Handyman Business Tactics To Make Millions | No Advertising Needed | THE HANDYMAN BUSINESS

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we are back on the handyman business youtube channel uh so in today's video i want to talk about the importance of drywall repairs and how to set a customer's expectations correctly when you do a drywall repair the most important home improvement skill set is going to be a drywall repair or a wall repair plaster repair i mentioned in the other video there's a guy that i just recently discovered he had commented on my video and i went and checked some of his videos out called paul peck drywall i think that's what it's called i will put a link in the description he's got detailed instructions on how to do drywall repairs he will actually set up a mock wall and and put the time in takes a lot of time to do that sort of video link will be in the description for that probably one of the most valuable business things is customer retention you get that customer you keep that customer i'm kind of living proof of it a lot of other guys are too you can look in the comments of all these videos my business tactics are pretty straightforward they don't change word of mouth referrals is the only way i get work and keeping customers you can see on all my other videos on the main channel that most all those customers are just repeat customers you can see the houses you can see the houses for years multiple years i'm going back to the same houses so when doing a drywall repair i always tell the customer that this is a repair it is not done by the same guy and the same equipment that did the other parts of your house sometimes i'll give them examples i'll show them other areas in their house where there has been a drywall repair paul peck's got a great video on how to do a skim coat that's where you skim coat the entire wall uh not just your your patch area but you got to do several coats of joint compound and sand it smooth and then you re-texture the entire wall and you prime the entire wall and then you paint the entire wall very labor intensive very expensive i let them know that there are other options to get this wall to look perfect they don't usually choose to do the full skim coat the dollars per hour the dollars per effort especially in a finished house with um keeping the dust down keeping things clean and the turnaround time the dry time it's just not something that is good for business so i'll steer them into a very good patch oh don't say the p word it's a repair for some reason don't say patch one of the businesses i used to work for it was a fortune 250 company they invested a lot of money into their employees they had like uh psychiatrists really business psychiatrist you can get your doctorate degree in business psychology there's certain words that trigger customers differently and patch versus repair is one of them don't say patch just say repair all right we're going to have a little bit of different audios halfway through editing that video and all of a sudden silence so i'm back out here with a new microphone i think i finished up about setting expectations and the importance of being able to do good drywall repairs especially for the home improvement industry plumbers don't know how to do it electricians don't know how to do it framers don't know how to do it nobody will do it the project that you saw me do would have normally taken three different companies a framing company a drywall company and a finnish carpentry company they could be all self-employed but it would have been three different guys and each guy would have had a minimum requirement a minimum payment to get in there and do that that little bit of framing when you have a full skill set you can make a lot of money but also save your customers money the next thing i want to talk about is um the customers expectations and value for the customer's money i got a very sophisticated diagram right here so this line is representing two things um value as well as the outcome of the project so down here we've got a bad outcome someone slathered on some speckle and called it good for their drywall repair over here we have something called a skim coat you skim coat the entire house and re-texture the entire house somewhere down here you might have skim coat the entire wall and re-texture the entire wall so this line here this big tall line this is the customer's expectation you gotta help set that expectation in to something that you can do something that makes money for you sometimes doing a full skim coat job it's very and it's hard for the customer to get that value out of all that extra work if you do it you're going to be working for a lower wage by talking to them you've got to get an understanding what do you expect this has to be in writing if you're just getting started and these are new customers get this in writing called the scope of work detailed what you're going to do what it's going to look like and then it's a repair this line here is you coming up short this is not going to get you customer retention this is not going to get you referrals you always want to go one step further i don't even like i wouldn't even go here i'd go one step further to exceed their expectations this line also is their value for their money go one step further than the value that they're paying for so they get more than what they're paying for you can achieve that higher value for the money in a lot of different ways the repair could be here but your customer service could be over here the overall experience has to be more than what they expected and what they paid for or what they think they paid for a lot of guys that are in this industry live over here and they're constantly searching for new customers they have to advertise they have to have ads everywhere and they probably the same guys that always ask me how do you get your your work how do you get your customers i mean it's crazy thousands and thousands and ten thousand more questions how do you get your leads i don't need to get leaked i've got my customers and i've kept my customers for 12 years my best guess is they're hanging out here they're not giving high value for their customers money and they're not doing the job very well if you're over here you don't have to advertise your workmanship and the overall customer satisfaction sells you get you those referrals and get you to come back year after year after year then there's guys that live way out here they are the guys that um say i couldn't live with myself if i only did that repair like that i couldn't live with myself if i did it that way couldn't live with myself um and that's okay they're doing that work for themselves they're not making money and that customer is not going to refer them anymore than they would if the job was over here because they don't know the average customer doesn't know this extreme high quality level of work they may see you on the job for an extended period of time fiddle around with some behind a door uh and they're like god this guy's taking an awful lot of time i didn't realize this project was so involved kind of feel bad that i'm only paying this much money and it gives them a bad feeling they want good feelings try to be over here not over here if you're looking to make money and retain customers i think that's it don't want to beat a dead horse there's no no there's no rocket science here this is just basic business practices but sometimes it it helps to hear it from a guy on youtube all right i'm going to go back inside hopefully we have audio and i will get this video up the other video is already up on the main channel people are asking where the hell this video is uh should have been up but um we had an audio failure put your comments down below questions and feedback for people just getting into this this line of work there's a lot of new people a lot of young guys uh thinking of going into the home improvement field oh and we've also had a lot of new people 10 15 000 new subscribers over the last 60 days there's been a lot of positive feedback about your comments of how valuable they are i can't believe they found this amazing resource on the internet and that's what i want it to be a shared resource for everybody and have your input as well down below goodbye
Channel: The Handyman Business
Views: 44,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: handyman business tactics, business strategy, handyman business, handyman money, self employment, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, small business, customer retention, job leads, carpentry business, painting business, construction business, remodeling company, remodeling business, how to start a handyman business
Id: UGd4R3rH1kY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 13 2020
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