Handyman Will Be The Highest Paying Job In 2025

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you guys ready for it 20:25 handyman highest paying job in the country a lot of people ask how do you know how to do so many things where did you learn it did you go to school for it well the answer is is very long yes I went to school for it I worked for it I started young I learned from my dad our garage looked similar to this there was always a project every weekend being built in the garage but most of what I know I learned from working for other people as a carpenter as an electrician as a plumber as a remodeler working for other people I think is the best way and that source is going away fast it's drying up the supply of skilled craftsmen and businessmen that are in this trade industry is going away very fast it's disappearing at an alarming rate and micro you know who micro is is pleading with Congress for money for trade schools for apprenticeship programs there's not going to be anybody around except hopefully for me and you to do all the work home repairs home maintenance that is not something that you can train a robot to do a computer cannot do that computers not going to unclog your toilet change the inside of the the the flushing mechanism it cannot be replaced it can't be outsourced to India you can find someone that got it so rare right now like I can think of one person the guy that I learned a lot from that still does this that is successful at business successful at customer relations and is highly highly skilled I know how old he is 55 he's in his 50s ask around probably find him in a smaller town they've been run out of the large cities small renovation company like a finished basement company it would be perfect to learn all of the traits a small home builder they'll staff guys from from framing hall a trim they'll always sell out the drywall learning how to patch walls is a high-value skill it's been a long time since I even thought about those guys but I learned from Mexicans and that's who does the drywall around here plumbing and electrical the only real way to learn electrical so that you are very confident in it is to go be an electrician I know that sounds like a pretty good commitment and it is it is there's uh there's education involved I went to college well it was at a regular college but there were trade certificates you go you take classes you test out of them fast tracks you through the apprenticeship program plumbing residential plumbing is pretty easy it's pretty easy and plumbers hate it that it's easy especially now that we're not using copper anymore it's too expensive to use copper most most home builders don't use it at all anymore I haven't seen it in many years so that sweating of copper which in itself really isn't that difficult it is intimidating it looks difficult shark bites we've just got crimped connections we can cut cut things real easy but it is the easiest way to get fully immersed into home improvement I have a lot of scenarios and situations to learn from because no house is the same okay so a lot of the houses are the same especially if you go out to suburbia those houses are so easy to work on if you watch my main youtube channel you know that I don't typically work on newer homes the money is going to be in the old homes upkeep they're they need to be repaired say you don't want to go work for anybody now I don't want to work for anybody I'm very handy I work at my house I know how to change the faucet light fixtures I know how to use my crimping tool to install pecs you finished your own basement you put an addition on you've helped your buddies do all their basement that's a really good start especially for new home construction it's these older ones that you see in my videos that take just experience it takes time to learn that these old systems I don't want to make them out to be way more complicated than they are if you are of a average to above-average intelligence I think you can do it it's basically just a puzzle and there's puzzle pieces and some puzzle pieces are broken you take them out you put the new ones in you got to make them fit back together sometimes you have to build your own puzzle pieces it really isn't that hard start small don't quit your day job yet try to do it on the side I did this before college during college after college I was a full-time superintendent I took a break of side jobs for about two years but then I started started seeing that market change I was like man you you you better get yourself a side gig a side hustle so I started picking up remodel jobs on the side I had unlimited amounts of customers because I was building spec homes and we were selling them at like the already completed and they didn't like the spec and they wanted everything changed they didn't like the countertops they'd like their tile they didn't like their bathroom so I had a lot of customers to do side work for that's how I started and when the market completely crashed which it will again I or had already started that network of loyal customers talked about that live stream I did get the job it's a hundred percent locked in now I didn't think they had other people coming to bid the job but they did and I still got it his strength of the referral and my price point remember how I said in the live stream it was gonna be thirty five hundred dollars well I bumped it down to twenty nine hundred dollars I figured I've got five easy days I can you know stretch it out to five days I probably have four days even if I go to six days if I make twenty five hundred dollars in one week that's not bad hey Google what's twenty five hundred times 52 that's $130,000 and like I said I brought that price point down because of how precious that line of reform girls is that's one of the biggest branches on my my business tree and there's different branches that different people know each other and does that make sense so anyways I do whatever I can to nurture that branch of referrals and make sure that it keeps growing and inward keeps going back down and back up because they all know each other they're all friends and family it's there there are certain degrees of separations like the first one probably doesn't know the last one but that that name travels back and forth back and forth and I like that it really is the security that I need to stay in business because I know when times are tight I've got these loyal customers they're gonna call me there's more I could talk about that live stream but once we start doing that work it's scheduled tentatively for the first week of January once I start doing that work it will be on the other channel and I will talk more about those customer interactions the bid the conversation I had yesterday with them the more real-life experiences that I can share with the young guys that don't have that many to work off of I mean it's valuable for all the viewers I've got some other videos coming out most of these videos are aimed for people that are just getting into this business that are new to it leaving another career because it is replaceable like you know you know that hash tag learned to code learn to handie learn to be a handyman that's gonna be the phrase in 2025 because all these people that are coding they're gonna be replaced by computers that are doing the coding so much of the computer programming industry has been outsourced to foreign countries like India entire divisions of major major corporations are now all outsourced to other countries you can't outsource a handyman a home improvement specialist it has is insurance that is registered that pays his taxes that can pass the background checks I got a feeling that one there being able to pass our background check a criminal background check that's gonna pull some heavy weight in the future these young kids that are coming up they they want that security they are very very afraid of everything and they are gonna want a very trustworthy person that without a doubt they are not dangerous they don't look dangerous they don't talk dangerous come on into my house this is my wife this is my daughter here's I'll show you where the problem is its back this way so keep yourself out of trouble try to get that that felony expunged off your record [Music]
Channel: The Handyman Business
Views: 252,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: highest paying jobs, jobs with out college degree, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, business owner, self employed, handyman business, contractor, plumber, electrician, investing, building wealth, handyman jobs, construction jobs, manual labor jobs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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