Hannibal: How One Man Terrorised Rome | The Man Who Hated Rome | Timeline
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Keywords: hannibal documentary, hannibal barca, roman empire, rome documentary, alexander the great, roman empire documentary, full documentary, hannibal rome, hannibal barca documentary, full length documentaries, documentary movies - topic, bbc documentary, documentary movies topic, hannibal rome's worst nightmare, hannibal vs rome, timeline documentary, hannibal carthage, roman documentary, hannibal the man who hated rome, history documentary
Id: 2GH1c50zcYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 4sec (4504 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Hannibal Barca.
The documentary itself does well to encapsulate the world in which he lived - from religious rituals & intricate Carthaginian architecture, to drunken, pissed off elephants running over half-naked Iberians. We see a man raised his entire life to hate an enemy, but rightly so as that enemy seeks to take everything from him.
It's astounding to try and conceptualize the feats he accomplished in an age so far gone. Marching men of many languages across two mountain ranges while evading Roman incursions & fending off tribal assaults, all during this keeping his men's hopes high of crushing their one sole enemy. The discipline and loyalty he was able to shortly instill in men of various cultures speaks volumes on his character.
Saying that, I find it ironic how many in the comments of this video (& even the official TWA preview trailer) squabble over the skin color of Hannibal. The irony being the fact that he was clearly a man that cared little of ethnicity, skin color, language, or religion --- as long as you were not Roman! He showed us the power that can be mustered when you unite men to conquer one supreme goal.
Sadly we all know the eventual outcome of Hannibal, despite his crushing victory over the Romans at Cannae. While I used to think it was his hesitancy to strike at the city of Rome itself, I believe Hannibal knew that it was not possible to take such a city. As time passed, we see Roman ingenuity & vigor overcome. Men such as Fabian & Scipio rose to the challenge. Hannibal, possessing tired men & disregarded by the weak senate at home, was doomed to continue fighting an uphill battle to his very end.
His story, while sad, says a lot about the lives of us all. Success or failure? It's hard to say. Ultimately his final goal was to conquer the Romans, but he failed in an amazingly graceful fashion. His failure though, is not entirely so, as it is filled with many successes which we now highly revere to this present day.
With Hannibal entering the battlefield on the 22nd, we can use this opportunity to not only crush newbie Roman players on the plains... but to learn about this man, & why he is such an inspiration thousands of years later.
P.S. If anyone from CA/Wargaming is reading this, please make Pontus the next faction that you guys release. You will be as glorious as Hannibal himself for doing this!
Commenting for late night iPad viewing.