favorite artists this has yusuf days on drums and he co-wrote a bunch of this if you know who that is congratulations if you don't listen to this then listen to more ben howard go listen to yusuf day's projects he has a really good album with tom mish that we have had on record time i believe and yeah i want to sit and talk about what i like i like everything on the record so i'm not going to bore you to tears check this out um his first records are simple very good songwriting um kind of clean and he gets weirder and weirder and weirder and i like him more and more and more that's my comment on ben howard so please check him out drop a line in the comments about this record thanks so much for watching this episode i hope you liked it in the comments below let me know what you think of this brand let me know what you think about the sounds that you heard and overall hit like if you liked it subscribe to the channel click the bell icon to get notifications of all future episodes there are links in the description below for the jhshow.com where you can buy merch and things like you might wanna he has the box shirt just so people can ask you when you're in the grocery store line if you're psychotic if you're that person go buy the shirt also there is the patreon where you can help us archive pedal history with the trips and things that we do and the development of the tiny little documentaries that you've seen on the channel over the past years so that's it for today also there's bandlab if you want to jam with us jam with us at bandlab there's a link down there click it you get all the sims you get the drums you get the guitars you get everything and then you become part of the band it's kind of magical honestly it's technology it's amazing bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 128,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: dji5_Bx95QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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