Adding driveways to a corridor using FDOT's Civil 3D subassemblies

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in the session were to look at how we can tie a driveway into a corridor in an area where we have sidewalk on my screen I have a sample corridor currently this is symmetrical if i zoom in on the assembly you can see this was created from a lane on either side I've got a type F curb and gutter on either side as well as a simple daylight I would like to put some sidewalk here on the right side so let's remove the daylight I'm going to come over to the assembly and I'll select this I'll press Delete I will then select my corridor and then I'll come up and click the rebuild button this gives me a clean slate on the right side next I'm going to create some geometry to represent the area where I'm going to have sidewalk I'll do that by offsetting the centerline I'll launch the opposite command and then my distance is going to be 21 I'll select the alignment and I'll offset this over I will then press the spacebar to go back into the command will offset this polyline I just created for feet so this geometry represents the location and the width of my sidewalk I'm going to change the color of this just to make it stand out a little bit so we know the geometry that's going to represent targets I'll make these magenta for right now and then we'll come back up to the assembly so I'm going to be creating driveways that I'm not going to have driveways everywhere I'm going to have two different conditions the driveway condition and then the non driveway condition if I don't have a driveway I'm going to have sidewalk so I'm going to start by creating some conditional targets here on the right side of my assembly I'll select the assembly and then I'll click the tool palette button I'm going to right click on the tool palette name and I'll go to civil Imperial sub assemblies and then on the conditional tab I'm going to grab one of these conditional horizontal targets and I'll snap one of these to the top bag of kerb this is going to represent target found so if you find the driveway target this will be the condition that you create at that location I want to not found' condition as well I'm still in the command let me go over to my properties palette and I'll change this to target not found I'll click that marker so in the event you don't find a driveway targets I want you to create the sidewalk condition so now that I've created my two conditions I'm going to give these logical names quickly let me select this one and I'll say not found this will make things a little bit easier to understand when we're assigning targets later we select the other one and we'll call one found there we go so in the event you find the driveway target let's build the driveway once again I'm going to right-click on the tool palette name and I'm going to come down to F dot sub assemblies and then I'm going to right-click on the stack here and I'm going to bring up the urban tab I'm going to start by placing slab 1 this will represent the concrete from the top back of curb all the way up to the sidewalk then I'll place slab 2 this will represent the slab in the sidewalk area and then I'll place slab 3 this will be the slab from the sidewalk that ties back down to the existing driveway now let me select slab 1 for a second I'll go over to properties let me drag this down we can see that this represents a g15 driveway there are other options here if I pick these the shape of this will change it is important to note the elevation that represents the slope I'm going to draw a line here real quick from the endpoint let me lock my ortho and I'll drag this over and then let's just do a quick distance distance from the endpoint here perpendicular to this line 0.55 3 when we create our targets we want to make sure that the slope of this driveway maintains that 0.55 3 elevational difference here in slab 1 keep that number in mind so there's our driveway condition now if you don't find the driveway targets we need the non driveway condition I'm going to start with slab 1 now that may seem unusual why are you starting with a slab if you don't want the driveway well there will be some places where I want a little bit of driveway in the flange areas in the event the slab does not find a target it will have no width so it will not display so we'll look at this condition a little bit let me add my sidewalk now we'll add that to the edge perfect finally let's put a couple day lights on me so I'm going to right-click on the stack and I'll bring up the daylight tab we'll just do a simple day lights at the end of each now that I have my assembly built with my two conditions let's update the corridor I'm going to start by creating the sidewalk will take care of these targets for my sidewalk first I'll select the corridor and I'm going to corridor properties under parameters here under this region this is the only region I have I'm going to come down and click the target ellipsis button and then we'll find the back and front of side horizontal targets let's do the back of sidewalk first I'll click in the field I'm going to select the target from the drawing I'll select the geometry that represents the back of block and I'll press ENTER I'll click OK and then we'll take care of the front I will select that from the drawing and I'll press Enter let's click ok let's take care of our surface targets I did add some additional daylights we also added slab three that one has a surface target as well so we'll point all these to the existing ground for right now let me click OK and I'll click OK and we'll rebuild the corridor so there we go as I pan this down you can see I now have sidewalk on the right side and that sidewalk is matching the targets that I created so next thing we're going to do is place a driveway let's place one right around station 2 plus 50 to place the driveway I'm going to insert a dynamic block I'll type insert and I've already got the block in the drawing but in the event this is the first time you were placing one you'd click the Browse button and then you'd go to the C Drive under F dot 2015 point C 3 D inside that directory you'll find a data folder and inside the blocks folder you'll find the driveway block now I've already got mine in file so let me just open the menu and I'll come down and choose driveway when I place this I want to specify the insertion point I'm going to make sure the rest of these settings remain unchecked and I'll click OK this is a dynamic block so it will align itself to the geometry I'm going to place this at the end point here now it is flipped incorrectly not a problem I'm going to mirror this mirror this object from the end point here to the end point here and I'll press uy4 yes I want to delete the original so there's my driveway location since this is a dynamic block it represents multiple driveway conditions if I click this lookup table we can see all the driveways this supports for this example we're going to go with the G 15 g 15 lines up perfectly with our sidewalk geometry now that I have the driveway in position I may do a quick regen here I'm going to create some targets one to represent where the curb and gutter is going to be lowered I want to create a target that represents the edge of slab one that's the slab from the back of curb to the sidewalk I want to create one more target that represents the area where it's going to draw slam to and slab 3 to create my target so I'm going to go to the feature line menu I'll choose create feature line I'm going to give this a logical name I'm going to call this CG drop zone and we'll go with the generic feature for right now that's fine let me click OK and I'll draw this from the endpoint here we'll accept the elevation let me turn off my ortho and I'll drop the other one at the endpoint here we'll accept the elevation and I'll press ENTER to get out of the command so this feature line is going to represent a horizontal target elevation wise doesn't matter this next one the slab this one is going to be an elevational target as well so we will have to come back and tweak these elevations in a little bit let me create the next feature line we'll call this slab 1 and I'll go from the endpoint here enter here enter here enter here enter and enter to finish press ENTER again will create one more we'll call this one slab 2 & 3 let me click OK and we'll go from here enter here enter now that I've created my targets I don't need the dynamic block anymore I'm just going to select that and delete it we can see the geometry here that I'm going to be using okay let's start pointing to these targets now I'm going to select the corridor and then I'll go to corridor properties and then here in the region I'll open up the target settings and I'm going to start with found and not found first let's do found this represents a driveway condition I'm going to select that target from the drawing if you find this target right here this means you're going to draw a driveway and that driveway is going to have slab one slab 2 and slab 3 so I'll select that feature line of press enter not found select from drawing it's going to be the same target in the event you don't find this target you are not going to draw the driveway that being said you may have to draw a little bit of driveway here this is why it was important to have that driveway slab in the non driveway state so you may have a little bit of that in addition to the sidewalk but this is your target let me click OK now let's take care of the drop curb you can see there's actually two of them here you want to make sure you pick the correct one we're going to use the drop curb trigger line on the right side let me click in that field I want to select that from the drawing and that is going to be right there that identifies the target where the curb will be dropped I'll press ENTER and I'll click okay now we're going to do the back of slab one target let me click we're going to select that from the drawing and I'll select my feature line this is the back of slab one remember this is a horizontal and a vertical target so let me come down here we'll find back up slab one and I will get that select from drawing since it's a 3d object I can use it for horizontal and vertical same geometry let me come down and click OK now there's actually two back up slab ones remember the slab one also exists in the non driveway state so I've got to do this twice you can see there's another one here let me grab this one select the target from the drawing I'll select this one and press Enter we'll come down and we'll get the remaining vertical for back of slab one we'll select that from the drawing and I'll press Enter I'll click OK now we can take care of the back of slab to offset target so this is going to determine where the slab two is going to be drawn I'm going to select that from the drawing that's going to be right here in this area you will draw slab two I'll click OK trigger slab three select from drawing same target this is going to show where it's going to draw slab three that's to the outside of the sidewalk let's click OK there we go all of my targets are set I'm going to click OK let's go to frequency for a second adjacent to offset target and start in that in this case I'm going to say no I don't want the extra frequency insertions I am going to create some of my own assembly insertions here so let me click the Add button and I want to add an insertion here at the endpoint right at the corner let's add another one right there at that corner I'll press Enter you can see those two stations these represent the edges of the flange they're actually right at the edge of the driveway now I already have insertions at these locations I'm going to push these out let's move this a hundred out let's make this two forty three point nine nine and we'll make the next one two fifty six point zero one perfect let me click okay let's rebuild a corridor okay things are looking good let's adjust the elevation of this feature line now I'm going to start by selecting the corridor and I'm going to select it by this assembly the one close to the driveway and then I'll come up and choose section editor since I selected it from that location you can see that's where I'm starting here let's zoom in and I am going to choose zoom to an offset and elevation kind of lock that location on screen and then we can see where we're at let's walk over to the driveway I'm going to click the arrow button and you can see at this very first station here the elevation of that feature line is incorrect I would like the elevation of that featured line to be the same elevation of the top back curb here which is eight sixty point seven eight what we'll do is select the feature line and then I'll come up in the Edit elevation panel and I'll choose elevation editor I apologize for my screen size here let me hover this is eight sixty point seven eight eight sixty point seven eight there we go I'm just going to drag this down for a second let's go back to the section editor and we will walk to the corner now let's get the elevation here I'm going to zoom in and hover this is elevation eight sixty point five nine but remember we have to take care of the slope that's going to be eight sixty point five nine plus point five five three that equals eight sixty one point one four there we go let me pull this back down and then we'll jump to the next corner let me zoom in this elevation is 860 point seven nine so that will be 860 point seven nine plus 0.55 three 861 point three four let's pull this down and then finally we want to get the elevation here at the end let me walk down to that station let's zoom in I'll hover this is 861 point three one you can see I've added that right there let's close this and then on the prospector tab I'm going to come down to corridors let's right-click on the corridor and I'll choose rebuild there we go that looks good let's back up here a second and I'm going to back up to the beginning of the driveway there we go so right here at the beginning we can see the slab is starting go again we can see the slope going up we have the sidewalk and then we jump right to the driveway next jump we're at the middle of the driveway here we're at the edge of the driveway and then we are jumping over to where we're at the flange and then we're back down to where the driveway is gone let me zoom in the only piece of the puzzle we have to adjust here is our featured lines for the sidewalk are not running right up against the driveway let's fix that I'm going to close the section editor remember when we added the extra frequency insertion we moved this over a hundred I did that to pull these feature lines over this way the sidewalk would end right before the driveway and then it would pick up again right after the driveway sometimes this 100th gap isn't enough let's edit this I'm going to select corridor I'll go to corridor properties let me click the frequency button so here's the frequencies that we created so this one's already backed off 100 I'm going to back it off a total of five hundredths we're going to make this point nine five and then I'm going to push this one over a total of five hundredths so instead of going over 100 we're going to go over five let me click okay okay and we'll rebuild there we go so in some cases you may have to have a 500th gap here in order to get the sidewalk to butt up against the edge of the driveway one last time we will select this and go to section editor let's zoom in and we will lock that location zoom in here and we'll tip this over so there's where the driveway starts flange announced there's right up against the driveway we still have sidewalk here we have the driveway middle the driveway edge of the driveway here's where the flange starts right at the edge and then the flange is heading back down and then we have the driveway removal let me close this will select the corridor and I'm going to click the top-left hotspot on the viewcube will orbit this around and we'll take a look at this driveway in 3d
Channel: Jeff Bartels
Views: 31,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civil 3D, corridor, driveway, Bartels, AKN_include, modeling, add, FDOT, Florida Department Of Transportation (Government Agency), State kit, 2015
Id: KJBhl29xysE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2015
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