Help Conquer The Fear Of Starting A Handyman Business! Love what you do.

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hey youtube good morning i wanted to put a video together for you guys and encourage you guys to take that leap um this is a topic that i get comments regarding um taking that plunge and going out there and starting my business i've got quite a few views on my first video which is how i left my electrical job uh nine to five and started a handyman business and the the hard part was the initial step to do it and that fear factor that can come along with that and i just want to encourage you guys that we there's a lot of work out there and there are not enough people out there to do the work and you can find that out by calling local contractors and handyman and seeing how many return your phone call and how many actually show up and then how many will actually give you a price and then how many will actually show up to do the work and it's it's it almost feels like it's a dying breed and i've told my my boys who work with me my oldest is 16 works with me full time in the summers i said you'll be a unicorn in your generation i said you'll be able to name your price because you will i am totally doing this video without my uh safety harness on here let me get my safety harness on here in the middle of my drive so um now i vote my vehicle won't keep reminding me about it so i tell my oldest son that you'll be a unicorn in your generation that your generation doesn't want to work and they're more interested in tick tock and snapchat and facebook and instagram and followers then they are going out and getting their hands dirty and i i wanted to share something that that had recently happened i was approached by the electrical company that i used to work for and they wanted me to come back as a manager so it would be a complete office job it would not be a you know get your hands dirty kind of job i wouldn't be out doing electrical work and selling work um they wanted me to come back more as a as a manager and they're looking to possibly expand and go into another area and they wanted me to be the general manager of this local branch here and then my other friend that's still there he would he would go take the new area and it was a nice offer um they they wrote up an offer for me i'm not going to get specific on numbers but it was a six figure offer um and i i turned it down because i love what i'm doing i love being able to go to work on my own time and schedule i love being able to work with my kids that was the the two reasons i left that electrical job was because i wasn't making my family was growing at a rate faster than my income and i wanted more involvement with my kiddos as they started to get older and that was the part those were the two primary factors in me and me leaving because it really was a good company to work for and i know that it it sounds absurd that you know my family was growing at a rate faster than my income and i'm kind of of the conviction that we were kind of we believe that the lord would give us you know as many kids as he wanted to give us and so i wasn't resisting and fighting against you know how many kids i have i know a lot of people out there do not share that conviction and i understand that a lot of people just you know they have one two three four kids whatever they decide to have and that's it that wasn't my situation and so my family was growing and i know it sounds absurd to a lot of people that i walked away from a steady job a steady income and started a handyman business cold turkey and i still remember that first call that i got and it was an 85 service call a customer called me to hang a light fixture um and i went out there and hung that light fixture and i remember holding that 85 check in my hand thinking you know this was this was me a couple weeks ago at the electrical company and this i would have made just you know pennies on this um and the company would have taken the majority of it because i was getting paid by the hour and it really wasn't that long of a of a repair so you know that was the springboard and then other calls kept coming in i did i did start out on homeadvisor um a lot of guys hate it a lot of people hate homeadvisor it worked really well for me at the time and i was very strategic on how i set it up i understood how it worked and i was able to get the jobs in the business that i needed and it didn't take i didn't have to sell an immense amount of work you know back then i was making you know 700 to a thousand dollars a week and it didn't take a whole lot of handyman work to be able to at least match what i was making and not go backwards and that was the encouraging thing i know there's there's a lot of different situations out there of you guys who are you know thinking of taking this plunge and the that fear factor that comes in and it's it's real um and you have to challenge yourself and i've i've expressed in previous videos that i encourage you to start that side hustle and get some business cards you know get into get a name established get a separate bank account established and start getting the groundwork for the business side of it and taking on some handyman jobs letting friends and family know you know get on facebook let everybody know you're starting the handyman business and whatever areas of expertise you want to hone in on you know if it's a if it's electrical if it's plumbing if it's you know drywall or painting you know whatever that that niche is that you kind of want to hone in on because you feel like you're really confident in that area and you need to you need to challenge yourself in other areas so you want to focus on a specific area find that specific area and and hit it hard um yelp is another really good area where you can put your name out there and start getting some some leads and it's free they do offer paid services but there are a lot of these companies out there that offer basic these basic services for free there's thumbtack is another one that contractors use so there are areas online where you can start getting your name out there and start transitioning from a full-time job um i'm not the type that i've i really wanted you know two irons in the fire with two different careers but i also understand that you know different circumstances to different people that's what they need to do and i totally ex i totally get that so again it can be very fearful to go out there but i want to encourage you that there is work out there you have to hustle you have to find it you have to go go get it um and show up do quality work and be a respectful person and the calls will continue to come your name will get spread when before you leave that first customer's house ask them for review on google i know i've shared with you guys before to start a google page in a google listing so if you if you don't have that that's fine but they can leave you review on facebook um and so ask for a review and ask for referrals um questions are free it it would never hurt say hey can i leave you a couple business cards and you hand these out to a couple friends i'm trying to start out here and you know get going and i'm working this as a as a side job and encourage customers to hand your business cards out another really cool little thing you guys can do is when you order business cards a lot of those companies online that you'll order business cards from will offer magnet size business cards and you can get little magnets and people will put them on the refrigerators other friends and family walk into their homes and they see your name oh you know you have so and so you know it came out did some work for you um those are little things that you can do but asking for those referrals and getting your feet wet um i don't want this to sound like just a total rabbit trail on everything but i want to encourage you guys that there are there's plenty of work out there and you can find it and if you need any help finding it you know i've put a couple videos in the past on on you know how to get that business started and what some ideas to do you know facebook and google getting your name established getting some t-shirts you can go online you can get some t-shirts made so you'll sound look a little more professional when you walk up and a lot of uh you know handyman out there you can start with just some very basic simple tools so i don't want to keep going on just a rambling rabbit trail i just wanted to put a quick video here together this morning on encouraging you guys to take that step take that leap um so yeah keep the comments coming if you have questions or you'd like you know some input on a specific area i'd be happy to put a video together for you and i really appreciate all the the kind words the subscribe hit that subscribe and like button it means a lot to me and until next time thanks have a great day
Channel: TheHandyFamily
Views: 7,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j1Fr8oqgb0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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