Haunted Toyota let out the SMOKE?? (Camry No-Start No-Comm)

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hi everyone good morning welcome back to Pine Hall auto diagnostics today we have a 2009 Toyota Camry on this lot of uh used auction cars I guess so they I guess Buy Auction cars usually the reliable ones like a lot of Toyota Camry's here uh fix them up and sell them for cheap anyways this one's a crank no start just asked me to look at it and he said they couldn't pull any codes out of it so as you can see here no check engine light no it the engine doesn't sound too good when cranking um before pulling any wiring diagrams or anything else let's check the fuses auction cars sometimes people pull fuses so we want to focus on is the EFI fuses there's number one number two and number three so this row right here is going to be a 10 amp so that side's hot that side's hot and I'm not sure if if the relay didn't open the other EFI fuses won't be hot let's check the other rope basically just compare the fuse box to what's actually here for example we're not we don't have am2 I don't know if that's important or not we do have the alternator s etcs that's the throttle body that's hot on both sides then we have a hazard ignition and steering lock check that out no ignition fuse no steering lock fuse now does do those have terminals on both sides it doesn't look like it this s horn fuse is missing look for fuses that have both terminals that are empty so the only one I'm seeing right now is this uh sorn 7.5 amp security horn maybe EFI main that's that's there that's hot [Applause] um let's see anything else suspicious so where would you go next find the engine computer check powers and grounds to the engine computer let's pull up a wiring diagram first well interesting here the diagram the redrawn is showing that EFI 2 fuse should be hot at all times the OE diagram these two red battery positive wires going to the ECM are coming from the EFI fuse but um are they hot at all times well let's see what feeds these EFI fuses so EFI relay yes but also comes from here e 30 amp EFI main fuse uh let's check that one because our EFI 2 fuse and EFI 3 fuse were oh this is confusing now are those hot at all times it certainly should be oh this is very confusing EFI relay is fed by the EFI main fuse 30 amp then when it closes then you have power to the Circuit open relay and EFI fuse two etcs and three oh maybe the etcs fuse is hot at all times and the two and three are controlled by the EFI relay this is slightly confusing where's the ignition switch here is there an ignition power going to this ignition fuse hot and Runner start yellow and green wire so one and nine the feeds a circuit open relay there it is ignition switch pin 28 yellow ignition fuse 10 amp instrument panel left side of Dash let's check this ignition fuse 10 amp all right so ignition fuse 10 amp is right there right in the middle it's going to be this one right here so hot on that side Bo boom blown see with a wiring diagram and some common sense you can get these problems pretty quickly um let's plug in a 5 amp test light instead of that fuse see if there's a short to ground see if we can get this car started today all right so we got I'm just using a 4 amp test light right now in the 4 amp setting Let's uh turn the [Music] key is there check engine light back on sure is Let's uh fire it up well it fired up I don't see any short to grounds here so the fuse itself yeah you can see a bad spot I don't know if that's just from age it doesn't look like it exploded Let's uh let's give this thing some gas see if we can fire it up all right here we go we going to give it some throttle I don't know how long this car is been sitting here or at the auction let's see if it'll idle good old Toyota now we can do smart scan you can see there is some current going through our lights so I'll replace that with a regular fuse let's uh let's scan this thing for codes so it looks like are we out of the woods well we got it running that's what the customer wanted might have some other issues but seems to run pretty smoothly charging at 14.6 that's good this is a Kentucky vehicle have stability control no no smart key 2009 okay yep Kentucky Let's uh let's see what codes pop up so only seven modules in this thing and the only Cod stored is lower high power supply voltage and clear that out save it a report and tell the guy hate it runs uh-oh bright test light we have a short to ground the only thing I did was I turned up the HVAC is that going to blow our fuse it just might let's see turn that turn that off turn that [Applause] on something shorting the ground that's pretty n pretty nuts I mean we can only pass 5 amps through there and this supposed to be a 10 amp fuse we can plug in a jumped fused wire with like a circuit breaker and monitor the current on there see what this is all about I think that might be normal all right so I replaced the fuse with a jumper and we got the amp clamp on there key on 1.9 amps wires up fine let's see if we get that higher curveent again should be at least a few amps going turn on the HVAC let's see is turn on all the accessories lights rear defog radio wipers see that because of the glare it's not going above 1.5 amps oh 5 7 W 1820 crap you see guys you see see that 613 let me shut shut off the AC I got a 30m fuse in there they should pop in a 20m circuit breaker okay that's really cool we're not done with this car boom what the hell is drawing that much current we got to look up at a power distribution diagram here uhoh now we're down to three did something burn [Music] up there's definitely an electrical smell then we burn something up so that a 30 amp Fus in there we got up to 20 amps um power distribution let's see uh what that wire is feeding car still starts and runs [Music] though so car still starts and runs just fine but check this out now we have an airbag light illuminated Let's scan the system one more time ooh can't talk to the airbag controller now and the whole car is filled with this Burning electrical smell so running more than 10 amps through there it took up to 20 amps and something got fried airbags let's take a look at the power distribution diagram for the ignition fuse see what it feeds so looking at the OE diagrams I found an ignition 10 amp fuse and it just it doesn't tell you what it feeds let's take a look at the redrawn diagrams there's our ignition T fuse and it feeds engine controls we saw those yellow wires anti- theft shift lock Inter Lock supplemental rest strain system very interesting let me pull up a diagram of the airbags now and see where those wires go all right so airbag system diagrams there's our ignition 10 amp fuse it goes either to the airbag sensor Assembly Center and then off to the next page to the occupant classification ECU okay and is the occupant classification ECU on the can network no it looks like it just talks to the main airbag sensor assembly so let's find the locations of these and do a visual inspection see if something burnt up it smells like a module smell and you know when the test lights were getting bright and dim bright and dim that's not a wire Shoring the ground that would not cause this module burning electrical smell it's a computer problem we need to go to these control modules all right so to get to this airbag control unit it's located in the center console right there and you have to tear apart the entire console dash instum cluster finish panel garnish holy crap console box duct and you'll see it right there um so I have enough evidence to say that the airbag module is fried it could have gotten some water intrusion in it who knows but I'm not going to waste my time tearing the whole dash apart just to find a smoked module uh we have enough evidence that that is indeed the problem airbag light came on now the module's offline really bad computer Electronics burning smell so I'll tell the shop here get that module out do a visual inspection on it it'll probably smell really bad and then um that's it so that's the end of the diagnosis airb control module is blowing the ignition fuse which caused the crank no start no come with the engine computer pretty neat so you always want to verify you know like hey there's no short to ground but it came back and and it smoked the module so um that was part of the diagnosis was hey airbag module is is is gone you know it was shorting shorting shorting and then finally we fed more than 10 amps through it not necessarily recommended but it let out the smoke so now we definitely know what the problem is so it kind of worked out uh thanks all for watching if there's an update I'll do a followup but um we'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Pine Hollow Auto Diagnostics
Views: 48,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toyota, Camry, communication, offline, engine, computer, fuse, blown, ignition, short, circuit, smoke, fried, burn, module, airbag, SRS, test light
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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