Fluent 2.0 - Make A Crate Step By Step (Blender Addon)

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hi everyone cj sev here and we are back for another fluent 2.0 tutorial in this tutorial we are going to try to reproduce this reference in blender so let's go first we're going to start with a creation tool here right click to show the grid and rotate it by 90 degrees on this angle okay i'm gonna click in the middle hold shift to draw from the center and then do it something like that and go here so in the reference we have corners that are cuts and this is made with a bevel so if you hold click and go to bevel or you can just press b you can add the bevel and then if you press c you can change the type of bevel here we want this one so for the basic shape it's done so we can right click and we're gonna need to add a bevel here in the reference we have like an inner part and an outer part like that to make this we need to slice in this face so to do that uh you would think we will need to use the slice tool but in reality we're going to use the face inset over there and what does defense inset is actually allowing you to select a face so we select this one and then you press i and this will make it even on every axis so that's good uh we left click to validate the inset and then we press enter and then we press v to go through the entire object uh right now this is a cut but if we switch it to the slice this is exactly the result that we want so right click to validate the cut so on the reference we have rectangles on the top and to do that we're going to use the cut tool so show the grid on the top by right clicking and then click in middle alt shift to draw from the center and you actually don't want to make it too close to this edge because it's going to create some bevel uh overlaps so like this is good and make it up a bit so on the reference we have a little bit of cuts corners a little bit like this uh this time we will not use the bevel but we will use the taper so if we hold click and use taper here we're gonna be able to reproduce this like that uh you do this until it clips like this you see the bevel is actually clipping and you do it a little bit before it clips so click to validate the taper and then validate the operation like that uh we have artifacts here we will fix them later so press a to show the array tool and then click here once the spacing is okay we can press c to increase the number of elements if you want to again change the spacing between the elements press c and move your mouse so left click to validate array operation and then validate the array tool good so we're good to go we have shading issues uh but we need to fix them right so right click uh go to the fluent menu and then click on this icon this will show the wireframe so we can understand what is the problem whenever you add a boolean operation blender will automatically create some edges here to actually support the geometry that you have here and blender does not always place those edges correctly and as you can see here it creates some weird effects so to help him understand how to fix that we actually need to to go to edit mode and then press ctrl r and place an edge here you can right click so it will stay in the middle and now if you shift f it will go back to object mode and at the same time it will clean here and here the bevel because if you only add an edge and then go manually back to object mode it will uh it could create some artifacts here so when you shift f fluent is actually cleaning those parts for you so that's good so now it looks good we can hide the wire frame again and start working on this part so on the reference we have an x shape here to do that we're going to actually use the cut tool with this shape here so if you shift click shift right click here you will have uh the freedom grid and now we're gonna start from here so you click once and then if you press control it's to snap the angle by 45 degrees so we go straight then click again and now now once it's red you click here here here uh it doesn't need to be perfectly symmetrical here uh we will mirror it on uh this side and we will mirror it from top to bottom so we actually don't need to draw the entire thing and that's something that will allow us to do this for example and then once you're done you shift click and then go a little bit to the left to go inside now if you press m and then mirror it like this and like that you will have a complete symmetrical shape we can also mirror it to this side so it is done here too right so on the reference we can see here the faces are a little bit uh are not straight and to do that we're gonna use again the taper and here so as usual when you make a taper you want not to have the bevel clipping like that so you stop a little bit before here we have some kind of artifacts uh once again we'll fix it after the cut to see your cuts you can just click here to hide the white parts and check if we have some uh artifacts on those edges but right now we don't we have an artifact but this is on this face so that's good we can right click and then show the wireframe here once again blender created an edge here it causing issues we need to add either a support edge here or here to avoid this problem so once again you go to edit mode you control r and then you place it you this time you don't want to place it perfectly in the middle because let me let me show you what what will cause this so if you right click it will be in the middle then you shift f and it cause it can cause some issues uh because you have this cutter here by the way if you want to show the boolean object like this you can press a greater than lower than key here or you can simply go to the menu and click here so if you show the boolean here uh you see that this boolean has an edge in the middle and here too so if you align perfectly it could cause some issues here we are lucky it doesn't so we're going to keep it like that but if you have some artifact around here it's maybe because you need to move this edge that you added around here you need to move it a little bit on the side good so now this is good to go uh what's the next step is actually uh those here we're gonna make a slice so select the middle and then we're going to slice uh show oh we don't need to show the grid because we're not going to use it right now if you miss click and you don't want to do a rectangle like that you can just press c and it will cancel the cut and select this so press c make this good and again m mirror it's to every sides validate good so we have the base shape for this now we can continue adding details on that we have some hexagon here so to do that we're going to actually use the circle cut so f cut circle right click and to show the grid only on this you press x and right click again here we're going to draw from the center and we want an hexagon and as you can see on the bottom left if you hold alt this will automatically create an hexagon shape so hold out make your hexagon like you want and then when it's good you just don't move your mouse and then release alt hold shift and click and this will freeze the hexagon shape so then you can just validate uh we have some artifacts here but because the bevel here is too too big so we're gonna fix it just after that i use the mirror tool to mirror it everywhere and then right click good so if you now reduce the bevel you should be good to go like that great so we have this uh in the reference we also have a cut on the side so to do that we're going to use the same technique as the x shape we're going to use the shape click here press ctrl and hold ctrl while you are drawing like this like this and like we did with the previous one we are not going to draw the bottom part because we're going to mirror it so shift click go a bit inside uh don't go too deep because this shape is actually not very uh thick so reduce it a bit good mirror we're going to mirror it on this side so it is perfectly in the middle and on this side great i'm gonna add a bevel on this so b that's and i'm gonna be write m to the other side good right click to validate and now we need to slice it in the middle so to do that select the object slice right click here and then you're going to draw a rectangle on the outside like this press v to go through the object and you will have an artifact so to fix that right click again show the wireframe and try to understand what is going on right now it's a little bit tricky because we don't really understand why we have this issue this is not a support edge created by blender because the one created by blender is over there and it doesn't create any issue here the reason for that is because if you show the boolean object here this boolean we created as an edge here perfectly in the middle and this edge is actually creating an issue because it's perfectly aligned with this cut which is the slice that is in the middle so to fix that you can just move your slice pressing g z and then as you can see if you move it a little bit then down or up it doesn't matter it will fix the issue good so now the next step will be this part so this handle first we're going to make so we can hide here the wave frame we're going to make a slice basic slice in the middle press shift to draw from the middle and then go inside like this okay your validate validated cut right click okay select this press f and now we're going to make the cylinder part so use the cut tool right click and then rotate the grid here by 90 degrees click and validate if you use the circle by pressing c from the middle here should be good then make it like this if you press c again then it will move the offset so we're gonna move here to see what we're doing press s to go back to the solidify c to move it a little bit good so this is nice mirror it to the other side and then right click right now this cylinder is a little bit too uh inside this object so show the boolean select this one and press g x and then move it here and you will see some artifacts and this is when uh the edges are perfectly aligned with the face so try to find a way where it doesn't have any artifact like this then you can hide the booleans next step will be the hole inside of this so select this again this time we're going to use the cut with the circle so press c and right click on this face again if you press x and right click again it will only show on this face here we don't have a perfectly align a dot in the middle of this face but it doesn't matter we can draw from any points in the middle and then we will move later the the inner part so don't make it too big i think like this should be good then press v to go through and press g x and then you can move it a bit like that um right now you see we could not really move it's that much on the right so we're gonna actually reduce here if you hold and then reduce the register radius a little bit weird to say like this validate again gx and then until there is no more thing here it's a bevel problem again we can reduce the bevel of this object so make it something like that and then you can just right click to validate and here reduce the bevel a bit and we can actually make this one a little bit bigger so you select it you go to edit mode here the edit mode fluent edit mode and then if you go back to radius you can change the radius good and now we can even press g x move it a bit click again and then right click all right and then we can just move this one like that should be good great so we have it we forgot to actually mirror it to the other side so simply select the boolean f edit m click here validate right click so now we need to make the handle for the handle we are going to go a little bit district 2 because this is hard to make it uh 100 percent with fluent so first of all we're going to add a plane gx and we are going to cut it with fluent uh with the shadow so like we did uh we're gonna use ctrl key so make a first dot hold ctrl the entire time and make something like that like this like this and again you don't need to make the other parts because we're gonna mirror it m your and this is good um once you have a cut like that you can actually press d to make a difference this is the default uh cut you can press u to make union or high to make intersect and right now we need to have the intersect so that's cool um here those angles are a little bit too sharp so we can just press b and add a bevel around them like so good so just right click and now we have this uh this is a little bit far from what we want but what we need to do is actually complete this object so if you press f and then do the autocomplete here it will actually here apply all the modifiers and now if you go to edit mode we have a destructive object so select everything press x and then click on only faces now we have only the outer part so we're going to convert this to a curve and if we go to the curve here geometry and bevel we can increase this i'm going to make the resolution a little bit bigger and then i'm gonna shade smooth and we have it so now we can just scale it down move it on x rotate on y by 90 degrees and just place it where we want so here and here here it is um you can change actually the size of it so i'm gonna make it a bit in the middle and you can rotate it on the y to make it like that and here you can increase side of it so it's like this good now that's here if it's too long we can just go to edit mode and select this and then see like that and go back to object mode so good uh for the other side we're gonna use a simple modifier here mirror select this object and press y and deselect this uh actually this is z-axis great so now we have this we have some small elements around here i'm going to show you how to make them so select top parts use the cut tool and show the grid here we want to make it here and we want to make it in this in the middle around here um two solution either you draw it here and then you move it later on the x-axis or you can just hold v and go to the right and this will increase the resolution of the crit now you can just shift and do this and then make it go out a little bit like that i use the mirror to go here and here actually we want it also in the bottom but if you do that it's gonna look a little bit weird and it's not gonna actually make this bevel that we have here and the reason for that is because we sliced this object into pieces now and those two pieces are two separate objects so we're not gonna mirror it on the bottom and we're going to actually duplicate this cut here so we can right click we can do the same process and make a cut show the grid and make it here or if we want the exact same cut with the exact same size we can just show the boolean select this one and then what we can do is actually press f and this icon and this icon will actually duplicate the cuts and we can actually apply this cut everywhere we want so right now we want to make it here so like we say we can put it here and we will move it later so just click and you can make it everywhere you want so let's say you want it also in the bottom you can also click here and then you have it so right now we are good to go so we can just right click and this will do the cut everywhere um it looks a little bit weird and this is because if we select this piece and go down to the boolean this is by default on difference so if you select union it will make it union right now we have the two bevel operation so this one this one on the top is this one and this one in the bottom is this one so this one also needs to go to union both of them are the two cuts that we made great so we just hide booleans and that's it for uh for this model so thank you for watching uh if you haven't seen my course on how to begin with fluent 2.0 i'll let you watch it and see you on the next one
Channel: CG Seb
Views: 10,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender 3d, hard surface, hard surface modeling, Fluent 2.0, fluent tutorial, Fluent 2.0 beginner, blender 3.0 tutorial, blender 3.0 tutorial for beginners, blender addons, hardops box cutter tutorial, 3d modeling blender, 3d modeling, 3d
Id: fMzlQBoOEms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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