Haole vs. Hawaiian - Life in Hawaii

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Vina myako welcome to keep the best podcast whoa whoa this is my podcast bucko what welcome TOA from Hawaii Y what are you doing if there's a zombie apocalypse walk me through it sorry okay uh waiting my whole life for this question all right so first off I just know that I'll survive I know that unless it's the like the World War Z zombies where they're super fast and we're all dead Okay um but if it's a regular like Walking Dead zombies I think we're fine okay just welcome to the Allah from Hawaii podcast this podcast was inspired by Jordan Tano who we have in the back and the one and only kamaka Diaz keep itoha did I say it right kamaka Diaz yes yeah okay it's not Diaz it's Diaz with an S CU portugu Portuguese yeah but he runs the keep laa podcast um and I came on and I just loved hanging out with them and loved talking stories and I was like I was kind of thinking I was like I kind of already do podcasts just because I interview people for like three hours but no one ever sees it it's just me like get I'm like oh I could just do a podcast instead of just keeping the podcast to myself so if you're seeing this we already have a video out um I don't know what it's called yet but it's on my YouTube if you're seeing this you're also probably on my new YouTube If you're not you can go to my YouTube and um see our episode it's going to be about Olo um and I think that's a great place to start this podcast yeah well it's the start of my life so I think that's perfect fitting explain to me how oo is the start of your life yeah so like you said my name is kamaka I'm from Hilo Havi on the big island small town of Hilo went to haai Emer school all of my life my dad only speaks hne to us since we were babies so I have five siblings well my dad has three me my older brother M I think you might have met him the one that's married to Le yeah yeah and then my younger sister Lei so I have a sister-in-law named Lei and a real sister named Le so it gets confusing uh so yeah he's not Hawai but he graduated from Kaiser back like late 70s and then he got really into church so he started to go to this Hawaiian church and he got really into the language so he went to University of Hilo to um take Hawaiian classes and while you know simultaneously reading the Hawaii Bible and uh talking with other monoo like anti leafy um in Hilo so basically he just fell in love with the language and then when he married my mom they divorced now I have stepparents they decided that they're going to raise their kids in ol Havi which was something new because in the '90s I was born 93 or a little bit before that like a decade before that that's when they established the puno the um Hawaiian immersion programs Kul navio pu all of that so I was like in the second decade of the Hawaiian Renaissance the haai ersin schools yeah so like since we were babies there's old videos of us just like ninju ninju like singing my dad would make all these uh cartoons that we'd watch into like Hawaiian versions for us and he just make up words um for in Hawaiian like W you say like WKA and stuff so your pops was like the driving force of why you guys grew up speaking Hawai yeah and my uh basically my whole life up until maybe end of high school I always thought he was fine because he looks local he's he's portug Japanese he's um like probably my skin color and my mom's H but she's Hawaiian Korean okay yeah so my grandma who looks like 100% Korean she she was half wh half Korean wow yeah so my whole life I thought that I was getting my H from my dad but he's not even H and he's like the most low he's not like kak kind but he just always speaks ha like if you meet him he'll try speaking ha to you he just speaks H to everybody wow that's super interesting yeah what do you think like that's a lot of work like not only to learn the language that's a lot of work and I could but I I can wrap my my mind around like oh oh yeah you know I've I've been there before I haven't committed I don't speak Hine but the language is so beautiful and there's you know there's songs and phrases and things that I'm like I want to understand and like I want to be able to pronounce the street that I live on and not sound like a dumbass like I put like a little bit of time and attention yeah like saying I'm a how and a howy exactly Jordan yeah Jordan um or Jordan likes to call me Howe yeah I'm and I find it very insulting I'm fine with don't um but yeah like so I can relate to the sense of maybe committing yourself especially if you like have a reason to be speaking it and to learn it but like you're saying in that era before there was you send your kids to school to learn things you're like okay go to you know like that's just like crazy to take on that responsibility of teaching your kids hawaian um he's not even haai and he's not even hawaian that's wild what do you think the passion was uh I think his faith um really drove it because of he started to go to church and get into God and just the I guess the church that he started to go to was like a Hawaiian Church MH and then the people that he was surrounded with were like like older cunas that spoke Hawaiian so I guess he was really interested in that and I guess I got to have him on my podcast like talk to him more about this cuz you know I don't as as the kid you know you don't have too many deep conversations with your family with your parents at times you know it's more just like can I get money can you take me here can you know and then you know how you doing I'm good okay I got to go you know so yeah I have to I mean we have a greater relationship than what I'm saying I understand what you're saying you know we don't just take the time to really get to know our parents like as deep as we probably should I 100% agree with that sentiment I've been trying to have those same conversations with my parents or like I haven't tried but I was like thinking about it I'm like wow I should like I don't necessarily want to make a film about my parents I like to keep my work and my like play like the same but also separ like I don't just make films just for fun like they usually have a purpose um but I was like I put all this like I know so much about these people that I interview and I'm not saying like I know more about my parents but there's things that I get out of these interviews I'm like what would my mom's answer have been to that yeah like she would have taken me down a path or like we'll just have conversations we'll have a couple drinks and sit around after dinner and I still learned things all the time like I didn't know that mm they had whole lives before us which is weird I know they were like our age when they had us younger actually all of our life that has happened so far feels like a lot for us I'd assume the kids won't know none of that yeah it's when once you get to your parents age when they have you it gives you a different perspective like dang if I had a kid at this at this age I don't even know what I do so you're really they're they were just figuring out just like how we're figuring out life right now they were figuring out life but with kids with kids and what your dad's just like and let's throw teaching him M into this exactly yeah yeah so the foresight that he and my mom had um was great and my mom worked at Hawaiian imersion not Hawaiian like a Hawaiian office so she she was able to speak to Okay so talk to me about the Renaissance of the Hawaiian language you could start with why was there a Renaissance like yeah I mean the the Short History was you know the US government over to um the Co Kingdom back in 1893 and then react in '96 and then uh many years later we became a state or a territory and then we became a state and then um during that whole period they banned everything the language the culture you couldn't dance you couldn't chant you couldn't teach hne so we hear a lot of stories of our um maybe great grandparents grandparents depending how old you are um like they would get beaten for trying to speak the language or they would go home and they would want to speak it with their parents or grandparents and they wouldn't teach them because they they didn't want to get in trouble so everything just be began um everyone just assimilated towards American culture uh so I think in the 70s 60s I got to get my my years correct but you know they have they uh brought the they started the Mary Monarch the hoola competition and then in the 70s I think that's when the Renaissance of the language began uh it was a it became an official language of Havi I think it's the only state with two official languages and then um but they so they made it an official language but you still couldn't teach it in schools so there was this Committee of a few people they were my my principls and my teachers at K they uh they took this idea from New Zealand altero called the kangar which is um they they started they had like their own Renaissance because they almost lost their language to Mai and they took that idea and brought it here and named it the punan which is like the nest the language Nest the um so they started with preschool they they thought like this language is going to die we got to do something about it so they started with preschool and then they're like okay well we need a first grade okay we need a second grade third grade so every year they kept these students they put in their own own kids into this program and they kept going up until there was a senior or 12th grade and um that they continued that on so the punan which is the the place that we went to um in the video at the at uh punan omoa I went to punan oilo but that's usually the foundation of most hawaian emerging students you go to punan yeah and then you go to an elementary middle school so I went to then that that only went up to sixth grade so I went seventh to 11th grade at uh Kul Navi pool yeah so that's kind of like the timeline and in the like late 80s that's when they had all the H emerging school public charter schools yeah and then I started going in like the '90s yeah how do you feel that that's changed the way you see the world uh well I think just with the values that they instill with us in in us and it's cuz I I go through life and I do certain things and even though I didn't like being in the Hawai imersion program like I left my senior year to go to Kaiser to play sports because I wanted to do what all the normal kids was doing you know I didn't want to speak I didn't want to hoola I didn't want to O I didn't want to sing havon e all three verses and uh well yeah all that stuff but um you know all the little things that they taught us like respecting your elders treating each other like family working hard um even discipline like we'd have to stand and oie and do all this protocol before we even start school and like sometimes we'd have to stand out in the sun so long waiting for certain protocols so it really instilled in US discipline and then uh small things like if you were sitting on the on the floor with your legs crossed like that if you were to step over somebody they said no no go back um and then walk around cuz they say like you you taking their Mana so like stuff like that and even like having a good laena like a good attitude when you do stuff because when we had to hoola if you were in a bad mood if you're kind of Moody kind of giving the teacher attitude they would say just sit on the side like you don't bring that into the to the Hal so stuff like that like do everything with a good laah so all those little things and even like preparing food and working in the mall like like I said I didn't like these things but I had to do them and unknowingly it made me who I am plus the foundation I had at my house with my dad and mom teaching us um raising us with ha values yeah so yeah I would say like my whole caha my Foundation is all from hin immersion and it's all Hawaiian based cuz like yeah I'm Korean Japanese Portuguese but we don't really do anything like I eat kimchi you know like um basically all all I know the culture is Hawai uhuh yeah that's special mhm very blessed yeah mhm yeah that's not um I mean it's not typical it's not not normal like you don't like you said I want to be like the normal kids yeah like it's not unfortunately it's not like a regular you don't meet a lot of kids that grew up speaking oo in the household yeah even to this day it's still rare like they would have the monolos which are the people that like grow grow up speaking Hawaiian um but like the Cuna kind but we were one of the few families that our parents only spoke Qui to us I think there's maybe like one or two other when we were at school there's probably a lot more now that's cool um but yeah I like I tell people all this I was embarrassed like I was like my dad would uh speak hawaian to us in public even at at our soccer games um he'd watch cheer for us in Hawaiian and we'd be at grocery stores and he'd be talking to us like hey come on blah blah and he would be asking me stuff and I I'd be like kind of shamed to respond or like answer quietly because I didn't want people to hear or wonder like what are they doing or what are they speaking so a lot of times it was kind of just like I know you know stuff like that were you a shy kid uh I think because my school was so small MH and you had the same people every year my only like outside interactions with the world was through sports soccer football stuff like that so I would get a lot of social anxiety going going a meeting like going outside of my world my bubble mhm um so it wasn't until I moved to Kaiser my senior year I really just like I went from a school of 100 students from kindergarten to 12th grade to a school of about thousand MH so that was like and I moved here by myself so I think that really pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me grow but yeah I wasn't shy I mean I was always friendly nice smiling all the time people always say I always smile uh so I was always like that but you know I think I was always good at faking it yeah like I remember times in high school and like even early college where I get like so much anxiety like I start sweating and I have to go to the bathroom and like kind of like Pat myself off or like at a party and go off to the side take off my shirt like make sure nobody's like um looking at me and I just feel like so nervous sometimes yeah and like my mom too she uh it's funny because I I like to be independent and do stuff on my own now but even going to the mall to like look at clothes out always make my mom come with me cuz like I just didn't want to be alone and be seeing like doing something alone it's so opposite of who I am today huh yeah that's super opposite of who you are today cuz you just talk for a living yeah exactly but but if you think about it it's still not in crowds it's oneon-one conversation which is I feel more comfortable I still don't like going out in big crowds because yeah what did you what do you think it was why was little speaking ol make you feel uncomfortable well cuz it wasn't cool back then yeah nobody was doing it we were when I left in 2010 there was 100 students from kindergarten to 12th grade in the entire school and then when I um got back from Madagascar in 2019 my brother was at that school there's about 500 students they had to um extend the school they had to put in new trailers for classes so it was just the the movement gained a lot of momentum uh and like social media right there was in social media when we were growing up so it's like oh that was just that's the Hawaiian kid like the kid um who speaks H or the hne emergence kid and I always thought I was like the weirdo cuz we're coming from this small school and we would come late to practice because we have to drive so far and whatever so I know it just it it was it wasn't something that was said out loud but it was just something that I always thought like I was a weird kid that's fullin where now it's like everybody wants to be K right yeah it's like a superpower it makes you cool yeah so yeah it just wasn't like that back in the days and I didn't I didn't know the importance or the the the weight it it um put on us you know just have that kolana of perpetuating the language yeah that's a heavy weight yeah so it was until I was older I really understood it that's like not cool but it's kind of cool like like the first episode of this whole series I'm breaking down like my story for people yeah and it's like about how I feel outcasted and uncomfortable because of my skin color and I feel like I'm the only one so it's interesting that you're on the exact other side of the spectrum feeling the same way but but I'll tell you so like my school is like all like people would view as like all the Knacks you know and there's people who are like looked H or like seen more H and so when I go out to to like outside of my school I was just like oh that's the H like Kwai kid but in school I was like oh that's the Asian kid you know yeah like my friend my friend would always be like d she so Asian or like uh Japanese or I forget what what they say but like I always looked as like the Asian kid so like I never felt like I looked twine and I was and I was like fair skinned unless I was in the Sun a lot um so like I never felt like I look Towne any time I grow a little fish hair I like oh you Mexican D you know cuz we had we had three kamakas in our class so that's why I go by di Louis and Jose so everybody call me DI um but yeah it's like I I never in your how big was your class uh we had like 15 there three come on yeah I know crazy what what are the odds of that that's funny but yeah when I think back uh to that time it was it was a great great childhood great education um but yeah definitely is somewhat of a identity crisis cuz yeah we had the language but I likeed Sports I liked video games I didn't like being in the lo I didn't like doing all this Hawaiian stuff so I never felt like Hawaiian yeah so it's kind of weird yeah there was um some my um Brian my DP for the project um for the law from Hawaii series um videos he like my ammo for like people like looking in for I think a lot of people especially in the beginning oh I'm just telling all these kanaka stories and I'm doing it like they're just like oh that that guy just wants to be Hawaiian and so he hit me with the question of like you know do you ever feel you know do you ever wish you were Hawaiian or ever like I don't know if that's exactly how he phrased it but he was like kind of it like thinking that I would feel some sort of way um about like being H and Hawaii and like wanting to be Hawaiian or like having that same connection or feeling like I'm missing out um and I do think that it's really I I do Envy in in a sense The ancestral connection you get to place that's really really special yeah but I don't envy the kulana that comes with being Hawaiian MH like it's a it's a lot to to balance like to be like you're saying I'm not Hawaiian enough I'm too Hawaiian how do I stay true to my these values that I grew up with but also operate and function as like a member of the society that's formed today like it's it's a hard place to be yeah I I think I mean through my podcast and through my world travels I was able to really come into my own identity and just like stick with what I like and what makes me happy not caring what other people think so I I feel like at this point at 31 years old you know I'm like just I'm cruising I like I I know that I like what I like I don't like going into the L all the time I love it because there is that physiological effect when you're in the same spaces as your cunas when you're in the water and you're surfing you're like why does this feel extra special you know why does it feel different than when I'm driving a car through whitei you know there is that and and I love that um but because of my travels and everything that I've seen in the world I'm just like we're all the same we're human we have all these similarities we we say aloha Spirit some people say Southern Hospitality you know in malagi they I'm like oh yeah they treat everybody like Ohana just like we do in Hawaii you know every we because we're in Hawaii we try to elevate that right we put Hawaii iess on a pedestal but at the end of the day I'm just like when we talk about Aloha spirit being a good Hawaiian being all this we're just talking about being nice we're talking about being a good person a good human being so I think what I'm realizing now is like Hawai is not going to have a look in 100 years I don't know how long our blood is going to be so diluted you're not going to be able to tell what awai looks like the only way you're going to be able to tell if somebody Hawaiian or living in the Hawaiian ways is through action so that's why at this point in my life I appreciate the people who live in in a Hawaiian way who has the mindset of Aloha who doesn't act like a how you know and I'm not saying white person just somebody not from here so like people like you g uh people who don't have the Hawaiian blood that I look up Daniel Anthony like all these people that who are just so rooted in the culture but don't have a drop of fly blood I respect them more than somebody who has a drop of blood and has a participation trophy for being Hawaiian you know cuz it's like what are you doing for the Loui and you don't have to be doing anything like if if you just want to go live your life go drink green bottles at Sand's like that's that's the kind of haai you want to be like yeah and like this gets me in trouble if I say this like on my podcast like yeah you're Hawaiian by Blood but like I don't know are you is that honoring or or ancestors is that honoring you know the Hawaiian so it's always going to be a controversial topic and people are going to have different perspectives of what a Hawaiian is but I think the general things like Aloha ha humbleness humility you know loah togetherness Ohana those are like the values of being Hawaiian and I think if somebody uh I don't know encapsulates those then to me like you can hang I'm not gonna say you're Hawaiian but you can hang you know like you can hang yeah yeah so breakdown um you gave me the definition of like what you mean by being Hawaiian and you're like okay it's not like it's you it's like your like where your heart's at like just being a good person yeah uh okay so what is being H then uh I think so I mean it if you travel the world everyone has a term for Foreigner Anin vaza H there there's different words Gro yeah what is that what language is that I think it's a Spanish Gro oh Gringo Gringo yeah Gringo yeah so all of that so it's just basically somebody who's not from this G geographic area mhm and it's when I guess the the term got popular it was a lot of white people coming in and tourists so obviously it I guess everywhere right it became known as like a white person because that's just the majority of tourists and foreigners I guess um but to me it's just somebody who doesn't do as the locals do uh if you're you driving without Aloha you cut people off I let you go across the street you don't TR up the Shaka freaking hoing yeah and uh K nth um one of the best episodes of my podcast um I asked is H derogatory term most people think it is yeah but it's just it depends how you use it anything can be derogatory right I'm like oh yeah my mom's Holly that's not derogatory I'm just saying um or like howly looking you know oh my my friend my S Potter the Hol the Hol boy you know I'm not saying like that in a derogatory term but when somebody crosses the road and it drove the shock I'm like freaking hoing as soon as the F gets involved that's that's derogatory yeah so it just depends how you use it um but just general it's just like yeah it could be like white skinned it could be Foreigner but it's all contextual hawaiian's a contextual language you know there's so many languages that are just contextual so it just depends that's why we have to listen to understand not just listen and react you know good lessons yeah yeah no it's um I don't when someone calls me H I'm not insulted anymore I used to be because my first um I guess uh interaction with the word how was [ __ ] how which was a derogatory and you're like oh okay uh that's not a good feeling like and you're just like a kid you're like what even is and I'm I'm howly so I don't know what that means um but yeah I think that it's um like you're like you're saying it's contextual and it's also just like it's just what Foreigner meant like it's just like it's just the word h just means Foreigner but I do think that it has become something different now like it's hard to for a lot of people to hear it and not think that that you're talking about like the derogatory kind of H instead of just oh no it's just like oh the Holly guy or you know it's just for agreements don't take anything personally I I think we got to realize too anytime we leave our home we're holles when I was in Madagascar I was a holl I was a big holler you know my my host mom whom I love so much she calls me her vaza son her H son F do I I don't know I don't think I look H it but you know in that in that sense with the context I'm a vah I'm a h so I mean we just got to accept it I think we just we like to label things right we label things we don't understand so we like to also like put in a label to our own identity so F was thinking like my whole life I'm one local BR whatever I'm not one how so as soon as somebody says I'm a h even my my brother even though he's joking I'm like I'm not Hower used the Hower you didn't even take out the trash the other day or whatever oh how kinds you know whatever so like I said it all it just depends on the context and like what knowledge you have of the word and of the world speaking of the world and Madagascar and traveling how did you end up in Madagascar and why yeah so I went to monoa for college University of f monoa uh studied Broad in Spain when I was studying Broad in Spain I heard my resident director talking to some students about peace and um I never heard of it before but I overheard the conversation I wasn't even part of it I went home looked it up watched this three-minute video I was just hooked I I saw you could travel you can learn a new language you can challenge yourself you can help out others so when I came back um to Mono after studying abroad I I told myself K I'm going to apply to the Peace Corp in South America so I'm going to um I studied Broad in Argentina finished up my major at uh um and I was so sad on just going to South America so when I applied you could do a preference of three places so I did Peru and Costa Rica because I was like so sad on just learning Spanish becoming fluent meeting my Spanish speaking wife coming home to Hawaii having HOA kids and surfing all day living this great life and then uh I wanted to finish my application so I was on the M section and I saw m a gasar and I was like oh cool like the movie the cartoon not even thinking it was a real option not even wanting to there I just wanted to fill out my application and send it so I did that and about I don't know a couple weeks later whenever it was I got an interview for Madagascar and I was like Madagascar do I even want to go to Madagascar I don't know anything about it uh and then I took the interview and the guy told me about the similarities between Madagascar and Hawaii uh so I was super interested so I went first there we get we're going to our training site I see Kal on the side of the road it's I see Greenery I'm like hold weird is that KO like I'm on the other side of the world and I see KO so you know I I start learning the language they start telling us numbers F Valu oh likeu evu 78 you know they start teaching us vocabulary vava oh like vaja mouth l oh like Lani like Sky Heavens oh like someone longi so I realized that it's in the same astonian family as Hawaiian and I go on do my two years teaching English in the peace SCP extend for a third year because I love it so much I move to the city work with a Community Health Organization uh and I just end up loving it I went from the Big Island to a bigger island and um you know it's the fourth largest island in the world not a lot of people know about it but same values you know respect your cunas treat everybody like family be kind to everybody uh so I really felt like I was at home over there and um the peace cor was like that's the that changed my life it it made me who I am today there the most transformative experience of my life what were the values that instilling you over there confidence I mean you go there and you live alone in the middle of nowhere with no electricity no running water like I take bucket bats I poop in a hole outside you know like I live four hours from the capital um I got my first surgery over there I had a pentis I was eight hours from the hospital I got uh fleas that burrow into my feed and lay eggs I got to dig out and food poisoning and cist somis like all these stuff um and it just it teaches you like dang if I can get through this I can get through anything um they say it's the hardest job you ever love and it's it's very true but also just how inherently kind people are and that's what led to me doing the Race 50k because I was inspired like when I paid off my student loans I was inspired by the mosip because they had so little they're one of the poorest countries in the world live off less than a dollar a day but anytime you walk throughout the town or whatever they'll say ah Mandu Mandu minari come eat rice you know they would always invite you in and you know the thing how we do here in like America oh sorry for my house is so messy oh oh sorry it's you know we're El apologizing yeah they got like mud huts and brick houses and stuff all over they never apologize for that they don't apologize for like having a little so you know you go in they feed your right stranger you know I'm I'm I'm a hly walking through this town with my bright or biking through my town with my bright blue helmet you know and they just welcome you in so it was just so inspiring to see people with so little still give and um so that as well just changed my life and I and one of the other biggest things was being able to disconnect from everything and just what you do all the time when you about hiking and hunting whatever you disconnect to reconnect with the world with yourself with each other like right now we're having a conversation without social media and checking our phone and technology and we can actually get to know each other um so that was the biggest thing and that's why I just love having or I love the moments where we're able to just have this without any distractions because it's far and few from the moments we have today yeah so it's yeah lifechanging yeah there definitely the um I kind of learned the same thing when I was traveling mhm of just everyone's the same yeah it's just people like we all got the same problems the same Joys the same things we want to do same things we have to do you got the kind of shitty ones over there you got the really good people like you the people to watch out for they're all over the world you got the people that you like like welcome you in like it just it was just so funny to me when I would start traveling and people would talk to me like countries were bad oh don't go there don't go there it's dangerous yeah it's dangerous and you get there and you're just like come in come in like and they like pour their whole like everything they made that week into buying food to make you a meal to make sure you feel welcome in their home oh no sleep here stay here please like just the kindness is so global and like I would go like any country you're going to you can go there and you can just meet amazing people and they'll it's that contrast of you're going to see things you've never seen before and at the same time see things and feel things that feel like home just like it's that balance of like it's different like the looks the smells the tastes but at the core it's all human and it's like it's a really beautiful realization it has a lot to do with you too though being a good guest knowing how to be a good guest because not everybody has the same experience because you either go with expectations you go with entitlement you go with like well this is how we do it where I'm from and when they don't do it how you want it to be done then you're like these people are rude like these people are nice we all have two different realities you know that's a good point yeah I didn't think about that some people I I've watched people do that actually MH and I'm like how could they be rude this is their home but yeah being a good guest is something that I learned growing up here yeah it's just like we just grow up humble here like that can be a detriment sometimes we're too humble I feel like and it's but it can also be like a huge huge benefit and it can it's definitely why I feel like I'm a good storyteller i' I've been able to travel the world and do so and feel like I've made friends all around the world and never felt I mean there's a couple situations that I got but that that's just circumstantial but I've had those situations here or in [ __ ] in the real America over there I've had my scariest moments in America I'm like oh my God this is bad um or felt unsafe or whatever yeah I know I've had moments like that where when I was in Madagascar's old um 2016 Trump was getting elected had all the shootings like every month and I was like everyone's always worrying about me like make sure you're safe uh are you okay I feel I felt safer in Madagascar in a developing country than I did in America you know are you okay yeah like you guys are just okay don't leave the house y yeah no it's it's a crazy contrast it was crazy being out in the world when the Trump election was happening I think I was in Morocco okay like right when he got elected I mean I had a few different places that I was like well he was a conversation I think like right when he got elected I was in Morocco um and I was chasing a swell with my buddy Alex Smith so we had like this Jeep tied with surfboards and we're going from Morocco like into the Sahara and like every every mile we hitting us like there were security checkpoints everywhere everywhere like looking for terrorists or something whatever um and they every time we get pulled over like usually they'll just kind of like flag people through like probably but we're like the what the hell is going on here cuz we just got like those big surf bags like what is going on and then they pull us over and they'd see that we were like American looking and like America America and my friend would say like yeah and I remember being like 50 checkpoints in in the middle of the Sahara Desert and this guy learns we're from America he's got this AK and like this like rap on his head and these aviators and he like takes his aviators and like looks at me so what's going on with Trump I'm like dude I got no idea I got no answer for you like I really don't know I'm just as disconnected you at this point yeah it was like such a global um yeah he rubbed a lot of people the wrong way which we're very familiar with yeah yeah but the world like I it was in that moment I realized how connected the world is to our politics M and I was like whoa like people people care and like it because it affects everyone because we're like a America's a global power yeah they they hear all our news even when I was in Madagascar my second year I think when the lava was happening in on the big island they heard about that and they were asking me if my family was okay like how did you even hear about that that's that's really sweet but yeah it's like where the almost the heart or like everybody wants to know what's going on in America yeah it's it's really interesting I was in Morocco when I studied abroad we had a trip over there uh and it was the craziest thing that was like the first time I saw um I guess poverty in a sense like real poverty I mean cuz Morocco they're pretty they're they're kind of up there but like still had people who were struggling um like I remember going to the market people would all try to follow you my friend my friend buy this and uh like if you didn't buy it they're like you have a black cart you know and then when we were driving the bus back to the port to go back to Spain uh we were in the bus and there was kids running behind us and we thought oh that's so cute they're just chasing us that's so fun and then we realized trying to hang onto the bus and go under the bus so they can sneak back into Spain who so every time we come to a stop the bus driver will come off and like tell them get off and so I have videos of the kids like hanging out onto the bus and like running super fast trying to jump on it and then when we got back to Spain they said that they found like three kids underneath the bus like trying to hide whoa yeah what are these kids just going to go to Spain and live by themselves I guess I better than whatever their situation is but that's the thing people don't understand like yes they had like the whole Trump stuff people would be like if Trump is elected I'm leaving America you know all like no you not you know how lucky we are even you don't have to like that we're part of America that you know America over through white but we got a lot of benefits that a lot of people around the world don't have and I think people do not understand that when I was in a in Madagascar like in the South women don't even have a say in anything m you know there's so much corruption yes there's corruption here there's corruption everywhere but to see it right in front of me you know like how you have those checkpoints in rocco there's always like checkpoints when you're on the the bus going to different sites they just slip them couple bribe the the police officers keep going there's a bandit you can't even travel night CU there's Bandits that one of my peace score volunteers they got shot at their their bus got shot at at night you know Ricochet it was like homemade bullets so it ricocheted off the stuff you know there's crazy stuff that happens outside of America there crazy stuff that happens here but yeah I don't know just like controling uhhuh yeah yeah I I I I for one I think I have a much more there's a distaste to America in my mouth just growing up here like it's just hard like that is something that I almost Envy um in other countries people have pride in their country yeah I mean look at all the soccer teams yeah like they like I'm like they have pride in that yeah I could never relate to that cuz like but I mean I guess I do have pride in Hawaii so I guess there's that but it's just like it just is different like I've always been a little envious of of the idea of being proud of your country and I'm also like I mean maybe I'm I'm not a complainer if I'm not going to do anything about it I'm not going to waste my time talking about it so if like I'm not going to do anything about the like I don't even know where I would even start but like it just always seemed a little ridiculous for me to complain about like being in America or about the government if it's like I'm not doing anything to change anything mhm um and then I also understand that it is blessing like I may not be proud of being an American and I don't feel like an American yeah but I damn sure I'm glad I have a US passport yeah I tell you that I'm really like when I'm traveling like there's a safety for me like in having a US passport yeah things can go really wrong for you when it comes like that's the stuff that actually scares me it's other governments our government I mean no government is I don't think a good thing really like I don't think there's any clean ones out there but there are places and I've been in situations where having that US Passport saved my ass cuz they just didn't want to mess with an American like I don't want to I don't want to play this game yeah cuz like they it's there's problems that happen if you got a different kind of passport then you can have a different set of problems yeah I mean America is the place everybody wants to go to MH I mean there's a reason for that and yeah I feel no nationalism I say I'm proud I wrote about this in my book like I'm proud to be Hawaiian um I'm grateful to be American but I'm just the pride I have for being Hawaiian outmatches everything cuz yeah Hawaiian by I mean um American by nationality or whatever you know and our passport says American or license says American but I'm Hawaiian at the end of the day I'm Hawaiian Korean Japanese like that's how I identify as a person I'm never going to say like I'm American and I'm so proud of national anthem woohoo I don't even know the national anthem you know um but yeah I feel I think the only thing that I'm nvs is like the sports teams uhuh you know because we don't really have a sports team we just back the Hawaiian kids or the people from Hawaii yeah um so yeah it would be cool if we were like Hawaii was its own country and you know bro I think so too I think it'd be so cool I think I like have more of a disdain for our state than I do America like yeah why like I I know nothing I'm a [ __ ] I I like shouldn't I'll I'll be speaking out of Paca anything if I try to go into detail but it doesn't take much education to understand that we're a poorly managed State and I would like love to have the conversation with you of what you think it would look like if Hawaii was still the kingdom yeah well first not knowing stuff is isn't a bad thing you know because it opens you up to learning and Socrates said the greatest wisdom is knowing that you know nothing um so I think knowing nothing is totally fine John Snow knew nothing you know um I think I honestly don't know how we're going to get better housing's an issue of course people going in with their agendas into politics we need people like Brenton aah MH yeah was yeah he's great he just AFF of people we need people like that uh but also educated HS people with actual phds and you know as doctors lawyers we need that uh I don't want to do that but we have people that are starting to do to do that I think the future is bright with the H language and with all the Young Generation like our generation the the generation after us there are people doing really awesome things and making move and I moves and I think the with social media it kind of uh puts a spotlight on certain things and un unjust people so I think because we have that people have to come correct a little bit more uh and it also acts as a tool to inspire people like Brenton's inspiring people I'll never run for office but I'm going to support the right people that are trying to get get to office so until then until we get all like the older white people yeah um or just people not from Hawaii or who don't really have Hawaii's best interest out of office I don't think anything's going to change but I do think we're making small steps to changing it uh but yeah my biggest thing is like representation so I don't you know I don't know Josh Green who of their um ly like I don't know how they are as like regular people like maybe they're great maybe they're really nice but it's just when you see somebody who's not from here running our state it's not very encouraging the little kids from Wai and you know Kan o or wherever you you live you know you're not going to see them be like I want to be Governor one day maybe you might see it and be like I want to be Governor so nobody else like that is Governor M uh but I think you know seeing somebody even like Japan you know he was a he was a hero to me growing up in Hilo cuz we didn't have many people from Hilo that did big things like that so say what you want about BJ but he was inspiring in a lot of ways to become a champion the fact that he wanted to run for office and do something as a local broader from Hilo that was inspiring so we just need more people like that not me but more people like that I agree well I mean you're in your own lane you you're doing what you're doing and what you're doing is also essential and I would love to go we'll talk about this a little bit later but like everything with keep it like when I first saw it I was like yes exactly like we need that like that was like a a box I didn't even know was unchecked and then you were doing it I'm like that's what we need like we need a place where people can come and it's just like talking story mhm but it's not just talking [ __ ] talking sory about this one and that one and antie and this being on the LA about this and that and it's like really mind openening conversations where you get to see the beauty of Hawaii and the scale of Hawaii and its diversity like that's beautiful um and the fact that you're doing that it's like ah go check out what hey on good friend of mine say Hawaii isn't beautiful because of the ocean the mountains and the scenery ha's beautiful because of the people you know the GU you know but yeah it is the people and you're uh also right like it's good to see people moving into those places of leadership and um I don't think that it should be handed to people just because they have their Hawaiian and like you were saying like you you don't believe that either it's they like need to actually have earned that but it's nice that we're it does feel like there's being a Renaissance where Hawaiians are able to get to those positions now to where it was not that long ago Hawaiian could not get in those positions yeah yeah and there's it's still a problem in a lot of places where there's just no representation mhm and that's like that's crooked yeah because even if there's a I I know of a few things that I like can speak on of even if person doesn't have a traditional education the education they've received just from being Hawaiian and being from that place is enough for them to have a say and for them to be listened to and respected and like that representation needs to be at the table like what I'm not saying that needs to be the only voice but it needs to be at the table like where these decisions are being made we need hawaian mhm like it's the people that make a place and we have a beautiful mix of people but at the core it's Hawaiian yeah and like we were talking about H Hawaiian and like Foreigner and this and that and I think like the reason that H has been a bad thing there's too many MH there's just too many holess well in position of power in POS well even just on like a low level because it creeps in on the amount of Hawaiian yeah well we are the minority you're the minority like that's the problem yeah like I I I did switch our topic a little bit from positions of power just to going back to that grander but I think that's why how has that that like eek to it like why it's not a good thing because the positions of like the power displacement but also and then they're just being too many and it's like if you crowd Hawaiians out of Hawaii it's no longer Hawaii yeah you seen that shirt it's like no haai no Hawaiian no Hawaii or like n i mean k n o like no Hawaiian no Hawaiian no Hawaii Hawaiian no Hawaii something like that I haven't seen such a good shirt I don't know what brand it is but I've always wanted if anybody that reminds knows what shirt that is get me one yeah get him one that reminds me of the um real eyes real eyes something like that exactly yeah it's like that yeah uh whatever that used to be they used I swear like everyone had that as their caption of some some post back in 2000 and something yeah you know what I will this just really controversial it's probably going to make people upset but hit them with it h complain the most out of everybody I've gotten so over our people over the last year I see on social media all we do is complaining I'm like if you want to do something and you want to change it then do something Brenton a I never see him complain every time his bill gets rejected he just goes to the next one I'd never seen him leave a comment on other people's social media trying to tear them down never see him try to tear leave comments even tearing his enemy down you know he just okay that didn't work onto the next I'm going to do it action you know oh we got talk talk talk talk talk like you said you know you don't complain I don't want to complain unless something's going to happen you know so I just like it's so disheartening to see our own people complain and complain about each other like and you don't see this is one one time you're like okay I notai I stay out of this you know I don't got to worry about this but guys it's like why are we complaining all the time go do something the beautiful thing about this life that we live is we can do whatever we want we can well I mean legally I legally if you don't get caught um but we can make the life we want if you don't like something there wasn't enough Asians in Hollywood what did they do get more Asians in Hollywood now they're winning Awards you know there wasn't Hawaiian in the Olympics well Duke Conor W said hey I'm G to go swim and bring one gold medal to Hawaii you know there there's not enough representation in certain areas but then that's why we got to go fill those spots we got to go do these things instead of just complaining oh I can't learn Hawaiian because my grandparents didn't learn Hawaiian and they couldn't teach me Hawaiian okay well people learn languages all the time people who aren't even Hawaiian learn Hawaiian so all these excuses you know and you know it come from the David goggin's Camp stay hard so I I have uh very little empathy for people like that but yeah I this kind of just side note just stop complaining and just go live life you want to go do something you do it you know the reason you don't know a scale or a language is because you don't take the time to learn it that's the reality of it I've learned like four languages cuz I really wanted to learn it you know so take time I will agree with you that everyone complains yeah and We complain I complain all the time but it's like just to vent kind yeah no no you vent I'm just when I I'm going to come in I'm going to say I agree with you but I just want it to be known that I'm not saying hawaiian's complaint I'm just saying people complain Sam Potter said that Hawaiian complain all the time and he said if you don't speak Hawaiian you're not Hawai cut this Jordan cut this clip clip it n I'm just at the point where I just I don't I don't care I'm G to say what I say I think that um I think that's great I I'm not at all um third episode we're already canceled than a l kamaka no I'm not trying not to back you up I just there's like you were saying there's positions where like this is where I don't chime in and it's just because that's not my K it's not my place I don't I don't hold space in that conversation I agree with it in the sense that complaining is not going to get you anywhere for anyone like I just refuse to be a part of that culture and not not the Hawaiian culture the culture that complains about things um it's just you're right it doesn't get you anywhere and it's it is super unfortunate I hate when I see um Hawaiians tearing down Hawaiians I'm like bro come on I know like there's not very many haai in positions of power or like that have even the level of eyeballs or conversations about them for there to even be conversations about them and you're going to just like tear them down like you can disagree yeah you can have that conversation try to disagree that's awesome that as long as you the goal is to build each other and like okay this conversation I disagree with you let's talk about it but let's still Al let's come with Al that's important and that's like that's part of building each other cuz you're going to come with points and I'm going to come with points and we're going to learn something and we're going to move upward it doesn't mean we're going to move towards agreement even but like we're going to be building each other up and it's just it sucks to see when people are trying to tear each other down it's such a weak mindset that there's like I don't know it's like a very like like famine mindset of like there's only I don't want to see him succeed because there's only so much success in the world like I don't know where that comes from but it's sad to see Hol mentality that's Hol mentality right there to me it's like there's enough for all of us to eat we can all succeed plus wouldn't you want your own people to succeed wouldn't you want to see other people my my mindset is always community over competition you know oh yeah that's that's how it should be because that's how it was back in the day if you really want to be C think of like like in a you know how everything work together MAA and Makai and we all had our roles we all contributed we can still do that it just looks different these days you know like I'm not in the Lo I'm not fishing doing podcasting that's like the modern version of whatever I don't know what that would have been in the a days but that's that's what I'm going to be maybe the the communicator yeah what would you be yeah I think if like this role wasn't didn't exist I'd probably be like a a Wayfair somebody because I'm very curious about the world and travel and stuff so I'd probably be like that this in like a traditional sense I don't know but it could be just that weird alcast guy yeah it's the strange guy yeah who at the end of the movie actually like saves the world or something because working on some really cool project because my Boomerang I threw my boomerang in the beginning of the movie and it comes back at the end of the movie and hits the bad guy and saves everybody there you go yeah Saka coming in clutch yeah yeah team Avatar we're gonna start this podcast com soon coming soon on his podcast we're have Team Avatar podcast yeah yeah I'm a Saka and you haven't met Zuko yet you Zuko gets you canceled yeah zuk get you canceled but we'll have him on we all get canceled again yeah hey because like you said we went to eat lunch hey we got to do it together we got to do it together community over comp yeah yeah yeah yeah and we haven't found our to yet but she'll come that's that's book two yeah book two yeah we're still in book one kind that's crazy to think about we're still so young yeah and I will say like you tying this back a little bit to like the Renaissance and it like being cool now to be Hawaiian that's awesome mhm like that's so good to see like and it's I don't know if it's social media or if it's grown exponentially but Hawaiian seemed like a rarity to me growing up like I didn't see too many Hawaiian well I mean like that's not true but I didn't see it I didn't okay I'm GNA take that back I didn't hear Too Much ol like I hear oo at the grocery store now I'll be fishing I'll hear oo I'll hear oo at the beach I'm like oh there's like oo now which is rad m and for a while I gu so I guess it is just like really increasing it's not into social media cuz I'm hearing it in like real life day-to-day things now well I tell people from the 70s to now so 50 years it's only 50 years know the the Hawaiian emerging schools were only established in the 80s 90s which is crazy you know it's only like 30 to 40 years that's still so early and the progress that we've made is amazing so that's why I get so excited for our future I can't wait to see there so many events even a Hawaiian Airlines got all full Hawaiian language flights now once in a while my sister was just on it um a couple weeks ago they went to Boston and um you see this haai language being used in like sign signage and stuff um social media news sometimes yeah we're we're living in a Great era of Hawai where it's really cool to be hawaian um like you say it comes with a big responsibility so that's why I honestly don't like promote being haai that much like I speak H but I only speak H with with my dad I don't I don't really do much on hne language on social media cuz to me it's like it's like speaking English is my first language I know it's like it's a way to communicate with my family it's nothing more than that it's not like I'm using it to be cool or to gain followers or anything so to to me I have like a I feel like I have a different relationship in Hawaiian cuz you know I love the people who are um perpetuating it on social media doing lessons and sharing uh the language with everybody so once in a while I'll do stuff like February was H language month I do like Haan word of the day but I just feel like my kolana is different where I don't need to like be a haai language teacher I don't have to be a social a haai language social media influencer I can just live it throughout my life and in whatever way that looks like if people like it they like it yeah so that's kind of how I fit Hawaiian into my life yeah and you know to talk crap about um Everybody behind their back when I'm with my siblings nice of course that's why I want to learn a language the secret language that's probably why I never actually learned Hawaiian I just attempted oh cuz you know like talk crap about people no cuz that was the only reason I wanted to the passion wasn't oh it wasn't it wasn't P enough yeah it wasn't P enough I guess so yeah but this episode will be is is going to be fun to shoot we're doing the the podcast first then we're going to do shoot the episode of the next couple days mhm but that'll be fun and I'm excited to learn more just even just what we just talked about right then like I didn't know um the I just knew you spoke Olo I didn't know how it came into your life and it the story of your dad's pretty cool MH yeah he all the texts that we ever have it's all in Hawaii wow yeah and he even growing up because um strong Christian so he'd made us he made us memorize uh Haw Proverbs so we all had hwai Bibles and to this day every time we call before he hangs up he's like okay um um what do you call it it's like the proverb the I don't know I can think about it right now but like he'd ask us like oh Cher hawaian proverb so be like oh K it's like you're saying the whole thing and then like where it's from and stuff like that like John 316 kind of thing that's here's another interesting thing that I learned like recently and just doing my own research and stuff but um I was looking into one of just the many stories that hoi has um and I found myself going through the Blount reports it's like um I think it was President Cleveland sent blown it was like a reporter not a reporter yeah like a reporter to like come in and it was like right after the overthrow and the president was trying to figure out what was going on um because although the kingdom was originally overthrown with US military forces the US didn't overthrow Hawaii it was the plantation owners that overthrow Hawaii do and like the I think it was called the Honolulu Rifle Association something like that or just rightful Association I don't know but it was like those 14 or whatever like and this is what I'm getting to missionaries that turned into plantation owners um and what I learned was for one of the details was how his surprise in how devout Christian like how Christian Hawaiians were mhm like I guess the across the like the news back or the word for to the US Mainland was like oh this Savage land and the women there are naked and dancing around and like like this crazy place and then people would get there and be like this is like super Christian like crazy Christian like more Christian than Christian is for us back home so are you Christian uh I grew up Christian I would say I mean I'm more like agnostic these days where I know there's something out there but it's just I've learned so much and seen so much in life it's hard to be like this is the one true religion so I'm more just open to hearing off everything from all the different sides because it's like there's no proof yeah as much as people want to say like it says this in the Bible I'm like well there's like 20,000 other Bibles out there and so many religions so it's like I think it's all good for values you know be a good person treat others the way you want to be treated stuff like that you know that's like the the greatest thing about religion is it gives you like a faith something higher bigger than yourself to believe in um yeah I still pray and stuff but you know some people pray some people manifest to the universe yeah same same and I'm on the same page as you of just like I like I think that's the the other benefit of religion is like Community you're surrounding yourself with like-minded people that are trying to be better I think the shitty side of it is the where there's power there's corruption yeah so as soon as that the church has power you're gonna have problems I mean the all the colonization and everything that was all based off like Christianity oh 100% that's kind of why I what I was getting to is like to be Christian and to be Hawaiian is like something that I didn't know it ties back pretty far far but it's actually has like a really heavy um what's the word I'm looking for um just there's like a disconnect like not a disconnect but uh oh my God whoever's watching this is just like come on dude get there cuz it's such a simple word of it like is this like charades or I'm having too slow of a day but it's almost like this isn't the word but it's the one that's coming to you but like there's like a hypocrisy to it of like it almost seems you couldn't be Christian and Hawaiian at the same time if it was like you know what I'm saying yeah yeah yeah yeah like a a contrast I mean dichotomy contradiction contradiction there's the word there go it almost seems like there's like there would be a contradiction there but I think it was um I also was reading a lot of the Queen's Diaries and it was like she would write and do so in such a a way that was like celebrating God but just had a disdain for missionaries so I guess you can live in that duality of Life yeah that's interesting when you go like way back too and I I know I hear all these things but I I can't like explain them well enough to like for it to make sense but basically you know there's other gods like PA and stuff like that who brought like human sacrifice and like Christianity and stuff and um I've heard conversations of how before they um certain people came I don't know if it's like Captain Cook they were already like Christian or they believed in one true God something like that not all the Hawaiian gods and stuff so um like I said I can't really explain what I'm trying to say but I've heard conversations and I'm the kind where it's like oh that makes sense but then I don't I don't know it doesn't stick with me where I'm able to regurgitate it but like look into that if um you kind of know what I'm talking about it's super interesting my brother can he he can tell you all about it can go off yeah he can go off about that I like that I I love having those conversations I was writing like a script over Co like I did two things when I got bored I started writing scripts of like old Hawaiian legends that took me down all these really cool wormholes into like just different things I didn't even know existed like just history the history of Hoy is crazy um and fighting I was doing a lot of boxing um but it was it was just it was cool like all the little things you could get so into of like what this was happening and oh my God that was happening yeah and it was fun to just like learn more about our history and the kind of History you don't really learn about or hear about definitely yeah I'm not much of a reader but I would love to just be a fly on the wall back in those days just to see everything that went down I also would like to I bet it's surprisingly similar to what it is now in a lot of ways yeah I think we like to put our history on a pedestal and be like we were the most literate we were so great we had everything figured out I don't think we had everything I don't think any country has any everything figured out but yeah so I'm interested to see like how life actually was this was it great you know it sure depends on what time too yeah what like what it could even be like to the exact day like you could fantasize about being like in Hawaii before all this yeah then you go and everyone's Waring you're like I want out of here I want to get out of here like everyone's just full Waring Nation I mean before anybody said we're just a rock in the middle of the ocean that's weird to think about yeah there's like nothing now there's so much yeah yeah you see old pictures of white Kiki and everything you think we'll ever go back to like nothing no it's impossible you don't think so with all development a full oh yeah if there's like the kind of stuff that talks about where how we're like so we're actually like I don't know 50 years or there's a real possibility of us going back to the Stone Age if something happens um I'm hoping for zombie apocalypse because I I'm into zombies but okay whatever it is uh I don't know I I got my ideas I got my nunchuck so I'm ready to go yeah what are you doing if there's a zombie apocalypse walk me through it sorry okay uh oh waiting my whole life for this question all right right so first off oh I got I thought you were for real are you ready like do you have a plan a zombie apocalypse plan well oh like here in Hawaii I just know that I'll survive I know that unless it's the like the World War Z zombies where they're super fast and we're all dead Okay um but if it's a regular like Walking Dead zombies I think we're fine okay um first I have a katana or um one of those like sticks that Donatello has in Ninja Turtles but blades at the end of course um and then I would just find my crew probably want to get with people who or like hunters and you know farmers and stuff like that and like I'm a hard worker but I don't have the knowledge to do all of that so I'll help I'll I'll beat a fighter you know okay cuz I I won't be afraid hey you're a big guy too how much you weigh one almost 180 186 ft yeah you can you can fight on my team a lot though oh okay that that's problematic but yeah I think so I think about this like okay what would we do in Hawaii cuz we could like go to like the other islands and I don't think zombies can like go underwater or Swim so I wonder where we'd go we'd have to dude I feel like a tral Costco run of course right in the beginning but then everybody's going to be doing C you're [ __ ] over there dude and it's like Hunger Games yeah don't go in dude yeah and then you you got got to worry about people that's what you have to worry about you know cuz the zombies is one thing but then people start you know killing each other I would like to think we have the Lost Spirit here but life and death I don't know never happen but yeah you you definitely want to get somewhere safe where you can you know see everything around you and you can't be snuck up upon but yeah I would say the the biggest thing get in touch with your homies try to get with them but I guess if that happened we probably won't have communication so yeah that's the scariest thing is like you're by yourself like who do you find like you could try to go somebody's house or I don't know it's weird to think about it I just think about it now I'm just like dang how would I get in touch with my family might I mean that's triy yeah if I were you I'd try to get back Big Island Big Island would be the best place like if if you you hear get on a plane get big island yeah cuz you have a better chance over there yeah you you're in town you're screwed yeah so many people I mean and and but more so cuz you got family over there but also there's so much land like you can go somewhere like get somewhere where you can feed yourself and be fine and like survive and like live off the land and you're good yeah and I think people could start communities yeah and like be harmonious yeah for sure yeah it would it would like oh I'd hit up Justin Lee yeah I will everyone's going to hit him up though everyone's going to be he's going to be our leader oh parent parents on Big Island too yeah we we did an episode with Justin Lee nice it's actually I think going to come out after yours I'm not sure before sandwich two hammer kimy and Justin and there's just me um yeah Justin be a good one I I already got my plan in my crew yeah I used to worry my dad used to be um my dad's got a super cool story so he taught himself like he dropped out of high school never pursued any education had a like had a family lived here ended up working like he was doing surf lessons and me and him were actually working surf lessons together and I remember he started to go to online school went to online school got his um all of his credits and everything he needed to get to go to college somehow got into Duke I still don't know how he did got Duke went to Duke for four years graduated his wife also went to Duke his wife is Alana and she literally like just went with him to support him and then like a year in she's like I guess I'll go to school and then just gets into Duke Law and now is like a lawyer like the top law firm in America it's crazy um but that is all to be said they lived all the way east coast and I was kind of like it bummed me out cuz like BR something goes bad you're too far like you can't get over here in time and you're screwed like I will never see you again you're probably not going to make it cuz you you don't know how to live over there like if I was I would think about that I was traveling too I wouldn't think like zombie apocalypse but I'd think like Co [ __ ] yeah where like the world shuts down yeah and then maybe [ __ ] goes sideways I can't operate somewhere else if we have if anything goes wrong as long as it's not like a n like a atomic like as long as it's not like a nuke hitting Hawaii I'm going to be fine yeah I have the utmost confidence that it's like well me and my friends we're good like we got we know exactly where we're going like we know where we're living we're going to be fine we we all like all my stocking like I'm not going to Costco like I have I got my bow and my guns and my I'm going to stock up on three prong rubbers like that's what my kit looks like you got your I need three prong rubbers I need water filters I need a lot of arrows see that's the difference between a sustainable person at me is like I'm going to go grab some protein bars from Costco you're like I'm going to get some uh three prongs or whatever like actual things it's like the I'm just asking for the guy to give me a fish you're like learning how to fish that's my dad's always making jokes he's like oh you're a prepper he's like actually your whole life is just prepping yeah like yeah I don't know just I never had family that taught me that so I my dad was a spear fisherman so I learned that how like a normal normally it's like a father son pass down hunting my little brother taught me oh wow so he got into into it first and he would like trap Pigs and the first one he ever got he like had to like shoot it and then hang it up and then YouTube like he youtubed how to clean and butcher a pig and he did the whole thing in like a few hours it was very impressive like did Ford just teach himself how to hunt and he's like one of the most capable individuals I that's awesome yeah I just got the sports background my dad plays Sports yeah yeah so I played soccer in second grade i' probably you for sure yeah but if there's an apocalypse yeah you got me there I could probably run faster though probably you got longer legs yeah I'm pretty fast though yeah you could race outside not now my knees in I told you I can't hurt oh you remember when you used to put the slippers on your hands oh yeah I just did that outside the studio a couple weeks ago and night got two steps and I was like ah not 10% faster anymore all it was getting old sheesh yeah well if you and Zuko you know if you guys get on a flight yeah I think at the at some point this year we we should I more meant when the apocalypse happens you guys can oh and that's what I'm saying this apocalypse is happen this I hope not I hope not too I if it was like 20 years I'd be okay with that I mean at some point this has to fall apart right actually but then would you want to be old in the apocalypse I think like in the next 10 years probably would be the best cuz we're like still healthy and you yeah I think that it's um my friends love to romanticize it and I'll play along but it would suck yeah it would it would suck it would suck it would not be romantic at all we be stinky it'd be all the shitty scenes from Walking Dead you're just like this sucks yeah yeah well maybe not the zombie eating part there's no zombies yeah but then we we got to think about like getting food Scavenging laundry yeah it's the little things brushing teeth yes little things that suck you know deodorant that's going to be gone we're going to put on deodorant yeah deodorant that's going to be gone yeah I more I I think about the there's the things of convenience that would all of a sudden like you spent a week in the bush you like a bed sounds nice I know and then it would suck to run out of toothpaste and thought about that one yeah never brush your teeth again you know I heard you could brush your teeth you could just brush them oh like you don't need toothpaste yeah you could like you could just wipe them with your shirt or something You' figure it out you'd figure it out and then the world would like still have things in it yeah but like what if about like the caveman did they did they have bad teeth like terrible teeth oh okay I think a lot of um I'd be curious to know if we had if if Zuko was like a young Jamie we could have him look this up I know but I think I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people died from like um infections yeah I know cuz and I guess my only reasoning for saying that is I know that's how a lot of Pigs die um like the old age because they die of old age like everything dies of old age but it's something and a lot of it with pigs is the their back teeth rot out and they get an infection and that infection gets in their brain and they die or they can't chew anymore they can't eat anymore that sucks I mean imagine having a cavity that's just super sore you just can't get rid of it he's got putat or something no fun yeah I always the medicine man that's someone we don't have in our crew so if you know any of those yeah there's a lot of nurses yeah there's a lot of nurses at f45 maybe I'll start befriending them just in case smart yeah okay well I mean we got some that's a great conversation yeah I always enjoy talking with you yeah I always enjoy talking with you as well um you're a great friend and you do amazing things for the community try to you do um and it's an honor to watch you um flourish and grow and get better at what you're doing and it's just the beginning and you're inspiring a lot of people you inspired me to make this podcast had so much fun with you I was like I should do that Y and so when I was like I was kind of already flirting with the idea of making this series and I was like I should just add a podcast to it yeah I support it 100% when I shareed a clip so just let us know how we can support you that yeah yeah you'll see this guy on my Instagram then we'll do like a shared post but you got to do keep it Aloha yeah that's all this guy right here no but we yeah as soon as you came on our podcast last year oh man we just clicked yeah you just became part of our crew with you know Zuko over there yeah it was fun yeah I'm a by the way in the crew if you didn't know I think it's fitting it's fitting yeah but yeah Mahala for having me on I appreciate you and excited to do more stuff over the next couple days and hang out we're gonna hang out you can the episode's already on YouTube so you can go watch it if you haven't team Avatar out
Channel: Captain Potter
Views: 3,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hawaiian identity, aloha, responsibility, haole, cultural customs, Hawaiian language, social media, religion, Christianity, historical influences, togetherness, ancestral connection, American citizenship, politics, local leadership, community, self-sufficiency, apocalypse preparation, travel experiences, social anxiety, cultural renaissance, deep connections, Madagascar, global perspectives, family relationships., aloha from hawaii, Captain Potter, Kamaka Dias, Keep It Aloha, Olelo
Id: bnKF0o5Rl2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 44sec (5084 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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