Hard Surface Modeling With Fluent 2.0 (Blender tutorial)

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hi everyone it's jiseph here and we are back for another fluent modeling tutorial uh in this tutorial i'm gonna go a little bit faster than usual so if you're really new to flint and you don't really know the basic tools i recommend you to watch the course i did on my youtube channel over here and let's get started the idea here is to make a floor for a spaceship or a corridor so first of all we're gonna start with the fluent creation and we're gonna make it a rectangle and not to slim because we're gonna have some depth into it so this is not totally flat good so first of all what i usually do is i always add a bevel and i always reduce it because by default it is way too high and if you want to see better what you're doing you can actually enable cavity here and on the type you can enable both and this will help you to see the edges and everything so that uh that's helping when you're in the modeling phase so usually when we have a floor on the corridor or on a spaceship somewhere uh which we have like a symmetrical uh pattern in the middle and then the sides can be uh different so we're gonna start with the middle and um i'm i'm gonna make a plate like this so from the center uh always remember if you want to draw from the center you hold shift so you don't need to make it too deep just like so and i will add the bevel so i press b and c to change the type probably yes good and we will add an array so you can go to the top view and what we want to do is make this space actually half of the space that we have here uh the idea is to make one piece of this mesh of this floor and then you can duplicate it here and here and here to make like a corridor and the floor is a pattern that you can reproduce over and over so you don't need to be exactly exactly like half the size of this so we have the basic shape whenever i model something i always go with the bigger details than the medium one and at the end i go with the smaller editors the reason for that is because if you work a lot on just a very small part of your image you don't have the global idea of the mesh that you are modeling and then you are when you zoom back backward uh then you have like a part that is very detailed and sometimes it doesn't match the idea that you had so you need to remove the details and change them so it's not really productive so for me this is better to work like this like big details and then smaller ones um on this side i would like to make a cut and this could be to [Music] to make some pipes over there so we can right click for the next step i would like to put a grid as if you have fluent power trip so flying power trip is those tools over there if you only bought the basic fluent version you don't have those tools and i will show you how to make like an effect that you can use without uh powertrip but for me i will first show the poetry version so uh if we show the boolean by clicking on greater than lower down uh you can select this one then press f and go to grid and here we will be able to choose the shape of the grid i will go for basic diamond shape and probably change the position because here you can see this is actually too close to the top so you can do this by holding click and change position here good uh for now this actually follows the boolean object so it goes uh outside of it but we can cut it afterwards that doesn't doesn't matter okay so that's for uh people who have actually fluent power trip but if you don't have it you can just select the boolean here and press f and use the cut tool and now if you actually cut a very small portion of it like this and if you don't go too deep you can then press g z to put it a little bit in the middle like so and if you use the array tool make a tiny space like that press c now you don't have a grid but this serves the same purpose because now you have some kind of a grid like hard bars this is not the the exact same results but this serve the same purpose so for those who don't have a flea and power trip you can always do something like that you might have some issues over there to fix them remember just show the wireframe to try to understand what the problem is and most of the time is because blender is adding edges over there and over there to support the mesh and we need to help fluent understand blender sorry understand where to put those edges so to fix this issue you're going to actually select this and go here to array and check the count that you have so for me it's 35 so if i select this boolean go to edit mode and now press ctrl r once i have the yellow line i just scroll up until i reach the 35 counts you can see the counts in at the bottom left corner of your blender you will see number of cuts so you scroll up with your mouse until you have 35 elements you can just click now and right click to put it in the middle the thing is it will not be entirely aligned with the cuts that you have so to do that uh we're gonna actually go to the top view select the boolean go to edit mode and because you already have those selected you are now able to press s and x to scale it on the x axis and you want to align them with the middle of each cut so here here and here now don't go to object mode yet you need to press shift f and this will go back to object mode and also clean the mesh so if we hide the boolean now we can see that we have the edges over there and over there and not in the middle and the artifacts are gone because we told blender how to place uh the different uh support edges so that's uh that's cool trick you you need to do when you are working with boolean objects um for this side i actually want to slice it so i'm gonna go from here and hold shift as usual to draw from the middle and go through by pressing v and we have a different shape notice that every time you make a floor like as a separate object you always want to keep a space between the details that you add on the side and uh the limits of it because you will have your wall that will go on it so you always need to keep like a margin between them this is uh important right so first of all i'm gonna actually reduce a little bit the bevel because it's too crazy and i think yeah sometimes i don't know why the cavity is actually disabling for some reason so you need to reactivate it from time to time so we can see better what we're doing alright so we have a cool uh details on the side and i will now work on those plates so uh for this i'm gonna actually use the face inset tool and i will actually make this select this and this by holding shift now if we press i and go to the left we go inside the object and if we press enter and go left we are creating a cut inside the object so that's a it's a cool uh cool tool that i use a lot and it allows you to make some really nice details so that's great and now i would like some bars in the middle so to do that um because this is perfectly symmetrical on the y-axis you can make the cuts on this part and then mirror it to the other side so to reuse this we're gonna actually shift click on this icon and what it will do is that we will now cut this cutter and if we press x and right click again to show the grid only on this one because we will be working on this one and not this one we can now cut the cutter that's the term technical term that we use in the fluent community and this will actually remove this part from this cutter so it will show it will show the the object at the point that we are doing this so i will add a small bevel like so and an array tool so i let you be creative with that you can uh you can always play with the spacing and the number of elements i think it looks fine and now i can press m and mirror it to the other one you might see that as we saw with those bars blender is actually creating all those lines over there and we will help him understand that we want a line in the middle over there so that's easier for uh to avoid all the artifact that we could have so we can now right click and hide the boolean like so as you can see we don't have issues by the line creating by the lines created by blender but i prefer to actually go to edit mode press k and now if you just cut here press enter and cut here and press enter now if you go to edge mode and only select the two edges that you created shift f we have now a clean support edge that is perfectly in the middle and this will avoid any artifact that we could have because we changed the bevel of this and this is a slice this is so this is a separate object we also need to adjust the bevel on this one great so let's add some details on the left side now for the left side i will do almost the same cut that we have here but this will be for wires for example so this is very small cut and later on you can add a plane on top of it that is transparent like glass or a grid or something that you want i will not detail this now good so we can add some details in the middle now for the middle part i will actually use the inset face and i will select all the faces that we have around here and we need to press i now and inset it like so click and enter you might have some issues with the line you see the lines are created by blender over there and over there if they are not created at the right uh place they it could create some artifacts once you're in setting uh the face to face to fix that as always you need to click on the main object go to edit mode add an edge loop and then press shift f to uh to put the line in the middle so it avoids uh issues for me it's fine it was created here but it didn't create any issues but if you have artifacts uh this is uh this is why so that's cool we are reproducing a little bit the details that we have here so we are in the same uh style per se and we can right click so the idea now is to add a little bit more details to it um usually when you have a floor you don't have like uh cuts like this because it actually uh it is not easy to work on so i'm gonna select the middle part and use again the face inset and i will reproduce the same technique but this time when i press i and i go a little bit inside like so i will press enter but this time i would go up like this so we are creating a shape instead of cutting the shape now we have this a really cool effect if you right click to see it actually i need to enable again cavity this is very annoying i don't know why blender does that but now you can see we have this very cool effect around the entire object and uh i find it uh very fine details to add so we could use some details over there um for that i want to make some kind of a logo or something that is actually craved into the surface of the floor i will make a simple geometry shape for this i will go with the rectangle and a small bevel like so and then i will use the array tool so we could make something like so and reduce the number of elements but i would like to make them uh not straight like that so if you press c on your keyboard you can change the angle of them so i will go for this and probably it's a little bit too deep so if we press s to change the solidify and then we can make it like so great so it's like a corporate logo that you could have and if you want you can also make a cut use this circle by pressing c and you can draw a circle like so [Music] and use the slice tool let me increase the resolution right click you can make some kind of cool logo in the middle so that's that's the thing um so yeah we have some cool details so we are now lacking some small details we have big details we have medium details like this and this and we could have some very tiny details and i want to utilize this space over there and over there so i'm gonna make something that is not functionally useful but it's in the same purpose of this in the middle so it could be a really a nice uh a nice touch so to make that i'm gonna use again the array tool but this time i'm gonna make it a little bit different so first of all let's make it like so i'm gonna use the taper so this and i'm gonna make it like triangle shape like this and now i'm gonna use the array tool press c to change it and this time i'm gonna actually change the angle so if you go left you can change the angle like this and now you can reduce the count so if you are too close from the screen and you are going outside of the screen you can always just validate go back here go back to the array tool and now you can just change it so i will probably go for something like this and then make it good i'm gonna use the array the mirror tool mirror it to the other side and what we could do is press r to rotate it and z to rotate it on the z axis and now we can make it like so press g y and we have a nice touch so this is not perfectly in the middle so this is not in the middle because we actually make we made a mistake with this circle and this logo and those are not uh perfectly in the middle so we can just right click and then if we show the booleans select this one and this one go to the top view and go to the x-ray mode on the top we can actually move them a little bit here and put them perfectly in the middle over there so that was a mistake that we did uh we have another fight over there so as usual we show the wireframe and we need to help blender and stand uh to put a line over there and not in the corners um this is a little bit special because you always whenever you add support edges you always need to ask yourself what is actually creating the face that we are working on and this face is actually created by this cut here this boolean object so remember we add let me hide this we first of all we made a cut like this and then we made another cut that is not a cut that is adding that is actually adding some stuff here so this is actually this boolean that is creating this face go to edit mode if you go to top view press k around here and make sure to not cross it doesn't matter if it's not straight uh just make sure that you are not crossing any of the corners over here here or here now you can press enter and boom we have a line perfectly here we also need to do it for this one so okay draw a line enter and we go to edge mode uh if you don't see your object in edit mode this is because it is actually inside here so to make it easier you just press slash on the keyboard select this and this so the two edges that we created and press shift f now if you press shift again slash again you will be able to see what we fixed so now this is fixed and we have a cool logo in the middle we could had some details here but you always have to think of the global image and whenever you are creating a sci-fi object or any object you always want to have some areas where you don't have any details so if it's too saturated with details everywhere this will not help the viewer to see your image properly so i always keep areas with nothing in it and i think this is a a good example so yeah like i said for this part you can add some cables and put a plane onto it and put transparent texture so it is like glass so yeah that was it for today's video i hope you enjoyed uh if you haven't seen my latest video on how to make a trash bin in art suffice i truly advise you to watch it thanks for watching and see you on the next one
Channel: CG Seb
Views: 5,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender 3d, hard surface, hard surface modeling, Fluent 2.0, fluent tutorial, Fluent 2.0 beginner, blender 3.0 tutorial, blender 3.0 tutorial for beginners, blender addons, hardops box cutter tutorial, 3d modeling blender, 3d modeling, 3d, spaceship floor, scifi floor, sci fi modeling blender, sci fi modeling
Id: fkeDy7iiXW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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