HANS ZIMMER piano suite (Dark Knight - Interstellar - Man of Steel - Inception)
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Channel: Oskar Roman Jezior
Views: 51,078
Rating: 4.9799666 out of 5
Keywords: piano, piano cover, pianist, classical pianist, juilliard, juilliard school, film music, soundtrack, hans zimmer, inception, man of steel, superman, interstellar, dark knight, dark knight rises, batman, christopher nolan, nolan, zimmer, german, oscar, academy award, best, virtuosic, virtuoso, pirates of the carribean, lion king, inception time, time, theme, main theme, no time for caution, first step, variations, patrik pietschmann, peter bence, marioverehrer, rousseau, evan duffy, kyle landry
Id: qlbazHayULg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 18 2019
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