HARRY KISSED WHO?! Perfect Match Season 2 REVIEW + RECAP! | Episodes 7-9 | Melinda, Harry, Kaz

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Now Brighton listen up buddy it's one thing to go on a reality show and wear some amazing clothes it's another to cop my style I'm literally wearing the shirt that he was wearing this week in perfect match the only difference is well I've had it for a little bit longer and I've actually buttoned it properly he's got like four or five buttons you know he's kind of showing the chest meat not [Music] great what's going on you guys James here with another real recap and review of perfect match week two oh man week one was dramatic we covered episodes 1 through six right here on the channel so if you didn't check it out you might want to find that link in the description below because it was really crazy but dare I say this week is even crazier and if you are already asking well when the heck does this show end we have the finale that will cover right here on the channel next Friday morning same time same place so you're not going to want to miss out hit the big red button below subscribe to the channel you guys tap on that Bell like this video and get loud in the comments below and let me know why is YouTube being a little Annoying and suppressing this video and this content no on a serious note let me know in the comments if you're team Cass or team Micah and I'll explain that in just a little bit and like we always do you guys I'm going to go ahead and lead with my spoiler-free thoughts before getting into into my spoiler recap and that's just in case you haven't watched episodes 7 through 9 just yet so time codes are below so let's begin you guys with my spoiler-free review and I got to say this week's episodes are probably the best in the strongest run of episodes in perfect matches history the drama is at an all time high here especially in episodes eight and nine where we begin to see some matches we thought were sure things crack I love the buildup to those matches sort of getting their biggest tests and facing their biggest tests yet I don't think that some of the matches were ever going to make it all the way but in their minds they believed they would so all it took was Nick leet to Walkin not wearing a robe but wearing clothes and saying oh guys let's bring in everyone felt like a super smash brother this moment you know like everyone is here but literally everybody showed up and again I won't spoil too much but let's just say bringing a lot of singles into one house in Mexico with matches who you thought were sure things can shake a lot of a lot of relationships up I thought it was a really good idea by The Producers to throw these curve balls and after week one it really felt like there needed to be a change up in a lot of these matches things were beginning to get stale a lot of matches needed to be sort of stirred up and that happened uh especially in episode 9 in guys the music was surprisingly not noticeably bad this week hallelujah thank you Jesus because last week we talked about this song that said roll up to the spot burrito well looks like that taco left the station because we are clear of any of those lyrics this week is actually not bad and I thought to myself oh my gosh is it actually adding to the suspense it's a Christmas miracle in June but I am just really hoping the finale sticks the L because after this week's run of episodes it was just 7 8 and N only three episodes versus six the first week it was strong and I'm starting to believe that the finale will be a lot of fireworks and you won't see a lot of Cal moments between our perfect matches although I know who's going to win I say that because I have a good guess I haven't watched the finale yet but I do believe I know who's going to win so I think this is a good time because I wanted to say so much and I can't in the spoiler-free section so if if you haven't already subscribe to the channel save this video to your watch later list and come back when you've watched episodes 7 through 9 because right now it's time to get into my spoiler recap so this is your one and only warning okay so it's time let me make sure I'm buttoned up unlike Brian so we begin episode 7 with a continuation of last week's Cliffhanger ending now if you need a little recap here are our latest matches we have Chris and tulou we have Justin and Elise we have St and Lara the strongest couple clearly and then we have Harry and Jessica who they're very interesting and then we were left this episode episode 7 wondering what's the Fate going to be for Cass and Micah well I guess to no one's surprised they end up matching but I will say I'm a little cautiously optimistic for them because the way mic's moving she ain't serious y'all and I do think that the crack and their relationships are beginning to um let's say break the foundation and kind of split it in half they're not looking good so who was sent home well of course it's Cloudchaser number one and Cloudchaser number two Melinda and Holly now it seems that St and alara's strategy when they were in The Boardroom to bring in Holly to disrupt Cass and Micah's relationship and Melinda to disrupt gosh I can't even remember who she went on a date with was it Chris I I don't know I think it was I I don't necessarily think it was a good idea nobody's strategy in the boardroom has really paid off I'm going to be honest with y'all and then Melinda and Holly give some testimonials that were so forced and they really tried to break down Cass and Chris and I don't love that because guess what you guys y'all weren't on the show for more than a day so let's not play these games instead let's focus ahead because we have 9 days left until the perfect match so we get of course a compatibility Challenge and now this one is it it doesn't start off on a good note for the couples before the game even began Nicholas Shay comes in with his messy self and asks who the couples believe the weakest matches that's like screaming bomb on an airplane not saying I've I've I'll never do that but that's like the equivalent of doing that with these couples come on they're hyperreactive so here's how some of the contestants answered nicolet's question of who the weakest matches Micah says Elise and just and of course Mah's going to say that because Elise and Micah are like Team Green and team black and House of the Dragon they don't like each other okay they're not friends and then Elise says well you know what I'm going to counter that and say actually Micah it's you and Cass and then Chris and Harry come out the woodwork and they're just like o I agree and I'm like all righty what are we doing here okay why are we ganging up on each other like this but and I'll get to this leads me to believe that uh This Is A House Divided okay so back to the compatibility challenge the name of the game is one person is blindfolded and the other in the relationship is a guide to then untangle the rope that they're attached to they each have a color coordinated rope and if you didn't think that it was messy in the house is messy in this game because a lot of them just either one don't have good hand ey coordination two they can't follow directions or three they can't give good directions so yeah yeah um the most unlikely couple I think does win this one though Cass and Micah and I say that after having watched the episodes right 7 through n and I think to myself how in the world did they win this but this was probably the last Glimpse that we'll get at them having good communication but yes Cass and M go win I believe this is their second compatibility challenge that they've won the first one I believe they won on a salsa date and this one well they're going on a date we've already become accustomed to guys Cass and Micah go to a waterfall and if that looks familiar because it is we saw St and Alara go on their date at the waterfall too so man I I guess they're running out of budget just a little bit during their conversation it's short but we do get some glimpses into where they're at currently in their heads SPAC together Micah is scared of losing Cass and she says she's feeling like it's becoming very R for her at the same time make up your mind girl because are you scared of losing Cass because maybe there other women in the house which ultimately becomes the truth or are you scared of losing CS because you're going to self- sabotage because it's getting real so figure it out Micah figure it out and then Cass replies and says hey I feel there's potential to grow outside of the house however he predes that statement within um so when Micah asks do you see like a future here he's like um I think there's potential it's like bro you are not confident and I'm not confident nothing answer either so now that we're done with Cass and Michael's date let's check in with our matches and we begin with Harry leaving love notes in his in Jessica's room and you would think oh my gosh Harry's turning over a new fake Leaf but no Harry's actually leaving notes that you would expect Harry to leave on their bed notes that say things like this and I quote I'd drink your bath water okay and then other notes on the bed I I'm not going to read them because they're very inappropriate but let's just say I don't think Jessica was completely flattered unless she was because she didn't make a mention about like using a straw for the bathwater note like gross and then Harry said let's make this even weirder because in his testimonial interview he said that he wants do a blood ritual with Jessica one that's weird two I rebuke that in Jesus name because no Harry no to me Harry seems really immature in this moment but Jessica's eating all of this up and says I adore you Harry and then Jessica adds I want to do more than kiss you Harry and y'all know what that means if I have to spell it out for you I no I'm not doing that but Harry and Jessica most likely at this point um they've done a lot more than just sleep with their backs to one another yeah so now it's time to transition to the boardroom moment with Cass and Micah but there's a Twist Nick Lee comes in and says there are co-ed singles for them to choose from not just either all women or all men and isn't that crazy well it was exciting until we saw Trevor on the board again so annoying but this is where I feel like the house becomes divided into teams you have C and Micah teaming up with Chris and tolu versus allara and St and Elise and Justin at least that's how it was at this moment because in the boardroom they're playing those sides and they're trying to bring in singles to ruin one or the other's relationship so I mean I never thought I would get to this but it makes things spicier but you know it's not spicy the fact that they even thought of bringing in Trevor for Jessica how are they out of their mind you're going to bring in the not so incredible Hulk to date Jessica who clearly they're not compatible they're not sympatico you guys I'm sorry they don't got it and you could sell that by the board let alone what happened in love his plan where Trevor went in with a pre-existing relationship which they addressed this week too but But ultimately Cass and Micah bring in Britain to date Steven and then they bring in Nigel to date aara so let's get into Nigel and alara's date now if you remember in week one allara was back and forth between St and Dom because she likes tall dark men according to her so allara said Nigel's my type and she keeps alluding to the fact that she's like physically attracted to him but ultimately their day goes nowhere and neither does their conversation so let's get into Britain and st's date instead and see if there's anything there well St said Britain's his type and kept alluding to keeping his options open earlier in a conversation with aara before leaving the house so it leads me to believe that St is probably the Wild Child in this equation and is going to try and go after Britain in a weird way I assumed he would based on his track record but I guess I even I would be wrong in this situation because and now it's time to get into the mixer moment St reveals to arara that hey I kissed Britain but then 2 seconds later he reveals that he was joking but when I tell you that my jaw hit the ground thinking that he actually did KISS Britain I was shocked immediately I was about to say allar you better leave that man and it didn't happen st's joking he didn't kiss Britain and said he's just like just match with me all right I love you because he is Smitten by aara speaking of Smitten by their partner Harry well Harry keeps saying Jess you're marked you're mind and it is very weird Behavior he's almost afraid to lose her and I don't know that to me spells he's a little insecure in the relationship however I think it's more so about his own insecurities because do I think he's trying to make an effort to be different and change yes do I think that he has tendencies that he still can't overcome absolutely which will get into in just a little bit but yeah weird behavior when you you're marking somebody no okay the only thing I Mark by is the blood of Jesus okay let's move on so Cass is an interesting subject in this moment too because he has a conversation with Britain and I'm starting to think is C exploring his options until that conversation goes right into the gutter because he's telling Britain I don't know where Hawaii is you don't know where Hawaii is like come on bro between him and Harry last week with not knowing Africa this is getting ridiculous we need a geography compatibility challenge at this point but here's where things get interesting Britain said that Cass didn't tell her that he's matched with Micah but Cass told Micah he mentioned that he's matched to Britain red flag I don't know what are we waving guys a red flag here because something's not clicking here and speaking of messy boots we have Elise who is being incredibly snakish by encouraging Nigel and Britain to go and destroy relationships so things are being shaken up and eventually C and Micah have a conversation right and their conversation keeps getting interrupted by this frog and it is hilarious like I thought that was the funniest moment of the entire week where this frog just continues to make this very serious conversation unserious but then Britain on orders of her Queen Elise uh tries to interrupt Cass and Micah's conversation and then C has addresses the house and says guys I've had enough I'm upset at you Elise and I'm upset about everything that's going on because you all are trying to ruin my match with Micah and you know what I ain't going to lie to you guys I do think that the house is against Cass and Micah and I do think Cass also has room to be upset because it does feel like the house is out to get him are they the weakest match no because it's Elise and Justin at this point but they're trying to get after Cass and Micah because I think they are threat to becoming possibly the strongest in terms of strategy so at the end of this mixer moment we get back to Harry and Jessica and Harry says Jessica I'm falling in love with you Harry falling in love I never thought we'd see the day but here we are and then Jessica says my heart is telling me that Harry is my husband oh man listen if you like it I love it I guess I don't know Jessica what what how so before we get to the next morning we got to talk about our current new matches and that is aara and St Justin the lease Jessica and Harry Chris and tou and Micah and Cass so who went home of course the two singles that were bought into the house Britain and Nigel and that should surprise nobody because none of these new singles that have come in outside of arara have really lasted long so we've got 6 days left now until the perfect match so what does Nicolet do well he announces we're going to have a boy day and a girls day and at both of these gatherings you're going to have at boy day all of the single women come in including some new contestants and at girls day you're going to have all the single men come back including some new contestants so yes Izzy's coming back so let's begin with the girls day which to me was probably the less exciting day of the two listen I love the editing this season because they are so messy especially with the subtitles of the contestants Trevor's subtitle was Trevor single win convenient I just about fell out of my chair Trevor said in his testimonial interview that he's here as a new man who's here to redeem himself if I had a meter that described who's lying um it would be pointing right towards Trevor stop it Trevor stop it so we go to Micah and Micah says to another guy that she can't trust Cass as far as she can throw him which is weird because this is probably the first time we've heard Micah Express such distrust and disdain for Cass and she's saying This I Believe In This Moment to brighten which is odd and speaking of brighten listen this man is so cocky because he's trying to get under the skin of all these women and he tells Elise straight up hey your match with Justin is boring so Brighton is doing what Brighton did in week one of perfect match where he's just playing the game game he's not here for a connection he wants to just stick around so he's trying to poke and prod at all these relationships he believes are weak so Micah's kind of flipping out at this point because she understands that oh my gosh maybe Cass isn't for me and if this is happening with us all the girls are with Cass and I can't trust him so tulou says girl wait I encourage you to then go and talk to the other guys if you feel this way now what's going to change when you get back to the house so Micah takes her advice and speaks with Izzy come on and there was so much shaky cam in this moment too you guys I don't know if it was just me maybe I was shaking my head but there was a lot of shaky Cam and I guess it was an adequate representation of Cass and Micah's relationship incredibly shaky and then we end the girls day with Brighton telling Micah hey I think has is actually interested in exploring something new and that's because I heard it from one of the dudes in the house he's planting seeds of Discord and that ain't cool y'all not at all all so now let's go to the boys day because this is the Catalyst for all the drama that happened in episodes 8 and episodes 9 I don't know I'm counting with my fingers so at boy's day they all get a drink and they're all kicking off the day together and then you hear Chris's dumb self say cheers to being single now correct me if I'm wrong in the comments but I'm 100 no no I'm 99.9% sure that it was Chris who said cheers to being single tou I hope I hope you're not still with this dude in week or week three yeah in week three so everyone's getting a drinky drink and the Tequila's flowing and Harry ends up doing what we all expected Harry to do which is act out of pocket because he took a body shot off of Melinda oh my gosh yet in his testimonial says I've only got eyes for Jessica I are we not seeing the same thing here Harry what are you doing so then we cut to Chris talking with another woman saying hey I don't think my relationship with tulou is as strong as I thought it was and he's very much interested in zanti however she's not interested in him and we're going to learn very very quickly that zanti is let's just say she's got a lot of Secrets up here that she so desperately wants to spill out and then we go back to the wild children Harry Melinda Harry's sitting down and then Melinda sits on Harry's lap and if I'm Harry I'm disgusted thank God I'm not Harry but if Harry truly loves Jessica and wants to be a good example to Autumn Jessica's daughter if a girl that clearly wants to ruin your relationship sits on your lap wouldn't you immediately get up instead no he lets it happen and just when you thought the Dr drama was at an all-time high in this moment we hear Holly clout Chaser number two tell everyone hey I saw Harry and Melinda kiss and I found it funny that the camera panted Justin and Justin immediately said I didn't see anything I don't think he did but none of the guys were saying that Harry kissed Melinda only Holly and Melinda were claiming this so at this moment I'm tripping here y'all I'm like are you kidding me Harry are we really going back to your old self but then Harry says Melinda you're making it up we did not kiss but then Melinda says well hey I'm just going to tell everyone else like zanti that we kissed and what she's doing is spreading the rumor because the cameras didn't catch it but I hope if they have a reunion that they have footage of what might have happened it'd be so great but as of now we didn't see any of that on camera we didn't hear anything there were there was nothing proving this unless there is and we just don't know it yet but I'm almost inclined at this point to be like you know what I think Melinda's Cloud chasing a little but it is Harry we're talking about and whether Melinda is lying or not Harry should not have let himself be put in that position to be alone with Melinda I mean for goodness sakes he even carries Melinda across these rocks because she has to use the restroom I understand being chivalrous but you're carrying someone across these rocks after you did a body shot off of them and you let them sit in your lap weird Behavior Harry so of course eventually all the guys and the girls and all of the singles are brought back to the house so everyone at these boys and girls day that they're at the house right now so of course we got to have a conversation with Harry and Jessica because you already know rumors are spreading Harry reveals that he's been crying in the room alone because he believes he wasn't the best representation of Jessica and Autumn during the boy day now part of me thinks is this him admitting that he kissed Melinda and or said some out of pocket stuff to Melinda he does reveal to Jessica hey I carried Melinda across the Rocks but the way he was teeing it up sounded like he was doing much more than that Harry eventually apologizes to Jessica and Jessica sounds like she's okay with him taking account of ability but he says or she says we're not fine Harry and it makes sense I would feel like maybe I can't trust that dude either Harry continues to reiterate to Jessica this isn't the guy I want to be anymore but with one test I believe he folded come on bro so Harry's crying and Jessica hugs Harry at the end of their conversation but things are not all sunshine and rainbows after this conversation we'll get back to them now let's go to dramatic couple number two Cass and Micah because their conversation at the house was the beginning of the end for them Micah reveals to Cass hey I'm insecure in our relationship and Cass and Micah eventually have a longer conversation about how they don't have any trust with one another but then Micah in a surprise turn of events says okay okay I have to apologize to you C it's me right hi I'm the problem it's me I am not open and honest about my feelings and that's a disservice to you so are they good or are they bad what a nightmare okay so now it's time for my notes on the big perfect match mixer and there are several funny faces made by the contestants during this moment literally all of the reactions are hilarious but all the past contestants plus the new singles that we saw at the boys and the girls day they're now in the house so as you know things are going to explode now before everything starts to go go crazy some of the couples sit down together and they speak and tou jokingly says hey I think Kaz is ready to mingle and Micah says he sure is and then Cass is thinking oh what the heck okay why would you even make that comment I'm sitting with you next to you right now and at this point I'm like listen Cass Micah is not serious just let it be and it's at this moment where I notice Brighton shows up to the house wearing my friend's clothing brand mavins it's the fruta bomba t-shirt you know it's it's kind of fire I ain't going to lie to you guys but I had it three years before him I'm just saying and once the contestants come in Harry immediately runs to Melinda and asks would you like to talk and she says no but in my mind I'm thinking why did he immediately go to her and ask for a chat I think he's worried about what could come out that's just me so before we even get into the Melinda Jessica and Harry drama triangle CHR says hey I had a good conversation with Cass because her and Cass seem to have had some sort of physical chemistry at the boys day and when Christine said that in front of everybody I had a good conversation with Cass he laughs out loud like the awkward laugh like oh man well everyone got to know each other is what he said homeboy you really like Christine and if you look closely he's even giving Micah the hover hands on the couch so awkward all right well now it's time for Melinda Jessica and Harry's drama the girls sit at the table together and it felt like the Red Wedding because boy oh boy was Jessica and Micah I'm sorry Jessica and Melinda were they going at it Melinda tells Jessica that her and Harry kissed not just once but multiple times you guys however again I find it hard to believe Melinda here she just seems like she's been Cloud chasing this whole time and her story is changing again it just doesn't seem consistent here but then I'm guessing Harry hears them going back at it and Harry joins Melinda Jessica and the other girls at the table for a short period of time because Melinda and Jessica begin to argue even more when Harry shows up Jessica believes that Melinda should have been respectful and not made that claim about Harry publicly in front of the other girls and I actually don't blame her and you know what if Melinda was telling the 100% truth wouldn't she want to just pull Jessica aside instead it feels like she's trying to make a spect spectacle of it all which is exactly why I don't 100% believe Melinda here and then eventually Melinda brought up that hey that's not all I had a conversation with Harry about you and him having a future out of here do you possibly see it and Harry told Melinda apparently um no because he laughed about it so then before Harry leaves he's like listen can I get one word in Melinda it was you who tried to kiss me on the cheek and I denied you do I believe that too yeah yeah I do believe that actually I'm not going to lie guys I I believe that Melinda tried to kiss Harry because this is what Melinda has been doing in the house which is hey I'm the disruptor but now back to the mixer and I hope you guys are keeping up because it's about to go back and forth real fast so zany tells tou hey I think Chris was trying to poach me at boy day and she even goes as far as to say hey tou you should switch up your match oh my gosh why are you going to do this to tou feel bad for her man I do I feel bad for her the most in the house okay cuz I think she genuinely was falling for Chris So eventually Chris and to have a conversation to which Chris says you know what hold up here I want to hear it from Z's mouth bring her in so he says zanti and zanti shows up and well zanti just repeats the same thing and then says at one point listen Chris if you're going to lie I'm leaving so of course tulou is feeling shaken Chris is talking in circles and it seems like he's digging the biggest hole of his life here to which then tou says Chris you need to just go be Chris then and it sounds like she's done with him but back to the Harry Jessica and Melinda drama because Jessica and Harry have another little conversation to which Jessica says I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here Harry so maybe she does love this man Harry denies again that he kissed Melinda and Jessica just says okay sure but I'm going to still set you straight because Harry you are acting like a child right now and you are acting like one before and Harry admits listen I I said something out of pocket too so I'm like dude you more and more of the truth keeps coming out and it doesn't help you Harry tells Jessica listen I might have spoke to Melinda and told her that you would look good pregnant and I'm like Harry what do we we doing and we will revisit this conversation soon but first back to the mixer because oh boy this is where Cass and Micah's relationship really just ends Brighton pulls Cass to the side and says hey look Micah told me that you guys were the weakest couple and of course Caz is upset and says well you know what if Micah thinks that I am going to go pursue somebody else so he goes and fights Christine of course he tells Christine hey you're my number one and Cass at this point I think is just completely done with Micah so Micah has a conversation with think another girl or two and says hey Cass and I argue every day and he's a piece of and I'm like yo this is bad but it gets worse they play a game of flip cup and no there's no water in there you would hope but no there's not and the loser has to kiss the match of their Choice well Cass wasn't playing the game at the time and Christine was one of the first losers so she kisses Nigel which is out of left field and eventually Nigel loses and kisses tou which is also out of left field but tou was all about them was like okay now girl and then Cass is the final loser when he rejoins the game and he kisses Holly what a mess it's so chaotic I thought he would go for Christine but I guess not so odd but of course Micah who wasn't playing the game at all sees Cass kissing Holly and is upset she's shocked and she is breaking down but my question is why are you so shocked Michael when you literally were just talking down about Cass and your relationship to someone else so if you think has is a piece of junk well why are you shocked so Izzy puts on his cape and says hi it's me Micah's number one fan he shows up and tells Micah I got your back here all right bro I he's like the most random NPC character to just show up and do whatever he does I I don't know about him all righty now back to Harry and Jessica's dramatic conversation so Jessica's trying to find Harry but Harry's currently got his head in a toilet because he's vomiting due to him being anxious over possibly losing Jessica so Jessica's like listen I'm going to let you get all that out of your system and I'm going to go have a conversation with Melinda one onone Melinda reveals to Jessica well listen Harry told me some more things and told Jessica that Harry told her I want to do something to you and he goes even further according to Melinda I don't just want to do something to you I'm 30 years old and I'm ready for babies I'm not going to lie to you guys I literally said out loud stop lying because M at this point are you serious this sounds so implausible I don't know this just doesn't sound natural at all but here he did make that comment about Melinda's belly and whatnot about her looking good pregnant I don't know this is weird now huh so we go back to the mixer one more time before we get back to Harry and Jessica we have a conversation with elely and Justin and apparently Justin is telling elely I think there's a foundation for us to build on but it's really messy in this moment because the editors are allowing us to hear a little bit of what Justin's saying and then there's a dreamy sequence going on with some dumb music to be honest and it's at Le basically thinking about Brighton yeah at this point Elise is totally checked out she even tells Justin hey I think we're going too deep too quickly and yeah man I just I think they're done especially when Brighton tells Elise hey I was just going to match with Micah simply to have a match I'm looking at you girl so at least takes that as an open invitation because she's like already you want to match then and then Brian's they match which is crazy to me so atast has to go and Alex her decision to Justin who is pretty upset Justin is so upset that he walks away from her doesn't give her the chance to explain and says that he's going home and I'm like Elise how do you feel about having the tables turned around on you she is so adamant about like how dare that person do me wrong I'm going to do them wrong but then you do someone else wrong and and now you want to explain yourself that's not how that works girl like you messed it up so we get back to Micah and she's of course crying is shows up and Micah tells Izzy I just want to be around someone I can feel comfortable with whether it's romantic or not and then Izzy says me me you could do that with me and they match just ridiculous and then we cut to tulou and Chris they have a chat after Chris was literally crying which well maybe he really does love tulou and lastly St and Alara they prove once again that they are the strongest couple in the house if they don't win this season of perfect match I'm going to be shocked and right before the end of episode 9 we're back to Harry and Jessica they're having a conversation and then the episode ends on a cliffhanger and honestly that conversation didn't sound good for Harry I'll just say that much right now so we'll know if they're still together next week but currently our matches as of the end of week two are Chris and tulo St and Alara Izzy and Micah Christine and Cass because yes they did match and then Brighton in Elise so we have technically three new matches right now we have Izzy matching with Micah Christine and Cass and then Brighton and Elise so who gets sent home well Justin STD one out I had do kind of feel bad for him but at the same time I'm like bro at least never really showed you that she was serious about you in the first place and there you have it you guys that's my real recap and review of week two for perfect match season too this was again the best week of episodes in perfect matches history and I hope we get more drama like this in the finale because it was a lot of fun to watch but let me know Down Below in the comments what you guys think about the current matches and what do you think happens with Harry and Jessica it's going to be something special the fireworks are going to be fireworking in episode 10 and hey if you haven't already subscribed to the channel because same time same place next week we're talking about the finale huge thank you to Netflix for giving me the chance to review perfect match week to week I really appreciate it you guys and God bless you all for your support and making these episode Recaps some of the best content on the channel and I love doing it it's so much fun being able to have this conversation with you guys all righty y'all well again thanks so much for watching and I'll catch you at the next screening all righty well if I'm going to be like bright I guess I take one button just kidding the buttons are staying as they are he [Music]
Channel: Reel James
Views: 18,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reel James, Perfect Match Season 2 recap, Perfect Match Season 2 review, Perfect Match Season 2 episode 9 reaction, Perfect Match Season 2 reaction, Perfect Match Season 2 trailer, Perfect Match Season 2 release date, perfect match season 2 cast, perfect match season 2 melinda and harry, perfect match Micah and kaz, perfect match season 2 Jessica, perfect match Jessica and melinda, perfect match harry kissing melinda, perfect match season 2 spoilers
Id: k5VBAisvJ30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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