Dream of Gluttony - Characters so cute you can EAT them! Manly Let's Play [ 1 ]

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hey everyone this is manley Bastian welcome the dream of gluttony an RPG maker word I'm actually not really quite sure because if you know it's one of those things we'll vague description but it's about a girl who goes into the woods and finds a village of people who are made of food morose close your eyes and imagine that place but a lovely land but no one feels any pain people don't need wealth nor fame a place where everyone is happy lie down relax them but the fingers of dream close your eyelids let's create a new world together a world that won't change into a nightmare [Music] and then it changed it to a nightmare because that's what's gonna happen my dream eros so this the main character are you rose your name is here yeah well I don't think that was a good path I can't believe that they closed the main road yes is a joke I don't even know how long I've been walking for you and my batteries died I hope I can find a train station soon my god my eyes are so huge an anime like the only menu option I have it's game over right now I have to find a way walking in the woods can I go down the Raptor hole just like Alice papyrus and worst results oh I can hear some voices [Music] hello is anyone there my god you're also equally anime what like dolls except you you look like an energy doll you know who I'm talking about just been looking at this lineup and that's how we managed to run away oh my a new person I don't know who's who's talking right now so I'm just gonna read it straight mm-hmm somebody got lost again I've already stopped counting them I'm sorry but I think I'm lost could you show me the way to the closest train station please there's a train station here in the woods um so they have dinner in the middle of the forest yeah that's pretty normal maybe it's some kind of barbecue and they live somewhere close maybe they're cannibals animals I totally know how far from civilization I am right now yes sure you choosing to go straight ahead then turn left once you find the big green tree turn right behind us at the next free tree you need to jump three times in the turn left it makes no sense then you've turned around five times a bank and you should reach a place which grows grass and then whoa going wild of your imagination again huh that's not it I used to see pride every time I go to town if you weren't there even once but I tried really hard and I was really close of course um excuse me I know the way I can be your queen if you want Queen well we could be astronauts I want to be the leader yes let's just trust this colorful cast in the middle of the woods with this campfire they have sparkles in anything they're totally not you know a shady Bunch maybe they aren't who knows but they're at least hi and it's bad okay I'm sure that all the aliens would be blinded by my shine I just want to find the station that's all let's just tell her you won't lose anything yes we should hmm okay they are weird Belson seem recognize I sound like anyone else could tell me the way oh yes I keep talking about the path next to a big purple tree palace air what's up my dogs it's a perfect place for tea time he asked what for dolls uh-huh either go stream between us a big purple tree and dad you should turn right and go down that path until you see the entry of the town the train station is in that town even someone like you should have such easy directions right yes our neper thank you for your advice ah you already going bye see ya [Music] gin and tonic no you have enough time to think but are true for what what yes I want to see oh I think that's the tree now let's turn right can't see anything black void so left I shouldn't go back it's like we can only turn right here so where happens you live in on to deplane food town foo town that sounds weird it should be this place I can't waste time think about all those things just suck it up and find the train station [Music] I'll have enough time to think about this day after I come back home and lie in my warm bed did your name really but then who was rose unless your name is frozen 60 is just a nickname walk-in into town uh how long will take to get there I should have reached already it's almost morning God everything got colorful God finally I can't leave it took me so many hours this town looks so cute I'll leave the pond someone goes for the train station this look what a cute kitty it's sleeping so calmly lo I've walked into a highly colorful world yep let's see the type of crowd that's around here finally someone hello excuse me can you help me I'm a little lost [Music] what dumpling oh yeah your hair kinda looks like a dumpling I guess I can't read this sign can make a little larger what something's written on the sign hello I'm dumpling how can I help you okay I'm I'm looking for the train station someone told me that I got fun in this town would you mind showing me the way please [Music] do you have so many signs a key on your back pocket where did it come from of course but you are a human aren't you okay things are getting greening even more weird well let's try acting like him if they won't have any problems because of it then I can go back home earlier oh well actually I'm a passion fruit nice to meet you oh no I see what the story's going oh really nice to meet you too let's go I'll show you the train station next train will be here in the evening so you can make me some other people in meantime it's unusual to see someone new some sure that everyone will be happy really all that's so nice of you okay this is just ridiculous you can rest after your journey there isn't a lot of people in this town let's go okay there's like a china doll bubble cream there ee join you so this campus advertises their having kind of two routes or something so see what the differences are between that seems I thought me but they don't let me make a manual save per se I say when they want me to so come here ya see well this is plentiful I wonder where this schemes gonna branch everything looks lovely if you create the entire town like this it's very different from a regular city thanks I'm sure everyone is proud of how it looks a few districts in this town we've now arrived at grain district on traduce you too bread and butter hmm paedon butter I'm sure will like them they're new it really kind oh I see yeah can't wait then well I guess I can act like I'm a food until my train comes it's only a few hours and it won't hurt me in any way or well odd this place has his own ambience maybe some kind of old tradition dumpling joined you there's a cow what does she stand still maybe she's just afraid of strangers but she doesn't move at all is this a really shy being trust me okay [Music] wait it's everyone here is food the cow is just natural cow because represents beef there's a little it's a bit of a poetic sad irony there it's here hmm kiss bought it her Oh dumpling hi who's this her name is she got lost in the forest and she is looking for the train station side to show her around town so the train won't come until late hmm she is a passion of fruit oh I see nice to meet you I'm butter it's so kind of you to come visit us no no it's my pleasure I don't have anything to do until a train comes anyway really if you want we can talk a little sure but wait I'll eat cold bran you need to beat him as well we live together and everything I see that's nice she looks so young maybe she's one of those forever young girls [Music] cow stay out hello sorry I didn't notice we had guests it's okay mmm toasted bread I'm and I got lost in the forest now I'm waiting for the Train my name is Brad we were getting ready for breakfast you two should join us what do what do food people eat for breakfast the happy thoughts or is there like lesser foods like non-sentient foods they eat thanks really oh I will Hubbell preparing the meal in fact I am a cook oh oh so I figured we nice to cook for you all I love doing it to a cook you don't have any professional cooks in town so that would be great I thought the tasting made by here sure just in what kind of greens you have and we can get started we have such a unique guest I'm sure everyone else would be jealous oh if you say so but why don't you have any cooks in town huh I'm a bomb up thought about their food what is it like similar ours so isn't some kind of cannibalism si si you know everyone here likes to eat no one really thinks about how to properly prepare it and Muslims just don't care about it that's so weird I find that really hard to imagine as a story gonna end up like the one Alice in Wonderland story the was like The Walrus and the the oysters no Brent and I are trying to give our test for cooking our best but I'm sure you will make it much better I hope you sometimes I taste it maybe I prepper cook come down you're melting yes you are [Music] mmm-hmm I just can't help myself thinking about how delicious will be yes you'll be I mean yeah I'm a little scared it won't turn out well you see Fink's okay then let's cook rules go through the law and sort of wrap it here go for the laberd to pick up the all the food your time is limited you lose a life when it hits zero so be sure to step over each place only one so you lose a life and in position resets you can use shift to run there's a minigame oh it's one of these oh yeah oh crap no more screwing up no okay so first dang it I already missed oh no we got this so how much was it that's it did in I would I would cross back over where I went that's the last one I have to get right now let me think so we gotta start with this one because you can't go back for it okay and then it's Ivor there's two ways we can kind of go about this right then like this go Coco good spectre gadget whoops what happens nice mess up lots that makes me under eat something so delicious in Street work we definitely need someone like you here using a little nod I guess isn't talked with I'll use his signs after all thank you so much you're so nice to me but to be honest my first trying to see me that well-known citizen like a MasterChef level or anything really it's such a pity that we're so far word in the big cities I'll try some in the food to maybe good to do all the minigames quickly to get the best ending but aren't you happy being here that's right I love this place even more than food I'm reading actual food how open a way who built this town of why you've been living here for a long time well we moved here a few years ago in our hometown we heard some rumors going on about this place that everyone is happy and that it can just be themselves so we decided to find it he had such a nice place everyone is really kind and life here is almost perfect oh it sounds like they had some troubles in a past life I don't think is okay asked with this kind of stuff on the other hand it's really interesting that they found happiness living as food it also makes me happy when we're not questioning us enough so how long have you known each other um we've been friends since childhood cos bread and butter but we've been a couple for only a few years that's so sweet I wish you all the best so sweet we mean together Thanks well I think it's time for us to go if wanting to give us before train comes oh that's right I have to thank you one more time for the great time in the breakfast no problem was our pleasure if you want you can visit us later okay goodbye then pie hmm I guess I'll reload afterwards and do minigame right and I'll maybe I'll do a run where I feel all the minigames okay let's do this right this time [Music] and grab the water you won we got a cutscene this time interesting so beautiful true art of cooking yeah I'm pretty proud of my skills yes it was amazing I really respect you I can't wait to try it I never transmit looks so good calm down so she's turning red because of you I'm sure we have no food for one more breakfast yes will you tomorrow today such a good day you're cute as always we need it excited thank you okay so let's try it wow that's amazing under eating something so delicious that sweet work we definitely need some like you here I just gave me a little nod okay she doesn't talk about using the signs after all oh thank you so much you're so nice to me it's all the same dialogue so I'll skip on ahead [Music] [Music] [Music] okay what's this place so what do you think it was really fun I've never met someone who would be so delighted my cooking skills I told you now let's go meet candy candy hmm is it sweet stress tricky I wonder how we could tell exactly gives me four people but now she is all alone here I'm sure she'll be having someone new to play with her okay let's go then so quirky game at least story wise well those candies are shining if you say so I want this kind of plant oh you must be candy hi candy have a guess do you want me to accuse her sure don't tell me that she's huh [Music] no she's a passionfruit hello my name is nice to meet you hi hi Kenny's candies name is candy what are you doing here oh god you're so sick of my sweet Kenny hasn't seen you before I got lost in the forest and I'm waiting for the train someone suggested me to meet everyone who lives in this town so here I am Oh Kenny understands that's cool because no one else comes here to Kingdom you want to play with you want flow of candy sure I have a lot of time what's the game get rid of every type of every candy the candy shows you then pick the right one and you love sweets so Kenny won't give you any they'll run it fun anyway oh I also love sweets I'm not good with making them on only some cakes he'll make sweets each candy candy loves sweets nukkie look a little scary now what happened to her okay I can give you the recipe later it's not problem so great kenri already loves you you love sweets and people will make sweet so much so much that must be a great love for all the types of sweets that Kenny shows you and pick them before time runs out if type of Cantonese show more than once you should pick it only one time fix have a caper spaced all at the X next to it I just don't fully get it but out you know [Music] nope there's two x's on this though okay so starving heart thing and somebody do petite up thing oh it was the other one whoops - supa dupa deputy things a hard thing in a crescent ving heart star stripes completely duped up was it this one yeah which of the stripes was at stripe stripes and hard whoops [Music] Kenny so disappointing well maybe it's because you're a cookie can't play games that well much prepare for what's that fast goes funny I'm like I'm just gonna face what a laugh I could kiss you real fast that's all a lot of people are assume it's me no Kenny is a thing so don't worry you come over even later when you play one more time okay I won't give you recipe what how cruel was your decision ah we should come here Liam to have Kenny one more time he's always free the mail has time to play of candy hey one day someone new will come to sweets district even so they won't stay for long a few that's a little mean for candy that's true well mom come over you have some spare time but now we have to go okay bye bye bye okay this one that in the heart one and this was right facing one and then this one and then two of these stripe hearts planet the facing one [Music] out was this one it was a stripe stripe search yeah so it was both of these then was one of these I think it was this one oh no this one you won what's going on yes how fun you had to pick them all up yeah I was a little difficult but I did it with a power of reloading in time tragic it was fun was this it's much more fun to play of someone else it's not candy by yourself mm-hmm well I generally like games my freetime play a lot with my friends Billy that sounds so cool Kenny's friends don't like to move a lot that's cuz you want to play for too long you're really Lively no camis just happy like we're late playing outside with such a straight to way of spending time hey finally someone who understands I was supposed to give you recipe of the cake boom boom boom yes Wow okay Kenny laughs sweets yeah I'm sure okay so listen carefully creamed together the sugar and buttery beaten eggs one at a time and stir in the vanilla with flour and baking powder and add to the cream mixture and mix by stirring the milk until Bera smooth then you have to bake it for 30 minutes candy has a recipe just nice recipe I'm sure will be amazing you here dumpling can he receive the recipe [Music] mmm-hmm when he make it soon we taste it when you are done of course can be justified only agreeance but and you can start burning everyone for log until Everest you have a new recipe okay okay candy will give you a small piece just don't tell the others that would be nice to show off the rest No okay she's really serious about okay this is the same dialogue that real quick you can kind of tell when it reaches into a different dialogue six there's that little flash separately minigames I haven't seen like a branching path mrs. district vegetables district Nexus fruits district you get ready because they're a long line with people great okay I don't really mind it but how they're gonna surprise me this time this town really seems like came up with some cartoon or an RPG maker game mister peace little Tomatoes the Chamber's a giant peach tomato it was like a some kind of nineties kid whoa dumpling yo what's up man good we have a guest sissie is a passion fruit do they ever like concern that I'm not named passion fruit but they are all named after food hello nice to meet you yo I'm tomato cool need someone new we haven't had any people like you for like ages I got lost in the forest I'm really lucky that you have a train station here train station huh yes Gophers everyone Tonto train comes Oh a nice idea man good time he's great I'm gonna make some sauce sauce you have tomato sauce I wonder how I can help I'm pretty good of cooking wailing whoa man that's great think of someone else is much more fun funny do you like to cook - tomato cooks tomatoes this seems to be a trend yeah I just like making sauces oh well that's pretty weird I've never made anyone would like to only make sauce well tomato sauce is my specialty let's go I'll show you everything man I'm really curious now okay so you set the front rocks I mean till I tell you stop what you know figure out the game I'll run a little make it more interesting shoot tomato you have to do it a few times through your sauce is ready you to shoot him at least once before time runs out you can shoot it by using a blonde and her might pursue shift so we get sauce we're beating you up [Music] okay he just are you are you into that you won okay it's a little weird now well man was dope it's cuz you're a cook I'm not sure but only makes you more special it what else it means soft mean such a I go there through the way I'm glad I guess how you see the entirety man you should rest a little even I'm the one who did the running I'm just mentally done you'll be both oh no I'm just a little bit tired the playing of you was fun I like sports games it business a sports game well maybe not with rocks though oh cool man fit this kind of things we can make a nice duel no no we're not in that kind relationship I'm not sure it would be it would be a little weird no I'd be dope to be a great putter what are you talking about yeah baseball before I ride here I've been a player dope game oh I used to watch on TV from time to time well it makes you bear material we gather everyone we should have a really cool team yes when I'm leaving today oh but you give me a lot of inspiration man feel free to come here in again if you had some time maybe bring some whips next time no I don't really know okay but now sauce time oh yes what is it what's it about our game did I mean that you were making sauce what else the most important part now well we're almost done she's add some spices but where dumpling here's a song pepper sure yeah okay look he just put blood on his spoon okay little bit so we're done I can't believe it what something must be wrong with him so you know you're eating yourself gross and no try taste so dope what no oh my god if someone says dope oh come on man just one sip um no come on come on open wine stop it got you now you have to try it tastes like tomatoes doesn't it but how I think just normal people this is happening here just as I said no need to panic can I try it one more time sure you made it well good that you liked it yeah man so weird I can't believe it's true tomato sauce oh no she's tasted blood and it's gone the school's been tight with you guys yes thank you for those new experiences it was really interesting glad you liked it me too but we have to go now oh okay what's nice meeting you bye see ya I've absolutely no idea what's happening here where am I splits even real who else can I eat so from Glenn it's fruit district baby strawberry always in the garden so we will go there okay lead the way lay like I'm with Jam all themselves we're gonna have a Music Jam we're gonna jam out of smiling Sun going on it's cute yeah you know question it smiling Sun for it's a frowning Sun it's here wait a minute when the fruits district but tomato was in the vegetable district of the tomatoes to the PIA fruit your big fat phony I strawberry grape oh hi who's that girl god I already hurry no what hi I'm I'm waiting for the Train what train sighs every guy was like oh train that one in the evening now NutraSweet the others sure sure and we great timing we need someone to help us something at 6:00 in our garden what I have to work for you why what work well insects are so dangerous and we're so delicate you can't deal with them at all and you want me to do it well you know maybe only little it may be fun how'd that happen become their helper and but only a little I knew you'd agree look at such a good person I must look really naive see look she's so kind Rachel take our late six art garden we only said yep so cool it's a she she can just send drinking some tea to yourself feeling but it it here take this spray and take care you can take if you after done you know what good luck I just wanna rest [Music] kill all worms before time runs out it's a stand below the planet press space to kill a worm you can use shift to run oh Jesus Christ or monsters 9 6 how did they grow so huge hey just happened they're big but stay calm how can I be calm they're gonna eat me alive there's too many of them captain [Music] you won come on civil bus I can't believe I made it nice it was impressive wow that was unexpected oh thanks be good yeah you chefs achieving a digital strawberry to it well it's always something Thanks it's really good it's a really strong fruity taste well we are in a fruit district got we are we your graybar you and my yes a great presenter great memory does she makes me even more cute that's true if you say so so what do you usually do this car looks really pretty if it starts to rain and we have a trees of roof so here so it's okay your support um okay humph the bathroom or place for your clothes well nugget system over keep all the important stuff in his mansion you have your own home that really we have fruit if you saw I'll help you feel exactly and milk is a rich what guy she has a lot of newsrooms anyway I mean him na+ almost providing the effort I would have to use the same technique um he I see that's pretty original there aren't you call the night now in some bandages blankets forever from milk he sounds like a really good person oh you know when it helps it's lovely cute girls even wants to make a girl two girls seen as a reward wait what what what anyway it's our town they're allowed nice people for example bread and butter they're so sweet yes I met them already we've been really nice time together not be being them again for breakfast yeah who else come of course that looks a little cutie Thanks sometimes so quite that can we forget the exterior well thanks he helped me a lot I'm really grateful I'll eat you last no problem it's also a really good chance for us also creeping me and we loved by everyone yeah we're awesome yeah don't you think every people deal with her problems a good reason called them awesome to be honest everyone here is cool similar really specific I would have called Savannah nice person oh wow huh cinnamon just likes a mess of you that's sweet convince him to get along well no I hope you'd be careful Qi chili rather she's kind dangerous dangerous how too spicy well how much I don't know so that's pretty far away from everyone and she's just suspicious she'd do anything special I guess it's just her ro-bear a stay away chili yeah chili exactly what nothing were just laughing okay so I open what me here thank you for your information I think sin for us to go really okay thanks for tea and making me work for you was fun if you have some time later you can help us win six a little more what I just got rid of them tourists with the poverty production okay anyway bye bye bye hey looking like do minigames again this is it a tutorial version just sneak behind those bushes benefit we should go there [Music]
Channel: ManlyBadassHero
Views: 408,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dream of Gluttony, Dream of Gluttony Let's Play, Let's Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, RPG Maker, Adventure Game, Cute
Id: 4YPs_QbwQjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 12sec (2532 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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