HARRODS SPRING TOUR 2022 | Luxury Easter In London

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yeah a lot of harrods own brand uh easter eggs which is good to see oh a grand cru chocolate sourdough and they do they've got some easter moments [Music] hello guys happy friday to you and yes i thought it was time to do another harrods vlog i get requested this all the time so i'm going to show you everything easter spring and maybe the queen's jubilee as well and it is a gorgeous gorgeous day here in london it's going 19 degrees spring really is here now and i am just on the famous brompton road all the stores are just opening and it's time to shop and today i'm going to be picking up obviously some food some lunch bits and piggy bits gonna look at all the chocolate treats for easter now if you have watched my christmas vlogs you know i usually show the windows but i'm actually gonna skip on the windows because they're just kind of like branded um like adverts and stuff nothing at too eastery but yeah it opened a few minutes early saying that i will just show you a couple of the outside ones because they look really cool they've got this um kind of street set up with all of these different brands so you've got a little ralph moment and they've done it like it's actual london street sign with a fancy front door as usual you can't usually see it because of the reflection because i always come here in the daylight but how cool is that but first i think we should go to the chocolate section don't you i've never really noticed it but look at the detail along the windows that looks absolutely stunning i'm just going to go in the middle entrance i love the tiles on the floor here harrod's limited but looking nice and quiet you've got to go early to these places straight into handbag heaven oh yeah also if on a selfish blog a while ago there was a bag that i looked at from here um which one was it very quickly i think it was one of these i don't think i'm going to get it though i don't know maybe i need to go to vista village i can almost hear everyone going hannah just show us the food and carrots no one cares about handbags what i do i do love a handbag yes i'm so glad i came here i'm gonna say it's early it's only ten o'clock but i think within the next half an hour it's gonna get crazy the perfume hall is absolutely stunning in a minute absolutely rakes at the same time um you don't want to be in here too long it is a very very lively part of the store and i've also noticed i look very orange today never mind the early bird catches the worm okay so we are in the famous chocolate uh emporium i'm not sure what they call it the chocolate haul and it is not too crazy i'm sure people watching this if you've visited here before you'd be like what the heck hannah this is so quiet but like i said it's literally like three or four minutes past ten um and yeah it is easter i had it requested so many times that people wanted to see easter but apologies even i wasn't able to upload this quite in time for easter i can't edit and upload quick enough um but i'm gonna get some easter bits i have been doing lent so i haven't eaten chocolate or sweets for what like five six weeks now i've lost a bit of weight but i definitely have just eaten twice the amount of bread but i'm gonna get some chocolate we are here for a little bit of a tour so you have a lot of pre-packaged items and yes i agree we'll re-show some things um i've no doubt shown before in my vlogmas but you've got lovely turkish delights i love good packaging you've got different chocolates and dates this is honestly the best place to get a gift noted it's probably not going to be like the cheapest but you're going to get some incredible unique things so look at these look at the packaging for these i'm also not going to try and pronounce some of the stuff because um you guys were just telling me i'm butchering the name but these are 25 pounds for 260 grams of it says almond bon bon but yeah you have all of the finest chocolatiers in the world i'll try and show you the names of them and yeah a lot to choose from and as a word of warning yes you probably want to pause the vlog at this point and go and get yourself a little snack moment oh we've got a nice little sale thing here so it was 30 pounds now 20 for the harrods uh easter egg so we'll keep an eye out there's usually sales stuff here in harrods um especially with food because it does go off and a lot of it is very like seasonalized um and then you've got the kind of standard harrods chocolate section which is their kind of iconic packaging i always point out these because i love the little gold moment in the middle um things like coffee fondants orange fondants and then you've got the nice little truffle boxes um but yeah there's just so much to choose from guys um it's amazing i'm thinking maybe my one slice of toasted butter this morning wasn't sufficient but maybe maybe i'll stop here for a bit of a brunch should we do that and of course we're in harrods you're gonna get some really fancy stuff so this little box here um 350 pounds that must be some some real good real good chocolate oh my gosh imagine someone buying this oh it's on sale guys bargain 50 pounds instead of 100 for 100 pieces of chocolate i mean i don't know part of me thinks that that's actually okay value i don't know but i also do love a nice cheap chocolate egg from like tesco or somewhere i'm trying to speed vlog before the crowds come in we have got a whole section here for different dates oh my dad would love this i feel like i bought some of these last time my gosh i don't even remember um and we had some fudge over the other side some very fancy turkish delight which i've had comments before it's not really available in um all countries but yeah let me know are you a fan um and it's a bit of a pick and pick and mix which i've not posted before maybe this is new five pound per hundred gram i mean you know what pick a mix is just expensive isn't it i mean especially at the cinema but next to this gorgeous sweeping staircase um you can see all the original tiles so this is what it used to be back in the day this style and as we go through to the fresh food section i'll show you how it has this like newer shop fit which i always bang on about how amazing it is and then vinci there's quite a few these around london now i always praise them because i think the packaging is stunning but look at that colorful wall of easter eggs and then you've got some in actual boxes oh look at that with hazelnuts lined on the inside i love seeing all the new designs and how things get a little bit crazy every year all that pistachio one looks good but yeah we have the pick and mix as well here another little pick mix moment so that is seven pound eighty per hundred grams so yeah the other one um is a little bit dare i use the words cheaper um but you can buy slabs and a lot to pick from i wish i about these the little books with chocolates in are everything there's such a cute gift so then you've got some of the like bigger names they've got these huge counters with oh my gosh endless endless chocolate i can't believe i've gone so long without chocolate guys yeah you can kind of see um how much that is and i'm gonna get some chocolate so you can see what you get for your money and then we love a slab so you can get a little kind of mini slab stack these are i'm usually quite expensive i'm honest with you how much of these i just looked and that's 50 pounds so that's obviously a really really premium chocolate brand but i do find the actual harrods own chocolates are relatively reasonable look at that little they've made like an egg with different slab layers that's a really cool idea and then you've got little kind of sticks batons for 20 28 pound 50. um they look amazing by the way everything in this vlog is gonna be amazing oh that looks so yummy so i'm not actually gonna apologize but it is look at that how yummy it was limited edition we've got slabs for days um i'm not going to get any slabs because i personally like little chocolates i would just sit and just munch a whole one of those watching like benidorm i'm literally rediscovering my love for the tv program benidorm i've been watching it all week wow that's got cavities written over it and then for harrod's own chocolate as mentioned and we'll get to that counter you can see literally chocolate coming out of that pipe and it's churning away they're not making anything at the moment but i'm sure if you come they often have slabs of things out and they're decorating chocolates yeah a lot of harrods own brand uh easter eggs which is good to see i wasn't sure if there was gonna be many oh but look inside it's got all the nuts inside of it wow that is cool i feel like i could just do an entire vlog just on this room so another one of the brands here look at that decoration that's 49 pound it's a praline egg praline how do you pronounce it who knows and this packaging bird bunny it looks adorable um but you've got lots of easter shaped chocolate treats here and honestly i did not know this was a thing where the inside of the egg well there we go is um yeah filled with something oh wow look at these so you can get a whole little box ready to go that's amazing and then you've got some macarons as well i think this um brand here is one of the best i've definitely had that recommended before in my comments i am on the hunt to show you as much easter things as possible but look at these you've got a dark chocolate milk chocolate and a white chocolate um they look really cute and look at the little kind of sparkles on his ears now i think this used to be something else but it looks like we've got a huge lottery i'm definitely saying that wrong i apologize um who do the gorgeous macarons which i probably have bought before in a vlog um i've definitely munched a few of those on a trip we've got a little set of three chocolate hands that you can buy for 25 pounds they've got a little easter egg as well i just love the color of the packaging it's absolutely gorgeous um but you can also buy like full cakes i know these aren't easter specific i can't resist show you look at that oh look at that i mean it'd be good if your name was like beginning with an l if you're a law or something that would be a nice little gift and they are about two yeah two pound thirty each but they are definitely a bit of an awesome treat look at that display lovely we have got a good diver section um yeah there is a lot more easter in here than i thought look at that [Music] oh and this is cute look at the packaging um like i said everything is pretty much on sale now so 10 pounds instead of 20 pounds for a little chocolate egg inside there but this is the counter though i definitely was going to have a look and see if they've got easter things so this is like the harrod's own chocolate brown i don't know whatever you would call that i just want to see if they have any specific easter chocolates yeah i've definitely bought chocolates from here before and they do they've got some easter moments so i'm gonna get some of these some of these some of those eggs in the background and um yeah maybe a few favorites from last time i think they were all amazing oh yeah here we go the pharaoh that is something that um people wanted to see last time because there's so much egyptian um inspiration in the building which i'll show you in a bit so i'm gonna get one of each of those eggs what have we got a biscuit belgian salted caramel pecan and a or praline and then i'm gonna get a couple of each of these i mean why not this is literally gonna be my face i haven't eaten chocolate in ages it's gonna be amazing let's get some extra there's definitely room left in the box um can i get one of the salted caramel truffles and the one in front and then the pistachio one two three why not sorry for i think i got 16 or 15 chocolates for 14 pounds which i don't think's too bad i'm gonna take it with me and grab some more things okay it might not be easter specific but let's get some macarons i really like the vanilla one i know that's super boring but vanilla um salty caramel mmm pistachio why not oh let's try the new one raspberry and lychee yeah it looks amazing i've never got another one two more two more um can i get another vanilla one because i know that one's like my absolute favorite and would you like chocolate yes chocolate would be great and a chocolate one amazing thank you do you get a choice of a pink box or a green box and i went for the green one all the packaging is so cute okay right i think it is time to head on out of the chocolate room let's head into the savory section there is a cake section as well so we'll get there and you can buy a bag if you want you've got the front one there for five pounds or the one with a little kind of like leathery handle for 15. okay oh my gosh it's suddenly really busy um everyone is out and about now let's get some savory food i'm gonna try and not vlog exactly what i have vlog before but i can't really not show you each of the sections so we've got the cheese section which looks amazing oh my gosh cheese is one of my favorite food types food groups i should say and we do have a rotisserie section over the other side i wasn't explaining that very well was over here you can come and get a full roast dinner i wrote history lunch box for 10 pounds which i'm quite tempted to do on my way out um because i said i'd do that last time i totally forgot oh okay that's gonna be me in a minute you know what guys it's time for a trolley which is much easier also to vlog so i'm just gonna get this little trolley thing i'm gonna plunk him on the front i need another basket for the bottom but it just makes it a little bit easier um so what have we got here we've got a little cheese platter oh maybe i should get one of these um that's quite a good idea actually so you get a french cheese platter a british cheese every day cheese and then like a bougie french one as well so hmm i'm quite tempted by the say everyday platter should we just get that oh my god i don't need it but i don't really care let's get one of these flip and neck have they move the sausage rolls where are the sausage rolls okay we'll be looking out for those they've made them over here don't worry guys and my recommendation to you is come to harrods for a sausage roll it's really weird there's no pricing on anything today um but we're gonna get a couple of sausage rolls for sure but yeah i'm just trying to quickly get some food before it is crazy crazy busy but we have got a butcher's over on one side you've got the fishmonger lunch to go which we'll go to in a second and then in the middle you've got some different brands different sushi and pasta companies and then this whole section here is beige picky bits heaven um and some lovely salads all look at that pork pie that is fancy and i'm definitely going to get a salmon thing over there red onion chutney and the chorizo amprapeka sausage rolls we've got scotch eggs not many oh can i get a jalapeno and then i'm definitely gonna get a bellini this is what i always get and a salmon gato slice another tip i would say like the salads are amazing but they do work out really really expensive right everyone will want to know the price so the scotch was four pound fifty yes you can get them cheaper down in aldi let's not talk about it and then that massive sugar draw was five pounds you could definitely share it with someone so if you're looking for a little bit of a snack definitely grab a sausage roll for a fiver oh yummy my sister is gonna be happy and my niece did request that um yeah she doesn't know it's hard food but she really likes salmon oh the aubergine looks good yeah so you can get some like really good healthy things as well um yeah i think some of the prices are missing on some items um but that beef wellington looks incredible what else have we got yeah we've got loads of nice like things that you can just grab and have for dinner um look at that what is that that looks amazing i can't see what it is but even the broccoli looks incredible oh salmon on crew in the back there also have got all of these kind of grab and go you've got lasagna there you've got a shepherd's pie in the background for 8.50 and some different pies to choose from all cottage pie with scotch beef that sounds nice now i'm personally not a massive fan of quiche but the quiche always apparently is very nice in here we've got lots of olives to choose from and the sugary department which is next door is creeping in over here we've got some cakes to choose from we've got an easter bread and butter pudding but don't worry i'm going to be going over to the bakery which is the room inside of here ah now they didn't have this last time this must be new they have got some grab-and-go cakes you've got massive slices of cakes to grab so you've got carrot cake chocolate caramel and i did miss it and people asked me to see how much it is you've got a red velvet cake there as well and they are six pounder slice they are you know it's pretty steep but it's a definitely a big big honker cake i'd say more of a door stop than a slice of cake i do like that every time i come in here there's new things to choose from um yeah i don't really know what half of this is to be honest i'm not really sure but they have definitely got loads of different types of food in here oh falafel well that looks good i think this is like an external um restaurant let me know if you know um but that's what this amazing food selection that i just showed you was i've never tried it is it good and then we also have hammer by benite oh gosh i'm so sorry i'm pronouncing that really badly and they've got a full counter here of different like curries you've got some naan um to choose from so i'm just gonna let's have a look around i don't need any curry but no harm in looking so you've got naan for about four or five pounds it's pretty big and then you've got some lamb kebab oh that looks really good doesn't it and you can literally pick what you want here we go select your bread add a filling and a choice of sauce this is going to be crazy busy later isn't it oh let's get some of these while we're at it actually um i definitely want to get some salmon teriyaki and what else maybe some sushi oh my gosh this makes me just never want to actually have to cook my own food black cord with a sweet soy glaze the black cod is one of my favorite dishes and you can get full beijing duck for 68 pounds i think it comes with all the trimmings we can get half a beijing duck prepared in a box for 42 pounds yeah they have a lot more pre-packaged they definitely have these last time but kind of grab and go stuff but my sister always really likes the spring rolls so we're gonna get some of those two vietnamese chicken spring rolls two of those two of the vegetables yes fine all in the same is fine thank you and two sesame prawns and two of the duck ones as well the chicken yakitori yeah thank you i always recommend the katsu curry to 7.95 it's like the best microwave meal ever but we've also got a pecan duck rack and rack rap4695 sorry i keep moving the camera a little bit quickly i'm getting like trying to be a bit quick so apologies if it's a bit blurry so they give you all of the like dips and things um so all of that i got i got quite a lot that was 17 pound 10. you know you've got to treat yourself once in a while and as we pan over we have got carb heaven um and we've actually got some looks like they're kind of like reduced to clear items their bags or tubs even pasta for six and seven pounds but um that looks amazing but i just passed where i just got those um spring rolls and stuff from create your own uh poke bowl and vietnamese fun so there's lots of kind of things you can customize here or you can just grab it in a container and i recommend this or come to the lunch to go and head on to hyde park for a little kind of spring or summer lunch got some nice spring salads you've got a rainbow salad bowl there for eight pounds these are really good and that you do actually get quite a lot in them for your money so don't be kind of like put off if it's like oh it's quite expensive um so i think i might grab oh no i'm gonna buy the rotisserie chicken aren't i okay no not yet not yet um but if you want to create your own you can get three seasonal salads a three pound per hundred grams so you can literally pick three of these which look amazing got spiced cauliflower and saffron rice oh look at the halloumi that's the thing coming at the beginning of the day you get to see everything looking pretty before everyone starts um yeah getting theirs and the club i do have to say i had the i think i had a brioche sandwich or roll last time a couple of times ago when i vlogged and it was a bit too truffley for my liking but we have got lobster roll for 16 pounds definitely a little bit more than your tesco meal deal and then you have got literally carb heaven but you can just grab and go it's like a really fancy prep we've got the charcuterie section over here they just wanted to show you i think it's you know nearly half 10 i've been wandering around guys it keeps kind of coming in floods of crowds but this section here for the grab and go will get busy soon no i am actually going to grab a salad because it will last and you usually get quite a lot in them so i'm going to have an asian porn noodle salad and that maybe will be my dinner i'm not sure lots of posh fruit and veg um nat has said that she doesn't need any i feel like i should probably try one of these again because i kind of slated them last time i definitely had i think it was the dragon fruit and lime and i thought it was really lame so i'm not gonna do you know what no i'm not i'm gonna get let's get a smoothie an actual green juice apple spinach celery ginger lime for 350 give it a shake yeah one of those because i'm all about health you know guys but there are lots of fresh items to choose from the tile work is stunning and you do have a actual juice and smoothie bar along with a exotic fruit section oh my gosh look at that it looks so colorful oh some fancy truffles i'm not crazy on the flavor i need like a little bit ah but let me quickly just show you they've got this salad roll set up and this came a little while ago so you can um yeah i have these little wraps i actually buy these from avocado and try to make them but these look amazing i'm definitely going to have to watch this footage back and jot down the fillings but it's just a really good way if you don't want to have too many carbs all the corn and mango looks good i just find they're just really messy to eat like really messy so they've got this little selection box so i think i'm going to get that for 7.95 okay the top level is almost full but we're definitely going to get some more savoury beige bits from the bakery here on the left oh yeah definitely wins to come in early get these giant pretzels different rolls oh a brush roll on the top there some different scones or scones oh wow they look nice and shiny um there's definitely some croissants olive sticks these are amazing but they don't last more than a day by the way they go really hard so i'm not gonna i don't know i might get one for me anyway um you've got a full feta scroll that sounds interesting um yeah you just find lots of really nice bakery bits you've got a what's that a mushroom and truffle for catcher down there is that what that is i'm not sure and then some very fancy crafts i think there's some donuts over here as well focus on easter hannah what have we got here oh little um gingerbread lollipops i've never seen lollipops really at christmas um a christmas at easter goodness me you've got this little egg for three pound little biscuit that's quite cute isn't it um and then you've got a similar cake thanks to you guys you constantly remind me what it is because i keep forgetting um but it comes in a little tin it's not how it's branded it looks like it's this brand meg rivers an artisan bakery oh they're like little posh fondant fancies okay so yeah we are in the full bread section i definitely wanted to try and get like some brunch or something here that they have got i can see that at the top it says happy easter happy easter oh and they i think they usually have christmas um but something i personally really recommended i don't know if they do it all year they had a oh maybe it was just for christmas yeah it was okay well if you're watching this and it's christmas soon they have some christmas specific bread which i would really recommend cumin and the cheddar sourdough sounds tempting but the fig and walnut sourdough sounds interesting so maybe i should get one of those and you can see the examples of all of them at the back oh a grand cru chocolate sourdough oh let's get that one it's got the easter like little label on the top okay let's get one of these um let's get the one from the front oh it's heavy it's only five pounds everything that's too bad right loading up and then you have the coffee bar here in the hall which is always really busy um but it's a nice place to grab a coffee there's usually a queue but let's look at all the food first before we have a sit down and then this is just like you just grab a little thing and you can go so i would recommend getting a sausage roll in a cake that isn't necessarily the healthiest recommendation but you know i didn't say this was a healthy vlog did i and that's a better spread of the croissants looking amazing almond is my absolute favorite but they've got this half dipped chocolate and hazelnut pasta on the end oh my gosh and it's massive absolutely huge for three quid and then we've got some lovely donuts all sri lankan cinnamon donuts oh but we're about to look at some really really good cakes because just over the other side is the cake counter but i can't come to harrah's and not show you a few of the little iconic things like you've got all these beautiful tins that you can buy for example you've got a heritage tea bag selection at 25 pounds and i'll show you um some of the biscuits over here too because they're always a good grab and go lots of tea selections i feel like they have expanded the kind of combos that you can buy in these little um packaging selection boxes i would call them they've got a huge tea section here this is always rammed during christmas just weaving through the traffic with my little trolley all of these different tins there's loads of different types obviously depending on what type of tea or coffee that you are buying but yeah amazing and i always say check if you're buying loose leaf tea or an actual tea bag because i think a lot of people make the mistake of buying loose leaf and a lot of people can't be bothered with that which is fair enough now i'm not really a coffee drinker but they've got a full coffee pod section here and they've got harrod's own coffee which is amazing so four um thingies how many do you get in each one of capsules ten capsules then espresso compatible it says mix and match four for 15 pounds they've got quite the selection and that's a good little thing isn't it you little try for a 20 pounds gift pack that's quite good i like that and then these are like the iconic jars that people buy there's so many to choose from praline flavor hot chocolate okay i'm digressing the patisserie okay i've timed that really well there's loads of people here a mowing ago but i must remember we have easter eggs but i can't not show you some of the spring things that we've got a red fruit cheesecake um so it's five pounds slice you buy the whole thing for 45 pounds these are amazing i do think they're quite expensive so you get a mini set for 20 pounds um a really nice thing but honestly i think i can inhale those in about three minutes eclairs so they do tend to have like the same things um i would really recommend the chocolate salted caramel delicious so if you're watching this and you're coming you will definitely see some of these when you come oh lemon and lime heart that's new there's definitely some new things for spring dawn of the day that is new i mean it kind of looks like a sea urchin doesn't it but we've got heidi the cow uh which is moose oh my gosh and chocolate fudge a little pig and a little sheep as well they've got names hetty the sheep that's really sweet yogurt moose ooh and then as we saw in the other room we've got hot cross bread and butter pudding for eight pounds they're pretty big and yeah all these normal ones as well creme brulee and a machusiv tiramisu one thing that's great is when you buy some of these items and they actually take the bottom of the cakes down to the box so whenever i bought things and then maybe gone tube or like grabbed an uber like they've traveled so well um because yeah they take the time to pack them up so if you're thinking getting them they put them in a box you don't pay actually for the box or anything um the only thing to know is when i bought those macarons from lordeury um it was minimum six to be in a nice box or you could just have them in a bag um so yeah the harrods on their own stuff you don't have to pay for packaging so yeah you basically just get one of these boxes um but i'm actually not going to be grabbing anything because like i said we've got easter eggs and i've just bought some trees oh my gosh look at those that's the yeah the brand long boys which have been in here for a while we've still got a huge section here which is plant-based i always get asked if there is anything that is plant gluten and vegetarian and they have got a special chocolate fudge cake which is decorated for easter so that looks pretty awesome for 18 pounds you've seen my vlogs before you know about that cake and then you've got a massive version of it for 35 pounds um it doesn't actually say how many people it serves oh my god it's got the calories on it are you joking is this like a legal requirement now what does that say calories per serving so the whole cake would you know what we don't need that negativity no no oh my gosh they're even bigger i feel like they weren't this big last time i came or maybe they were look at the size of these these are awesome i really like those kind of like would you call it where it's like roughly roughly decorated but i just noticed oh god the calories are really killing the vibe the whole cake is basically 12 000 calories or 992 calories per slice and it's got the little indents oh whose idea was that honestly i feel like the pies don't do very well here i think people don't realize their hair they get overshadowed but we've got a cherry pie pie so good they have to name it twice i'm guessing but they look quite nice don't they um but yeah let's head on to the next section oh i love a multi-bite for 15 pounds on the cupcakes and mini victoria cake so that is like this little section here so i've not seen that that must be a new little promo i like a promo we've got a vanilla cupcake there's a little bunny that's really cute for four pounds and then a chocolate cupcake as well like i said my nieces have got like i don't like eggs and stuff we don't need any more but you take a ticket it's like the best deli ever okay it's time to pay um where do i go oh can i fit through there breathe in guys oh gosh oh look at that things in the aisle little easter cake selection and the iconic green bags have gone you only get plain paper bags now if you want a harris bag you're pretty gonna have to grab one of these very quickly i do actually need to buy a foundation do they have charlotte tilbury in here this lighting is showing my roll face yeah i need to grab a foundation and a bronzer and then i need to let's go and have a look i'll show you the tiffany um afternoon tea section downstairs quickly because i always get requested i think i can film them i just want to quickly speak around and show it to you guys and then we'll go a little bit more around the store they redid their beauty hall which is this whole section i think it was probably quite a few years now um years ago i should say but it is absolutely stunning it's definitely my favorite one it's not pumping out really loud music it's just quite calming and yeah super friendly so hunting for charlotte's hillbilly so they've got all the brands but look at that fixture that's just amazing um i mean obviously it's howard it's gonna be extremely premium what there's a beauty haul annual bear what i didn't know this was a thing obviously harrod's bears are iconic so 40 pounds with the packaging that's quite sweet the little bear and it's dated on his foot or her foot that's really funny and i'm sure lots of people watching this do follow some of the amazing uk bloggers who are 20 times more glamorous than me and they often go to the beauty hall for different treatments and things like that i wish one day but this is where they would go so you've got the amazing nars section the beauty bit it's downstairs there's also one up i think it's on the fourth floor i would say this is probably like the one beauty area where like they don't care they literally don't care they're really nice like obviously when you go into department stores they like pounce on you and like touch something like oh can i help and it's like just want to look i just want to try some perfume um but they're really really friendly and chilled in here it's not stuff it's not awkward um on my last heart vlog they asked if you can wear jeans you'd wear jeans you'd wear trainers you can wear track suits dress how you want some people are in proper bougie outfits other people are in hoodies times have moved on guys this place is um yeah it's a little bit more welcoming to everybody now i think it's my polite way of putting it i could literally spend all day in here i swear this is the first mac in the world that doesn't have glaring music so um yeah they're definitely in keeping with the theme for harrods but i'm gonna grab some foundation from charlotte tilbury um i'm quite happy with the one that i've got although i haven't really got much on today because it's full on run out but i'm going to get the airbrush florist flawless foundation i usually wait for like 10 20 off at places like john lewis i swear no makeup brands have been on offer since christmas so i'm just gonna just gonna get it now and then i'm gonna get my bronzer from mac because i really like it um just looking in the viewfinder yeah let's not judge my makeup i'm not really like very good at makeup but it's fun to buy oh before i really annoy you all um how much was it it was it was it was it was enough i think it was like a hundred and four pounds which is fine it's fine that's fine right and you do get the green bags everywhere else i think maybe it's just the food or you don't um but i just grabbed foundation a flawless finish airbrush powder thing it's probably supposed to be quite good and a new bronzer from mac so yeah all my makeup is slowly running out but yeah you still get the bags now just by the beauty hall you have got juliet i don't think i've ever crossed this place it is a cute little cafe so if you can't get a sit down and you want a moment to chill and the food hall is really busy look at this little place so you can get a lot of the cakes that are in the actual bakery that i've literally just shown you so this is a nice calm place to come yeah i really like it in here so this is quite a good idea to take a stop looks like they encourage a cheaper glass of champagne or should i say rose definitely actually uh rose and red and white wine they've got these cute chandeliers everywhere really nice i feel like this used to be was this the lordery cafe back in the day but they've got seating up the top there sorry the music is a little loud where it comes across loud on camera oh i love it how sweet i've never seen this on anyone's videos or instagram but it's quite sweet yeah definitely up there would be a nice place just to relax and um we were just by the chanel section like the sunglass section next to joe malone if you're looking so back into the store ah i know where i am what i'm going to do is link my vlog with my lovely sister one of my nieces we went to the harrod's afternoon tea at christmas it was brilliant i'd really recommend it i wanted to have a look on the um i was just having a look around to see what different food places there are i also could really do was starting to use that flawless filter powder on my face oh i really am starting to regret having a 4k camera looks like there's a little terrace moment over there so it's going to be 20 degrees today um i kind of want to go outside and we have the lebanese bakery i'm not going to go around all of the food places because there's loads but as it's not quite lunch time for most people um yeah you've got a little counter there's also gordon ramsay's place here where there's an 80 pound burger so maybe i should go there another time um i have got this food with me although um it's really really air-conditioned in here so it should be all right for a little longer um hmm let's go and explore but what i am going to insert now is i went down to the lower ground floor which is where all the jewelry and yeah the fine jewelry watches are so you can't really film in there i did ask um if i could just film the restaurant they were totally fine with it so just whipped out my iphone but the tiffany breakfast at tiffany's um looks really cute it's probably not something i personally would go because i think it's a bit too small and intimate and i usually like places where there's you know little music moment for afternoon tea bar it aesthetically looks very pleasing wasn't that um and the lady showed me the menu um it's kind of like standard price i think it's maybe about five to ten pounds more than most places but it did look nice and speaking of gordon ramsay yeah this is his little burger joint in here um and it's within like the women's wear kind of um i'd say more the high street brands that they've got here it does feel a bit random to have a burger place in the middle of the women's section um but let me obviously show you the menu and then for the menu i'm hoping you can kind of see that in the reflection um the 1849 burger which is 85 pounds um so for the truffle parmesan fries ragu beef chili and wagyu beef um yeah lots of other things going on in that burger but look at the calories i think this is a thing now where you have to put calories on everything oh no fun but i don't think any burger is worth that many calories oh i can't even get you in focus the camera disagrees but it looks nice there's lots of places to eat in harris i have just tried on a couple of dresses i'm going to a wedding shortly and um yeah i've managed to pick one which hopefully will be suitable and i've actually just booked to go to there's like a little terrace um it's a champagne terrace although i don't really feel like drinking um that opens very shortly so i've managed to get reservation i do find with paris you have to you really need to book you might be okay it might seem quiet now but like most places are quite booked up you do have to put a credit card down um for the confirmation so just bear that in mind if you're coming okay i was going to end the vlog but then i keep getting comments saying can you make your vlogs longer i have no idea how long this is and um yeah my hair is subtly kind of wavy i went past like the beauty section up here and this really nice lady was like please can i curl your hair with some like new i don't know alternative to the dyson and i was like i don't really need it she was like oh no i think she was bored so we'll see how long my little beach waves last but this is this is an amazing place look at this i have just come up to the harrods perrier jouer gosh the pronunciations in this vlog are embarrassing champagne bar and we actually have a little bit of a view of london but look at this this is absolutely gorgeous and they've obviously got the um like the thingies above us what we call them and they've got some little comfy seating areas and the lady was like yeah for one person we'll give you this whole kind of squidgy seating situation um then we've got a bit of perspex we can watch the planes line up to go into heathrow and um yeah a little view of knightsbridge it is 20 degrees outside this is absolutely gorgeous online i was trying to see what it's like and i could only see pictures of like the inside bit oh sorry get my finger out the way um yeah which is fully covered and that's probably quite good in the like autumn winter time but this i'm just parking myself here i've got my sunglasses it's absolutely gorgeous of course i'm going to show you the menu um we have got champagne by the glass a slightly smaller glass a lot of places do 175 mil but for 20 quid you can get a bottle for 105 and then we've got all the champagne cocktails for 19 pounds which is kind of standard these days so 19 to 22 pounds for like a really fancy cocktail um but obviously there are cheaper places in the world i'm quite tempted by a classic champagne cocktail it's about 20 plus 12. i don't know i'm not sure if i feel like drinking um but we've got some nibbles that you can choose from some cold small plates i'm definitely going to get some food and some sharing platters as well but i'm thinking i might go for the caesar salad i haven't had a caesar salad out somewhere in ages with chicken i feel like that's okay we have if you're going to be really bougie some caviar um some different meats oysters um sorry the sun of course i haven't had that problem in a while the sun's in the way um some lots of nice cheeses and some desserts i would recommend maybe coming here for a cheap cocktail maybe a dessert to share but we have got mocktails as well which i'm quite tempted by actually the first one the green man sounds really nice all um yeah for 10 pounds different white wines glass of crisp white oh yeah for 11 pounds i don't think it's too bad a little rosy moment oh yeah this is definitely a nice rose setting red wine too warm for red wine and then we have got some spirits here as well sorry i'm pretty not zooming in too much and then if you want a soft drink you've got some water coke cocoa fiber i mean it's kind of standard and um a so jenny non-alcoholic sparkling wine for 6.20 so that's quite nice um yeah so i'm just gonna order sit in the sun this is honestly amazing also conscious this is going warm but they're going to pop it inside for me which is nice i was tempted by quite a lot of the cocktails but i'm just yeah you can't really go wrong with a little bit of fizz a little champagne oh this is so nice which i literally can't take so something i do want to mention i did obviously come here to see if there were things for the queen's jubilee i probably should look on the lower ground floor i'm not sure if i'm gonna have time with the energy um but the next few weeks i will be going to fort lauderdale mason i would definitely go to liberty i think i say that in like every other vlog i just find when the weather's nice you gotta go out and go and sit on some kind of roof terrace um so yeah i'm gonna try and show you some of the things happening for the queen's jubilee which is the first weekend of june and we get a double bank holiday honestly so chuffed and i also do have tickets to there's a huge show at the front of buckingham palace it's free i must actually reply fema to confirm you want your freebie tickets um but it does say i don't think you can film i'm not sure but if i can obviously i will take you along um because the last jubilee the concert looked amazing on tv so yeah definitely gonna go to that that is a very very pretty caesar salad with a ton of chicken on it look it's got little edible flowers as well so not too shabby for a large spot that's got to be one of the most relaxing lunches i couldn't eat all the chicken there's too much chicken but it's time to head on out and as i'm back down on the ground floor i wanted to show you all of the awesome uh kind of egyptian decor which everyone always mentions it looks so cool there's quite a lot of it around like the escalated areas here so if you're coming have a look looks pretty epic and i just had a lovely time looking at all the fine jewellery you can't film in this apologies but goodbye to the gorgeous bags it is time to head on out oh it wasn't me and after sitting in the sun for like an hour or so oh my gosh i look like a sweaty mess but never mind and this is where i usually end my vlogs right at the like middle entrance on the bonton road but i'm gonna love and leave you i hope you enjoyed that vlog and please give it a thumbs up because no doubt this has probably taken me a significant amount of time to edit i'm thinking maybe four to five hours potentially if not more um but yes if you are new to my channel please subscribe if you want to i upload videos every friday at 6pm uk time usually london things that i get up to living here and yeah apologies i didn't go downstairs to the touristy bit where maybe there's some jubilee stuff so i probably will be back in about three weeks time so i will definitely take you with me i've always got my phone with me anyway it's a massive truck goes past i hope you enjoyed the tour i hope we didn't make you too hungry um but if you're coming to harrods grab a sausage roll anyway i will see you guys next week [Music] you
Channel: Hannah Ricketts
Views: 271,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: things to do in london, best things to do in london, free things to do in london, top 10 things to do in london, london, london tourist, london guide, london guided tour, london tour, london parks, london tips, travel guide london, things to do, free london, top things to do in london, tourist, london walks, london vlog, 2021 london, anglophenia, anglophile, travel vlog, travel day, uk food, uk vlog, harrods, luxury london, luxury shopping, luxury food, easter uk
Id: 4TekDmWsRkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 18sec (2598 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 17 2022
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