Hatching Civil 3D Corridor Models using a Code Set Style

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in this session we'll look at a quick way to apply hatch patterns to a corridor model using a code set style on my screen I have a sample corridor let's zoom in and we'll take a closer look based on the design properties this area through here is asphalt pavement let's zoom in a little closer to the outside I've got an aggregate shoulder and then I also have some day lighting let me zoom out we'll Center this on screen currently my corridor is being displayed using a plottable code set style in fact if I hover over the corridor we can see the name of that style it's called Autodesk corridor plot I call this a platypus tile because this code set style is only displaying the feature line geometry that makes up the corridor basically this is the geometry you would see on your plots let's switch the corridor model to more of a working code set style I'll do that by selecting it and then I'll go to the properties palette and down at the bottom I'll flip to a code set style called Autodesk working I will then press escape and we'll zoom in this is the type of style I would use if I'm editing the corridor geometry because this one also displays all of the assembly insertions another nice aspect of having the assembly insertions displayed is if I hover over these links I can see the codes that are assigned to them for instance hovering over a pavement link I can see it's a double coded it has top and pave assigned to it if I hover over the aggregate shoulder we can see it's assigned the code top and shoulder notice the word shoulder is abbreviated and it's also capitalized that'll be important in a little bit if I hover over a daylight link I can see that it has several codes now let's say that I'd like to hatch the pavement area in this corner model I can actually do that very easily by simply assigning a hatch pattern to a specific link code in this case if I'd like to hatch the pavement I'm going to apply hatch to any link containing the paved code I'm not going to use top because if you remember top is also shared amongst some of these other links apply the hatch we'll make an edit to the code set style but I'm not going to edit this style this one is my working style instead we'll go back to that plottable style I'll do that by selecting the corridor and then we'll flip this back to the corridor plot style and I'll press escape to edit the code set style I'll go to the settings tab and we will find the code set Styles inside this general category within multi-purpose styles let me expand code set styles I want to edit to this one called corridor plot I'll do that by double-clicking on it here on the information tab we can see the name of the style I'm going to select the codes tab now a code set style controls the appearance of many things and those things are organized into these three categories linked point and shape in this example we're interested in links so I'll expand that category right here we can see the various link codes moving to the right we can see the object style assigned to those codes notice these are all set to hide that's why when I use this code set style I don't see the assembly insertions let's slide this back up moving to the right I can assign a label style to the linked codes I could assign a render material that'll be a topic for another day I can also assign a material area fill style or a hatch pattern knowing that if I'd like to hatch the roadway I will simply come down and find the pave code and I'll work my way over and then click inside the material area fill style column from here I could select a shape style if I had one already defined let's make a new one I'll do that by opening this flyout menu and I'll choose create new I will then give the new style a name we'll call this pave hatch and then we'll jump to the display tab notice that a shape style includes two components a boundary and a fill I do not want to see the boundary I do want to see the film note that I could put that fill or hatch on the layer of my choice I could also assign several of its properties to make things simple I'm going to click the color property and I'm going to select a nice light gray and I'll choose okay if we come down to the bottom we can see the hatch pattern by default is solid which is perfect in this case so I'm going to click OK I'll click OK and I'm saying that when I use this code set style any link containing the pave code is going to be hatched using that solid gray let's click OK and you can see that reflected in my corridor model I'm going to zoom in let's create another hatch I'd like to hatch the aggregate area as well we'll do that by editing the code set style once again I'll double click I'll expand the link category and if we look at the available codes you'll find that that shoulder code is not here now why is that well in this case I created a custom shoulder part using sub-assembly Composer so that code was created by me to have control over that code here in the code set style all I have to do is add it there's a couple ways to do that I could click import codes and then I could simply select the sub-assembly part in my assembly and it would add the codes automatically or since I'm just adding one code I'm going to right click on the category name and I'll choose add I can then assign an object style to that code I'm going to choose the same style assigned to all the others and I'll click OK I will then double click to edit this code and then I'm going to enter this exactly as it's applied to the link it is case sensitive let me press Enter I will then move down to the material area fill style column we'll create another new style I'm going to call this one aggregate hatch I'll go to the display tab I do not want to see the border I do want to see the fill I'm going to choose a nice orange color I'll click OK and then since this is aggregate I'm going to change the hatch pattern I'll do it by clicking that property by default this is solid fill if I open the type menu you can see there are some other choices here I'm going to select predefined I can then open the pattern name menu and select from any of the AutoCAD hatch patterns I can do that using this list or if I click the Browse button I can do it using the standard preview tiles I'm going to go to the other predefined tab and I'll select this pattern called AR Kok this is a concrete hatch pattern scaled for architectural use let me click OK and ok now that I've selected my pattern right here I can assign an angle or a scale since this is our textual I'm going to use a smaller scale than I would with some of the other patterns let's try 0.3 I can always come back and change this later to get the exact look that I need when I'm finished assigning properties I'll click OK and okay and I'm saying that in this code set style any link containing the shoulder code is going to be hatched using that aggregate hatch pattern let's click OK and you can see that hatch has now been added to my corridor model now in this case I've been hatching the roadway and shoulder although I could have applied hatched to any of the coded links in the corridor model if you'd like to take this concept even farther you could use sub-assembly Composer to define sub assembly parts having custom codes allowing you to easily hatch specific items like brick pavers permeable concrete or erosion control blanket so the next time you need to hatch elements of a corridor model try doing it through the code set style by simply assigning patterns to a few linked codes you can easily create dynamic hatch that will update automatically as your design changes would you like to explore other Autodesk infrastructure ideas and workflows if so please visit the civil immersion blog by scanning the QR code or by following the URL listed below
Channel: Jeff Bartels
Views: 39,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bartels, akn_include, Autodesk, Civil 3D, hatch, corridor, link, code, code set style, advanced, how to, tutorial
Id: mFW2PtQqbdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2017
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