The Savoy Hotel Afternoon Tea | Inside The Savoy Hotel | Celebrating MY BIRTHDAY with my Sister

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[Music] oh hi guys welcome to my channel so today's video me and my sister are going to be having afternoon tea for our joint birthdays at the seavoy just behind me so I was here last summer and if I've got the video I'll link in the card in the corner in the description bar below but we're just going about to head in but yeah it's the festive afternoon tea this time so we'll check it out [Music] [Music] so we're basically having the festive SEO afternoon tea for Christmas it's basically our joint birthday so this is broken down into sandwiches Savory items then you've got a variety of kind of christmy festive desserts and then you've also got the scon and I've chose to have the traditional afternoon tea which is £90 and my sister's having the champagne afternoon tea which is [Music] 105 [Music] the sey does have quite a good selection of teas for the afternoon tea and it breaks it down into different sections so you've got kind of black teas um and it gives you a bit more description of kind of the um flavoring and different types that they have my sister's actually picked the chai tea and because I don't drink tea or coffee I've selected a hot chocolate and I quite like the the seavoy hot chocolate that they [Music] do M can I explain the sandwiches to you m yeah that be great so we have the turkey corination chicken with raisins in a granary bread so next we have the brown egg with a winter Truffle in a maled brown bread so next we have the Gin pickle cucumber but you don't have the man uh the last one is called the honey roaster ham with a cranberry jam with rockets in a spinach bread and we have the Savory bite so we have a Scottish smok with salmon with cavers with horse radish and B cream in a Brio bun and the last one is called the vine po pair with chester nut crumble with BR Mose in a Savory Tor and you and you have the plain pair man you don't have the wine po pant and you have to let me know what's your favorite sandwich I going to ask you later okay do and what the do you having them and have the chai te chai te the sooy always bring out the afternoon tea sandwiches on a separate platter at the beginning and for my sister and I we've got slightly different items because she has the traditional afternoon tea that has the alcohol in some of the items so there's the mold wine tart and then a gin infused cucumber sandwich so I don't actually have those mine are just plain [Music] [Music] so this is a coronation turkey sandwich usually you have coronation chicken but because it's a festive afternoon tea they've slightly changed it up and I really like this one the bread was really gorgeous as well that was lovely very nice thank [Music] you brilliant thank you thank you oh that's so cute thank you thank you very much thank you a that's nice isn't it yeah see happy birthday to us yeah okay so this is mine and my sister's Joy birthday so we've got yummy looks to be chocolate cake which I may not share I may eat both and my sister can't have any you will definitely you know we'll see it's very cute and you get a nice little car which is quite sweet and then it matches fabulously with my Sao hot chocolate cuz I don't drink tea or coffee and I really like the Sao hot chocolate which is Lush and I've got a massive jug of hot chocolate so let's get stuck in should we have the desserts now I think would be good iose I could you back I more carination chicken yeah I like the cares and chicken I just don't like the raisins oh this one falling to bits actually I think I've had it before no I don't like raisins so this is the trule egg Mayo the bread looks really nice again so this is the triffle egg Mayo so which is kind of fall into bit bit of visual now they always do like an egg Mayo s but this is one with travel so a bit more food but it smells [Music] amazing too many really strong Truffle in it as well and I love truffle really nice I might get another one of these because the SEO afternoon tea is bottomless so you can get more sandwiches so I might get another one of these I've also got some of the afternoon tea um Vlogs which are link or card in the corner in the description bar below if you wanted to check out any other of my afternoon teas as well but um but yeah this is a really nice one I really like it so probably get [Music] another so this is the ham and cranberry sandwich which was okay and I did really like the spinach bread but it wasn't my [Music] favorite so you like this tart did M so I've got the non-alcohol tart and I think the regular one is is it mold wine pear or something yeah and then mine just mine must be without that then I guess I can't remember what he said you just got the normal pair the more wine pair oh [Music] okay so this is is the Brie and Chestnut crumble tart it was nice but I'm not a huge fan of Brie so it wasn't my [Music] favorite so this is the cucumber sandwich and it had like a saffron pesto which was really nice and the bread was lovely [Music] too so how did you like your which tea did you get I had the chai tea it nice it is nice [Music] yes then we've got so I've got my hot chocolate and then your what's the middle maybe it's know extra hot chocolate for me two hot choc and a chin te so you liked this one did you I did like it it was really nice so salmon and Cav [Music] yes and I like the EG so so far I like the coronation Chicken and the Egg I think wasn't as keen on the ham [Music] one [Music] this is the most famous condiment for the spes man we have a strawberry jam and the fled bean and we have the freshly baked rising and the plain spoon and we have the mint Spice in the base so next we have the Christmas spicy cake with winter spices and with orange chant next we have the snow tree with a orange with candid fruit uh lemon and orange with the treal theme next we have the Santa belts with the red current and pink grapefruit compo with vanilla black pudding last one is called the chocolate luus with crunchy chocolate chalks with 60% of cream Mi with peon pal so start from spoons end with chocolate not from top to bottom bottom fo Cornish yours will be I think mine's with mine corn Cornish yeah well you've put that's lemon curd isn't it yeah well I mean it's jam and then yes you know I like I like clotty cream then Jam wrong way yeah so youve put lemon Cur on one and St jam on another and then you're going to do clotty cream yeah put clotty cream on base well we I smother mine in clotty cream but then I really like clotty cream just and it's bottomless so they'll top it up so you say that how much room do you think I've got must I've had extra sandwiches yeah I perhaps shouldn't have done but they were so nice but then I prefer the sweet options more than sa and night and then you can tell me whether you like the lemon C you not have both yeah I will I'll be what my opinion yeah oh that's nice to know yeah I think you'll prefer the jam probably I'm more of a a Jammy person than a lemony person let's give the lemon one a little go then they're nice and warm yeah that is nice good what's the scone like beautiful warm fluffy a nice sort of um crispy shell yeah quite light sces can be quite dense can't they yeah which AR great or dry you don't like a dry skone no this is nice and then let me know what you think about the strawberry one [Music] mhm so and my palette [Music] okay oh I don't know you know I like them both I was I was surprised I would like the lemon but it's s it's a 50/50 I think 6040 to the jam okay that's but um I thought it might be I'll try my out more and then we've got these little mince pies that well neither of us like raisins so we might not maybe take those for Mom or something she might like those actually yeah they look nice with the sugar tting on them yeah they smell nice cool so I'll go for the plain gone which is lovely and warm it's quite soft squidy inside now I'm going to do my usual plotted cream first un like you cuz I know you like putting on the Jam first put that on a nice amount ofy cream and then let's do strawberry jam now I don't put much strawberry jam in just a just a little little smidge is a technical term smch oh the lemon CD's a bit running oh maybe a little bit lemon curd right so I try the lemon C first that's okay but did you find the lemon card really runny it is quite runny it was nice [Music] though that's [Music] okay oh know the jam I prefer but the spa are a bit doughy not the most flavorsome compared to afternoon te's I've had really cute size though don't like massive SKS but nice I like the fact they're really warm just a little little bit doughy my liking I think but nice so let's try P pie that's quite cute smells nice but yeah we're not a fan of mince pies so I'm not sure whether we're going to eat a lot of these ones it's quite cute though right so this one before I drop it that's got fruit in that one is it looks pretty though Aesthetics are good yeah this are really pretty so as you cut into this you can see as it opens up like a fruit cake inside now I love the spices in this but I think the best part I liked was the lemon shortbread which was the [Music] base so the next one I'm going to do is the chocolate shoe which looks really cute actually so I'm going to I don't know if that's meant to be a snowman or something but there's nothing in the top part of the shoe I'll just put open inside so the bottom bit's got the the chocolate kind of cream Carling yeah that's okay nice and creamy let me know what you think of yours you going to have this one next yes [Music] okay [Music] think the yeah I don't know it looks cute oh I'm going to drop this it's quite a cute little theme oops so this is the kind of winter spiced cake and I really loved the orange chanelli cream and I could have done with a bit more of it to be honest but very very christmy winter spices so it was really nice [Music] I hope you enjoyed the seavoy festive afternoon tea with my sister and I hope you guys have had a lovely Christmas and New Year and if you wanted to check out last year's seavo afternoon tea I'll link it in the description bar below thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: Jos Atkin
Views: 5,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the savoy london, the savoy afternoon tea review, afternoon teas in london, the savoy hotel london, luxury afternoon tea, the savoy, afternoon tea london, savoy hotel london, savoy afternoon tea, savoy london, best afternoon tea in london, afternoon tea in london, savoy hotel, afternoon tea london 2023, luxury afternoon tea london, london afternoon tea, afternoon, inside the savoy hotel london, ritz london afternoon tea, afternoon tea at the ritz london
Id: df3bXz4blMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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