Have You Ever Woken Up During A Great Dream And Wanted To See The End?

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have you ever woke up in the middle of a dream and the dream was so interesting that you wanted to to back to sleep to see the end of it if so what was the dream when I was younger I would always have a recurring dream where I was in my house and demons were following me around every time they would be in a different form I was so terrified of that dream and I always wanted to figure out how it ended but I always woke up at the scary parts the only way I found to stop the dreams was to finish the story in my head and once I wrote it down I never got the dreams again it's a recurring dream several years on and off that I look forward to every time it happens time behind a large secluded waterfall with a mermaid it feels very real but I always wake up prematurely afterwards the dream never continues where we left off when I finally fall back asleep I was Jewel who was starting to jam in with the 1973 the Rolling Stones the Mick Taylor yours the stones at Peak Charisma with a Vibe of danger and sin all the time most recently I was kissing someone for the first time in my dream I've been married for over 20 years so that Rush of a first kiss is long behind me it was nice to feel the butterflies again and I wanted to get back in that dream for more kissing had one like this last night I met a guy who was a rocket scientist my age and we suddenly fell deeply in love the kisses were amazing I woke up so sad and wanted to go back to sleep and finish the dream my classmates and me were running and I looked behind me and saw freaking Usain Bolt following us with a freaking shotgun we ran through a field and through our school and passed some characters from my favorite TV show I remember my PE teacher opened a gate and only let one of my classmates pass through it was the fastest classmate BTW and I ran past him thinking that mother always hated me I woke up when Usain Bolt catched up to us I really wanted to find out if he was gonna kill us something I have a weird imagination this is a great question but one that I could only answer if you were to ask me within the first 30 seconds after I wake up I was eating nuggets at local McDonald's briefly woke up turned off alarm and went back to finish the nugs Iron Man dream I was Tiny Stark exhibiting a new flying armor with powers and everything it had magnetic boots and a lightsaber it doubled as a flying dream too then my mom called me and woke me up to remind me of our brunch date and I had to be nice to her best dream I ever had tiny Stark quite often actually lately that kind of dreams have been centered around my deceased son and spending time with him at least in my dreams the dream was about me and my mom buying a PS4 then my mom in the real world woke me up and I can still remember my disappointing after I realized that I didn't have a PS4 at least my mom did pancakes they were good I was happy I had similar dreams too where I got a PS4 I also had dreams where I bought myself a new pc in my dream I was about to eat what was known as the best sandwich ever I woke up literally milliseconds before the bite I tried too hard to get back to that dream I guess I'll never know comma aww I had a dream like this I had to walk through a Costco to reach this Auditorium in the back where a TED Talk was being held they handed out the best ice cream in the world and when I took a bite it was tasteless then I woke up I got into Hogwarts I was a student at Hogwarts it was amazing last night I had a dream that I was part of a group of explorers that was in the midst of fighting off a group of Yetis in the jungle my dreams do not make sense after the fight the group and I were lounging in a hospital room and I was talking with a nurse we were talking about life weird things physical exploits and regrets I remember the nurse saying hug me I hugged her and felt happy then my cat jumped on me plowing my chest and me waking up at 7am damn it I was happy Daniel cat if your cat didn't wake you up you probably would have totally forgot about the dream you may have continued the dream and not remembered we forget most of our dreams I think I was in a dream recently where I was a YouTuber and I got canceled because of a Google review saying paraphrasing one star my name told my friend's name to kill herself during a dark time now I'm canceled in my dreams I woke up and fell right back asleep just to say Hey how do you guys even know that me I didn't do it ask my friend then everyone believed me and we danced and somebody broke their head excuse me what the frick was that last sentence ions had a dream I was climbing a mountain of popcorn at what looked like the opening scene of Sound of Music I woke up when I got to the top always wondered where it was headed the popcorn's alive with the sound off popping I have very random dreams actually one time when I was in Middle School I woke up in the middle of this weird dream with race cars and libraries and I was friends with Taylor Swift I think who I met in the library I think she was pregnant me and some random people raced around what I think was my middle school campus very interesting don't you think so one time at band camp Snoop Dogg saving me from the clutches of an evil fairy trying to trap me in her garden was it a weed Garden yes I think it was I think I was dreaming about saying yes instead of rejecting this boy who I really liked I had so much fun in the dream as it felt like an eternity in the dream I can't remember exactly what happened and dreams are boring to listen to anyways so I'll spare you the details when I woke up I found myself crying I rejected him because I didn't know if I was lesbian or hermaphid ittc but I regretted everything and wanted to tell him but he's dating his ex-girlfriend now I don't know what to do and I don't want to split them up the dream felt surreal too like a lucid dream which I think it was basically like every wet dream I've ever had yeah same had one of those really vivid dreams that I won the lottery this was like 25 years ago and I would still rather be in that dream than awake just the sheer feeling of freedom and joy I imagine would be wonderful I had just received a check for eighty thousand dollars and I woke up started to check my bank account before realizing it was a dream it was a crappy start to my day a couple of days back I had a dream in which I was aware that I was dreaming but it was a Dream Within a dream so freaking fascinating it was it took me a little time to gain control on the actual reality my brain circuitry felt a little twitched me seeing my ex in a place and her spotting me then her forgiving me for all the stupid stuff I did then she gave me a hug I had the opposite happen was dreaming that I was at a lake and Jason Voorhees shows up and did she starts towards me typical Friday the 13th situation I'm running as fast as I can through the woods and I'm scared as heck no matter how fast I go he's doing the quick walk and still after me out of desperation I climb a huge tree and get to the top branches I look down in their ears at the base of the tree looking up at me I'm safe I wake up and sit up in my bed sweating my TV is on and I'm able to breath a sign of relief what a crazy butt dream I am glad that crap is over I think to myself and take a few sips of water and settling back into my pillow I close my eyes and go back to sleep bam I'm back in that freaking tree still holding on the same branches I look down and see Jason still looking back at me but he must have went to his Tool Shed while I was temporarily unavailable because he is holding a chainsaw I swear I'll look towards myself like I was watching a movie movie and was speaking to myself in the audience I looked into my dream eyes and said you gotta be kidding me in a very irritated and sarcastic tone it's like I knew I was in a dream at that point and was Pee because I was back up in that tree well Jason got to work on that tree trunk and took it down and when I hit the ground I woke up again what the frick I said out loud to no one took a shower to get the sweat off and decided to stay up for a while so I didn't want to go back to the dream but the dream wasn't done with me honestly is one of my favorite dreams because of it all played out apparently Jason decided to rip off Freddy Krueger's stick have you ever had a dream that you the you would took that the you that over there if that you would you could that if you that where when you so you wanted to in the so you could do anything no but I did have a dream where I was riding my bike and I went super fast like 30. this has recently started to happen to me from what I can remember it was about me and a real-life YouTube Trio called I just went overcool we were in my grandparents house trying to uncover some conspiracy after some very intense searching and odd clue that would fit the YouTube Trio's comedy style one of them turned out to be a part of the conspiracy and he also tried to mislead us or something then he over dramatically jumped over a very tall wall to escape and then I woke up I was practically forcing me to sleep because it was really getting good I've had some other dreams but once they get good I always wake up and miss the ending I was expecting your dream to be of you saving Caesar from WAMU but I guess that works too I have had vivid dreams of drinking large quantities of milk and it scares me I'm a novelist occasionally I'll dream about my characters in those moments I'm desperate to return to the dream and see them in real life I was freaking hentai characters I was hopping around in Dorito land with a friend it was really cool and colorful and there were giant Doritos flying in the sky that sounds awesome I was little and I was dreaming that I was a Barbie IDK which one I think from a movie A Fairy Barbie actually I was talking with my other fairy friends and I woke up I was so mad because of it it wasn't interesting was a nightmare with Sonic Eggs and zalgo being my neighbors and torturing me about eating old man randoms Sonic X dreams gang was in a native Village of some ancient tribe forgotten by Humanity all the villagers were sad and crying I was with them and welcome as an outsider but they did not know me as their own a girl was with me we were in love she was so sad I have to go back now I knew in my dream that you didn't belong here that she had to go back or her soul would die she would be immortal there I said I knew and we kissed hard and sad the villagers began to chant in the fire in their midst grew stronger and turned blue the girl unclased from me slowly and stepped into the flames and disappeared I woke up in tears determined to go back to sleep when I did she came back gave up her immortality to be with me and the villagers rejoiced woke up shortly after and remained in a haze for weeks a school shooting Massacre it reoccurs every so often my dreams are pretty fantastic so I'm sure I'm forgetting some but I put some that stuck out flying on a futuristic scooter around an island with a mountain at the center on a very overcast day I get the impression it was a dystopian Society but I don't remember more than the feeling of Freedom another dystopian Society also futuristic I was originally a poor kid learned to fight formed a team to fight the bbeg we lost some members on various missions really depressing but I'll never forget that feeling of camaraderie the insanely close Bond we had from facing death together on the reg the only Mission I remember was infiltrating futuristic flying ships think kind of like Avengers but a fleet of them to try and take them out before they got to one of our cities we were planting detonators I know we lost her teammate then I've always wondered if we won our fight flying over a backyard garden and Greenhouse in an older English City also so overcast I have the sense that it was cold out but I don't actually remember feeling cold it was very peaceful just floating above everything a few Doctor Who Adventures thrown in those are always a thrill from beginning to end I hate waking up from those we'll come back if I think of more I could go on for a while about how it started but I'll just post the really cool part basically there was a wasteland with supergiant deadly creatures that burrowed under the sand on the edge there were giant mushrooms bordered by mountains basically the idea is that you could start a society on the mushrooms and the more stable strong that Society got the more the mushrooms would move into the Wasteland and also form into a habitable Kingdom think similar to an Elven Forest City but if it started from a single hole in a tree that someone moved into and then as more people moved in the City built grew itself except in giant mushrooms it was pretty flipping cool anyway in my dream the society had just collapsed so we were just starting over from the beginning when I woke up it was a crazy Purge like scenario where there were a bunch of people in an auditorium and overtime small groups were disappear those still in the auditorium were either in flight or fight mode against each other pierce your Revival mode trying to scavenge anything useful from the deputed's possessions a Trippy crap this is gonna be so dumb I had a dream that I was on vacation and this girl found me and told me she was convinced she could make me fall in love with her in one day we went off on crazy Explorations all over the place from jumping on buildings running from Cops had lunch on top of a mountain then I woke up I wanted to finish that dream damn it multiple times it's always seeing my dad that was killed two years ago the worst part is that in the dream I'll come to the realization that he's dead and it can't be real and that's when the Panic sets in because I know I'm waking up I just want to keep having the dream so I can hear his voice again I don't remember this actually happened to me last night I had a dream about my friends ex whom he now hates I dreamed that we were walking through a hotel lobby and man asked me to be a fill-in judge for a drumming competition I told him I didn't know anything about drumming but he still wanted me to be a judge so I'm sitting there judging the drummers and his xgf kept rubbing my arm and softly kissing my cheeks I remember thinking when this is over I'm so getting laid I woke up shortly afterwards I texted my friend first thing this morning and we both found it amusing I wish the dream would have continued she was a hot piece of ace there were many dreams I'm also a lucid dreamer so this used to happen quite often it's been a couple of years though so I have to go way back in my memory usually it was a dream about something happy like a secret love interest over the years though I figured out that if I dreamed about them I would never end up with them there were a lot of those sometimes though I was trying to go back to Rescue somebody when I could successfully go back to sleep and perform the rescue it was rare but I did it on occasion if you're asking about the most memorable though well that's not a dream I like to admit to just anyone when I awoke I found myself sitting up in bed in a cold sweat I found myself remembering not just a dream it felt like a memory it felt so real I had just dreamed that I was my opposite gender as in a past life or something like that it felt so real that I've been asking myself WTF ever since if there was ever one dream that I wanted to go back to that was the one three years ago I was dreaming I was in a catering hall the hall was packed everyone was seated facing the Dance Floor no tables I scanned the crowd on the opposite side and I'll lock ties with a girl I know very well from my past as I see her I can tell she recognizes me then it ends I wake with her on my mind I get to work and look her up on Facebook to tell her about it I log on and there's a message from her already in my imbox hey you how are you doing I had a dream about you last night I begin to freak out I sent her a message back asking for details she described the room but dreamed details after my dream totally wild I believe she was there in my dream I'm standing on a pyramid in sort of sun god robes with thousands of naked women at my feet screaming and throwing little pickles at me yes this morning I was somewhere maybe my current house and all of our past pets were there five total same personalities and could speak as is usual in a lot of dreams but directed as the pet would and not as a human I.E really hungry sits up and begs treat please or look fuzzy belly or gonna tackle my brother r a w w r play play play time to play Chase Chase I'm in the midst of dealing with a very serious life-threatening illness if on amend the last several months have been very hard and the next two are likely to be harder still followed by a few downtime months where things will only just suck my workplace is problematic I get the idea they'd happily let me go if they could but recognize the legal hellhole they'd be in if they took action to be rid of me some actions seem to imply hoping I'll just quit I know they want to be perceived as the good guy and to be fair there are a few who work hard to be so I really really wanted back into that comfortable dream even if only for a few more minutes currently we can't have any animals due to some specifics of my treatment even visits to friends will fur children have to be carefully handled I was five or so and I dreamed that all my stuffed animals turned into giant gummy worms that wanted to eat me they chased me around the house until I was cornered in the kitchen I was about to Lunge in a fight against the demon worms by eating them when I woke up from nap time with all my stuffed animals still in place I saw my high school sweetheart again hugged her so many times in that dream and told her how much I'd missed her I woke up in the middle of a conversation and realized she'd been dead for almost four years it was rough you have been visited by the holy doggo like And subscribe you magnificent person
Channel: UE Stories
Views: 3,445
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Keywords: best dreams ever, best dreams, end of the dream, neverending dream, dreams, sweet dreams, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2023, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: tIN4NbfV8CY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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