Hans Zimmer - Interstellar: Main Theme [EPIC Piano Solo]
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Channel: MrBromaba
Views: 1,021,694
Rating: 4.9581823 out of 5
Keywords: Magnus Baumgartl, MrBromaba, Piano, Synthesia, Piano Cover, Tutorial, Piano Tutorial, Easy, Intermediate, Advanced, Virtuosic, Piano Solo, Relaxing Piano, Epic Piano, Soundtrack, Piano Soundtrack, Interstellar, Hans Zimmer, Interstellar main theme, interstellar piano, interstellar main theme piano, hans zimmer piano, interstellar first step, interstellar no time for caution, no time for caution piano, first step piano, interstellar piano tutorial
Id: ucq1sLjLVSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 14 2020
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I'm still salty over this film not winning the best score Oscar.
I could watch this for days on end. Beautifully and powerfully arranged! Zimmerβs score for this film is probably my favorite of all time, though Iβm very fond of Hornerβs Braveheart score as well.
Wow, beautiful work (and great set up)!!!
this is the most subtle and accurate piano cover i've heard (other than the theme Hans Zimmer made)...you deserved that gold..good job!
I always figured this was a complicated song to play... Had no idea it was this complicated! Well done!
I hear some Kyle Landry in there. Amazing stuff!
BRAVO (infitity claps)
I saved this to watch later and Iβm glad I remembered.