Harrow (A very British Education 1.1 of 8)

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Harrow one of the most famous and influential public schools in the world over 400 years old steeped in history synonymous with wealth and privilege but what's it like to go there across a school year we follow the boys of West acre one of hairos 12 boarding houses to discover what it takes to make a modern day Herodian today it's the new boys the best of luck for what the future holds here at Harrow I wish you well with it adjusting to their new surroundings when you walk off feature is that we easily what's called a plane okay you'll get in trouble if you don't do that adapting to life away from their families oh I hate them I'm really into it and getting to know an entirely new one welcome to Harrow you know my daughter said about my haircut last night humpty-dumpty yeah I don't think I was very nice everybody should have children yeah this is West Acre one of harrows 12 boarding houses the Martin Smith is its veteran house master normally speaking you do 12 years in a house and this is my 12th year so I bought one more year to run in West acre and so it's a big year for me in many respects it's early September and Martin like the rest of harrows 500 staff is preparing for an invasion tomorrow we're expecting the 900 voice to come back from their holidays everything goes mental really Harrow was first established in 1572 to provide a classical education to 30 poor boys of the parish today with parents paying school fees in excess of thirty thousand pounds a year very few of the boys would be considered a poor tomorrow night I should think it will be Redland in here what's all the boys have come back I can't find this I can't find that the difference I suppose between a boardinghouse and a family is that a family might have one two three children and but we're a family within this case this year with 66 children it's all rights are you take it easy you take it easy yes if Martin's the surrogate father in the West acre family come guys matron Kate Bain is the matriarch okay what I'd like you've got a list now of people who still they sleep along too so if you start I cake down that end and I'll start on this end okay what I want to do is put a chocolate on each pillow when you're down okay well I've been made from here at West acres for two years now it's mostly looking after the boys within the house it's looking after the house and making sure that they have everything that they need you do get emotionally attached to them which is lovely you do get to see some of the lovely things that they do because inevitably you're you here all the time so yes you do ones with them this year West acre is expecting fourteen new boys who in one of many unique Harrow traditions unknown the shells it's both the exciting time and a slightly scary times away the piece of the boarding house about the Chateau today Harrow is a global brand selling traditional English education to families around the world how'd you get in students come from as far away as China America and Russia 13-year old Dylan is from Malawi in southern Africa it all happens pretty quickly but it is pretty free daunting experience perhaps less exotically Sachin and his family often Leicester really brothers each and I don't have to get over yeah I've never boarded before so it was something which I which was completely new ice of jumped into the blue a bit with Community Harrow like Sachin most of the boys are used to living with their parents I'm about to extend the boys one way and the parents the other so this is a bit of an emotional over a talk saying goodbye is always difficult even for those who live in London like Olli and his family over the summer in every we seen so far away parents leaving was quite Cuomo's nor beside a sudden shock to the system you're basically saying goodbye to like your parents as well as saying hello to like a new family and things and you meet the voice who you didn't spend the next five years of your life with and it's a big family as the older boys arrive the shells can look forward to their first night at Harrow surrounded by strangers in an unfamiliar house so these folders with heroin rich and although probably yeah this allowed for than here we get chocolate on the bed which is the best thing in besting inherent definitely mean I snuck now dr. Bell so we have to go down to Dover was basically that fuzzy was register as in all boarding houses at Harrow West a Koreans mister ten bill or registration three times a day being the youngest shells sit on the floor all right gentlemen shall we make a start there please thank you first of all welcome back take the waffle course to our new shelves my stomach with Charlie trains only and I just remember seeing give me loads of people people who have never met and it's just to shock them this is the first taste really of how Harris gonna be for the shells learning to live together at West acre is just the beginning it's the official start of term and wearing their brand-new bloomers and graves not forgetting the famous Harrow boater the West acres shells venture out to their first school assembly over the centuries the historic speech room has hosted kings queens and prime ministers today is just the headmaster welcome back and a particular welcome to all new boys hope you all had an excellent summer and hope all new pupils settle in quickly and feel part of Harrow I'm sure you will the first day was pretty scary and so all we all avoid is just the heavy somehow Free People ads here yeah it's just you're born with a food chain time passes quickly let's seize every moment to learn from one another from the beaks and to take all the opportunities that are put in front of us have a great term mama is quite scary I am a bit of Oh TV 100
Channel: Mikey
Views: 150,813
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: Education (TV Genre), Harrow: A Very British School (TV Program), United Kingdom (Country)
Id: 6ic8bBeem5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2015
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