Area Randomizer 092818 #1. Super Metroid Weekly Race

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right while we have you make sure to give all the speed and speed gaming channels to follow and all the others follow us see we've got that set up properly oh we got two oh two three all three of these guys are really good fall so you know an elm doing a lot of it link to the past stuff slow ders doing a lot of metric you actually that comes thinking slow ders was in the 2v2 on only on the combo randomizer and she does all sorts interesting stuff outside of Super Metroid zone so as usual Venus this being a randomizer we don't have to do series station thankfully floaters I know does not use the moon fall I believe Elm and cheat evil Helms did not go which I definitely already even believe they're these for a little bit yeah and that's like a very recent it's cool see the type of advantage you can get early on though there's not many places that it can come into play it's actually gonna be it could come into play a little more in the randomizer depending on what areas they need to go to and here we go more fall in more fall now boring ask you what do you think is gonna be the second non morph nom energy tank item usually we asked us what's gonna be the ceiling but given the injury tanks for about 50% more than 50% like so what do you think we're gonna see first totally powerbomb alive param opens up a lot of the game it's a great option because it lets you blow up bomb blocks of course and it can put you in some pretty dangerous situations but what what major item do you want to see so we're getting an e tank in the ceiling so so far pretty vanilla let's see you know my favorite item spaceship I always like to see Space Jam parolee because a lot of people aren't really good at using it I feel like I feel like I'm decent using space jump so yeah screwattack's a nice item to get early it opens up an easier gauntlet check if you want to do that and just makes going through everything's much much much easier oh I think you should open up [Music] so it looks like we have items fully randomized just to point out because they did get an e-tank at that first missile site unfortunately it means when they get down to so let get down to bomb trees those pretty much the only place they can go right now it should be either bombs screwattack or speed booster has to be one of those three or or power bombs it's only yes feel of those four things it has to be one of those four things otherwise the runners will not be able to progress I'll see what it is LM the first to get there that's part of what makes a randomizer the very strategic game because there's logic behind it and if you start to understand the logic you can't understand where you're supposed to go next to find your progression items yeah so this is unexpected we have mom Theresa fight did I miss them getting bomb somewhere no no no okay so in the normal randomizer the bomb Theresa fight only happens if you have bombs oh so I did not see them picking bomb so I'm thinking that there might be they might have changed this a little bit to just automatically make the bomb tree so it might happen yes they definitely didn't get bombs them find another way yep so here he's gonna use it so at this point they can either they can go go to gone using the speed booster but they won't feel well but getting out would be difficult or light goes in this killed the normal way it is possible to get out of the gauntlet area with speed booster buds and very tricky sort of too short charge there we go now we got some power bombs yeah it's always nice to finally pick up those power bottoms there's so many things that are locked off to you without those power bombs I'll go and check the back of all it I like this play see what's there just couple of missile packs oh and here we go I didn't see it the slaughters already in crate Slayer see how did he do that so fast well that's what the area randomized you're done I'm guessing the toes the path to adoring me Elm decides I don't want to go there yet she D also checking those back out line items and [Music] she did also going back up it's like I'm gonna guess she's gonna go to gauntlet so just like that here we go vanilla game you have to kill yes that is correct I like this play from GD checking the two to 30 missiles that will last called that because the last pack you pick typically pick up in hundred percent yes picks up an extra pack of power bombs ideally you want to have 15 just in case you don't get ice beam or in case you end up how to do some hell runs in that case in order to a crucial flash you'll need at least at least 11 power bombs yes loaders the first hit crate so you can get that quick Hill oh it's gonna be yeah it's not gonna quick hill he's got only missiles no supers it makes the crate quite a little more difficult crate has a fighting chance see how good slow dirzed is with a normal crate fight yeah actually this part of the boss fight is pretty annoying to do with have all hands a lot of projectiles more time around those to not be off the platform it takes a while to get back up there and the only other fun part about this it's gonna take 10 missiles to kill crate here so any only has 10 missiles so if he misses any he's got the farm somewhere use charge meaning or purpose if they don't have charge people still have to farm some it's easy to forget that they don't have there we go great down to his letters yeah well he has five more powerbomb so I'm gonna guess no wait we saw the extreme about carbon pack I did not see what's loaders picked up afraid games excuses it distantly misses after you cheated going to check the Billy Mays room I like this there's two items there you can pick up more super missiles and now let's see what says more supers okay so cheetah you'll have it have an advantage when he gets to his crate fight you still actually have supers going in other motors are checking that on that missile yeah baby maybe I missed it maybe one who checked it going in hopefully it's not anything important so far the only major I don't know sleeve a speed booster so a lot more things to find there's probably let's see where where slaughters is taken now floaters knows what he's doing suit list but usually you don't do suus in this area in IBO in our Bo you would do so loose in this area coming back for not going not going in this direction so you can run gauntlet directly after that cheney guy Gigi going the so-called meme route direction taking the upper part the part right before Chrysler oh it's pretty as well it's it okay oh it's folders motors anywhere yeah so so just - oh he did say okay how is that was really smart cuz those by those enemies in meridia hit for a ton and he has no suit so yeah it's a prediction thinking that oh yeah I might take yep a couple hits low on energy yeah those things just will kill you very quickly without a suit that suit looks like Gd and yep Oh LM doing my favourite shinespark of the game to get through gauntlet let's see if he gets rewarded with anything at least bring some axes well it does avoid soft locks you don't have to quite pay as much attention to your power botton out which is nice yeah nothing like getting sawed books off locked in the gate room okay where is floaters looks like he's gonna follow it's the suit with meridia GG take yeah looks like she's gonna be someone some upper some punk mountain hill runs not a bad strategy but it's fine there yeah on both sides there are though I'm not sure she has the items he doesn't have bombs so he doesn't have the items to get over to the left side of a mountain oh you can do this it's so you can do a wall jump you have to run from the safe room oh yeah it's a tricky it's a trickier wall jump ah she's gonna go crocomire I think that's that's probably the smarter play the nice thing about crocomire is most of those rooms are not you did yeah and there's actually let me see how many I mean think about it for a second I want to say five items I will say five because you got the you got grapple you've got the missiles in your grapple you got the co-signed room you've got the actual crocomire item itself and you've got the early powerbomb so you can get there so that's gonna be a five items there versus seven mountain so it's pretty good I'd say that's not an uncommon one for Honda runners do different and yeah I think I do boy we've seen that I think the one that I think I've seen that happen in a Honda race is getting out of the floaters also out of meridian he's gonna check the back of all it and he'll find out it's not worth going all the way through for a couple missile tax very interested in seeing what she defines him oh oh this this this is a problem so not having charge room is where this so he can't back up for you can't get ammo but Krakow marking it very difficult if you don't get him all the way he's not soft locked yeah Krakow bar will give you ammo unfortunately his energy so load right now he's getting just energy yeah power bombs are can help now I'm going up red tower let's see where that takes him slowed her just gonna check did that get his bombs to be at the regular Golan spot doesn't behave you know the crocomire is in general not that difficult but when it goes wrong it can go really really wrong I've had I've had this fight that she's having before I did just oh my god I'm not sure she's safe before this I'd say it might be a huge possible to die as long as you might be safe you know it might be worth of Justin he's saved in the business center area I believe floaters picks up his bombs he said I don't care about those missiles so I'm gonna go back out the way I came to be here that energy yeah very smartly using super missiles on those yapping mouths so you they can't grab him that acid will kill you very quickly without suits actually a fairly - okay let's see where elms headed now oh actually this is probably where he wants to be he's into the first area of the green brinstar area there are four items right here there are two items down in the Edit Koons area he's not gonna get locked well we see quite a few power problems now yeah you made a good point she might be better off at this point yes receiving the full energy is like [Music] hey slow just pick it up the spacer beam so at least he's got a I mean spacers you know the long lamented spacer but it does give a little bit of an upgrade to the pea shooter so he's probably quite likes that we'll see what's in these two lines before she saw here unvalidated friendly Toby okay okay we're all serious as spring ball a lot of things that'll open up for a lot of good movement you can do with that looks likes loaders head towards the wreck ship except it won't be the wreck ship put some rage back in veridia these doors transition where it takes you the other way or just weird oh and now oh and El picking up wave feet I stays your wave likes to get charged me obviously plasma be nice [Music] something's wrong with me she check in the ice beam area what does he find an e-tank so if we shouldn't see if he goes back to croc maybe he goes back the croc speedway oh nice o bryd stars where you want to go as we've seen all the goodies you to be a prince start it's always nice fine gravity it's nice to find gravity suit before grapple we grapple and ice you think ok if I find high jump boots - maybe it's required suit and super missiles let super add spore spawn super missiles and plus getting the gravity here and say he can also get the items calendar than the charge beam or I'm charging session oh you don't need to grab the suit for that it makes it easier these these all three of these guys are more than capable of doing the the shinespark and said just running through it but yeah it is actually a fun fact that a ledge above the in the waterway area is the exact length you need to charge a full shinespark oh you actually don't need you don't need to actually short charge it's a really good place it's actually where I learned to short charge because you knew you knew if you got it before you get to the end ledge oh and plasma beam well except for it's still no charge yeah and with the gravity suit you can just run through he runs right into those missiles but he'll keep him he'll probably keep picking up ammo until he finds the charge beam okay and what's watched loaders for a second he's gonna do that early x-ray check this is very your yeah he where he screwed up the beginning so he's gonna reset the room this is this is a tricky thing to do you gotta do a bunch of eBoost he does have bombs so there is a backup there but not a healthy yeah we'll see how away times he tries this before you see if he gives us up nope he's gonna try again yes nor fair but it's still a heated room so when she met he was taking damage from people so one thing I'll point out without a suit I believe those spikes it's either 60 or 80 damage so what he wants to do is damage himself off the waivers so that he's got a frames when he lands on those spikes and that makes that doable you open where I'm already out that you take so nothing much in l-bomb jumping up seriously just a high jump boots unfortunately it looks like TV and slaughters worth getting up not getting rewarded for taking extra time to you know do crocomire do extra check yeah x-ray was just a tank I don't and I don't believe he picked it up no no he had to he takes for me to pick [Music] with feelings I see going to our thousand okay so looks like Elms gonna commit to a little bit of veridia here now that he has gravity suit I think that makes a lot of sense Oh in the criteria area of the wrecked ship or the erect ship area criteria that's probably a better way to put it just I don't know if he actually meant she gave us some with his bombs let's see what go and see where this takes us Oh or into the wreck ship okay so we're gonna see some phantoon action from slaughters and seeing us how in the last tournament race loaders hit new route this will actually be a much easier phantoon fight that he's gotten used to because he'll have even though he still has no suits still have a lot more energy yeah old the new route 80 percent typically you're only gonna have to lose one e tank and no soon as he's gonna have some War II tanks three of them full and no sense really [Music] see what's an aqueduct some more supers cool blue ball and regular missiles it's cool seeing all this uh technically you don't get to see often and the other runs last one the cool things of Iran knows there's some some tech that you only get to see randomizers and if we cease loaders pickup spring ball he he loves that spring ball and he knows all the tech on that one so we might see some cool spring ball strats from him so weird when did he pick up charge we missed that charge beam before entering okay I cannot see the item there whatever it was he doesn't want it good backup strat to switch over to the to the grapple game well I in fact the grapple beam is the Intendant way to get through this room it's also the worst way to get through this room I when when I first got this game I spent many a hour cursing this room and grew up believing yeah it's a bit of a finicky item and that last ya know and that last tower is just terrible okay she was here supers he's got his choice of strats we'll see with this energy count yeah you might not want to I use the microwave with this energy count grapple and speed booster probably not the smartest thing to do and the microwave strategy is the quickest [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] berries and left side super missiles nope not at all and it doesn't matter so much now yeah well the the various suit for the is going to like he was good he's about to go through the spiky death room here and with various suit it'll cut that damage down to a quarter because the way it works is in randomizers is the environmental damage he's only taken away with various suit to make it more valuable whereas in a regular vanilla game the gravity suit will take away that that environmental damage spikes key damage that sort of stuff yeah so spiky death room becomes about less death yeah it's still dangerous don't get me wrong but it's a lot less dangerous and he's gonna check this he tank and he doesn't have grapple beam yet so he's gonna have to jump and [Music] these are I got plenty of power bombs he's got regular bombs get back like elms not gonna check the plasma beam yet I think just going for oh yeah those are just missiles in those lower rooms yeah I hope I check the price save and check the sand pits oh I did not know you get acid at all like that yeah there's a there's a little hole in there okay and floaters opening that door so that when he comes back through this way he doesn't kill the enemies again he's gonna check one of the most annoying rooms in the game it's not the worst room the game was sure is annoying getting past these worker robots in vanilla game it's a missile so typically you don't see this room except in hundo some guessing at this point Elm doesn't eat very soup but he's gonna find it with uh yeah I mean there are things that would be nice to have like it's nice to have screwattack and Lorne or fair and it's nice to have space shell but in terms of need and it's nice to have hi Jim but in terms of need no he doesn't need anything else but area but he'll get his barrier once he finds his way to the wrecked ship because that was a pretty easy spot you want to move over a little bit more there there we go and just pillar-box oh no he's not gonna pick those up [Music] okay let's see what's in this first stand pit now let's see what's here Oh screw second sky missiles nice yeah so L brought music a chance Elmen doesn't pick that up well no I take it back depends on if he yeah I think once you get that Barry I think he's gonna leave that wreck ship area so I think there's a good chance he doesn't pick that up so that'll be nice force loaders because that'll speed up his lower norfair once he finds it yeah interesting question Chinese wherewhere is the inference that where is the 12th and for that matter where is the entrance to Lauren or ker we haven't seen it yet true my guess is maybe the right side of wrench oh yeah maybe yes we'll see somebody go yeah that would be a good move for slaughter see if he goes to the Forgotten Highway direction to get to meridia we don't see that very often all the way is the easier a better idea for him to try it since only the 10 name is way way less time-consuming yeah there's one more item in this area besides the gravity suit item and he's gonna check that real quick it's gonna take that oh looks like he's gonna go get those power bombs which is spread thought he'd skip power bombs in a previous spot but I guess he really wanted them now Beck isn't the 15 so he hasn't found ice beam yet so he knows he can get through the Metroid rooms plus yeah he has various suit so he probably doesn't have the need to crystal flash anymore but does give him that availability oh and there's space YUM so spirit and spatial direction screw tax space jump end end of RAC in the wrecked ship area so while two of those are not eating yeah that those that space jump in that and that ScrewAttack are surely not needed items but I like to help ya so if he gets if he sees lowering our fare he's probably just gonna go for it he does not have without gravity suit though he's would still have to do a llama diver yep he's doing some heated rooms yeah this is one of the worst rooms for for damage there's so many things that can go wrong here let's find out and know you are current good news for elm is even if see if he has enough energy to get out he also has enough ammo to crystal flashy Feeney's so you should be fine meanwhile Chiti headed for the wreck ship so he's gonna pick up his very suit 40 soon his energy count even better than soldiers this was what he would to get to I was gonna be checking this entrance [Music] but that's the exit yeah I don't know yeah I don't know if he can do this or not well guess like there's a different like style of entrance to there so yeah okay did you quit clocks yeah I thought that doesn't surprise me let's see these two criteria but you know keeping all the energy back which is nice hologram bishop that gave me so cheese you know if he goes down this door he goes down the store he goes to someplace else so I'll see what that is no it's okay please hit him right back okay right an area randomized really makes mush I like this twist of the area randomizer I know there is some debate if you know though there are rumors out there that we're going to have another randomizer tournament maybe doing the gray area randomizer tournament might get me twisting to see how they make some very interesting like even more so than design yeah exactly okay GD on his fan food fight still I'll go check the speed booster area let's see what he finds and a reserve tank and he picks it up so I wonder if Elm is picking up all these extra reserve tanks e tanks he may be thinking of going into into lower norfair without a suit okay you know just preparing for that in case he finds it oh there's that charge for you yeah caught the spring by I did not catch that with the surgery so there's that church being so slow ders is looking pretty good he's gonna pick up that gravity see pretty soon so item wise that might put him in the lead on the other hand you know Elton manages to man just when Elam goes to wreck I don't know these go there's the ice beam he's gotta be now yep so when it when Elm goes to the ship he may not bother to check all those extra items so he so he has that advantage especially if he can find high jump boots somewhere [Music] yeah and Canadian owl pointing out very rightly we have not found lower nor fair and we have not found turians so I'm just gonna pick up his gravity suit I'm still betting on right side right side right she and his a spear attack and space jump cancer that that's 70 gonna open up the all the game to him yes well and still acknowledged to be pretty excited about the situation yeah he's in a really nice situation so the race is actually fairly close considering his album Alan's gonna be searching for it obviously doesn't have the heat resistance to take our home and then once once he gets Direction gets that karna suit probably wanna bother searching for yeah I I think it once he finds that very I he's just gonna go try and find Lowen or fair Oh astral slide making a very good point soldiers not checking water way but I don't know what else does he need at this point he sees pretty much a goal I think you're right yeah he yeah slowly just needs to find Lauren or fair and one other place we have we have not seen we haven't seen there we never did see what was behind Krakow mark since she had such a trouble with that fight Hustler's yeah there were some places we did not see elm did not check plasma I think he only checked one of the sand pits and we've not seen Schachter we also didn't see the beach area or the water hole area so quite a few items that we have not seen in no no there's not gonna be a reason for so you're one of those it doesn't like to kill Jack Toland right I like I I just I feel satisfying that's fair okay I'm just gonna go up for the lure nerf area ok floaters gonna microwave his snake [Music] actually I think we saw it from the other direction oh yeah we saw it I think we saw it yeah now we know I'm still picking up our box I will point out though it's not as much of a time sink I think one reason why Islands pick me up so many items I keep in mind we're not hearing the item fans room so you're not losing seven seconds every time using like one second so yeah especially that you don't want to only have so I'm going the reverse forgotten highway I don't think we see the other end of this yet some guessing this would probably wreck same thing I don't know there's not right now right now outbreak yeah so so this is this is actually good for element is this should lead them to doing phantoon yeah by the way yeah oh okay they change another thing I did not normally in the randomizer we can't get that item before you kill phantoon just get 50 power bombs yeah I didn't either but you know I guess in vanilla if you get if you go there backwards or in the normal and the total tourney randomizer if you go there backwards you can't get the item but given that would be a major item in the total tourney randomizer I think that's a probably part of the reason but we now know that is not the right side nope just that means [Music] it means someplace that we're not thinking about is leading to lower nor fair not to mention someplace for not thinking about Leda Torian so trying to think of where we have you know we haven't gotten there yeah nobody's gone loan our fare elevator yet so maybe now the slow tourism has gotten through dragged on with so maybe we'll see that GD picking up his face jump so that'll be good for him oh here's another area so we have not seen floaters going home a demerit II as a be sort of site back way and a week or to turn the direction doesn't seem to matter there's scenario lava diagnosis loaders the first invite we see it nappy always go with a truck correct direction we've seen a couple times where it just takes you going back the other way okay checking a string and see if there's just a tank like that and floaters is in lower nor fair so I will officially puts loaders in the lead down [Music] pretty wild yeah that'd be that'd be really good for slaughters if that's the case or the mouth is edited where that you can't your goal for from the right side now entering big ol room but based on let's see what Elm does now I bet he I bet he'll just get out of the rut ship and try and find his who find his lower nor fair location and indeed he does [Music] slaughters has everything you could possibly want for his rithly fight he's got plenty of supers full bean combo doesn't need much else has various you know but he's not quite ways to reach yeah yeah make his way all the way where do [Music] you know make it maybe way to that one yeah this is aureus got think about where he hasn't gone where he hasn't checked me this is really cool I like this if there's any Adam is listening I think this might be the way to go this would be awesome I am off I am all for this is the next tournament not that I have any stains in such things gotta do you have the route you know obviously oppression items and access be also yep well and and one things we've seen in the weekly rent randomizer races with the total tourney random is that everybody kind of knows what the standard routes are and you know the odds of whether going up or down into red tower and things like that but this throws that all out the window so you don't know when you tosser [Music] [Music] [Music] it looks like I guess some some people in chat going through what but we oh did we just find terrine Oh looks like we did so L knows her turian is so that'll give him a bit of an advantage [Music] top bedtime Elsa yep I don't get how did the great seen that because yeah and it's a entrance in the left side so it makes sense that it would be there I think it might I think you might have to enter from the gravity direction for turian it's possible I don't like I said I've only the this the area randomizer is only a few months old so there's a lot of ins and outs to it that I don't yet know yeah so the question becomes does Elm find lower norfair fast enough before slaughters finds Turin to catch up yeah and I would say chichi still a little bit behind just cassis he hasn't done the Maria area yet and fair or turning yet he'll get he'll get items are not an issue from the items are all pretty well placed easy spots to get if he goes up well I'll put it on looks like you don't see meridia so he's in the right area you see that lower nor fair spot [Music] position unfortunately doesn't get transplanted Oh No going the wrong way [Music] having trouble getting into that vertical shot their slaughter is trying to say which way is better to go here looks like there let you break the tube from the top I don't know that's always the case [Music] she's doing something different he's going so this area the cheese in right now is the way in the vanilla game if you're not a speed runner the first time you play it this is how you typically get up to that bubble mountain area yeah he's good yep he's gonna check the door towards lava dive and let's see what he finds and he's in green hills ass now where he wanted to go so he's essentially the yield meme route so called he's gonna get his stuff down here he's gonna get it he'll get his gravity suit so you're gonna see the the charge to get the squatter we thought that all we see after a pursuit [Music] I'm having a little bit of trouble figuring out where to go well slaughters too slow there's just you know like I said it's it's slow ders finding turian before Elm finds lower door fairing gets through it so I think this is like not only do you have to think all right we're having high but then once you know where you're trying to go how do I get in there exactly so I'm still gonna give slaughters the advantage here because as always he finds once once he finds turian is just go through Torian whereas Ella Marcy has to go all the way through new low nor fair once he finds him slaughters at the Forgotten highway it's like he's getting close baby uh he won't get grabbed by the yapping oh yeah this this was the the one the nightmare things when you played this game the first time yeah grab by that guy is like no way Indiana doesn't matter because it's farther forgotten Highway and you don't ever go that way [Music] well looks like a Elms just right here is he'll probably go through this room go back to the sweetest area and then exit through the top of it so Ellen's probably gonna end up in Lowell Melser if our soldiers finds turning yeah this has to get us our not sure close you on the right path to get there yet no yeah I can't remember what the entrances to rent our even work yeah like that I think area randomizer is pretty disorienting okay but it's very interesting though but this extra added element of randomization just this makes it so much so much fun yeah up she's gonna get his a gravity suit hopefully it continues to the other side into the green brinstar area and he'll be an item wise he'll be good to go unfortunately for cheating he has fine lower nor for entering yeah as cheating on it I don't believe so yeah just getting through Maria without privacy is a big challenge and all she was founded Elms got lower nor fair so now in the question of can he finished lower nor fair before loaders fines Turin I'm doing a gravity gym first try nicely done and not having that space jump and ScrewAttack is gonna make this a little bit slower he doesn't have high jump boots so worse form in the game I suspect we'll do bombs jumps some of you might remember it is possible to do it do a wall jump to get up there but some of you might remember I was spending about a half hour trying to do that a nice race last summer and well he in fairness he did not have bombs that time his only choice was to do it or give up a lot a lot of props room for trying as hard as you did to get it honey also has ice cream so use my speed strats so that's another option for ya Thanks nicely done now a lot of time yeah that's a lot quicker than doing the infinite bomb jump would happen although it's pretty good the double infinite bomb jump so you would have made a clicker work on it good then doing this a single bomb job doing a very nice amphitheater it's jumping oh just right over all those space pirates upper Maria yep see what you decide looks like he's thinking at the moment thinking about it it's always fun to watch when you have that pause you're like you know they're they're just thinking yeah okay where do I go next see a little see the hard-working yeah because I believe who slaughters it very early on got to the spot rhetoric clueless [Music] all right you're gonna be taking that uh elevator everything yeah taking a big girl yeah big elevator hike we're gonna see this oh this you never see this thing the the unit toilet bowl is as it's often called called a hundo although I had an interesting conversation with I want to say was rumblings about what the the toilet ball versus the the area in Lauren or fair near screwattack in the vanilla way of getting there where the water just runs out and I said that's more like a sink her a bathtub then a toilet bowl is the more doesn't come back up well the nice so elves in his weekly fight is a little bit lower than he might like but he's he's more than capable of doing this Elm being a heating um does RPO so he only needs 25 shots yeah these are we used some of those super very nice really quick doesn't even check it out exploders check to get him behind Ridley at this point the only thing they could get there would be of any use to be high jump boots slow ders check let's see what he found up I think he or he wouldn't do this circle or maybe though somebody else let me forget it's pretty hard to keep track of as three of them three different three different yeah I agree pink sharks loaders is completely lost right now yeah so this is this is gonna be is this truly a race Elm knows where where turian is and he doesn't swing now all did you if but doesn't go have the nope so it's a race to turian one get one runner knows where it is the other one doesn't [Music] yeah I agree 11 I until and unless loaders finds turian before Ellen does I'm gonna put a I'd say almost we'd okay see all the red tile no I know no it's not the right way I think the idea is gonna wait anyways I that's a relief I'm still picking up Amal [Music] exit out the back of Oh besides it goes slowly using purpose rats he he did pick a bomb see ya oh no he did pick up bombs these letters forgets he has bombs no oh no he never picked up ice beam oh yeah cuz yeah he didn't pick up okay right okay no he didn't because he was checking right then he was basically in go home so this will slow up a little bit but not enough I don't think her I'll have to catch up and definitely has no help to else is no problem he doesn't high jump boots so maybe skip won't be a thing it's doable without high jump boots but at the time you lose is not worth it just takes too much time for it to be worth what would be the time so he's gonna get go get the refill this shouldn't be an issue though we'll take a few more shots to get through I'm going to be practicing yeah I believe it's 30 shots without ice cream ice cream being the weakest in terms of damage addition so it doesn't change that much not like when you go from plasma into space rewards 22 sick go go from 20 shots to 60 shots anytime you have class while you're here all right Elm is in torreón now few issued comments in in SRL Gd saying my brain wasn't ready for this today poppy using some some words that I won't repeat on on the air talking about berry effects is the very a randomizer being the one where you can customize and I believe this comes from the very randomizer and slowed is just laughing at everybody so in the end it's not that far behind oh okay so yeah so just gonna do a crystal flash you see with that much my you may as well yeah it's not playing it work with might make the mothering one he's still got more than you have he's got more super missiles so you'd have in a typical any percent run so typically in any percent run you're only getting up ten supers probably 20 regular missiles but 15 and 12 is going to be even better than that so yeah without the ice beam he's gotta use the speed booster strats good so that's a good question national smile does he save time versus the just taking the energy refill you know I it's a good question I would say probably does maybe a little bit cuz you have to less your transitions but yeah it's questionable on the other hand I actually I saw him win a race because you know if you do a quick in this case because he had to damage itself down maybe say something less time but because yet to empty his reserve tanks keep in mind the baby's willing to take you down to one damage including this LM doing the same thing the way Elm did it was better to see a door he had empty reserve tanks and so I was able to just do it you can have two Danvers itself down you have to and for those reserve tanks and good definitely saves time [Music] and yep voters gonna do a stand-up which I suspect Elmo to they both have the right number of in tank sport [Music] [Music] after all you know it just amazes me how you can go in a randomizer completely different routes do you think you know just your your in this case not go mode item but you're going with location totally different things yeah they're this close I just I love this it's great we may have gotten we may have gotten start late but these guys have delivered yes [Music] she also doing a very good job yeah now is just trying to figure out how to reach how to reach Lowell Norfolk it's like Nome didn't quite get the stand-up butch what else he lose a little bit time to that and time for the escape but GTOs Jeanne actually finding the back door Bobby hey that works too is that the top of ice to see that like the choice is actually okay like saying it really complicated generally it's gonna be not only about a challenge but yeah what's the fastest way through setting this loaders almost down to escape elements on his mother bring three and she's gonna hit his really fight very soon [Music] and floaters is done with an official SL srl time of 104 Oh 7g cheetah's loaders I mean not bad considering how Lawson and he was lost and held him just behind him with some choice words and I won't repeat this are over meanwhile cheese in his rudely fight he's gonna start off with a bunch of supers and leave a mutation and go ahead and watch the credits here it is gonna still tell us where everything is I believe they also try and describe what the transitions are so we'll see what that Cup see how well since the last time I saw one of these we'll see how much [Music] they really got a bomb beyond these things [Music] I'm doing a very nice job with the escape [Applause] [Music] an elm is finished with an official SRL time of 105 44 OGG down and GD demo really now just needs to uh I think still needs to do drag on this one acts like we get sis who do we have with this oh how you doing uh pretty good this is fun I was a lot of fun to watch so what what are your so make some comment what do you think about that race I do you think about that whole whole idea the area randomized as well I was only who suggested it which felt like a bad idea after a while because we didn't get a great for now but but like we hadn't featured it before so it's like kind of was the obvious choice for me but so I totally forgot that the meridia to you was entrance and I could have done Lauren or ferry what Church I remembered that existed yeah it was actually really interesting because you were searching for a Lauren or fair but you had already found Korean slaughters was searching for turian and had done Lauren or fair so you guys were kind of searching for your own thing it was kind of who was gonna find that spot first they were missing that turian the entrance could easily miss cuz like the the red tower exit where the key is next to it I don't remember what was there but it was really distracting whatever it was yeah but yeah it was I felt like it besides missing that exit I routed really smart like I I try I put I tried to put more emphasis on finding areas and checking items that were close to yeah so that I could find Barry because I knew I knew very was the one item I still needed yeah yeah we kind of suspected you might get your various suit in that correction Barry and then just leave yes so do you think there's a it's a very large difference from a normal randomizer in terms of the routing decisions you have to make oh yeah because he owned up in all sorts of situations that you wouldn't you would never be able to normally it's like even just being in cranes area without any missile or without any supers yeah yep yeah I I was what I liked about so in the regular total tourney Rando it's gotten to the point where those of those we they've played it for so long there's only the routing is just been cut become so optimized so I actually on the air put in a what thought maybe this might be the next thing for a tournament not that I not that I have any say in such things but I mean just an added element of Z yeah the area transitions having to find those just just adds that whole new element that maybe we need it's neat I don't know if I don't know if it has like the backing or the playerbase for a tournament at least to be an entire tournament like the fall tournament coming up for a link to the past randomizer is going to have matches with like wildly different settings able to be chosen by by the racers so okay so it could maybe fit into a format more like that where there are multiple types of randos in the tournament but stand alone I don't think you would make it maybe not definitely interesting concept though and yeah Lisa some various and very hilarious well yeah and it and it was so case very nicely so hopefully we get hopefully we'll get a better turnout for the 11 o'clock race now that people have seen what this is all about yeah if you're you know lower to your runner you know you don't have the the fastest times behave yes I'm good Emily you can really uh you know maybe take first well maybe win a race I don't know if I take me first I mean first in the 11 p.m. absolutely so Elm also I just want to congratulations congratulate you on the air for taking the the combo Rando tournament I stayed up very late to watch that so it was that was very enjoyable oh thank you that's it's really cool I wasn't sure how many people which does stand for the whole thing it was it went well into the night it did but you know that that second race oh my god that was that was amazing and a lot of fun to watch and I you know fortunately I was able to stay up for cuz because it was worth it for the time so just wanted to congratulate you for that so that was like I said a lot a lot of fun yeah thank you can is trained done anything else you'd like to sail no I think okay are you gonna do the 11 o'clock I might I'm thinking of signing up for the commentary I wasn't expecting doing an area randomizer when I saw that like oh boy here we go I've only seen one of these like one stuff thankfully I seen him once because you know if I actually knew what I was talking about at the beginning buddy and thank you for choosing this because this has been a lot of fun to watch yeah well I'm glad at least we got some people to buy it because it was it was I think it from what it from what I can tell it showed off really well thanks guys so we'll just be finished up here at truth I don't think any of the brothers know we never saw high jump and I missed the credits I didn't see where they work [Music] elements are definitely found yeah it actually I should asked about he did pick up a lot more ammo than than the others did yeah because he because it terms of majors he didn't get as many majors because he didn't pick up the space jump in the spear attack yeah plenty of away oh yeah no he wasn't once he found that various suit he was in go mode there was no reason to check the rest of the of the wrecked ship area yeah at that point those items were only useful if they found them on the way did not need a coffee break at that point nope now no checking his tinder so she gonna save I think it's smart he you know different wants to finish might as well yeah no no harm in saving here at this point it's essentially the vanilla super metro he's gonna go for the speed booster except skip but we'll see if he gets it [Music] oh that's a scam no losses for the first six shots you want to use regular missiles anyway because if you're breaking the glass then you break in the e tank and break it is ID tank when you're breaking the glass you just need for Jeff towels there's no more damage done with regular missiles and supers once you get past that point then what he did is he wanted to save those supers for the mother brain fight and he knows he stops at 15 so he's gonna use his his charge charge being here until the ketchup comes and then I'll finish mother brain 3 off with supers he's a little like me I'm guessing even though it's only 20 shots with charge iswe plasma I find it easier to use supers and it is to use charge me so even though the dps is maybe a little bit faster Lee segment with the beam combo I just find supers easier to use and it looks like she does swap their bit more precise too it's obviously the yeah and also you know you have to you have to be pretty you know as if you're really experienced it shouldn't be a hard thing to do but having to make sure that that charge moving charges all the way before you shoot it Oh doc won't you Machida going ahead and going for the stand-up which uses charge to speed along Mother Brain yes phase for phase 3 we know it's a three places attacking her yeah so ideally he'll get 39 shots the charge ice wave plasma combo doing the same damage as the as the hyper beam you get at the end but you don't want to quite if you go more than then 40 it actually adds a little bit of lag if your shooter if you actually damage her down all the way so ideally you want to get one shot [Applause] [Music] and of course stand-up which having a few places where you have to be careful you have to be in the air in a couple spots so he's got one more of those coming up you don't want to be shooting when you transition today either one of those can softlock your game so right there he was in the air at the race okay notice he stopped shooting for a second there to the transition and and it was that maybe four or five shots yeah so definitely got plenty of damage oh no all she has to do is go extinct the planet [Music] this is another spot where that moment ball actually comes others there is a moon fall spot here oh he messes up the shine spark be as opposed to the one in the climb room or the SSAS loader showing his tracker [Music] all scream oh what a world we needed all it is it is his favorite item yeah [Music] all going save the animals distinction oh yeah look she's a good friend of punks we all know of Kong's propensity of saving the animals so you figured she might as well be one speedy and waiting to see all them get out what a what a guy this just wants to make sure that they all get out there before the lava rises [Music] I was going to stop doing our eyes it's not as easy as with the room shaking and different items we remember Z has bombs so the other way yeah I don't know if the animal surprise was turned off if that was just a random thing you got cuz sometimes you do actually get save the animals Oh is he gonna try and deuces feed echoes yeah if he gets this this is actually really cool thing to see [Music] just a little bit of slack the pension [Music] very cool and she is done with an official that's a real time of one hour 19 minutes and 33 seconds dg2 GT nicely done and here we're gonna actually watch those those credits to see see what's going on here see where I really like no words I don't know those high jump boots where I believe that's the only thing we didn't find yeah judging by slaughters tracker which just well it's only missing ice cream in hi Jim since he also didn't get ice beat even got this more useless items like a x-ray and I wouldn't call any sis no useless items in Super Metroid it's not like you know when I say you know we thought think in the password you know one single arrow or single corridor or some money when you've already got over a thousand rupees or something so we don't have any of those the spacer can be argued to be useless if you've already got plasma beam but other than that I wouldn't call anything in this game useless it's funny when he actually get to see the x-ray scope but in the intended fashion we saw that today would my sodas was checking out the item in the reserve tank it wreck ship so yeah it's always nice to see that on occasion plus you know nothing is always fun to watch those microwave posture [Music] so reminder if you've ever had if you enjoyed this then come back at 11:00 11:00 o'clock Eastern Time we're gonna have another one of these I'm going to probably write lynnium stuff can happen yeah and I'm gonna probably try and try and do the commentary for that no one else is signed up yet also want to shout out that the anypercent tournament is going to be back the next next match run oh here we go okay so this is yeah so you see that first bit of information is all the various settings and you can see where the transitions were so yeah that's a little hard to take in quickly as we go through that so and so you have the the web address if you want to play this on your own and the game play statistics at where you stay are already happening they're actually working on adding a few more statistics I should be interesting when they get to that see anyway as we as we get to that so the semifinals emusic vs. behemoth it's gonna be six eastern time tomorrow the other semi betweens between zoasty and oats and goats has not been scheduled so keep an eye out for that but it'll be coming up really oh absolutely oh and we're gonna get up here we go major item location and we're gonna get an old versus a new route because the music's gonna run an old route and behemoth will will run new route and always like that I just lose her oh no no one was getting high as young today good job to hide behind and a sickening owl for actually putting the link in chat and again follow the runners me get sheeting in here because we for what for whatever reason they never added and added him here I think this and oh how will you beat me always can always can count on that so anyway it's okay so that's gonna be it for us so just that reminder follow the runners reminder of the race tonight 11:00 Eastern and the anypercent race tomorrow at 6:00 Eastern I hope to see you see you all there anything else you have monk no just make sure to follow the speed gaming channels as well oh absolutely make sure you know when they're alive plenty of other really great race is happening here every day and thank you for Co commentating oh it was a pleasure thank you for joining me as well monk and it looks like we have an Ori randomizer next on this channels among other things going on on the speed gaming channels so I will go go with my normal good morning good afternoon good evening or good night wherever you may be see ya
Channel: SpeedGaming
Views: 1,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, super metroid, sm, snes, super nintendo, nintendo, race, speedrun, speed run
Id: UosjWH9tR_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 57sec (5097 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 29 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.