I Never Thought the Golf Swing Could Be THIS Easy (New Discovery)

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if you overthink the golf swing your swing probably feels like this on the inside feels like jibery mess trying to put the club in all these positions your brain is just clouded with tips you don't know what to do how do you get the club on the proper path how do you just have fun I just want to play good golf the way you do that is you learn how to get the club on One path instead of many so in today's episode you're going to go from thinking too much and we're going to put all our thoughts in the shredder you'll have one swing thought that works all day long and it's going to get crispy ball striking shot after shot we're thinking about the hands oh that feels so good and you'll be doing that time and time again it doesn't get any better than that makes you want to go play golf those top shots don't make you want to play golf but those shots make you want to play golf so what did I think to execute that shot while talking to you at the same time I wasn't thinking much about the swing I was thinking about the hands and that's because it's a concept here that's so important to the golf swing and most of you don't know this one and that's what the hands are doing versus what the club is doing I want you to think about the club as the puppet and I want you to think about the grip as the puppeteer the Puppeteer tells the puppet what to do most of us tend to think about just the puppet we think about everything the club is doing but we often don't think about the Puppeteer which is the hands if you want to get a good backswing good backswing is one where your hands travel up a path much like this the hands are behind the trail shoulder it's like a diagonal upward line and then the downswing the same line back to the ball it's very direct right I don't have to think about dropping the club and then hitting or rolling my hands it's so simple it's one line the Puppeteer follows that one line it tells the puppet the hands tell the club head where to go when you think about moving your hands on this line you hit all the positions it's going to feel like magic so here's my hands the hands go up on this type of line from the front you can see like this now the club head is going to follow that as if by Magic that's the line I gotta be on so then I think about my hand path hands tracing up on that line and back down on that line good downswing club heads behind the hands over here bad downswing is when we try and be the puppet we try and hit the ball with the club head but we hit the ball with hands telling the club head what to do and that's what makes golf so different from every sport we often are thinking about trying to hit the ball with the clubhead we place our feeling in the club head that's the problem we're here in our minds and so we want the club to go to the ball and so I'm I'm taking the cover to the ball but you can see how that produces chopping it over the top it can produce flipping but the opposite is to think and it's so backwards you don't hit the ball with the Cub head we don't feel the club head we're always feeling the grip so I have to know where the grip needs to go not where the club head needs to go so I need the grip to go up here the club follows tell the grip what to do tell the hands what to do and the club head will follow clubbing going up Club it going down and I can feel the back swing on the same path I feel the downswing on the same path now that wasn't the best strike I know I can do better than that sorry it isn't easy to talk and swing all the time but there's the path there's the path there we go oh that's why we play and I've got the hands on One path take out a handy dandy alignment stick driveway marker the best trainiating golf it's two dollars and somebody said 23 cents the other price going up from like 1.96 to 2.23 so anyway still the best training at golf we've got two things to think about here we got the ball which we want to hit so lovely we've got the hand path which we're controlling for us to get this right we need to feel the hand path not the club so the hands when I set up to the ball are in line with this stick they're not out here with the club so there's the hand path and the angle of the hands is a little bit Inward and upward the longer the club the lower it goes I want to feel my hands tracing up on this line and voila the club traces it perfectly and then downswing back on that line voila downswing taken care of wow I'm just blown away at how simple that is I know when I thought about doing this episode today I thought it couldn't really be this simple but I'm just coming to that realization that this is like cheating for the golf swing kind of reminds me that little Ben Hogan pane of glass example but a little slightly different hands going up that line hands going down that line and then I get to beautiful impact position hands are ahead so I'm thinking about that stick and you just Trace that line a few times and then we'll hit a shot like that okay that's the line that's the line I'm seeing how my peripheral vision so at first you need to get used to where the proper hand path is so I'm trying to feel it in my mind that was a good shot good strike going to the Target felt like butter okay now I felt that I'm going to try and recreate that without thinking good strike that's even better I love that sound that's why we play golf it makes you want to do it again and again again hands hands hands there's another one right to the Target Beautiful strike not a whole lot of effort creating a nice line of divots so that's a great starting point for you to build up a perfect golf swing the perfect golf swing that works best for you the second thing we're going to do is take out my favorite this builds up your swing easily it's called a lag shot it's a weighted Club head and a whippy shaft if you want to feel a good golf swing the lag shot will teach you much like a teaching pro it's like having your own personal in-home golf instructor now how does the lag shot fit in with today's lesson well the lag shot works best when it feels lightest when it feels heaviest it means your Club is off path so when I swing I take the path of least resistance the hands going up this way but if I take a path that's not the correct path like if I take my hands in too much the club gets really heavy oh it's weighing down it's drooping if I take it way out it gets more heavy it just droops so I can only swing this club the lag shot on the proper back swing path it's the lightest here and then the downswing same way it's the lightest here so I can't drop the club too much it gets too heavy and I also can't swing over the top because then it wants to swing in and hit me in the pants I'm not wearing a cup you know that we don't want that so if I have the lag shot feeling the lightest possible I will train the proper golf swing motion for me I'll know the path I need the club to swing on so it's lightest here lightest here and there we go that's the path the club needs to be on and you see it going to my target as if by Magic but it's really just me saying to my hands okay hands tell the club head the LA the lightest path here the lead the path of least resistance the lightest path is this one back and through that means it's the most efficient path so keep it light flag shot being light is telling you everything is on perfect path you don't need to video your swing either keep it light keep it alike I'm not trying to swing hard or anything I'm just being aware of the weight of it I've got a link to this in the comments in the description below you get a nice discount when you use the link that I've got there so I've got the feeling of the club staying light lag shot you just taught me beautifully like having my own instructor there you know you could go take thousands of lessons someone telling you to get in the correct positions or you can just get a lag shot and it already puts you in them all the time and you just keep swinging you swing at home make like 10 swings at home with it and do that a minute a day or 15 seconds a day to have the proper path to have a lot more fun so we've got that club feeling light there's that lag shot path again right there wow I oh I just felt something there it feels like the lag shot just created a railroad of where my hands should go like like the feeling was so good that I can only feel the right path right now I know that if I go on the wrong path I can feel that lag shot drooping Sensation that I just had a few moments ago or if I go too far out I can I can feel it drooping the wrong direction the club's getting heavy oh that's so cold that's so gold this is why it's consistently voted the best training aid it's teaching so let's get it again I don't want to lose this feeling Never Gonna Give You Up Never Gonna Let You down thank you leg shot and then it's light here okay it's really light here it's too heavy here it's too heavy there the weight of this thing oh I can't lose this feeling keep it light keep it like oh I chunked it it felt heavy at one point like shot don't let me fall into despair what you said you won't I knew you wouldn't don't let me down flag shot talks to you too hands going up that proper path this thing nice and light okay let's do it nice and slow keep it keep it smooth hand path stay light stay light stay light good that was righteous you know you do this and you start feeling like link Ray and Rumble thank you that was rocking that was a lot of fun that's what golf's supposed to be when you do 10 swings a day with the lag shot it's going to get the proper hand path feeling so that when you go out on the golf course your golf swing stays automatic all day long thanks for tuning in today and I'll see you in a future episode
Channel: SagutoGolf
Views: 243,433
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Keywords: golf swing, golf tips, golf tips golf swing, golf swing tips, the golf swing, golf ball striking tips, golf tips ball striking, ball striking golf, golf ball striking, golf tips irons, golf tips driver, golf tips straight, ball striking tips, golf swing ball striking tips, improve ball striking golf, golf improve ball striking, golf, saguto golf, sagutogolf, easy golf tips, golf tricks, golf tips and tricks, simple golf tips, golf tips that work
Id: Jk4qXLsVKpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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