Haunted Houses

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[Music] [Music] so glad you join me today I'm Roberts 13 and this is God's generals with Roberts Lehren we're so glad that you've taken a moment out of your day and I want you to sit down and I want you to focus on what I'm going to be talking about today my subject today is haunted houses ghosts and demons what you can do about them now I know for most people this subject is makes people nervous or they don't want to hear about it but I want to tell you why I've chosen to talk about this today with you I lived about four and a half years in England and then I came back to America and during my return to America I began to have my television on in my home or sometimes in the hotel room was as I was traveling across America and I begin to notice a lot of new shows there were primetime on the different networks that had to do with demons and demon power and this world of the occult and so you would see psychics from New York psychics from Chicago and then be funneling like a reality show and maybe giving people the psychic readings in the Starbucks store or in the the dry cleaners or in the mall or out in the garage of the big malls and so I thought well that's interesting and then I noticed that there were shows that were called Ghost Hunters and the show was focused on a group of people taking television cameras into haunted houses or places where there supposed to be some type of ghost and they were trying to film some type of or or activity of that alien world out there and then I noticed with all the different movies about werewolves and then another TV show about Walking Dead people and all of these things happening which I thought was kind of strange and then I begin to ask some of my minister friends and some of my partners does your church or do you teach a series or on the topic on a Sunday morning once or twice a year about demon power and the Christians power over it and most of them replied to me like this they go well we don't want to talk about that because it may scare people and they may not come to the church and and so we we don't discuss that and I walked away after hearing those kind of comments a couple of times thinking oh that's not quite true America and some of our other nations at primetime television time in the evenings is watching all of these demonic shows in these spiritual shows and occult shows while they're having dinner or drinking their cup of Cola their cup of coffee and before they go to bed they're watching the psychic they're watching the werewolves or the Twilight movies and they're watching people trying to find all of these ghosts in haunted houses and even UFO documentaries and and the church won't talk about demon power and so that provoked me to do this series of lessons with you today and it also provoked me to write a little book called a hounded houses ghosts and demons and my subtitle is what you can do about them besides be afraid of them there is only three spiritual entities that exist in this world and any place in the universe there is God and His angels there is a Lucifer and his demons and then you and I are eternal spirits so we are a part of that spiritual community and the only other places where there will be living entities you are not gonna find them on Jupiter or some other part of the galaxies out there you will find God and angels in heaven and on earth you'll find Lucifer and demons on earth and eventually in Hell and you will find human beings that are eternal spirits who will make a decision where they'll spend eternity either with God in heaven or by forsaking the Lord they'll find themselves living in eternity with a Lucifer and his demon demon spirits in Hell and so I want to address today and at each some of you your power over the devil where evil came from and give you an understanding the first question I'd like to discuss is when you talk about the devil you're lifting him up that is one of those stupidest statements I've ever heard in my life but you talk about the devil and demon power and you tell people where it comes from what it can and cannot do them and your power over din as a believer you're not exalting the enemy you're putting him under your feet and you're empowering people to be able to do what Christ told us to do is to resist the devil to cast him out and to make him leave themselves and other people alone and so that is the the reason for this broadcast today and for this Bible lesson and I hope that pastors that are listening to me and those who have been a little bit nervous we'll stop for a moment and reconsider themselves and reconsider how they are leading their congregations and leaving out this topic that Jesus talked about Jesus dealt with demon power the early church did the same and throughout church history and they did the same as well too and so we today must educate all of our people about what we need to do with demon power so I'm gonna start here in the scripture so if you've got a Bible you can open it up and we're gonna read first from the book of Isaiah chapter 14 verses 12 through 16 and this is where Lucifer came from this is where evil started there were three great Archangels according to the biblical record we have Gabriel we have Michael and we have Lucifer and of the three Lucifer was the one that caused all the trouble and it starts with this record of what happened it says in Isaiah chapter 14 and verse 12 thou art fallen from the heaven so that meant that Lucifer at one time was in the heavens was actually in the beautiful place called heaven itself and it says o Lucifer son of the morning thou art cut down to the ground at which did weaken the nation's Lucifer and demon power never gives you strength eventually if you cooperate with demonic powers you'll end up in captivity you'll end up being obsessed and sometimes possessed losing the power of your own will if you play with them and cooperate with them it says this in verse 13 for Lucifer has said in his heart I will ascend under the heavens and I will exalt my throne above the stars of God I will sit upon the Mount of the congregation in the sides of the North I will ascend above the heights of the clouds I will be like the most time yet thou shalt be brought down to hell to the sides of the pit and then it says in verse 16 which I like this so beautifully may that CD shall nearly look upon thee and consider the same is this the man that made the nation's or the earth to tremble and did shake the kingdoms of the world so what we have here in these few verses is the story of the fall of the author of evil the ark angel named Lucifer we have here where he came from he came from heaven it was in the beautiful place where we the believe in Christ shall live and then we find that he decided in his own heart that's why we call him the author he created that he perverted it he said I will there's five i wills here in this passage he said I will ascend under the heavens or I will exalt myself above all the authorities of heaven and I will become an authority well you're never gonna be an authority above your creator creation is always subservient to the one that made you and then he says I will exalt my throne so that meant that Lucifer had a certain position of influence in heaven we know from the Book of Ezekiel that he was in charge of the atmosphere and the way that he was made the Bible lends us to believe that somehow in his creative being he had the ability to create music and so I like to say that he was the atmosphere builder of heaven and he says I'll exalt my throne above the throne of God so that meant he was above some some creation and but he was on above God and he says I will sit on the Mount the congregation on the sides of the North I will sit and be important in the great congregation I don't want to be just a hierarchy under God I want to be a big important personality and Lucifer said I'll exalt myself above the clouds and I will be like the most Tigh but then there was a problem God didn't like that and God put his foot down and was as we would say here and I want to read from the Book of Revelations I always found this passage very very beautiful and interesting do you know that there was a war in heaven the first war that ever existed was not on earth it was in heaven so when we get to heaven we might see a memorial marker to that war and the victory that happened in heaven over a Lucifer's trying to take over God's throne and and he didn't succeed he said in Revelations 12 and verse 7 there was a war in heaven so that's how we know there's a war there Michael and his angels Michael stayed with Jehovah he stayed with God and he fought against the dragon meaning Lucifer and the dragon fought against his angels and prevailed not neither was their place anymore found in heaven for the dragon and his angels and that great dragon verse 9 was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the world was Ken and he was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him that's where we get demonic spirits from so what we've read first if I can recap just for a moment we've learned from Isaiah that Lucifer decided to become very important more than what was granted to him by God that ego that was in him he wanted to be like God he wanted God's throne God's prestige he wanted to have all the glory in the and the power of God and God said no and so Michael the head of the warring angels the Archangel Michael with his tribe of Angel fought against the Dragon and the angels that went with Lucifer and the Bible tells us in Revelation that Lucifer lost and he got kicked out of heaven and all those angels that decided to go with Lucifer was kicked out with him and of the passage tells us about a third of the angels were cast out with Lucifer so that's where evil came from that's where demonic powers came from and they were cast out into the earth or into the atmosphere of this earth and so we now know the origin of where it came from and to be honest with you we should follow God's example when the devil shows up pick him out say no to him and not welcome him not be intrigued by him don't talk to him and don't play games with him so many people today think it's exciting because of what they see on television or in the movies and they don't know that the Bible forbids and the Bible encourages that we resist the devil we don't play with him we rebuke him in Jesus name and don't invite him in to see if we can have some spiritual experiences if you want a spiritual experience have that with God have that with the Holy Spirit have that with the good side of the spirit world and don't play with the evil side now I have here in my book that I'm gonna read and use this as a part of my outline and I hope that you will take time to order the book and get it it's a very beautiful book that I think you'll enjoy it's not one that should scare you it's one that should encourage you and lift you up but I want to go over the different names that we have about the devil in the Bible names help describe an entity we can look at a person just a regular John Smith and we can say good man we can say tall men we can say compassionate man these titles these names these words describe a person so the Bible tells us by different scriptures what Lucifer and demon power is like so let me read a few of these verses to you that describe the devil and then you decide if you want to have lunch with him you decide if you want to talk to him you decide if you want to sit and spend an hour watching him parade his evil lines across your television screen or go to a movie theater and spend $10 or $15 to watch him for an hour and a half do stupid stuff that you call entertainment please have more intelligence than that let me start here the first one I want to read to you is from Matthew chapter 12 and verse 24 it says here the Pharisees heard it and they said the first fellow just follow and cast out Devils by the Prince of Devils so Jesus records here that one of his names as the first names is the Prince of devils that means he's their leader the satanic world has a government and the government of the devil as its leader and that's Lucifer the next great power under Lucifer is what we call principalities you can read that from Ephesians 6:12 and we have time I'll read a little bit later to you and then it goes down into the other different levels of the government of the Satanic Kingdom it's good to know that not every devil is smart but some are when you're dealing with principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places there are very intelligent creatures they are strategic planners and they have patience they can wait a while until it's the right moment for them to place a great snare to destroy a beautiful church a Christian family a great move of God in a territory we have to be aware that as Jesus said in John 10:10 that he came God came his son came to give us life at it more abundantly but the devil the thief the Thunder the name for the devil he's a thief he came to steal kill and destroy so you may end up playing with him but ultimately he is gonna steal from you he's gonna destroy you he's an end up causing all types of pain and suffering and may I advise you is good to run from the devil or to put your foot down and make the devil leave where you live in and not allow him to do what he wants he's called the Prince of Devil's in the book of Matthew as I read to you in 2nd Corinthians 4:4 it says this and whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not so this verse calls him the god of this world when he came into this world and deceived Adam and Eve he took up of a dominion over this earth that through Jesus we can take it back but most Christians don't know that and most human beings don't know how to do that so they are victims to the movement of evil in the atmosphere of the movement of evil in their homes or provoking the bad side of their desires or their mindsets and they don't know how to put a stop to the god of this world that comes to blind him and to deceive them and to use him for his evil plans in the earth in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verse 14 he's called the angel of light he disguises himself sometimes as a beautiful light that's why sometimes people will talk about black magic and white magic it's both bad magic it is no such thing as white magic it's still from the devil super well I do good with my magic you only do good with God's Spirit you don't play with the devil whether you call it white pink blue yellow black it's all bad it's the source of it not the color of it that tells you where it comes from and then in 2nd Corinthians 11 and 3 the Bible declares that the devil's another name is the serpent that comes from the story of the Garden of Eden when he was the great trickster in the Garden of Eden maybe some of you need to be reminded that God made man and God created Eve and put him in a beautiful garden called Eden and it was a beautiful place to live that the Word of God tells us and then the snake the serpent came in and deceived Eve into breaking order that God had said you can eat up everything in the garden but of one tree and oan behold this even mr. Adam eight from the one thing this shouldn't have done and the whole human race from that time to this and after us who has been suffering with the problem of the deception of this great serpent called the devil and so we need to make sure that we understand that that serpent means that he's sick and he's sly and he slithers like a snake does and so when you're dealing with demon power you're dealing with the nature like that don't be afraid of it just just be aware of it amen then we have been first Peter five and eight the Bible says that he is our adversary who roars like a lion but he has no teeth seeking whom he may devour the devil comes often into people's lives and rails and screams at them and overpowers him with fear or bad imagination to where they go into a paralytic state and do not stand up and take action spiritually and naturally to stop the devil in their life I remember years ago a story and that good friend of mine that's now with Jesus named penny Faye Bakker told she actually wrote a book called run to the roar and she tells the story about she was in Africa and how they watched a pride of lions capture a little gazelle for their afternoon meal and what they did they would send out the older Lions who were kind of weak and their teeth were not as strong as the young ones and they would go in one direction and they would roar and the little gazelle would hear the roar and run the opposite direction right into the young lions and their little gazelle didn't live very long and she kept theme if you run to the roar you could make it he could triumph over it that's the same way we have to treat the devil when he roars at you he has no really teeth Jesus has broke the power and the authority of the devil through the death of Marilyn resurrection that he did for all of the human race the problem is we don't know it we don't have a revelation of it so when the devil comes to your house or your church or your business and you roars you run straight into the trap if you run straight to the roar and hit him in Jesus name you'll survive you'll live you'll conquer and you'll do well so one of his names means a roaring lion he come as our adversary but he doesn't have that much power unless you don't know what you're doing and then his deceptions and his fear it's how he gets you we go a little bit further here and we look at some other these names that help us describe the devil and how he works we have here he is the accuser of the Brethren you know this is something I've noticed in all my life of 30-some years in ministry how good people all of a sudden in a church will turn on each other will turn on their pastor or a good evangelistic team will end up dividing the devil gets in there and begins to to spread thoughts ideas take circumstances out of control and begins to cause the accuser of the Brethren he's lying he's stealing the money he's arrogant and he starts throwing these names and these little things and all of a sudden if you're not careful and outsmart the devil and resist him but he'll calls a church split he'll cause a person in their calling to leave where they belong and go someplace else because of the accuser of the Brethren the devil should be accused and the devil should be hit and not listened to in Matthew 4 and verse 3 it says that he's called the tempter he comes attempt you every one of us are tempted sometimes some people follow through on the temptation that's what we call when sin occurs but it's because you're Tim that does not mean you've done anything wrong the devil throws thoughts he sets traps he tries to tempt us to get us to fall into things but you know you don't have to do it you can resist him he'll run off in John 10 Tim he's called the thief I quoted that verse earlier to you but let me do it again it says here the thief coming up still kill him to destroy he's a stealer he steals your health your marriage your friendships your money he calls us trouble he's in John 8:44 he's called the murderer you know the devil likes to kill things that's his nature and if you let him do what he wants to do he will come into your life and do all of these things now today we've just started talking about where evil came from giving you some basic understanding about our opponent we never should be afraid of him and pastors if you don't teach on demonology and teach on our power in Jesus name over the power of the devil then your beautiful sheep will be running scared every time the devil roars or every time he throws a temptation they'll usually fall into it and feel bad and some will backside and run away from God and just give up and say I can't do it so I want to encourage you to take a moment out of this year and teach on the subject of where the devil came from what he can and cannot do expose him my teaching on Lucifer and demon power you're not exalting him you're pushing him down to the ground by teaching people what the word says and what we can do about it in Jesus name now I want you to know that demon power is just not in Africa you know sometimes people think well those things are always in the foreign country well the only difference then some of those foreign countries and in Western Europe and America or these other what we call first class countries is mainly I jokingly say how they dress some people in Africa don't dress the same way they guys with three-piece suits dress in the West but all over the world demon power is working all over the world demon power is trying to take up charge and do things now I want to take a few moments here before I close out the broadcast and I want to encourage you to pick up your phone right now and call the operator there and order my new book called haunted houses ghosts and demons what you can do about them besides be afraid I want you to be able to sit down and read these chapters slowly get your Bible out and mark these scriptures and I've only read a few of them to you but I think it's very important that you get the book and study it maybe you could use it as a Bible study maybe you can use it as a family meeting where are you and your friend Lee getting together for a few nights in the next couple weeks and teach your children and yourself that we don't to be afraid of the devil and how to overcome it it'll be a very beautiful thing to have everyone your family know who they are in Christ and not be afraid of the darkness not be afraid of a haunted house or a demon power I also want to take a moment here we come to you every week and we tried to minister to you the words of life and the words of power and I want to ask you would you become a partner with me would you take a moment and pray about it how's the wife together maybe a family together and would you pick up the phone right now or go to my website and say brother Roberts we we love your ministry we believe in you and we want to pray for you and we want to support you you see what should I give whatever you feel in your heart that you can give if it's five dollars or five pounds or if it's fifty dollars or 100 whatever you feel comfortable in supporting us monthly we would very much happy receive it we pray over our partners every week because you become a part of our family in a very special way and we do need your help so you know this is something that we need to ask you to pray about and I'm gonna hopefully you become one of my precious partner said you can help me go around the world and do what we're called to do and so please call the number on your screen right now and order this book and let us know if you want to become a partner up I'll see you next week with part two about demon power it's gonna be a very wonderful time as we put the devil under our feet and we lift up who we are in Christ and teach people how to be powerful and not wimps but warriors for Jesus are you a victim of excessive control over your life - parents spouse business associates even money control your destiny breaking controlling power a collection of three best-selling books by Roberts laden will help you recognize a tax before they start help you break free of manipulative people and teach you to say no without feeling guilty control your own destiny breaking controlling powers a must read from Robert Slaton available at your local bookstore or online making the right choices marrying the right person avoiding business mistakes some people seem to be wise prudent and discerning sharpen your discernment a revealing book by author Robert Slaton will help you pursue a life marked by wisdom with knowledge and insight you can develop a plan of action for successful decision-making knowing what's just around the corner is a discerning advantage sharpen your discernment a perceptive book by Roberts Laird n' available in your local bookstore [Music] to purchase a copy of this message or to partner with Robert's lead and ministries visit us at www.movinon.com contact us today to purchase books and products by robert slidden by calling or writing to our USA or UK offices you can follow Robert's lid and on Facebook and Twitter by joining online today Robert's Ludum ministries would like to thank our partners and friends for their kind generosity through which this broadcast has been made possible [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Roberts Liardon
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Id: cy4_cav6ffk
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Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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