Rich Old White Guys Pay The Most | They love me | THE HANDYMAN BUSINESS |

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hello welcome back to the enemy in business I'm gonna make this one into a business video because it just isn't a how-to or well it's all about the business side of it so a while back on this channel I went out a little drive along and one of the stops was to look at a house for adding recessed lighting to a living room and a master bedroom well it's finally come around at San Francisco people they were back from San Francisco I'm meeting the general contractor and the San Francisco people tonight I've got my diagram here one thing I want to do for them is bring my sample what bring my sample light and I want to hook it up so this is the sample LED that I'm going to push to use they expect out four-inch cans what they put in here four inch or something like that these are standard six inches but the the big reason is LED they they don't take lightbulbs 14 watts 850 lumens this is a warm white 3000 k I know there's some other the the real LED nerds look for another spec and I don't know what's on here somewhere so what I want to do is I have this thing for a while plug it into the wall and you can hook anything you want up to this end here and what I'm going to do is pop this into this junction box so that I can stand on a step stool hold this up to the ceiling and say flip the switch and they will flip this switch and they will get a accurate example of what they're getting if they choose this do they like the brightness because they want eight of these in their master bedroom it's going to be ridiculous it's gonna be brighter than in here actually I have mine on full power because I was looking for something yeah so that's uh that's the plan I'll take you along let you know how the meeting goes if we get it we you and I if we get this job and how much we're gonna make from it and if it paid off you know I got my hair cut neckline all trimmed up looking expensive yeah you don't really need to disconnect this but this is the light if anything goes bad you can just order a new one of these just like you would replace a light bulb I'm not sure how much they cost maybe 15 20 bucks this is the junction box and I'm not gonna use any sort of romex connector it's gonna do it just pop it in there a lot of people have been asking about what multi-tool this is this is the Leatherman charged titanium I do not go anywhere without this this can even comes with some actual decent what we call wire nuts so the identified conductor on all this lamp wire is the neutral so the one with the little ridges on it lamp wire cord wire has ridges on it on one of them this one here you can see is smooth so the one with the ridges is the identified conductor and that is the neutral okay so I did this right I flipped the switch and the light turns on look at that that is a beautiful beautiful color I love it so this is what I'm going to show them and I'm gonna look like an amazing amazing handyman of course I am the main man for this general contractor maybe we should talk about that for a second this general contractor that I worked for that I actually had more experience in general contracting than he does yeah there's a lot you guys don't know about me or the business but there is a general contractor that finds a lot of work and he turns a lot of that work over to me so I will do like 85% of a remodel project that he found and that's just his thing he's very socially connected things that I don't do is I'm not going to refinish an entire house full of hardwood floors I don't like painting so I'm not gonna paint the entire inside of a house things that I will do are the cabinets appliances retrofitting in lights baseboard doors and any repairs and warranty work that comes up from his from his remodels any we talked where we're friends and he's you should get into this you should be a general contractor I was like hey I've done that many times you're lucky you know me does he only has one person to deal with that can take care of a lot of things that's not normally the case in general contracting you're usually working with subcontractors that are just trying to get by it's kind of hard to explain how can I make so much money how am I gonna make this here we got three four five fifty five hundred bucks let's say it takes me all week and I've got we'll throw five hundred bucks in travel time gasps and these little lights here there's five thousand dollars in a week well he's actually gonna take a cut on top of that that was my bid he's gonna take a mark that up to pass on to the the San Francisco customers but he chooses to use me he could find someone to do this cheaper but he couldn't bring them to the meeting they don't you got to look the part that that you are worth the money it's not I don't know if I'm communicating that well enough but yes the competition he can't bring them to the meetings he can't use them as a sales sales tactic to get the job he can bring me and I'd sell the job they he just cuts me loose I can talk to the customers just as good or better than he can and the deal is done well we'll see if the deal is done we got to go there tonight I know they're there on the fence about if they even want to put the money into this house or just sell it as is and and get a nicer house but we will find out either way I know we're doing something to this house to get it at least increase the sell ability of it well you're probably wondering well how did it go handyman well this is how it went I'm gonna try to give the the details that are relevant to this channel the actual work is all going to be filmed and uploaded on the the other channel the main the handyman YouTube channel so we met there earlier than when the customers got there we kind of ReWalk the house and got a game plan together I showed them my my little rig here to demonstrate the lights we discussed some other work that was gonna be really expensive I'll get more into that into the the video that goes on the other channel we're like okay we need to discourage this work it's not very profitable to way labor-intensive the dollars per hour really aren't there and we want to do some quick work quick money not be there long drawn-out time that could lead to a can of worms like you get into something that leads to another thing leads to another thing this was quick easy money so the customers show if you recall from the first time I took you to this house I had a little clip of me on the way there in the Attic don't buy some very wealthy people the father is where the money is he owned a software company used to live in France the he was talking to me about his friends in France to live on a 400 acre estate and they had mosaic tiles that were dug up out of the Mediterranean Sea and were bought at auction for five hundred thousand dollars apiece if you are a homeowner don't discuss that of course you don't give [ __ ] at that point what the price is you got to size them up you got a profile them how was he dressed how does he shake your hand his posture everything from the car that they drove up in me and this other guy the general contractor there's a specific budget that they have to renovate this house and trying to work within the budget and sell the certain items he started the guy the general contractor he is kind of leading the show but we had a little powwow before like I said he starts using my lines on the customers which is okay long as they work and we get the job so we did get the job some items were completely deleted out of the scope of work new items were completely added to the scope of work we're still sitting at about $5,500 there's a chance that there's definitely room for more work in the future once they get in and they want things maintained their first call is going to be to this GC the GC doesn't do any labor his first call is to me so the only other thing that I wish I would have had is a dimmer switch installed into this thing they were very impressed when I got this thing out plugged it in got on my step stool held it up to the ceiling and asked someone to flip the switch and it turned on and they were just kind of amazed that I had this little presentation for them and also impressed the the father the guy who writes the check the guy who owns the software company one other thing I did the guy is 71 years old the father the kids are only like late 20s I had a pen and paper and was manually taking notes like writing it down the GC he's typing into his phone the you know 71 year old man who's probably writing the check doesn't want to see anybody doing this he wants to see someone doing some work writing it on paper so I specifically made the list and in look very intent and you know focused on the list and taking notes when people were talking looking at them you know just showing the signs that old successful rich white guys want to see and the people that they hire and the people that they trust the people that they write checks to the GC like I said he was out texting I don't know if he was texting his girlfriend or written or updating the the running scope of work list I hope that was informative for you like I said all the work I start this stuff tomorrow it kind of caught me off guard because we hadn't had a commitment yet I am guided a commitment yeah said oh yeah it could be come to the beginning of May I'm like okay and we're at the meeting and he's like oh yeah he's gonna start tomorrow I'm like I'm what starting tomorrow and I'm like yeah I'm starting tomorrow I guess to kind of put pressure on them but it took till this morning to actually get a confirmation via email that all the pricing is approved a couple other things that's going to happen to this house well wait a minute I'll talk about that in the other video I don't want to give it away gotta give you a reason to tune into the other channel and see what it's all about huh leave a comment oh and thank you to everybody who contributed to the comments and the last video about all the retirement options there's a lot of knowledge and you know a lot of research too upon for those interested in starting a retirement go through those comments read the suggestions go do some you know check check up on what they said make sure it would work for you so thanks again for all the the people who took the time to to comment and give their experience into the last video goodbye
Channel: The Handyman Business
Views: 45,574
Rating: 4.9093852 out of 5
Keywords: How the rich spend money, business, salesmanship, how to sell, business tactics, handyman business, remodeling business, painting business, carpentry business, fix and flip business, how to fix and flip, money management, home improvement, home repair, tools of the trade
Id: qFtaQDKdomQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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