Harrison Ford Lands on Taxiway | ATC vs Pilots

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I'm sort of afraid of flying too but not when I'm actually flying. I feel a bit anxious the week before a flight but really enjoy it when I'm in the air. Death in an air accident is a very Indo-European way to die as well so I find that comforting.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/angloamerikan 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
air traffic control vs pilots meant to be underneath now close  um november niner hotel uniform   negative he's holding short of runway two  zero left he landed on charlie coming up hey 74 crew welcome back if you don't know me my  name's Kelsey i'm a 747 pilot my channel 74 gear   is all about aviation first i want to thank all  of you in the 74 crew who have been sending me   videos i appreciate all of you if you have a video  of air traffic control or any other video that you   want to see in one of these videos the easiest  place to send it to me is on my instagram or   send it to the free forum 74gear.com before we get  in this first video it's important to understand   something about the airport in this first video  typically when pilots are taxing around each   taxiway that we use has a letter to it a b c and  so on well normally d is delta except in Atlanta   because delta's home base is Atlanta taxiway d  is referred to as dixie now that you understand   that let's get into this video 24-22 behind the  md-88 from your right runway 27 right taxi via   mike and also to dixie okay behind the 88 from the  right uh 27 right mike shorter dixie double 24 22.   24 22 they won't let you go to charlotte and  sale 57 minutes after the hour okay copy 57.2422   24 22 you're supposed to be on mike yes sir we're  going out there right now looks like you joined   lima hey you know what we'll tax you out there any  way we want what you tell us too i don't like your   attitude i don't have a sister i'm just saying  it looks like you joined lima instead of mike   i'm just trying to correct you before it you stay  on lima okay because my god there's another plane   out there it's like six miles away your attitude  is really something sir we're out here on mike   good morning good morning there was no attitude  i was just trying to correct you that's my job to   correct you if you mess up i'm trying to make sure  everybody's done with i ask them to do for certain   reasons all right i make a mistake every two to  three minutes but uh my attitude is not like yours   we're out on mike and you didn't tell us how to  get there so next time you can try doing that   settle down captain happy i would love to spend  four days with that captain he seems like such a   great and pleasant person to be around first i'm  going to make an assumption here and that this   person that's talking on the radio to air traffic  control is the captain and the reason that i say   that is because typically in this scenario if you  had a first officer that was talking on the radio   like this guy is here the captain would interrupt  him and stop them from communicating in such a   rude and forceful way but as a first officer if  you're in a plane and a guy is acting like this   it's easier just to let him hang himself out there  you're not going to be in trouble for letting the   captain talk on the radio and sound like a total  hole and besides a pilot that's talking like this   with air traffic control is probably not going  to take any feedback or opinions of the way he   could do it better very well i mentioned before  that taxing is honestly one of the more stressful   times for pilots there's a lot going on they're  talking to a lot of different people and not every   taxiway is very clearly marked or very easy to see  if you're at your home base sometimes you can get   very comfortable and you don't always listen to  what air traffic control says clearly this pilot   made the decision that he was going to go left  early and went on the wrong taxiway the plane   is right here at three south the controller wants  him to go left on this second taxiway mike but the   pilot got confused and makes the first left-hand  turn here on lima and that is where the controller   corrected him and i think the pilots probably  realized at the same time or very similar to the   same time that they were on the wrong taxiway  because then they said they were moving over   to mike yes sir we're going out there right now so  we probably took one of these little side taxiways   here to slide over have i made the mistake of  taxing on the wrong taxiway before absolutely   i think every pilot makes mistakes for a human  at the end of the day what i do now though is   i write shorthand all the different taxiways that  we're given especially in really difficult big or   complex airports where they're going to give you  three or four different taxiways and a hold short   for example i'll write that down and shorthand i  have a little shorthand that i'll write it down in   and then i'll use that as we're moving so that  way i can say okay left here right here obviously   when i'm the pilot taxing the aircraft i don't  write it down because i'm busy taxing but i'll   use them hey is this the is it this right right  here or where is this taxiway i asked those things   to make sure and then i confirm hey we're clear on  the right and we're turning to the left right here   i say that as i'm doing it for two reasons one if  that's not the right way to turn i want them to   tell me before we turn on so we don't have this  particular situation where we're on the taxiway   and two i want the other pilot to know what i'm  doing and so he's not or she's not confused of   when i'm making a turn or what i'm doing so  that's the reason why i talk out loud while   i'm taxing once the pilot got corrected instead  of saying i apologize sir i'll slide right over   he goes into pilot toddler temper tantrum  syndrome try to say that three times fast   the other thing that i wanted to mention here  he said you didn't tell us how to get out here   we're out on mike and you didn't tell us how to  get there so next time you can try doing that   well if they didn't tell you how to get out  there how did you know you needed to be on mike   there's basically nothing that this  pilot said that i agreed with except   one part my attitude is not like yours obviously  your two attitudes are not the same as a pilot   it's very important that you rely on your crew  you always have at least another pilot up there   unless you're flying a general aircraft you always  have another pilot that's there to help you out   now in this particular scenario i don't know  how this captain was interacting with the first   officer at the beginning of the flight it's  possible that he was just very rude and any   input that the first officer wanted to say to  him got cut off with a yeah i know it's one of   the worst things that you can say to your crew i  just recently was coming in and we were landing at   about 175 knots we were dodging thunderstorms  and we had a lot that was going on we had a   second first officer that was sitting behind me  i was the one that was flying we had forgotten   to complete a checklist as we were getting ready  to land this guy that was sitting behind us said   you guys didn't complete this checklist i said oh  man thanks we completed the checklist we landed   we got off the plane and when we got in the van  i said hey man i really appreciate your help   now here's why that's important if i had just said  yeah i know that cuts him out now they don't want   to speak up so you want to always make sure that  everybody on the flight deck feels comfortable   to say if they see something that isn't out  of that isn't right or that's out of place   now had we failed to complete that checklist would  have been a major problem no not really it's not   like we didn't have landing gear down or something  like that but it's important that they feel   comfortable to speak up and say something because  in this scenario if this captain hypothetically   was like that with the first officer and he turned  on the wrong taxiway that first officer may be   like trying to verify that they're on the right  taxiway or wrong taxiway before they say something   because they don't feel comfortable to speak up  this was a minor mistake that the pilot lashed   out with atc on this next one by harrison ford is  a major mistake 1300 over the cab for left traffic hotel uniform contact tower 119.99 thank you hotel uniform john lennon tournament left traffic  only two zero left trapping on a two mile final   for two's rights and airbus reported inside the  airbus inside i'll kill you husky niner hotel   uniform maintain visual separation caution weight  turbulence firmly two zero left to clear the land   i want to pause this real quick because  this wind check thing that harrison ford   is doing i want to mention this to all  of you up and coming airline pilots asking for a wind check is really only relevant  if you think you're exceeding a limitation of the   aircraft or there's some type a gusty winds  that's going to cause you to change some of   the settings or speeds or things like that that's  really the only time that it's relevant to ask for   a wind check yet i see a lot of student pilots  doing it and some airline pilots doing it and   it's totally not necessary to jam up the airways  with that question here's why i was a new pilot   flying corporate and we were coming into i think  pittsburgh we were coming in to land and i said   hey let's get a wind check and he looks over  me and he says okay i can do that but i have   a quick question if it's windy are we not going  to land i said no we're going to land he said so   then just keep the plane going down the middle of  the runway and don't worry about what the wind is   just go land the plane that was the last time i  ever asked for a wind check so unless you think   that you're gonna have a limitation where it's a  tailwind or you need to add some extra speed on   your landing because it's gusty those are really  the only two scenarios that you need to wind check   otherwise you're just jamming up the radio it  doesn't matter what the wind is 10 seconds before   you land because it might be different once you  land now that is obviously just my opinion if   you feel that you're safer by getting a wind check  do it but it's really not necessary harrison has   to land on the left side which is this one right  here and he has an airliner landing on the bigger   runway on the right side this one right here  overall he sounds pretty confident and aware of   his situation and everything that's going around  him so that's good but listen to what happens next is meant to be underneath now close um   november niner hotel uniform negative he's  holding short of runway two zero left he landed on john charlie from the syrian state parking i'm going through signatures and husky  niner hotel uniform possible pilot deviation   and i need you to call the tower advise  when you have a pen ready to copy a number   i'm already officer you never want to have air  traffic control tell you that you have a number   to copy i've had it happen once in my career and  my stomach dropped and i knew exactly what had   happened it is extremely rare for a plane to ever  land on a taxiway but just recently an airliner an   air canada plane they almost landed on a taxiway  now for those of you who are scared about flying   in the daytime the runway markings on a runway and  a taxiway are totally different at night there's   different lights and all kinds of different  things to prevent you from landing on a taxiway   it has happened but it's just not very common  and you have to have a bunch of people not paying   attention i'm not sure what harrison was doing  over here landing on a taxiway but it is a mistake   and it happens something that is very important  that i want you to listen to because everybody   makes mistakes i want you to listen to how  the communication goes when he calls into   air traffic control on a regular land  line to talk to him listen to this   challenger james yeah hi it's uh husky 89er hotel  uniform and the schmuck had landed on the taxi   hi um yeah james just a couple of quick  things um one i'm going distracted by the uh so by the airline which was in uh  enrollment when i turned uh to the   uh to the runway and also the big turbulence  from the landing airbus on the parallel okay   all right so um what just a couple things  so a possible pilot deviation because you   were cleared to land on the left and you later  didn't understand right totally understood right   so okay so i just need to get some stuff i got  to fill out some paperwork and it'll go to fizdo   so can i just get your name and  your pilot's license my name take your time no big deal no it's a big  deal for me hold on sir i will uh pass that   that information on to them and somebody from  their office will get in contact with you okay   thank you very much all right mr burt have a great  day no worries i wanted to show you that because   sometimes you just have to take it on the chin  instead of harrison making excuses even though he   was talking about he was a little confused what's  going on he wasn't trying to blame anybody else   or put the responsibility on anyone else obviously  if you land on charlie there's really no one you   could blame that don't accept yourself but he  took it like a man sometimes you just gotta take   responsibility for your actions and that's a great  thing to learn the way he talked with air traffic   control here he said hey i messed up now obviously  in this particular scenario it's a little hard to   blame anybody else you got cleared to land on the  left side and you landed on taxiway charlie it's a   mistake people make mistakes but he took it like  a man now you heard me talk about the time that   i got told to call air drive control here's what  happened i was flying with a guy named pj pj and i   are still friends of this day he's a older guy he  was in his late 60s i think when we were flying   he had flown all kinds of cool planes from b-52s  military fighters all kinds of trainers and things   like that a really great guy to fly with he taught  me a lot of stuff that you can read about in   textbooks but you just have to see in real life  if you watch a radio interview that i did about   a year ago down in san diego i talked about them  briefly well here's what happened in this scenario   we got told to report a five mile final because  these military fighters were doing these training   exercises at the airport we were going to land  at well as we got brought in we got fast and   high and we were kind of diving to get in and  we forgot to report that five mile final which   is what they were needed from us to get cleared  to land so we didn't get cleared to land we came   in and there was no other traffic we were busy  getting configured or something like that i don't   remember exactly what is happening but i was the  one that was flying and he was working the radios   what happened is we didn't get cleared to land  and we landed as soon as we touched down we were   on the rollout tower says hey guys i'm going to  need you to call the tower as soon as you land   as soon as he said that i looked over to pj i said  pj did you call the three mile or five mile final   he goes no i don't think i did and my stomach  dropped i couldn't believe it here i was kind   of a new pilot at this corporate airline i thought  this is it i'm gonna get fired this is how it all   ends for me so i got the passengers into the  terminal came back and i was walking up to the   plane and he was inside the plane still and i  don't know if he knew i was coming up or not   but i don't think he knew as i came on board  i could hear him saying listen 100 i was the   one that was working the radios i'm the captain  this was 100 my fault my co-pilot was the one   flying he had told me to call i forgot to call  i messed up this is 100 on me blah blah blah   and he just had this long explanation but as  a commander as a previous military commander   his responsibility and the way he sees thing is  he's not going to blame the people below him and   i thought as i was walking up man that's really  cool because i've seen in other scenarios that   people always want to blame the people below them  and he wasn't going to let that happen and that my   respect for him went up a thousand percent right  there because like most people they want to shift   the blame onto somebody else and he wasn't going  to let anybody shift the blame onto me now it   ended up not being a massive problem but we just  ended up talking with him we filed a report there   was never any problem about it but it was two  things that were really important for me to learn   one after that happened i created kind of a mental  check and balance so i would turn on certain   lights or turn on something or two something that  would remind me once we got cleared to land or   once we needed to do something i would hit this  button or flip this switch turn this light on and   to this day i still do that because there's a lot  that's going on so you need to have a reminder of   what's happening so that was the first thing that  i learned and the second thing that i learned is   you ought to always always take care of your crew  and you hear me talk about that when people are   saying things to flight attendants or other  people or other pilots that are on my crew   i 100 i take their back and that i learned from  pj and different people in my life but that was   a great example of that in aviation and i want  you guys to have that as something to remember   as you go through your aviation career  you need to take care of people behind you   okay this next one is real short around  southwest 1633 with a quick question was that a yes check what you get oh what i got  um how do you pronounce the departure we're on which part swtfr not switcher like the very  mediocre and overrated dallas cowboys coach   got it someone's not a cowboys man no someone's a  ginny johnson fan and that super bowl is not barry   slippers air traffic control communication  is meant to be very brief and concise   when you say do you have time for a question it  says hey this is kind of like off the record it's   on the record but it's like off the record like  you can casually talk because if they have time   to do that they'll say yeah sure i've got time  for a question for example i've had it where   they say hey tail number blah blah blah do you  have time for a question and now you should say   yeah what's up what's up it's not something you'd  ever hear me normally saying on the radio but a   couple of years ago i was flying about 400 troops  and we were flying overseas obviously when i'm   flying military troops i don't ever talk about who  i'm flying and where and all those things because   i'm not allowed to talk about that on social  media as we're flying up the coast getting ready   for everything to go overseas the controller says  hey do you have time for a question and me being a   total dork which i normally would never say this  i go affirmative like i don't know why i even   said that the controller goes hey are you kelsey  from the youtube channel 74 gear i'm like maybe   thinking why have i just acted like a total dork  now and the guy recognizes my voice he just wanted   to say thanks that he really enjoyed the video so  i'm having this quick conversation with the guy   the captain's looking at me he's like how does  he know your name is kelsey and i'm like but   it just goes to show you that you never know who  you're going to run into if you want to hear some   stories about some pilots who wouldn't be so dorky  to say affirmative when someone asked if you have   time for a question you're going to want to watch  this video here and if you want to hear a pilot   have a total breakdown when air traffic control  tells me he has a number to call you're going to   want to watch this video up here I look forward to  hearing from you until then keep the blue side up
Channel: 74 Gear
Views: 502,475
Rating: 4.9489169 out of 5
Keywords: pilot, airline pilot, 747 pilot, 74 gear, pilot Kelsey, atc, ATC vs pilots, air traffic control, air traffic controllers, Pilot vs ATC, Harrison ford, Harrison ford lands on taxiway, Harrison ford pilot, captain happy
Id: binBd37IEuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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