#hardops 986- EM Macro

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[Music] so to explain how AM macros came about is best to show how basically I was using blender so we'll just shift a and we'll just add this cylinder you know that's easy and will apply to skill and the first thing I want to do is put a loop cut down here and so we'll grab these faces press e cancel all to s to push them out and then we'll do the same thing here and just kind of look at it from the front and you know what will e alt s push this out as well and you know so far so good however you know when it comes to the part of me adding spacer to this area right like I want to press control B click E right click cancel all to s and push that in that becomes you know a few more keystrokes so if I won't do it here then I'm pressing s C 0 and then I'm pressing ctrl B and then i'm ii all task to push it inwards and that's kind of how you would handle dealing with this stuff with vanilla blender and then of course at the top you can choose to shade smooth you can go to normal area turn on auto smooth and everything so far so good so the next thing is we'll bring over a plane and let's say I wanted to put some grates in this plane that's something that I'd do all the time what I'll do is put a couple of subdivisions in and then I will you know nowadays I have to press spacebar and search for poke and I'll poke the faces and I'll press alt J which will give me a redirection of the geometry and that can press alt I to inset and then I can extra it down and basically I've created a neural so if I were to you know do the same thing and make it great I would tap in edit mode right click a couple of times subdivide shift are repeat it and then I would press let's see for this one I just want to poke I want to go into vert mode but I want to shrink my selection so the thing about poking is you want to probably be invert mode or something just to alright I guess I could poke it like so and then you see f9 to mess with it but as you can see these are a little bit of a process so it's because of this that iam macros came about whenever I first was making hard ops the idea was to try to automate all the workflows that I was using at the time however over time as I've begun to automate things I've also begun to evolve more as a artist and the choices I'm making the type of things I need so now we have come to this point of iam macro it's located in the Q menu for edit mode so we will tap in edit mode and if we press Q you can see iam macro here right now we'll just read the tooltip where basically left mouse clicking will grade it control clicking will knurl it shift clicking it will turn it into a panel edge and alt clicking will turn it into a panel face for emulate numpad users who are having issues I also add it to this version control shift to be an alternative to panel face just in case you're using emulate numpad which I don't personally use even on a laptop but that is where you would locate iam macro each of these functions that are being listed here are actually part of the operated operations in edit mode under mesh tools iam macros merely the consolidation of these four classics into a more interactive version so a fun way to show you macro and action would be to take this cube and press X and delete it will shift a insert a cylinder and we'll look at this from front view sz3 to scale it up by 3 in edit mode because we don't want scale issues of object mode I'll press shift are and we'll put a loop cut just down here at the bottom I will select this face area and I will alt click am macro in order to push this out we'll put another edge loop down here so we'll look at this from front view and we will just grab this area and press and actually all clucky a macro in order to push this out didn't want to knurl it so now we're off to a good start we'll crap these faces and just control be bevel to them strongly you've been against the wall up here in fact we can press control B and then press C in order to clamp it to the nearest wall where it won't go any further and then we could just select everything and in vertex mode just right-click and choose merge by distance and by removing those fibers we now have our continuous election still so put another loop cut in here sz0 to flat end and this time we will shift clicking a macro with this edge selected in order to just kind of add a cut in here and we'll do the same thing here except it doesn't go around to the other side so I'll just select this j2 lightning-bolt SC 0 to ensure that they're flat and then with Q we'll shift click iam macro let's try that again [Music] shift click we're just bringing it down ever so gradually sometimes with my wallpaper changes it causes a little bit of slowdown with my computer so we'll just add a couple of loops here and an isolate this as a quad area will press I to scale to send and set it and then we can just regular click to add some knurls here or some greats in this case so we got our great faces here we can sharpen this see what we got so far and then we can press alt X and modifier apply is similar to symmetry except it basically will just put a modifier and then apply it giving you the same result to symmetrize so we'll shift-click on this side and then we'll click on this side to mirror to the other side and in the mirror operation you can also turn off close effort operation whenever you're in Maron or to just make it just stay open and then you can just right click to close it of course so with that that is iam macro in a nutshell of course will slap it with a blank material and we'll hit it with a sharpened which because my sharpen settings are set to mark crease and seam in my control tilde that means that it marks it which seems allowing me to press 3 and go into face mode and I could just make selections and we can just slap a blank material on it do the same thing with this area hit with a blank material and right now we're just kind of looking at the clown colors of the viewport so let's see if we get afterwards in fact we'll hit that one with a blink control again give it a more unique color and we'll select this as well and hit this with a blank material and if we look at this in render mode this is our result so far we can mirror it of course up to the top giving us a true result and I'll press alt M and will actually shift-click for a destructive material scroll where we can actually scroll through the materials and I'm just gonna shift shift scroll through each index to find just the right material that you know shows the surface in a flattering light just one by one until we get everything right where we want it with these blank materials and voila we are done so the next thing is to control click on bevel to just add a new bevel but since there isn't a bevel present we don't have to control look it we can just click it just add a bevel press 1 to set it to a default profile of 0.5 and to fix some of this shading we can alt click sharpen or to add await it normal and that should mitigate things in order to fix this area that of course is a battle with mesh torsion and normal so the easiest way for me to fix such things is to just quarantine the area a bit mitigating the shading mishaps to be just in a particular region instead of all encompassing but bevel on its own can be a rather strict auditor when it comes to simplistic geometry so now we are looking at our kind of completed hose and so let's say we actually wanted to deform this also we see the bevel is a little overshot so we could lower to bevel like so roll the segments to try to fix the material transition but what would probably be easier would be to actually go in here select the phase shift G and we'll choose perimeter or let's try it again shift G I believe it was a perimeter but it looks like that might not be it so we'll all Z to turn off see-through and with three and face mode we're just gonna select this face region and now we can actually draw a box around everything but it's not going to select everything in the back selection can be a little odd when it comes to solid and see-through so we'll press shift H and hide everything so the main thing is that our bevel is set to be limit method of angle so I'll press L inside of B what to change that to weight which doesn't appear to change anything but if we were to select one of these and if we look at mark mark is a multi-tool so all clicking it while actually allow us to adjust the weight but if I press a it'll actually allow me to deal with all the weights in a match but ctrl a will allow me to deal with all the way its period so we're just gonna lower the weight chest of this particular region to something a little more reasonable as you see at the bottom the numbers to increments of point something so right now we're at point one now we have our bevel set to point two of what the global bevel is all around the sting so despite a few small servicing issues this came out relatively good the next thing from here is we may want to either deselect everything at this point and press alt h to reveal everything which will be selected and if we press shift H we can actually hide what we previously had revealed and what this means for us now is that we can say use a shift tilde for a boundary loop selection and we can grow our selection just slightly and we'll actually just hide that as well so we're just hiding the problem areas so that way I can actually go under mesh tools and dice and we can just dice this with a few units and we see that the dice didn't actually take with the area that is in question so to wrap this up because the next thing would definitely be talking about shading but we can just scale out a curve circle we'll select our object select a circle of control P curve deform because of our position of our cylinder in the circle it's not going to deform properly so this is where you would press control tilde go in your helper and locate this particular modifier and for me actually like control scrolling to go through these dynamically to find a perfect parameter for my needs and now we can just scale this out on the z to make this Baker we can also go in and use something like st3 array v2 which in this version you can hold shift and scroll up in order to move it up in the modifier stack as it should be with most of our modal's but for some reason the previous version of sc2 rate didn't have this functionality so now it has been added into the v1 or to v2 and I just can't be happier to see it so we're just getting our object to fit around and we are done so hopefully that's a pretty good overview about am macaron what it has to offer you inside of blender and hard hop so to think about Ian's macros is it does require certain types of selections in order to function so on this piece I'll modeled a while back I'll just use it to show a couple of examples of how I use it so right here you see me using knife tool to just kind of cut a line and then you know a head Z cut through on but it looks like half the mesh is mirrored so I will just shift-click iam macro which will bring it in and we'll hold ctrl to just kind of pull that in with all these modifiers it can of course get a little bit heavy but I just kind of wanted to show it in a project setting of how I use it sometimes if you're using like bisecting mirror like I'm using you're gonna have to probably clean up some additional faces on the inside but let's say I wanted to actually detail this particular area so I'll press alt W switch over to box cutter we'll use a knife box and I'm gonna draw a box but I'm gonna hold shift so that way the box is constrained to be a square and we'll just press spacebar and of course blender will solve it as it will and your first thought might be oh cool a quad I might go ahead and just hit it with am macro but me personally I tend to press I and put a little bit of buffer between myself and the macro that I use so if I were to use great then we can see that with great set to beat inset it that you know making it fit actually breaks the quad flow that's going around so I tend to isolate those sort of things just in case I do want to simplify it by going in and just dissolving that completely out of the low so these are just a couple of things I just want to go over you know we'll switch over to end gun for this next one I don't know why I'm not using box cutter I'll hold ctrl because I haven't gone thermostat and now we can use perma snap without having to deal with the control behavior now this behaving right and we'll just select both of these sometimes that empty makes me think there's a straight edge it will just you know actually this time we'll select these three phases and we'll all click in order to use the face mode so we could push it both ways but one thing I did notice what um Mac crow on the face push is that it is a lot more gentle on the face pushed and what I would normally get so this is something that I'm still trying to understand about how this thing works but I still have plenty of ideas for improvements now this been brought forward I'm just happy to see happy to see it interactive now and getting the love that it deserves so with this area things are just getting a little tricky the bevel is just a little too close we could raise that it relaxed that area which is better than lowering the width but sometimes I'll just do both to ensure that things always go smoothly but even for something like this I could just go in here just quickly knife presses II cut through grab this and you know things didn't actually work out here you know a knife can be a tricky little devil sometimes so you press Z before you even make your first cut and then you get the full seat their capabilities and we'll just all click it again bring this and and of course because there's a mirror in place we're gonna get some issues here but I'm pretty vigilant about getting in there and actually dissolving and removing faces that are gonna be problematic which is important I mean hopefully over the time that you're using blender you you become more more keen on some of the things that happen because you know there's definitely a pattern for it if you do certain cuts you can expect possibly certain result so here I am in edit mode I think I just destroyed some data over here in fact I definitely did so we'll just put that with the crease I'm not sure would actually have to bear they go back one more there we go now things are looking up here and I'm just not even gonna risk that in fact I am totally going to risk that in fact the easiest way to also do a knife project in the event that you're just wanting to just get it and be done because you know there is a degree of overlap between hops and box cutter and that is because hops approaches these things completely differ but still has its uses so right here we just performed our knife project we'll press f to fill that face except our color got changed so I'm not sure what color it was but we'll just return that and I'll press I in order to end set this but probably to inset this properly and get the result that I want I'm going to need to make this plots in this first part and that is because you know we need to subdivide the face and we can't subdivide it if it's an end gone in these cases so now we can go in and we'll actually use neural which didn't get his chance to shot in today but still a favorite and let's try that actually one more time with all these modifiers I can definitely see it getting a little bit performance so I will see about having a mode where the modifiers can be toggled off during the operation but I just want to show a little bit of how I use iam macros in action hopefully this is shed a little bit more light on it and kind of how you can use it and deal with some troubleshooting with it on the fly to play with me in macros is first of all delete this cube just add a cylinder skelet down apply to scalp go in edit mode shift are will put a few edge loops in hair switch to vertex mode and we'll just ctrl click in macro to go to great or to go to neuro and we'll just roll it once and hold ctrl to move it back and get more of our shape back and click to apply and then we'll grab this piece and I'll click in order to move it up and we can either hold alt to add a boundary loop which I didn't actually want in this case but we depress us which will allow us to shrink it in and I guess we can actually keep that boundary loop let's grab it and just extrude this inwards like so and just hit it with a sharpen maybe shift click sharpen to just bring this down and the autosum is a little bit to give us a a nicer boundary in this case we may need to select this edge and just sharpen it we can look at it from top view and just draw a box in fact we may want to start off the mesh in order to prevent alignment issues and we'll just bring that shape down keep it live our 3d cursor is still in the center so that means that if we go under mesh tools in the queue menu and we control click radial array will radial rate around that and we're done so I just wanted to show just kind of some quick uses of iam macro in action so let's say you have the shape you have this top that's made of a big end gone right and you know you need a quad flow in order to get your iam macro to go so we'll just going to dice and we'll just move the axes will also add Y to it as well or I guess Z in this case and we'll just click to apply that and now we actually have this face that we can just play off of so I'll just scale it up maybe and set it and we'll just control click actually I didn't want to make it a piece I wanted control click it with um macro in order to just quickly put a neural at the very top of this thing so I just wanted to show just kind of some in ways you can force a flow to exist if it doesn't actually exist like for example we can come in here and just F fill this with a quad and we could go into dice and now that dice is able to work on individual faces you can just go in and actually force a flow where you need it and then just you know I would inset the face in order to avoid breaking up the area outside of it and bow you can just get in and just cut to you tell where you need however Messi would dice this way it does give me the idea for something called free dice where it could be a version of dice that's just basically allows for users to choose where they want to set the lines I see that we may have missed over that so something I'll be checking into you four of the oldest classic tools and hard ops have been revived for this version so to show them in action I'm in edit mode right now I'm gonna go into face and I'm just gonna Incept this face and we'll press Q and go under operations and will go under mesh tools and the first one I'll show you is great face and when we just click it that's it it just does great face there's no options in the f9 this tool was one of the things I wrote when I was first learning hard ops and basically the idea is that it turns a great into a face and then afterwards she press alt s in fact I'll undo that and we'll subdivide a couple of times just so I can show how I used to use this back in the day I would go here and just great the faces and then I would just press alt s and I'd push it in and that would actually suffice for my needs in fact I'll press I to inset this face and the reason I'm in setting is because these break the connections geometrically and I won't cause issues there the next one is neural so if we use neural all it does is just sets us up like so in fact we can you know subdivide it a couple of times and we can just neural it which will give us these points on the inside and that is it and so the next one I want to show is panel so the easiest way to show this one is to actually use box cutter and to just cut a blue box in here and we will just go and choose panel face and that's all it does panel face just does that and there's no options for it you know these tools were written by me it's kind of a meme almost is that you know some of the worst parts of hops were made by me and so I'm always trying to get them rewritten to be the versions that I envisioned them to be and so the final one is edge and so all this does is just turns a selection into an edge and there's no f9 to adjust it and it was called entrench back then and that was it it basically did nothing so now I want to introduce you guys to the new version so jumping over into two point nine which I have two latest hops in for no particular reason we'll press I on this top face just to give us a quick face and we'll jump into iam macro which first will default to face great and so by rolling the wool you can see able to dynamically change to something to fly which is just great moving the will will allow me to look down into it and further sink it holding control will allow me to choose how tight the edges are on the area that I seek to create and that is basically the new face great in a nutshell so the next one I want to showcase in the iam macro is control clicking which will bring up narrow so if we control click it you can see that I'm now able to scroll the will I'm able to move neural both in and out which is handy on the fly to be able to just quickly neural something and click to apply it will take this face will press I and we'll take a look at the third one which is shift clicking to turn it into an edge and if we shift click it we can see that we've now turned the selection into a panel edge and so we're able to just move the mouse in order to just quickly adjust this we can hold control in justice of course there's more options over here on the side in case that you're wanting to have more fun with these particular tools and their their behaviors that are available that's also more to possible do the help but do you plan on doing dedicate content on this stuff in the future so the final one I want to show is the new face panel so I'll just cut a box in here but I'll press control X to turn this into a knife and we'll just cut a box in and we'll just select these two faces and we'll alt click iam macro in order to push this out on the face and so these tools were made for very basic purposes long ago so the modal versions are pretty much just that being expanded upon for this new generation because these tools have never really received any sort of integration updates as time as went on so this is now them being brought to a 21st century in fact extruding things via this way is my favorite way to do extrusions Dowell especially compared to the classic way of pressing e right clicking and pressing alt s in order to push it out which will get you something a little bit more wayward however by just going in just all clicking in macro I'm able to just extrude these faces get exactly as I want and continue on working so I hope that you at least give it a try it's something that I used a lot to just quickly rapidly detailed things in fact just delete this bringing a cylinder and add a couple of loops in maybe switch this over to face mode select all of these and we will just ctrl click to turn this into some narrow holes and bada-bing bada-boom so that's really all there is to it and then of course we can just hit it with sharpen at the end and get it looking exactly how we want of course the geometry that you give it is going to determine your result so we could go for something a little bit more square like here and actually just control click it in order to get something a little bit more unique however we will want to be careful with it because it is easy for it is told to get a little bit out of control since it is a modal operating on mesh data so you do want to kind of use it we care and give it a little bit of practice before integrating into your general workflow but it is something that I wanted to bring to you guys for the longest and I'm glad that has finally been rewritten the way that it's always deserved
Channel: mx2
Views: 4,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, masterxeon1001, educational, awesomeness, rendering, modelling, modifier stack, timelapse, tutorial, 2.x, 2.8, b3d, hardops, boxcutter, hopscutter, speed, cut, cutter, ops, beginner, how to get started, basics, intermediate, 2.83, 2.9
Id: 7uWsvdePgIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 9sec (1569 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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