3 Guitar Pedals That Should Have Been Famous

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on today's episode i'm going to show you some pedals that should have been famous that means they're not famous but they should have been and really at the end of the day that's your fault [Music] these petals should have been famous just like you and i should have done better things with our lives but here we sit so we're gonna go through them there's only three because honestly that's all you can handle i've seen the week you've had it's been stressful we need to do this and get it over with so first up is the seymour dunkin tweak fuzz this is from 2005. this is one of seymour duncan's very first pedals you've seen the pickup booster possibly and the twin tube preamp this is right in the fray with the very early stuff now their head of engineering over there with the circuits is a guy named kevin he's amazing but this actually wasn't designed by them it was licensed to them there was a pedal called the afrofuzz that was designed by blue saracino actually his dad alex designed the petal so sorry these pitiful humans made this error this is it it's really cool because it has a rotary that deals with the low mid content much like you know the classic big cheese has that rotary it's not the same circuit not even really similar but that's how you can associate what that does kind of has like bassier settings and more bright treble boost type settings so i'm gonna play a big riff with it kind of woolly fuzz face sounding and then i'm gonna turn this dial till it feels to me quite a bit much like a range master [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that jam had a lot of potential it started off strong and rebellious just like we did as children and teenagers and then it basically was subdued into dad town where you buy a riding lawnmower some new balances and you get a grill and you sit around and talk about the weather um so if i had to say part a of that song was pretty good part b was definitely dad town i apologize for that but then again it's over it's done with and it's really your problem not mine let's move on to the next petal it is from the year 2000 this is when i graduated high school not that that has anything to do with anything the wasabi forward reverse delay i have the box this is by dan electro for some reason it's like these didn't exist it should have been famous but you probably never even seen this you've seen these right but you probably never even see this came out and apparently nobody cared so let's open up the box here voila they're big they're heavy you could you know you could put a nail in the wall hang a picture with this sure it has some of that similar aesthetic of an old car this has tail lights on it it's a choice but basically here's the deal it's the year 2000 and this is loaded with amazing sounds and features that nothing else had and it should have been famous tap tempo not common at this point on and off here you have stereo outs you have a pickup selector which helps with how much gain goes into the delay circuit if you want to override it or not singles humbuckers you have a button here which activates reverse which activates the backtalk can i get a backtalk can i get a backtalk backtalk i forgot to get the backtalk but i need to show you the backtalk costs like it's right in front of your face it's literally you're there you go the back talk costs like a million dollars now right well it's in here along with the dan echo from this series it's all right here look at this it even has a high cut there were not many delays with high cuts on them so this is extremely technologically advanced and it has a sumo wrestler have you ever seen a pedal with a sumo wrestler no no you have it anybody else in here you ever seen one no so it should have been famous but like us just ended up here [Music] [Music] [Music] that jam got us out of dadtown i don't know what town we're in maybe sad town dad town turned into sad town and that's okay let's do the next battle this next petal has been on my board probably accumulatively for three years of my life i've really liked it for certain things it is from april of 2002 it's the tech 21 double drive you know when you hear about tech 21 all you really hear about is sansamp stuff well they make amazing drive pedals this one's discontinued it's unique in the fact that it's not a copy of anything you have a drive a b and a drive a and you can blend them and this gets as close as any pedal really has ever gotten to a cranked ac30 in my opinion like the kind of cranked where the amp wants to die but it's living its best life that's the tone that i love out of this so i have a few i don't have the box for this one but i have three others so let's look at those because it's worth doing here's one here that came with a monster cable battery at one time anyway this one's yellow japan only kind of a big deal i like the yellow a lot oh here's uh here's a manual nick you see this i see it can you read this uh i can't i cannot why not because it's uh it's not in english the language yeah look at this original catalog you've got warranty cards uh honestly there's so much stuff in here that it's uh it's overwhelming it's overwhelming to me so yeah there's yellow right we got yellow what do we got what's in here wait what why is why is this box white why are the boxes different i don't know anybody know why the boxes are different no one knows that answer anybody addison i don't know but that's cool the boxes are different that's gonna bother me oh what color is oh is that blue that's definitely blue so we have yellow blue black right see that is this exciting yeah this is exciting here okay just checking this i want to make sure the serial numbers correspond to the box because that's madness if they don't what's in this one again this box is not this is unique what's going on here all right what color any guesses red red red i was right you were right oh there's a letter in here the guy i bought it from martin casselry from cornwall uk that's who i bought this from this doesn't uh oh uh oh the box says serial number zero one six one three but the pedal is zero one three three five is this important yeah it's not the proper box to the pedal what's the point of keeping the box if it is that ooh ever ready silver you ever seen the silver no i can't get distracted why is the serial number 2193 just play the pedal for the people is there any more boxes out there is this possibly to this one people want to hear the pedal okay it's fine every pedal just sounds the same really at the end of the day this really matters though now i'm back in sad town [Music] check it out check it out i found the right one we have two oh so i have two of these was this in the for sell bin this is that serial number okay zero one six one three zero one six one three it goes to the right box this we need to sell this one you know why it doesn't have a box the pedal doesn't have a box it's pointless okay let me just rephrase there's four colors see this four colors we're playing the black one because it's normal and you might be able to find it you'll never find these just i'm not bragging i'm just saying they're from japan really glad we resolved this but did you see the and i'm not gonna use this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] that was that was my favorite riff um it wasn't inspired by any nirvana song i don't think so do you i don't think so no that you know totally original and so we went from dadtown to sad town sad town's a suburb of dadtown and then we went to this other suburb it's called mad town i think we're done but really you know i need to close and just say that not everything makes it you know not everything's successful this pedal is amazing right it's amazing this pedal it's amazing amazing and some of you are amazing but it didn't work out like you thought but you know one day somebody's gonna pull you out of a box and talk about you and say that you're awesome just keep the faith you know just it's fine like my life's not what i thought it'd be either you know i want to be a cowboy when i was a kid but what am i even doing in my life nick what are we doing here what's the point of this i don't know i think we should probably go to record time though it's getting kind of different these pellets are just boxes stupid boxes like who cares who cares about cardboard record time i don't i just think people need to know the truth you know these pedals pedals aren't everything they're coming everybody out dude it's just the truth you know today's record time is brought to you by 2007's the boy with no name by travis uh basically record time is secretly me trying to brainwash everyone into enjoying travis as much as i do i think this is the fourth album i've mentioned um here's the deal they should have been more famous they should have been more known they're one of my favorite bands ever this album is phenomenal closer is my favorite song big chairs my favorite song and then the other songs are my favorite songs please listen to this give it a listen um you're probably familiar with some of their earlier bigger radio hits which in america weren't really radio hits like why does it always rain on me probably heard that song but they are phenomenal they're overlooked they're underappreciated just like a lot of us you know like me uh like you like nick you're underappreciated you know i think that life's just full of disappointment and when we reflect on records that we like thanks so much for watching this episode i hope you enjoyed it um what was your favorite jam and what was your favorite pedal that should have been famous drop that in the comments below hit like if you liked it subscribe and click the bell icon to get notifications of future episodes and in the description below is a link you can jam along with every one of these three jams on bandlab you can go download stuff you can sing over it you can play your ukulele you can play an accordion you can do anything you want there's also the jhshow.com for merch and stuff and join the patreon to help support the preservation of petal history and honestly i just want to say i'm sorry i know i've been a real bummer i've been rolled down i'm usually a positive person but you know there's a lot going on there's some stuff happening you know i didn't have breakfast my blood sugar crashed i didn't sleep well um my lawn's dying it's like super hot here and like my sprinkler system doesn't work and you know my lawn dies i die and i didn't have a good dinner life's hard you know honestly what are we doing like why what's the deal why are we you
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 117,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Music History, overdrive pedal, chorus pedal, distortion pedal, boss pedals, compressor pedal, univibe, delay pedal, octave fuzz, reverb pedal, reverb, eq pedal, boost pedal, behringer
Id: AhPx-oDkaoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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