Harvest 2021 | Farm 2 Finish Oats Start Wheat | Calibrate Yield

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[Music] [Music] all right it's tuesday morning it's uh we've had a few spots of rain this morning it's cloudy and we're gonna i'm come back to this last field of oats to finish it basically this morning before we get into some wheat if it if the wheat is dry enough because we haven't got a dryer at farm so so the grain has to be dry to cut but what i want to do is i want to do simon wants me to run a calibration a yield calibration on these oaks you can see how far the if the uh if the yield figure is out yeah so press the next button to next step button to start an automatic calibration so i'm guessing that's that one make sure the grain tank is empty yeah it's empty um press next step to start the calibration so now let's go for it oh let me turn on now turn that on gps and now it's going to start counting what goes in the grain tank and then stephen will go and get we'll fill up the trailer look at that it's going in the component without wrapping if you didn't watch the end of the last video i had to stop in this field last night because it wouldn't go in the combine it just kept wrapping around that auger which it's starting to do right now but only a tiny bit so right now that it's on 14 kilos 16 kilos 20 right so i'm just filling up the trailer now the combine thinks that there's 7 396 kilos in the trailer um and then he's going to take that to the neighboring farm and weigh it it's gonna get covered in those yeah steven's gonna take the trailer to the neighboring farm and get it weighed right so the weight in the trailer was eight thousand 840 kilos so we need to type that in here eight thousand eight four zero accept and it did think it was what was it seven thousand three 300 and something so we've actually there was actually more weight in the trailer than what the combine fought which is good because that means that they've actually yielded better than what we were thinking yeah so they've actually yet ended up yielding about six tons of the hectare i think um which isn't too bad not too bad i think the ones that the oats that we've gotta cut up but farm three will yield better they're on slightly better soil but right now we're going to move up to the wheat and um well actually the first thing i'm going to do is park on this grass field and clean out the stone trap and maybe get the airline and blow a few of these oats off the combine we've probably got a few black grass seeds that we don't really want to spread around the farm so so so now farm to the only thing we've got to cut is 120 hectares of wheat so we've got wheat there graham and then we've got wheat out that side uh zayat so yeah plenty to get on with um in trouble is the weather's looking a bit rubbish later on the week well it's not great now to be honest i want sunshine for cutting wheat but we're just gonna try and see what the moisture is so let's see what happens all our settings right about turn the hill master on it's crazy it doesn't seem like that long ago i was uh drilling this wheat i drilled it i fertilized it i sprayed it now we're harvesting it i think we drilled this around the last week of september it's saying 16 moisture so we might have to stop for a bit we'll see what the grain store man says it's half past 12 right now we'll send a load of this week to the way bridge as well in a bit um because i'm pretty sure that's really low it's saying seven and a half tons of hectare that must be so so we've calibrated the um the yield and it's been about 10 tonne of the hectare so we're happy with that that's actually good this is on light land it was drilled early and it was on light land so it stayed dry throughout the winter so yeah good only thing is the moisture is a little bit high so uh yeah unless it's something comes down we're just gonna have to fill up fill one bin up and maybe make that do and then come up with plan b because we can blow some air through the bin and take out a bit of moisture but not massive amount and that uses quite a lot of electric so to blow it through right so we're just on our way back to the yard now we're going to put the combine in the shed this afternoon we have cut best part of 200 ton of wheat all around sort of 16 my alarms going off um yeah all about 16 moisture so um obviously we can't carry on doing that uh so what we're gonna do tomorrow is this is the same exact same weather forecast for tomorrow just cloudy and and dull so we're gonna fire up the dryer farm one in the morning and trailer some of this wheat back there because we've got loads of storage space there so we'll just put it through the dryer and into a bin so yeah right i'm gonna put this in the shed and i will see you tomorrow all right bright and early wednesday morning well it's early but it's not very bright it's cloudy um as you can see i'm out in the bateman and i'm up at farm free spraying some of these spring oats flat spring oats with roundup because there's so much green in them um and there's a lot of regrowth we've got the green ones they're growing so they will still be just as green when we come to combine them so kill them around up and then that will make combining well make combining a little bit easier as you can see they're very flat so it's not going to be the best job i need to lower the boom down a bit um it'll make combining unveiling a bit easier if the straw is all dead so yeah if anybody from john d is watching and you want to demo us a a draper header in about 10 days from i think it's the 18th of august right now would that be much appreciated because i think draped was going to be the best best tool for this job and if you're wondering why they've all gone flat it's because it was probably quite a heavy crop quite a good well-yielding crop so they're heavy and we've had a lot of wind and heavy rain so it's just battled them they're at all crop and they do fall over if you get a lot of wind and rain all right so what i'm doing now is loading up the well load not one grain trailer one's already loaded we left that loaded last night when we knew what we were going to be doing um and we're going to take some wheat back to farm one we're from farm two to farm one because we've got a diesel dryer there where we dry the grain and we're going to run this through the dryer i've probably already said all this last night didn't i we're going to run this week through the dryer and then store it there because we've got plenty of space there excuse the dirty windows um i've got the same problem as what ollie has dirty windows and no fuel in me and no fuel in the tank if you know most of you know what i'm going on about [Music] if not go and watch all the agri contract and you'll know what i'm on about them all right so i'm on my way back to farm one this is not my third trip now down the narrow lane and then a little little bit of time on the main road it's not too far if it be nice if the sunshine will come out and then we might actually cut a bit more this evening we're just going to move 100 tonne back to farm one put it through the dryer and then we'll see what the weather's like but just need that sunshine to come out jeremy's on as well he's on the 6150 with the the other 14 ton trailer [Music] just about fits in the pit some going on down here this afternoon we've got bailing going on out here that failing the weak straw they're out over there they're rolling up hay well thrashed hay and bailing you probably can't see from this distance and speed up a little bit so yeah it's we'll keep forgetting what day is is it wednesday wednesday afternoon um we've moved 100 ton back to farm one so that cleaned up everything that was over fifteen and a half percent off the floor so now we're going to go and give it a go and see what go see what the moisture is this afternoon we have to add some little spells of sunshine so if it's 15 and a half it'll be right we can put that on the air floor and um and um when we when we put some air through it to condition the grain it will it will uh take a little bit of moisture out river up and see what happens um speed that up it's all been going on today oh we're in second gear we need to go first gear hopefully you can see all right i'm not very good at getting this camera at the right angle when i've got it on my head it's saying 14.7 percent moisture so that oh that's accurate i'll be pretty pleased with that steven's still got his fashion lights on he's doing a clarkson my cv's broken so i can't shout um yeah oh we're on 15 and a half now we don't really want anything above 15 and a half oh it's a bit chewy you can hear it going for the combine but the dryer packed up earlier so that wasn't good the uh the diesel pump packed up so um the people that look after the dryer are coming out to put a new pump on that and then new george managed to wreck his truck on the way back to far too somebody down the lane somebody managed to run up the side of his brand new truck so he's now at home on the exponent of the insurance so i've left jeremy i just set up the grain store i've left jeremy in charge of the grain store steven's on grain cart um my dad's looking after the grandchildren so we're a bit low on staff for this afternoon but you'll be right hopefully george will be back in a minute when uh once he sorted his phone call out if you're wondering who george is he's running the grain store this year and it's not it's not regular george that help normally helps on grain cart it's a different george um who's actually started full time on the farm as a general farm worker and he's running the grain store this year and my dad has been sort of training him up trying to pass on his his knowledge of everything he knows about grain stores all right so we're almost at the end of another day now eric's worn out as you can see is that a busy day well you probably can't really see him actually he's the wrong color um yeah it's right now it is 24 minutes past nine and i started at half six this morning went out with the bateman as you saw sprayed the moats um but yeah i think we got out here about half or five o'clock this afternoon and we have done um what have we done 12 12 and a half hectares which and we've cut 105 ton of wheat so yeah you can shift a lot of weight and wheat actually doesn't take long but we're gonna pack up in a minute because the moisture's uh creeping back up again it did come down to 15 before it got dark but now it's dark it's it's all creeping creeping back up where it's on 15 and a half right now it'll be up to 16 before we know it so yeah we're gonna uh go home and come back in the morning and do a bit more all right thanks for watching this video guys [Music] i'm just trying to squeeze everything in the shed the more the barns get the harder it is to fit all the kittens
Channel: It's a farming life for me!
Views: 24,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: John Deere, British Farming, JCB, Farming vlog, Harvest, Arable farming, farming life, farming life uk, uk farming, uk farming vlog, uk farming 2021, uk farming videos, british farming, farming vlog, farm life, farming, farm vlog, farm vlog uk, uk farming vlog 2021, uk harvest, arable farming uk, harvest, harvest 2021, farm videos, farm videos uk, arable farming, day of farming, john deere, jcb, combine, harvesting, farmers weekly, modern farm, agriculture machine
Id: gmCeJ3trpXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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