Hauling 156,000 POUNDS of BEEF in ONE DAY!

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good morning everyone and welcome to Peterson family farm Covina here today's video is going to be showing us hauling three or four loads of cattle into the sale barn and this took place over a couple weeks because the original plan was going to be to haul more than one load to the sale but then this coronavirus stuff kind of threw a loop into our plans so we'll kind of walk you through that but remember to click like on the video and to subscribe if you're interested in our vlogs and yeah I'm glad to have you along [Music] so first things first we're going to go look over the truck Kendall actually looked over it well he put some fuel yesterday it's like power steering it's all right that was leaking over the winter but I put a new seal seems to be holding the hot bed looks like we are good on engine oil everyone got a haul three loads but just just feels like I should check everything double-check all the tires make sure I don't have any low ones start loading oh I missed it that little calf was running out they're so cute hey mamas they're like who's that guy all right let's get this air pumped up Oh cold [Music] see if I can hit the shoot all right so we're sorting up some heifers to take down when I get the load with selling go on a h-hey okay come back now like y'all wanting to hey long one in the front keeps moving probably okay they stole age get in there all right I'm down here my parents house we just speed we can feed like two three on our head here when it get somebody always have it full alright ladies time to go this pin can be kind of tricky to get them out of they like to go to this corner and that just gotta get him out of there right - all right we got the top loaded and just being straight up every time I have this camera locked up last one to the top I loaded without the camera on I just went straight in so things bad like try to get them is this hey take it easy now alright I made it to the sale barn backed up to shoot get them unloaded we always have the lamest jerk here go on ladies hi guys [Music] got the cattle on the dead stop admirer for my sprayer part just roll along trade-off with Tyndall got it thanks to the good ole crooner virus the cattle market is like way down today so we decided to not haul it steers I hold in the heifers and then we're gonna all in some steers to sell to we decided to just save him whether that will help or not by next week who knows but I was literally the whole plan was sell cattle and yesterday the price wasn't so bad or I mean it was a the market was at least back up and then today crashed down again alright we got a load of steers in here there's some open cows actually on the top and the rest I think it's 34 steers and 7 cows and we already hauled in 50 steers this morning already and then after I take this note in my dad's gonna haul in 66 heifers so the markets back and we're excited about something for the first time since that coronavirus hit and so it's been affecting us but we're hoping for a good sale day today and off I go with our freight liner semi to harness a bar [Music] right across the railroad counter pod there so far mostly stock trailers but there's plenty that have unloaded then gone back for other looks boy going in with his dad I have lots of memories going into the sale barn with mostly my grandpa one but my grandpa Peterson also went to a lot of morons buying cattle there they pin them in small pens and they give them the numbers so they couldn't keep track of whose cattle or who before they bring them into the ring here's one guy lined up so I'm gonna take one of these other three that are open lining up in the mirror when I'm backing up to and then I just go until I hit the wall and then I lock the park brake you want to get real close to the shoe so that there's no gap for the cattle to step in and hurt their foot so you want to be right but it up against them see there we go so it's just right up against there there's the holding pin for them it holds pretty much six bottom compartment usually holds bottom compartment usually holds 23 right now it's holding right now it's holding 22 steers there's the first five all empty that's essentially about half and usually they take that group usually they take that group and they'll run it into one of those holding pins with a number on it and then as I'm switching these gates around the top part will go in usually a separate holding pin [Music] so I have cows up here big old cows that one's pregnant bred but it didn't read back in the time timeline that we wanted to be bred in so it's gonna sell as a bred cow a couple of these other ones they're open cows and one of them lost their calf so we're selling it too but those are all kind of reasons to take cows to the sale barn these ones are all fattened up so they'll probably be sold into the fat cattle market they kind of come in pretty steady all morning on a big sale day especially we're hoping some of these cows weigh yeah like 1,700 pounds so that they get is you get paid per pound so we're hoping that they are found 556 is between two and three months along but she's the only one that to let the steers that are in the front out open that up drop this down and there they are this top compartment also holds 23 and then that we call the jail that swings overhead holds two so all these numbers I'm saying they all change depending on how much weight we had a bunch of small calves in there it would hold like 90 head versus 60 head yep yep you're free going out there's no going up ride alongside of my deals empty Oh all right we are here he's our heifer lot so I'm gonna loan out 66 afters here my dad might be here to help me there's a shoot on the back up too so I pulled up backup to swing her [Music] going on hey all right there they are in there but they'll only be there for 30 on the way to sale [Music] there we go just like that got 66 loaded got the whole thing filmed see we had this with us but I only had to use it once so mainly just positioning moves them in there oh there goes my dad with the third load of the day for Thursday March 26th or something 27 and just found out that the Chicago Board for cattle is down today after it's been up most of the week so we'll still hope for a good cash price farmers always have to worry about the basis when they sell of what the cattle are worth compared to the what's Chicago and what the traders say the cattle are worth so we're really hoping for a good price on those there was a lot of trucks on the road this morning moving cattle a lot of people were finally excited to sell again after the drop from the from kovat 19 so we're really hoping for a good price we had some positions hedged and with puts but that's a whole nother story that's part of my job here on the farm is the risk management but we're really hoping for a good cash price there of the heifers that were probably about 750 pounds and the steers that were about 875 I'm sure my dad will either watch a little bit of the sale or I'll call in and we'll figure out what price we got a little bit later [Music]
Channel: Peterson Family Farm
Views: 29,963
Rating: 4.9570508 out of 5
Keywords: cows, cattle, hauling cattle, beef, covid19, coronavirus, farming, farm, ranch, farmer
Id: 2A3Nf6vOV0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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