Harvest 2021 | Started Wheat | How To Drive The Combine! | John Deere T670i

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[Music] all right welcome back guys it is uh saturday the 14th of august i've got you on my head as you can probably tell and we're gonna do a bit of a how to drive the combine video so um we're gonna put the header on and then we'll start from scratch we'll turn the turn the combine off and start it up and start from there i'm just gonna put it in first gear so i can hook this header on um so yeah it's just gone midday we've been having very damp mornings so we've sort of cut just cutting in the afternoons at the moment letting the moisture drop a bit in the mornings back up and then we'll get hooked up um yeah we uh we only started on the week yesterday yesterday afternoon um most the week has just been sort of drizzly and the weather's been a bit naff really so we haven't got a lot of combining done this week but yeah i cut 116 hectare field yesterday afternoon and now i've got another 16 hectare field to cut this afternoon at farm one all right we'll go and hook up the header let me try out my new gloves shiny new gloves put the heartbreak on we'll turn the engine off all right dividers are already out left the dividers out last night so get in here right so we'll start by turning the key on just like in a car let's start her up head is all hooked on now broke my sunglasses this morning that there are any cheap ones off ebay for like five quid but they only last a few months and then i break them so that's why i buy cheap ones also we've got stickers as well now ordered a load of new stickers so if you want one of them there's a link in the video description below um yeah you can go to ebay and and buy some stickers so what i'm gonna do is take the part break off on that one we'll lift the header right up because we've got to travel down to the field uh the joystick is for forward and reverse basically i'll just move it across this is neutral i'll move it to the left and we start going backwards i also have to look in my mirrors so we go backwards look and then i'll go back to neutral and then forwards we go forwards we've also got um this is what is the transmission called on this combine it is pro drive and we've basically got range one and range two if we move it up to range two we'll get along a bit quicker we're only running on tick over right now um on the joystick that we've got controls for the reel here up and down on the header that yellow one there is emergency stop uh what we'll have to do is normally ask me to put in a code to unlock the receiver on the roof but because i've already done that about 15 minutes ago it's not asking me to do that now so this uh this wheat out here the variety was graham didn't yield overly well well i didn't yield that well at all to be honest done about um about eight ton too short of eight ton to the hectare over the whole field it was drilled late it laid very wet all winter um had some black grass in it black grass brings down the yield um and then to top it all off we had a crap sort of we didn't really have enough sun um in like may when we winter wheat loves sunshine so uh we're having quite small grains but i'll show you that in a bit we've got to try and squeeze through this gap um i'll be right to put the lids up actually so to put the bin lids up i'll press this button here we'll put the bin lids up see that they're going up i was telling me off because i'm in second gear and i'm putting the lids up i'll put it back in first gear we gotta cross over this bridge eric's here um so yeah we've only got this field to cut this afternoon and then we're gonna move up to farm two oh dear this looks like it's gonna be a bit tight and you see the edge of the bridge right there look i really don't want to fall down there yeah it's a long way down yeah we'll get this week finished here this afternoon and then we're going to move up to farm two in the morning or this evening if we get done in really good time but what i'm planning on doing is moving the trailers and the header up to farm two this afternoon or this evening and then we'll move the combine in the morning when nobody else is you know kite and grain on the roads so then i won't shouldn't meet any grain carters um on the road with the combine so right we're in the field we'll go back to that um we've got a bit like in the tractor here rear pto and front pto in the tractor but that one turns the combine on the separator which starts up the drum and the straw walkers and the sieves and everything and then this one is to turn the header on it's now going to want us to do a header calibration because we put the header on it's basically going to put the reel right up and right down i think that's about it to be honest um we've got our revs here look we got tick over mid revs and high revs yes it's just put the header back down and it's past the test i've got our settings as winter wheat we'll rev it up we've got our drum speed at 940 rpm we will speed that up to 950. then we've got our concave set on 15 we've got wind speed 1100 top sieve 17 which i'm pretty sure i had that on 16 yesterday we just switched that down to 16. and then and then bottom sieve on six so to drop the header down to its preset high i just press number two and the header will drop down to the to the height that it's been set to and i can use this little knob here that to adjust the if i twist the knob it changes on there it goes up there that green one is where it's set to i have like down there all right let's go for it pushing the stick forward in first gear we've got it's we've got it set to wind row so we're rowing up the straw that comes out the back we could turn on our hill master which is there that keeps the combine level um and then it keeps the sieves level and the straw walkers level it works on the each side it hydraulically levels the combine basically and that's it it's very simple it looks complicated but it's actually very simple um yeah we're traveling at just over about four and a half kilometers an hour we've got engine revs at 2 000 normally runs at about 2 200. we'll need to watch where i'm going um yeah speed engine rpm fuel and add blue we've got engine temperature engine power that we're using there at the bottom here this measures our losses so uh on the right there is straw walker losses where you've got four bars there on the left is sieve losses we never get any sieve losses on this combine never and then on the right is uh returns which is what's coming off the back back of the bottom sieve and then returns back up into the main drum um but i can adjust the sensitivity on the losses and i've got them set pretty sensitive i think i set it to number 20 and basically the lower the number the more sensitive that is um so yeah what we want to do is drop that stubble height down a little bit because it stubble's a little bit long doing that on this one sorry if i'm shaking you around all over the place but i'm i'm looking over there to make sure i'm not missing anything because i haven't got it on auto steer yet whilst i've got you on here we might as well put in an ab line aren't we because i haven't got an a b line saved for this field if we go to guidance set track and we put new and all right combine combine except we press a set b later we'll go up there and then i'll press b and then that's going to draw us a straight line that we can set the combine to to drive on what else can i show you we've got yield monitor which isn't calibrated so it's not 100 accurate we've got yield there eight ton to the hectare and we've got moisture 16.9 to go into the the store into the grain bin it needs to be below 15 moisture so we're having to put the wheat through the dryer at the moment we're burning diesel and drying the wheat um maybe one of the next videos we'll do a bit i'll get stephen to maybe video a bit of grain cutting and and uh and we'll do some video in at the grain stores in the dryer and things like that um so yeah and then you'll be able to see how see the whole process then he's gobbling it up this combine loves we what else can i show you yeah we press b now i haven't done any boundaries for these fields i'm going to go around once i've got all the combining done i'm going to go around with the gator and put in put in put this screen in the gator and that dome on the gator and we're going to go around and map all the fields so they're all accurate um so if we press b now like set b you see those lines pop up we turn steering on and then i can press the auto steer button so we're now following on that white line right there and if we zoom in we can choose any one of those blue lines well the clip the line that i'm closest to will highlight white and then we can we can basically track onto that line and it will take it the combine will steer us up that line all right we're just going to get out and have a look at the um have a look at the straw i'm combining and i'm watching ollie vlogs from yesterday's combining at the same time just catching up yes we're going to go and have a quick look just check the straw make sure there's no i'm not losing any grain in the straw all right you say that one at least the sun showed up blue sky oh well we just touched on the screen nothing so if you look at this in the stroller you can see the air or what was the air of wheat and it's thrashed out there's no wheat left in the ear which is good the straw is still a little bit chewy you want the baler out here just yet put it that way all right we'll have a look we were so i think just then we were going about 4.2 k and we got a 30 foot header on the front so under my hand we've probably got about about six six or eight grains something like that and they're really tiny little grains so for a 30-foot that's not too bad not too bad at all it's hard to see if we're losing anything on the sieves because it just everything that comes off the back of the sieves gets thrown out by these chaff spreaders out across here but there's never anything coming off them there's such a big sieve area on this combine it's um right here buddy it's such a big sieve area oh looks like i've got miss calls now so so so basically now that we're set up and going i'll show you unloading in a minute um basically i just have to monitor the monitor the performance of the machine really i have to keep an eye on the grain make sure we're not getting cracked grains but that's normally when it's the moisture is really low uh after keeping on you know how clean it is but it is going for a pre-cleaner in the grain store um but and you just have to keep it on the straw as well if we are if we're not thrashing those heads out properly then what i would do is just shut this concave down a little bit um just so that it thrashes the straw a bit harder things like that just sort of adjusting throughout the day um you know and then if it comes out hot and you're smashing the straw to pieces like dust then you open up i'd open up that concave to about 30. and and you can even slow up the the drum as well if you're going a bit hard on the straw all right so the grain tank is full um i've got a camera alert that will show us in the grain tank oh i just forgot to clean the camera you can't really see a lot that's the heat there that but it also tells us that the grain tank is full so i'm going to use this button here on the joystick to put the unloading spout out [Music] and the spout should come out there is that and then stephen is in the tractor he's in my 6-2 he's going to come up alongside the trailer what he'll do is he'll just he'll drive along at four kilometers an hour and i will speed up and uh slow down my dear we're only putting one tank load in the trailer anyway because um the ground's pretty soft and we don't want to damage the ground right i'm multitasking here i'm holding the camera trying to steer right now what i'm going to do is we'll look at the joystick i'm going to press the yellow button that one and then it's going to start coming out and then basically just press that same button to turn it off again when it runs out and then that's the grain tank empty comes out there pretty fast right behind me there you'll see it going down the window you see the tank emptying i actually think it's probably about eight i think it's either eleven thousand or or eleven thousand five hundred liter grain tank so i would say about eight ton a week maybe around about eight ton yeah i know he's gonna come back underneath it he's gonna turn around and then come back again so we've nearly finished this field uh we're in the last little corner uh since the moisture has come down this afternoon yeah we're on 14.3 now uh it's easier to thrust the straw so the losses are much better than what we saw earlier or the loss is a lot much fewer i should say we're gonna unload top steven's trailer up as you can see i've got a passenger this afternoon oscars hello hello it's oscar's birthday today oh we're missing a bit i asked his birthday today and he wanted to come for around the corner how old are you say 13. 13. yeah um and you want to come to a ride in the combine on your birthday didn't you and you've definitely never ridden in the combine before you were thirteen okay welcome back what are we doing though we're combining floor all right so we finished the field um i'm going to service the combine this evening we're not going to move the combine this evening we're going to move the combo in the morning uh with some of these tractors and trailers and header up to farm two this evening and service the combine and then in the in the morning it will be a toss-up between going into more winter wheat or going into spring uh spring oats because if the moisture is high on the on the wheat we'll have to go into oats because there we the moisture will be lower in the oats so yeah that's 32 hectares cut of winter wheat farm one and now we're going to go to we've got 120 hectares of wheat of uh winter wheat that we can cut farm too so we'll go out there and do a bit we've got across another bridge right thanks for watching i'll see you in the next video bye for now
Channel: It's a farming life for me!
Views: 36,001
Rating: 4.915575 out of 5
Keywords: John Deere, British Farming, JCB, Farming vlog, Harvest, Arable farming, farming life, farming life uk, uk farming, uk farming vlog, uk farming 2021, uk farming videos, british farming, farming vlog, farm life, farming, farm vlog, farm vlog uk, uk farming vlog 2021, uk harvest, arable farming uk, harvest, harvest 2021, farm videos, farm videos uk, arable farming, day of farming, john deere, jcb, combine, harvesting, farmers weekly, modern farm, agriculture machine
Id: p7G8_4Qfa4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 12sec (1332 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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